As he Feng's voice fell, everyone fled his sight and looked at the big tree behind Xu Yuanjie.

Under the tree, song Yan stands with both hands and looks at this side from afar.

It seems that he has been standing there for a long time.

See everyone to see to oneself, he just slowly toward He Feng came over.

"Well? Song Yan

"What happened to song Yan? Isn't it blocked around? How can he get in? "

"Eh, isn't that song Yan an ordinary person? Why didn't I notice him standing in such a conspicuous place? "

People are shocked, looking at Song Yan's eyes full of shock.

Because they not only didn't realize the existence of song Yan, now after seeing song Yan, they actually felt a trace of danger in Song Yan.

"This song Yan, become not quite the same."

The crowd on the field, Wang Xiangyun and song Yan can be said to contact more one, but now her eyes of song Yan, and song Yan in the past as if different.

Even the appearance seems to have changed a little, the face seems to have become sharp, like a woman's melon face.

no It's not melon face!

It's a snake face.

It's full of glamour.

In addition to the face, his waist seems to be a little thin, with the soft beauty of a woman.

But at the bottom, there is another style of painting.

Song Yan's legs are very strong, and full of a sense of strength. When he walks around at will, it seems that there is the sound of breaking the wind. When his feet fall to the ground, dust splashes everywhere.

What makes people feel abnormal most is song Yan's eyes. Those eyes seem to be black and white, but from time to time there is a blood light flashing, which makes people tremble. Subconsciously, they have a sense of fear and dare not look directly at them.

Such a song Yan seems to be a different person. If it wasn't for Wang Xiangyun's familiarity with song Yan and his appearance, she couldn't even believe that he was song Yan.

"Who are you?"

Xu Yuanjie naturally noticed song Yan and asked with a frown.

In Song Yan's body, he actually felt the dangerous breath.

If not, Xu Yuanjie has already slapped the person who bothers him to kill He Feng to death.

"The life of He Feng belongs to me." Song Yan glanced at Xu Yuanjie and said faintly, "do you have any opinions?"

Xu Yuanjie did not answer song Yan's question, he just looked at Xu Yuanjie.

A moment later, he suddenly asked, "you give me a strong feeling, but why can't I feel a little fluctuation of strength in you? Are you the master of horizontal training? "

"What a lot of nonsense!"

Song Yan lazy to pay attention to Xu Yuanjie, eyes fell on He Feng, "He Feng, how do you want to die today?"

He Feng, like Xu Yuanjie, is also looking at Song Yan, wondering: "no, you're not the master of Henglian. And it's only a few days since we met last time. How can you become a master of horizontal training in such a short period of time. Song Yan, how did you do it? A few days ago, you were just an ordinary person. Now you have great strength. "

"Only a few days has it become so powerful?"

He Feng this words, all people are surprised at Song Yan.

Song Yan's breath makes everyone feel very dangerous.

Even Xu Yuanjie is no exception!

But he Feng said Song Yan was just an ordinary person a few days ago.

How did he do it?

"How can I have such strength? In fact, I owe it to you. I couldn't have been stronger without you. "

Song Yan clenched his fist and felt the powerful power contained in it. He enjoyed it.

But after enjoying it, he seems to think of the process of gaining strength, and his face is full of hatred and resentment, and his face is distorted.

"But you certainly don't know what kind of torture and pain I have suffered in order to gain the strength to kill you. Now, I'm not a ghost. All this is thanks to you, he Feng. "

He Feng rolled his eyes, "what's wrong with you? From the beginning to the end, I think it's you who provoke me every time, right? Did I take the initiative to trouble you? It's all your own fault. However, I admire you for one thing. Even some women like you really like you. "

"Well? What do you mean

Song Yan hears he Feng's words, eyebrow slightly frowned.

"Why, have you forgotten Zhang Ziyan? Yesterday, in order to avenge you, she sent out four strong people at the top of the dark strength, and even arrested the people around me. "

"What about her now?"

"I'm still standing here alive. Where do you think she can be?"

"You killed her?"

"Isn't that bullshit?"

He Feng light said: "it seems that you also like her, then do it, for your woman revenge.". Let me see how strong you are now. "

"He Feng, you want to die! I will tear you to pieces and eat you! Roar

Song Yan's mouth suddenly burst out a fierce roar, which was like a wild animal roaring in the forest, full of fierce spirit.

Xu Yuanjie, who is closest to song Yan, feels as if the Qi and blood in his body has been suppressed.

"Damn, where is this monster from? It doesn't seem to be much weaker than me

Xu Yuanjie's brow tightly wrinkled up, "but it's OK, if he and I fight against He Feng, even if he Feng still has a card, he can't live."

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Roar down, song Yan at the foot of a move, toward He Feng rushed away.

Every step, the ground will send out a violent concussion sound, as if running to He Feng is not an ordinary person, but a huge and ferocious beast.

At this moment, song Yan's breath is incisively and vividly distributed.

In him, some people feel the cold ferocity of the poisonous snake, others feel the powerful domineering power of the black bear

"No, he Feng is afraid that he is in danger. The strength of song Yan is absolutely beyond the ability of any dark strong man. Even if he is a new master of Huajin, he has to avoid his edge."

Ma Hong's face changed and he was worried.

"If you can't, I'll shoot directly later." The war maniac's hand was on his waist, where he put a special gun. It was very fast, which was a threat to master Huajin.

"Uncle, you can rest assured, he Feng's strength is very strong, nothing will happen." Chu Yue said.

Wang Xiangyun also looked at the war maniac and comforted him, "uncle, he Feng told me that his strength is very strong in Huajin, so he should be able to cope with it."

Originally, she wanted to say that he Feng was invincible, but she was afraid that he Feng was bragging in front of her, so she decided to be conservative.

Rao is so, war crazy still stare big eye bead son, "change strength? Do you think he Feng's strength has reached the level of Hua Jin? "

"Well, he Feng is a great master!"

Wang Xiangyun nodded. At first, she was shocked when she learned the news.


There was a bitter smile on his face.

Thanks to his previous efforts, he Feng wanted to become a dragon tooth, and finally a super dragon tooth.

But the super dragon tooth is also the strength of the peak of dark strength!

"This guy, he's hiding deep enough!" The war maniac shook his head.

Ma Hong is also very sad. Is this the genius of the royal family he family?


Song Yan rushed to He Feng, body rotation, a whip leg, toward He Feng's forehead crazy kick in the past.

The harsh wind seems to tear the space apart.

If this leg is kicked solid, even if it is brick and stone, it will turn into slag.

"How strong! This kind of attack power is absolutely no weaker than the master at the beginning of Huajin! "

Xu Yuanjie judged the combat effectiveness of song Yan for the first time.

What's more, it was just a random strike by song Yan. It seemed that he didn't even use his martial arts, and his moves were not so mysterious. Otherwise, his fighting power would be even higher.

It can be seen that song Yan is not very proficient in using his present strength.

"Can he Feng resist it?"

Xu Yuanjie's eyes fall on He Feng again.

If he Feng was kicked to death by song Yan, it would be too cheap for him.


Under the gaze of Xu Yuanjie, he Feng waves his fist and hits song Yan's calf with a gun fist.

The air seemed to vibrate as the low crashing sound spread around.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

Song Yan's body fell to the ground and stepped back two steps.

And he Feng still stands in place.


Seeing this scene, those who always thought he Feng was just a four fold cultivation of the body were all stupid.

Mi's direction.

Mi Donglong said in surprise: "what's the matter? Just now Song Yan's attack is so strong, he Feng even resisted it, and even let song Yan down? "

"I finally know what he Feng's card is. His card is actually himself."

Mi Dongyu exclaimed: "He Feng's cultivation is not a four fold training. It's about refining the body seven times. "

"Refining the body seven times?" Midong long stares big eye bead son, "horizontal training master?"

Mi Dongyu nodded: "yes!"

One side, MI Jiaqi heard the conversation between the two, a face instantly white down.

She has always thought that he Feng is just a master of cross training. Even if his fighting power is stronger than that of the later dark strength, any peak of dark strength is enough to kill him.

If there is a master, killing He Feng is like pressing an ant to death.

Because of this, she felt that when Xu Yuanjie led many experts to Jiangbin City, killing He Feng was like searching for something. So she asked her father to take her to watch, hoping to see he Feng killed with his own eyes.

Before a series of changes also even if, MI Jiaqi can reluctantly accept.

But now

But her great uncle, MI Dongyu, said that he Feng's cultivation was not a master of cross training in four aspects, but a master of cross training in seven aspects.

The difference between a master and a great master is the difference between the two.

"No! He Feng can't live today. Xu Shao and song Yan add up. These are two great masters. How can he Feng resist? What's more, Xu shaoke is a real genius from the higher guwu family. Maybe there are other cards. How can he Feng survive in Xu Shao's hands? "

Mi Jiaqi shakes her head heavily. She doesn't believe he Feng can live anyway.

Mi Dongyu looks at Mi Jiaqi and shakes his head.

However, he had a little bit of happiness in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't let the rice family do it after listening to his son Mi Xinghua's words.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!

Mi Jiaqi only saw that he Feng was fighting against the two great masters, but what Mi Dongyu saw was not these.

What he saw was he Feng's age and forbearance.

Master Hua Jin, 26 years old, would have been famous in ancient martial arts if he had been replaced by someone else? But he Feng is unknown to the outside world. No one has ever heard of him Feng before.

On the surface, he Feng seems arrogant, but he is too low-key. He clearly has great strength, but he doesn't show it at the critical moment.

If song Yan and Xu Yuanjie didn't appear today, he Feng's strength might continue to hide, right?


I don't know why, there is an idea in MI Dongyu's heart that can't be suppressed all the time.

"Is it really his true cultivation to practice seven fold?"


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