
At this time, a Mercedes Benz car stopped at a nearby intersection.

"Hoo! Fortunately, he Feng is still alive. " Cao Zhiyan stared at the front, relieved.

"Those people should be going to kill He Feng, right? Just in time, just in time. " Wang xuandao.

"This bastard, is he going to be killed at last?" Cao Rui's eyes are full of hatred.

"Genius? I admit that your talent is better than mine, but not every talent can grow up. You, he Feng, have fallen here today. In the future, the world will only remember me, Cao Xin. Who will remember he Feng? "

Cao Xin opened the door and got out of the car, standing on the side staring at He Feng, looking cold.

At this moment, almost everyone thought that he Feng would die!

Including several people in the rice family, they are all staring at He Feng. If he Feng can't walk out of a strong man like Ji Xinyu behind him, he Feng can't survive today.



When most people's eyes are focused on He Feng, another battle circle suddenly has an accident.

Only a dull voice was heard, followed by a miserable cry.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

When people subconsciously look toward another battle circle, a dull sound rings out one after another.

At the same time, there was a scream.

"How can the speed of this blow suddenly become so fast?"

Hua Wenyuan is preparing to attack Yang Qi, but before his attack, an iron fist is rapidly enlarged in his pupil.

Moreover, the power contained in it makes Hua Wenyuan feel familiar.

There's no time to think about it. Hua Wenyuan stretches his arms and prepares to block.

But the other side's speed, far beyond his expectations, was the first step through his arm, fist fell on his chest.

"Damn it, I can't kill him, but I will be hurt by him? It's a shame... No! No, this force... This is Hua Jin! He's not the peak of dark energy, he's Huajin, the same Huajin as Xi Zhenxing! "

When he felt the power in Yang Qi's fist, Hua Wenyuan finally understood why this power would give him a familiar feeling.

Because he felt it in Xi Zhenxing when he was in Guiyi medicine hall early this morning.

This is the power of Huajin!


The terrible force is wantonly destroying Hua Wenyuan's body. Hua Wenyuan even has no time to take the blood pill, so his viscera are directly destroyed.


Hua Wenyuan's body flew back out, spit out a mouthful of blood, hit heavily on the ground, pale as paper.

As for Jiang Di, Jiang Hui, Wei Jinhuan and others, they were lying on the ground like dead dogs, lifeless.

In a short blink of an eye, all of the more than a dozen previously powerful people, except Hua Wenyuan, were killed.

In an instant, all the people in the audience were quiet, and they all widened their eyes one by one. Looking at the dozens of corpses that fell on the ground, they just felt that their scalp was numb, and they couldn't recover for a long time.

Even Xu Yuanjie, who has seen the world, is shocked at the moment.


A voice of swallowing saliva suddenly came from the direction of the rice family, breaking the silence.

The shock and fear on midonglong's face made him sweat on his back.

He never thought that Yang Qi, who didn't pay much attention to him, had hidden his accomplishments.

It's not the peak of dark power, nor the peak of dark power that understands the subtlety, but the master of Huajin!

In front of the master, even if more than a dozen of the top dark forces besieged, they would be easily killed by the master. Not to mention that Hua Wenyuan was the only top dark force on their side. Most of the others were in the early and middle dark force, and Jiang Hui was the only one in the late dark force.

What's more, the great master did not show any face at all and launched a sneak attack directly.

In such a case, let alone they have only one top dark strength, even if they add a few more, the result will not change much.

Mi Jiaqi looked at the scene in front of her, and her lips clenched tightly. A line of blood spilled out. "No wonder he dared to be so arrogant in front of all the warriors in Nanjin city and let me be his maid. It turned out that he had a master of Huajin behind him besides Xi Zhenxing!"

"What? He Feng's side, how can there be a strong master? Asshole! " Cao Zhiyan punches on the car door and almost doesn't punch through the door.

"No wonder he dares to be so arrogant. Damn it!" Cao Rui's face was gloomy.

"Why? Why does he Feng, such a loser, have so many experts around to protect him? " Wang Xuan's jealous way.

"It turned out that there was a master of Huajin standing behind him. No wonder he practiced so fast. If I had a master of Huajin behind me, my achievements would only be higher than yours. " Cao Xin squinted.

"Master Hua Jin?"

Zhou Han looks at Xu Yuanjie, shocked and nervous, and asks, "Yuanjie, that man is a great master of Huajin. Can't you revenge your brother Huang Jie?"

"Yuanjie, if you can't, give up."

Xu Tianyin sighed heavily, quite powerless.

That's a real Hua Jin master. If he wants to keep he Feng, who can hurt him?

"Don't worry, mom and dad. Although the headhunter is a great master, I don't think his breath and energy have been refined into flesh and blood. Obviously, he is a great master in the early stage of power transformation. Just at the beginning, I still have a way to kill him. "

Xu Yuanjie was surprised by Yang Qi's strength at the beginning.

But after the shock, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "I thought today's results would be expected, but I didn't expect that everything was beyond my expectation. But that's fun. "

"But that's master Hua Jin!" Xu Tianyin tightened his brows.

"What about Huajin? I'm Xu Yuanjie's only brother, but they killed him. How can I not take revenge? " Xu Yuanjie said indifferently: "even if he is Huajin, he will die."

Wen Yan, Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han did not speak again.

They know that Xu Yuanjie must still have a strong hand to play.

And once this card is taken out, even the master of Huajin in the early stage can deal with it.


Here, he Feng glanced at Hua Wenyuan who fell on the ground and said, "there's one left. Go and solve him."


Yang Qi was also a little embarrassed. He did his best just now. Unexpectedly, he left a living.

He immediately walked towards Hua Wenyuan, with a sense of killing on his body.


Hua Wenyuan saw this scene, his face was very ugly, covered his chest, and took out the blood pill.

All of a sudden, a trace of strong breath came out of him. His body, which had been seriously injured, now exuded the power of a master.

"Master? Another great master? How many experts did Xu Yuanjie bring? " He Feng behind Chu Yue shocked way.

"Yueyue, he's not a great master. He just swallowed a pill to break through to the great master. But his power won't last long, and he certainly doesn't know how to control it. He's not as good as those four people. "

Ling Weiyu is acutely aware of the unusual things.

"Who is he? With the elixir that can break through to the master temporarily on his body, his identity is definitely not simple, right Wang Xiangyun doesn't know Hua Wenyuan and asks curiously.

"His name is Hua Wenyuan. He is the leader of the South Branch of Baiyun medicine hall." It was Ma Hong who answered Wang Xiangyun.

Mahong frowned slightly. Baiyun medicine hall is not a small force. Even the ordinary high ancient martial families can't match it. Moreover, they have a huge network of relationships. Even the four royal families will not easily offend the top ten medicine halls in China.

Hua Wenyuan is the leader of the Nanjin branch of Baiyun medicine hall. He also has pills that can break through Huajin temporarily. He must have a high status in Baiyun medicine hall. If he Feng kills him, he will offend Baiyun medicine hall.

"He Feng, you can't kill me. I'm the leader of Nanjin branch of Baiyun medicine hall. My master is Ge Guanlin, the elder of Baiyun medicine hall. His cultivation has reached the middle stage of Huajin. If you kill me, my master will not let you go."

Hua Wenyuan swallows the blood pill and makes his cultivation break through to Huajin for a short time. He doesn't give Yang Qi a hand or run away. Instead, he turns around and shouts at He Feng.

Just now, he was blown away by Yang Qi's blow, and just fell closer to He Feng. But he was far away from Xu Yuanjie. Otherwise, if Yang Qi wanted to kill him now, he would flee directly to Xu Yuanjie.

Now if he escapes, Xu Yuanjie may not have time to help him.

Moreover, whether Xu Yuanjie will rescue him or not is a question.

Therefore, he can only find a way to persuade he Feng and reconcile with him Feng.

"If you didn't do it today, I might spare your life. But since you are going to kill me, I don't care who your master is. Even if your master is the king of heaven, you don't want to live today. "

He Feng glanced at Hua Wenyuan, "and, if I don't feel wrong, you still have a trace of xizhenxing brother's sword Qi, he should also hit you, right? It's just that you're lucky enough to survive, isn't it? "

Hua Wenyuan was surprised, but he Feng even saw it.

Is his strength really comparable to the later period of dark strength?

"He Feng, what happened today is that I'm wrong. I shouldn't come to deal with you. I can apologize to you. You said, how do you want me to compensate? As long as your conditions are within a reasonable range, I can promise. " Hua Wenyuan gritted his teeth and admitted his mistake directly.

He only felt hot on his face, because he was very clear about the negative impact of this incident on his identity and image.

From now on, he has no face to go out to see people again!

But in order to survive, he had to admit his mistake in public.

"Sorry! I'm not going to let go of any of you here today. "

He Feng grinned, "because today you are not only here to deal with me, but also the people around me. I want to take your lives to warn the world that he Feng can deal with me, but if you take the advice of people around me, there is only one end... Death! "

As soon as the word "death" fell, Yang Qi's speed suddenly increased and swept into huawenyuan like a gale.

Hua Wenyuan didn't have to look back. He could hear the sudden and harsh wind, as if he could come to his back in the blink of an eye and hit him with a fatal blow.


"He Feng, you can't die well. Even if you die, I'll take you to the back."

Hua Wenyuan suddenly gave a big drink, and his whole body was boiling with blood. All his pores were open, and his clothes were dyed red by the blood. But he didn't realize it. He just turned into an ancient fierce beast and rushed to He Feng with a roar.

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