Hua Wenyuan is extremely fast. Although Yang Qi's speed is faster, because there is a certain distance between the two sides, Yang Qigen could not stop Hua Wenyuan.

For a time, all the lines of sight fell on Hua Wenyuan and he Feng.

At the moment, although Hua Wenyuan is still struggling, the strength he shows now has almost reached the level of quasi master.

He Feng is just a late master of dark strength. How can he resist?

Hua Wenyuan naturally holds such an idea and wants to take He Feng to accompany him.

However, when he and he Feng are getting closer and closer, he looks at He Feng's calm eyes. Somehow, he has no confidence at all.

Even, there is a kind of palpitation of scalp numbness.

It seems that he rushes to He Feng. The final result is not that he kills He Feng first and then is killed by Yang Qi, but

Maybe he Feng can take his life away!

"Damn, he Feng definitely has a card. But if I can't kill him, I can't just die for nothing! "

Hua Wenyuan's mind turned, and soon he had an idea.

"He Feng, die for me!"

When he Feng is only three meters away from him, Hua Wenyuan suddenly shouts. His whole strength is concentrated in the palm of his hand and pats him on the forehead.

However, the next second, when everyone thought that he would attack he Feng, his figure suddenly deviated, and he would be killed, and he Xiang Yun, who was not far away from He Feng, went.

"Be careful!"

All the people exclaimed in amazement.

Mahong and war maniac are also face big change, they have confidence in the strength of He Feng, so he Feng has nothing to worry about.

But unexpectedly, Hua Wenyuan gave up the attack on He Feng at the critical moment and turned to attack Wang Xiangyun.


Wang Xiangyun, as the client, was also shocked. With her current strength, she could not react at all. Let alone resist or dodge, she even felt difficult to breathe.

The crisis of death emerged from the bottom of my heart.

He Feng frowned, subconsciously to hand.

But when he felt Ji Xinyu's strong breath, he thought about it and finally held back.


When Hua Wenyuan's palm was about to fall on Wang Xiangyun's body, a white and slender palm had already exploded on Hua Wenyuan's chest.



At this time, Hua Wenyuan thinks that he can kill Wang Xiangyun immediately. There is a cruel sneer on the corner of his mouth, but his smile will stop at the next moment.

Ji Xinyu's palm fell on his chest. Hua Wenyuan felt as if he had been hit by lightning. In his body, there was a violent sound of lightning splitting the sky, and a continuous low thunder sound.

Then, Hua Wenyuan's eyes became dark.

Consciousness gradually blurred!

With a thick unwilling, Hua Wenyuan's body fell to the ground.

He thought that even if he Feng could not be killed, he Feng's wife, Wang Xiangyun, could be killed. This is not a loss.

But I don't want to end up not even touching each other's corner!


"Sister Yun, are you ok?"

Chu Yue saw that Wang Xiangyun's face was a little white, and asked quickly.

"I, I'm fine..."

Wang Xiangyun shook his head, but went to Ji Xinyu and asked anxiously, "Xinyu, how are you?"

Ji Xinyu's face looks a little pale, it is obvious that the consumption is too big.

Ji Xinyu laughs, "it's no big deal. It's just that the energy consumption is empty. You can recover after a day's rest."

"One day? It will take at least three days for you to recover completely. You are not only exhausted, but also have a serious loss of Qi and blood. You can't start again in the next three days, and you can take good care of yourself. "

He Feng looked at Ji Gang and said, "Xiao Gang, take pills for your sister."

"Sister!" Ji Gang had already prepared the xuanyuandan of the ground steps and handed it to Ji Xinyu. Ji Xinyu quickly took out a pill and took it off. His face improved a little.

"Xinyu, thank you!" Wang Xiangyun gratefully wrote down the favor.

She thought Ji Xinyu was hostile to her, and even wanted to separate her from He Feng.

But just now Hua Wenyuan's sneak attack on her happened at that moment, but Ji Xinyu didn't hesitate to make a decision in such a short period of time, fighting for the injury to save her.

To be honest, Wang Xiangyun was moved. She even treated Ji Xinyu as a sister.

"It's all sisters. Why do you say such outsider words?"

Ji Xinyu smiles and stares at He Feng.

He Feng touched his nose, didn't speak, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Ji Xinyu must have guessed what he thought. Just now, he could have killed Hua Wenyuan first, so Ji Xinyu would not be hurt. But at the critical moment, he Feng is to stop, will kill huawenyuan opportunity, let her.

Ji Xinyu now also understands that he Feng wants to take this opportunity to get closer to Wang Xiangyun.

But the price was to hurt her.

So Ji Xinyu just stares at He Feng.

The meaning is very simple. In order to get along well with your lady in the palace, I paid a huge price. You have to write down this.


"Hum, the useless things are used by the blood pill, but no one is killed and attacked by a woman."

Looking at Hua Wenyuan's corpse, Xu Yuanjie snorted and immediately said to rhubarb, "rhubarb, you four should deal with headhunters. I'll take care of this He Feng. "

"Yes Rhubarb four rushed to Yang Qi, and soon surrounded Yang Qi in the middle.

"Blood pill? Only the general backstage people will use that kind of garbage pills, backstage tough people, is the use of God blood pill

As soon as Xu Yuanjie's palm turned, a round pill with green luster appeared on his palm, then he threw it directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

"Hoo Hoo

Dan medicine into the abdomen, Xu Yuanjie's body inside the blood flow speed, seems to suddenly accelerate up.

In this regard, Xu Yuanjie did not pay attention, straight toward He Feng walked in the past.

With each step, the power of Qi and blood on him will rise.


His body seems to have a huge torrent of blood, surging rapidly, burst out a violent roar.

In addition to the power of Qi and blood, the fluctuation of his strength and Qi is also improving rapidly.

After only three steps, his strength fluctuated, surpassing Hua Wenyuan and Dahuang brothers.

With three more steps, his energy fluctuation is much purer than that of Yang Qi, the real master of Huajin, and his Qi and blood are more powerful.

When Xu Yuanjie was less than three meters away from He Feng, his Qi and blood seemed to boil up and burst into a tumbling sound.

The momentum emanating from him was much more terrible than that of Yang Qi.

"This... This breath is too strong. What did Xu Yuanjie swallow just now?" Midonglong of the MI family was shocked.

"I don't know what kind of elixir it is, but Xu Yuanjie's current strength is probably stronger than the real master of Huajin at the beginning." Mi Dongyu's face is dignified.

"Uncle, do you think that he Feng still has a chance to live?"

Mi Jiaqi is also excited up, and then look to MI Dongyu asked.

"I don't know, but look at it." Mi Dongyu didn't look at Mi Jiaqi. He replied faintly and looked at He Feng. There was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Because even if Xu Yuanjie's momentum was so terrible, he Feng's face didn't show any confusion.

What cards does he still have?

Cao Zhiyan there, they feel Xu Yuanjie's body that terrible momentum, is also shocked beyond comparison.

"The means of the higher guwu aristocratic family can't be compared with that of the middle guwu aristocratic family." Cao Xin sighed heavily.

"Cao Xin, your talents are among the top three in our Cao family. In the future, you are expected to make great efforts and practice hard. When our Cao family becomes a high-level ancient martial family, it will soon reach the scale of Qian family." Cao Zhiyan comforted.

"Well!" Cao Xin nodded, his eyes full of confidence.

"Mom, now Xu Yuanjie is so powerful, is He Feng dead?" Wang Xuan is only concerned about the life and death of He Feng.

Cao Rui then asked: "now there should be no more accidents, right?"

Cao Zhiyan glanced at He Feng in the distance, "this should be Xu Yuanjie's trump card, a pill that can make his strength soar to be more powerful than the master at the beginning of ordinary strength. Now that Xu Yuanjie's cards are out, it's impossible to give he Feng a chance to live. Besides, now that Xu Yuanjie's strength has reached this level, what tricks do you think he Feng can play? In the face of absolute strength, any stratagem is a local chicken and tile dog, vulnerable. He Feng, there is no doubt that he will die this time. "

"That's good!"

Wang Xuan and Cao Rui just laughed.


"Xiao Feng, is Xu Yuanjie too powerful now? Shall we retreat first? "

Stand in He Feng behind of war crazy worry of say.

Although he has a lot of confidence in He Feng, the strength of the other side is too strong now.

"Xiao Feng, if you can't deal with it, don't try to be brave. Our military will protect you and leave. Xu Yuanjie doesn't dare to come here." Mahone followed.

"Mr. Ma, uncle, just look around. I just said that none of them can escape today. "

He Feng chuckled and walked out slowly.

"He Feng, are you sure you have no problem?"

Wang Xiangyun see he Feng's action, subconsciously asked a, tone is quite worried.

"Daughter in law, trust your husband." He Feng grinned.

"If you're seriously injured again, I won't let anyone take care of you." Wang Xiangyun gave a warning.

"Don't worry, a drug addict can't hurt me."

He Feng smiles and then takes two steps forward.

Xu Yuanjie thought he Feng would run away, but he Feng didn't run away. Instead, he dared to go forward.

He couldn't help but stop and sneer: "I thought you would run away. It seems you understand that you can't run away at all."

"Run away? You look down on brother Feng. How can I be afraid of a drug addict? " He Feng sneers.

"I'm going to cut off your tongue right now, if you can still use your tongue when you're dying."

Xu Yuanjie's face was ugly, and he wanted to start with a cold hum.

"Don't hurry, just wait a little longer."

He Feng suddenly raised his hand, motioned to Xu Yuanjie to stop, and then looked at a big tree behind Xu Yuanjie, "Song Yan, since you're here, don't you show up?"


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