And Cao direction, Cao Zhiyan and others see he Feng a boxing back song Yan, all face of incredible.

Just song Yan shot, powerful, they thought he Feng will be song Yan to kick to death.

"Young master, he Feng has hidden his strength. His real strength is much stronger than what he showed outside Junlin hotel before." Liang Mingchen got out of the car and looked at Cao Xin.

Cao Xin's face was ugly and nodded, "I know!"

At the moment, Cao Xin's heart is extremely complex. He thought he Feng was more talented than him because he Feng had a great master of Huajin behind him.

But now, he Feng himself has great master strength.

He Feng is 26 years old.

How can he compare such talent?

"Young master, he Feng's strength has reached the level of strength. They may not be able to kill him. In case of any accident, shall we leave now? " Liang Mingchen suggested.

Cao Xin had a gloomy face and did not speak.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave now? Do they still have a mind to deal with us?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth and said, "now the good play is at the critical moment. How can I leave at this time? Keep watching. I want to see he Feng killed with my own eyes. "

Cao Rui then said: "yes, although he Feng also showed his master's strength, he may have used some taboo means. Xu Yuanjie is a close disciple of a supreme elder in the Qian family of the high ancient martial family. There must be other ways to deal with He Feng. "

Cao Zhiyan also said, "first look at it, if there is danger, you directly start the car, we leave the first time."

"All right!"

Liang Mingchen saw that Cao Xin didn't speak and didn't persuade him. He got into the driver's seat, started the car and was ready to leave at any time.


"Song Yan, your strength is very strong, and you have reached the level of Qizhong. Sure enough, it's horizontal training technique, but I'm curious, what method do you use to make yourself become a master of horizontal training from an ordinary person in a few days? "

After he Feng repels song Yan, he inquires curiously.

Just now, in addition to fighting back song Yan, he also felt song Yan's physical condition.

There was no fluctuation of strength in Song Yan's body, but the power of Qi and blood was extremely powerful, especially the flesh and blood, muscles and bones, which had been tempered to a certain extent and possessed extremely terrible power.

However, he Feng felt a trace of abnormality in Song Yan's Qi and blood. Song Yan's Qi and blood, in addition to the majestic, seemed to have a kind of fierce animal breath.

"Want to know? You can go down and ask Yama. "

Song Yan snorted coldly and bullied him again.


Just close to He Feng, song Yan's palm grasps He Feng's throat. In his five fingers, he instantly grows green nails about 10 cm long.

Fingernails are like sharp blades, carrying a sharp cutting breath. They are about to pierce He Feng's throat.

Moreover, his fingernails were covered with dark green and white fog. It was obvious that his fingernails were highly toxic.


He Feng feet move, easily avoided the attack of song Yan, surprised way: "this nail, a bit like the nail of fierce beast black wind bear. However, the smell of this toxin is like the toxin of the green bamboo snake? "

"Black wind bear, green bamboo snake?"

People who knew these two kinds of fierce beasts frowned and looked at Song Yan in surprise.

Ordinary people only know that there are all kinds of wild animals in the forest, but in fact, in the depths of the forest, where human beings can not set foot, there are many creatures that are much more powerful than ordinary wild animals.

This kind of creature is called fierce beast.

Fierce beasts can be divided into three levels: low fierce beasts, medium fierce beasts and high fierce beasts.

The lower ferocious animals are much more powerful than ordinary tigers and leopards, and they are comparable to the human beings.

It's a medium fierce beast. It's as strong as human's dark power.

The high fierce beast is comparable to the master.

The black wind bear and the green bamboo snake are both highly fierce beasts.


Song Yan did not reply, continue to attack he Feng.

And in the face of song Yan's attack, he Feng is not in a hurry to fight back, just keep dodging, while observing song Yan's physical condition.

"No, it's not an ordinary black wind bear or an ordinary green bamboo snake."

Half a minute later, he Feng seems to have noticed something.

"I know. It's the breath of the king of black wind bear, the fierce bear. As for the toxin, it's not the green bamboo snake, but the green snake's toxin, the evolutor of green bamboo snake."

Want to understand these, he Feng's pupil suddenly shrunk up.

The fierce bear and the green snake are not ordinary fierce beasts any more, but monsters.

It's only in novels and on TV.

Monster, with intelligence, can refine the power of heaven and earth, comparable to the true Qi of human beings.

Monsters generally live in the deepest part of the primeval forest. He Feng went to the forest to collect herbs with Huisheng when he was at the peak of Huajin. Only by chance did he meet some monsters. If they were not very fast and well versed in the survival of the jungle, they would be buried in the forest now.

He Feng felt that even with his current strength, he barely had the strength of the first World War when he met an adult fierce bear or green snake.

In this case, how can song Yan have the breath of fierce bear and green snake?

Does song Yan have the shadow of a master of true Qi?

"In Jiangbin City, where there was not even a dark power, is there a real power hidden?" He Feng's expression gradually dignified.

He must make a clear investigation of this matter.

"Song Yan, you can't kill him alone for a short time. I think he will die in my hands after all."

A clear cry interrupts He Feng's thoughts. Song Yan rushes up and directly launches a strong attack on He Feng, blocking He Feng's way of dodging.

"Be careful!"

Not far away, Wang Xiangyun subconsciously exclaimed, for fear that he Feng would be injured.

Although he Feng said that he Huajin was invincible, Wang Xiangyun had never seen a fight between Huajin's strong and weak, and she didn't know much about Huajin's strength. In addition, she felt that he Feng had been injured. Now Xu Yuanjie suddenly attacked, and she was really afraid that he Feng might as well be injured again.

"Finally joined hands, how can he Feng resist?"

The people of the MI and Cao families all smile when they see Xu Yuanjie join the battle circle.

"It's time to end the boring fight."

He Feng's eyes suddenly fell on Xu Yuanjie and shook his head.

"What?" Xu Yuanjie was he Feng this vision to see heart a Deng, this guy want to do?


Before Xu Yuanjie could react, he felt that his attack was empty.

The next moment, his chest hurt fiercely, and a huge force surged in. His whole body flew out in an instant, and the blood in his body surged violently, which made it difficult for him to control, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood directly.

"Next, it's your turn!"

He Feng looked at Song Yan behind him again.

At this time, song Yan is kicking in front of He Feng, and his face aches with the sound of breaking the wind.


He Feng is another blow, seems to be a direct attack on Song Yan's leg, but the fist fell on the cartilage tissue next to song Yan's knee.


Song Yan screamed and retreated. He felt that the whole retreat was numb, and he couldn't lift his strength.

"Originally, you had a chance to be a good man. When your rich second generation wanted beautiful women to have beautiful women to play with and money to spend, why did you come to fight me?"

He Feng catches up with song Yan and blows at him again.

"How can it be? He Feng's power is almost the same as mine. He was suppressed by me before. Why did he suddenly hit me now?" Song Yan's heart is shocked at this moment. Seeing he Feng attack himself again, song Yan's face changes slightly, and his palm grabs him.

He doesn't need to hit the key of He Feng. Even if he just scratches a little flesh on He Feng's body, the venom will spread to He Feng's body instantly and poison him to death.


However, his palm just waved out, he Feng's fist fell on his wrist.

That strong strength, instantly destroyed song Yan's wrist bone.

In addition, the strength of song Yan's wrist was shaken violently, so that the bone tissue of his whole arm was damaged, and he could not exert any more strength.

"Bastard, die for me!"

Song Yan pain call, another hand toward He Feng waved out.


The crack of bone is clear.

After discarding song Yan's two arms, he Feng kicked his right leg straight out and heavily fell on Song Yan's left knee.


One leg falls, song Yan's knee not only has not smashed, but has a huge force to rebound, concussion He Feng's foot.


Song Yan suddenly yelled, with sharp tusks growing in his mouth, and directly jumped at He Feng to bite him.

"This Constitution..."

He Feng's face changed slightly. Before, he attacked song Yan's cartilage tissue. This time, he directly attacked the big bone of the knee. He thought that song Yan's knee would be crushed smoothly. Unexpectedly, song Yan's reaction speed was very fast, and he was more and more skilled in the use of strength. He even took advantage of the opportunity to fight back.

Moreover, song Yan's mouth suddenly grew tusks, which was really shocking.

Plus he attacks quickly, if he Feng is absent-minded at this time, he may be bitten.

Even if not bitten to the point, the end will be very miserable.


He Feng claps, lightning falls on Song Yan's neck, ready to stun song Yan.

This palm hits people's central nervous system directly. Even those with strong power will faint.

But song Yan just stagnated for less than a second, and his eyes immediately regained their brilliance, roaring and biting He Feng again.

At this time, he was less than 30 cm away from He Feng's body.

"Damn it

At this moment, even he Feng's face changed slightly. A wisp of Qi ran out and slapped on Song Yan's forehead.


Skull fragmentation.

Blood splashed on He Feng's clothes.

Song Yan's body fell to the ground, his eyes wide open.

turn in one's grave!

He Feng looks at Song Yan and frowns tightly. Originally, he doesn't want to kill song Yan. He wants to keep song Yan. He asks how he became like this and what happened to the bear and the snake.

But just now Song Yan's deathbed counterattack, once he Feng was bitten by him, even if he had cultivated his real Qi, he could not resist the poison of green snake.

I'm afraid even reincarnation is not absolutely sure.

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, song Yan could not be abolished twice. He could only kill song Yan to ensure his own safety.


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