"Dead? That song Yan, who has the strength to train a great master, was killed like this? " Midonglong's eyes widened. "Is that too fast? He Feng's strength is so strong? "

"Damn, is that song Yan too weak? But can he Feng be dealt with by a few people next? " There was a little worry in her eyes.

"Sure enough, he Feng's strength is not as simple as refining Qizhong." Mi Dongyu murmured in his heart.

Cao family direction, Cao Zhiyan and others are all silly, do not know what to say is good.

He Feng's strength is far beyond their expectation.

"Yunyun, you married a good husband." The war crazy said to Wang Xiangyun.

Wang Xiangyun's face flushed slightly. "He's not strong either. He was almost hurt by song Yan just now."

"Asshole! How can he Feng be so strong? "

Not far away, Xu Yuanjie looks at He Feng with the same face.

Although song Yan's control of power may not be as good as him, the power burst out in an instant is not as good as him.

And this is not inferior to his combat effectiveness, just one or two face to face, he Feng was killed.

He Feng's fighting power is not as simple as refining Qi Chong.

"Xu Shao, what should we do now?" Xiao Tianyan of the dark Xu hall came forward and asked.

Now there are four brothers Xu Yuanjie and rhubarb, and only a few of them are left.

As for the rice family

It's been ignored by them.

"Do you want Hawkeye to do it now? Eagle eye is my last card. He is a master level gunner. Once he fails to kill He Feng, he Feng will hide. It will be more difficult for me to kill him in the future. Therefore, unless there is really no way out, it's better not to let Hawkeye do it first. "

Xu Yuanjie glanced at rhubarb and others not far away, but saw that the smell of rhubarb had gradually declined. I'm afraid they could not hold on for a minute under Yang Qi's attack.

"How many shooters did you bring?" Xu Yuanjie stares at Xiao Tianyan and asks.

"Plus me, there are only three master Gunners left." Xiao Tianyan asked.

Previously, the Jiang family and other family gunners, because they participated in the encirclement and killing of Yang Qi, were all killed by Yang Qi, leaving only a few people in the dark Xu hall.

"Shoot immediately, even if it's just to hurt him." Xu Yuanjie ordered.


Xiaotianyan smell speech, no hesitation, to behind two people said: "shoot!"

Immediately, three people have pulled out the gun, straight at He Feng, pull the trigger.

What Xiao Tianyan holds is an AK rifle.

"Bang Bang..."

Bullets cut through the void and shot at He Feng.


He Feng body movement, such as ghosts shuttle forward, easy to avoid these bullets.

"That's the body method!" Xu Yuanjie's face changed slightly, and he said, "stop him for a while!"

As he spoke, he stepped back two steps with a gloomy face and started a set of anonymous boxing.

"He Feng, you forced me!"

Xu Yuanjie narrowed his eyes. Every time he punched, the force of Qi and blood on him seemed to rise. The roaring sound of Qi and blood burst out from his body, making his breath more powerful and terrible.




He Feng comes to Xiao Tianyan, turns his hand into a knife, cuts it down and lands on Xiao Tianyan's neck.

Xiao Tianyan, who was just in the middle of dark energy's cultivation, was killed and fell to the ground before he could dodge.

"Bang! Bang

He Feng grabs the AK47 in Xiao Tianyan's hand and pulls the trigger at the remaining people in the dark Xu hall.

"Get out of the way!"

Two other shooters yelled, then darted to the side.

Their accomplishments are not weak. They are all masters at the beginning of the dark energy. They burst out very fast.

"Pooh! Poof

However, they just deviated and were about to shoot He Feng again when they found that a bullet flashed towards them.

"How can it be? Haven't you dodged? "

"No! This, this is the predicted shooting, he Feng, he... He is a master level shooter? "

The two master Gunners with dark strength and initial cultivation were staring at each other, and then they were pierced by bullets.

As for the other people in the dark Xu hall, they didn't come to a better end. They all fell into a pool of blood.

"Eh, it's a special AK made of alloy. It's so powerful and fast. These seem to be people from the dark sun hall? It seems that the origin of dark Xu hall is not simple. "

He Feng surprised to see the AK47 on the eye hand.


"He Feng, die for me!"

All of a sudden, a violent roar sounded from the front. Xu Yuanjie, who seemed to be soaked with blood, roared and rushed to kill him.

At the moment, Xu Yuanjie's Qi and blood seemed to be ignited and burst out with unprecedented power.

At this moment, the Cao family and the MI family all watched nervously.

Obviously, they also feel that this is Xu Yuanjie's all-out strike. If he Feng can't be killed by this strike, it depends on whether Xu Yuanjie has any other cards.

"This kind of attack power is comparable to that of the strong in the middle of Huajin. Tut Tut, how can this be the senior pills of the earth level? If there are no side effects, they may have reached the lower level of heaven. I don't know if he still has this kind of pill... "

He Feng murmured and looked at Xu Yuanjie who rushed towards him quickly. He Feng shook his head and sighed: "brain is a good thing. Why don't you three brothers have it?"

"What do you mean?"

Is full speed rush to, launch full strength a blow of Xu Yuan Jie seem to hear he Feng's words, tiny Leng Shen.

Then, he saw he Feng holding the AK47 in his hand and took it to him.

"Damn, is this bastard a warrior? You don't fight me head on, you shoot me? Does he want the face of a warrior? "

Xu Yuanjie was silly. He seemed to have ten thousand alpacas galloping by and had to dodge.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

The gunfire rang out.

Mingming flew out four bullets, but the gunfire seemed to ring at the same time.

Bullet after bullet cuts through the void and shoots at Xu Yuanjie from four angles. The bullet seems to have eyes. No matter how Xu Yuanjie dodges, his retreat is completely blocked.

"This, this how possible, this gun... Master level?"

Xu Yuanjie widened his eyes and looked like hell.

He now finally understand why Xiao Tianyan and others will be easily shot by He Feng, also understand why he Feng will say he has no brain.

He even launched a close combat against a master level gunner, while the other side was holding a special AK rifle.

What's the difference between that and being a target?

It's not mindless. What is it?

"Pooh! Poof! Poof

Xu Yuanjie's subconscious head deviated, avoiding one of the bullets that could pierce his head.

But the other three bullets penetrated his legs, and



Xu Yuanjie screamed and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Xu Yuanjie's heart is broken, he has realized his physical condition.

But more of it was anger and resentment.

"Eagle eye!"

Before falling to the ground, Xu Yuanjie suddenly drank.

Originally, he didn't want Hawkeye to do it, but now he has to let Hawkeye do it.


Without Xu Yuanjie's order at all, after he Feng started shooting at Xu Yuanjie with a pistol, the Hawk Eye hidden in the dark had already aimed at He Feng.

As Xu Yuanjie's voice rang out, so did the gunfire.

An alloy bullet made of special metal suddenly cuts through the void of hundreds of meters and shoots at He Feng.

"He Feng, be careful!"

"Get out of the way..."

War maniac and Mahong stay on the battlefield all the year round and are most sensitive to firearms.

Just hearing the gunshot, they knew that the shooter was not an ordinary shooter.

Even surpasses the master class gunner, is likely to be the master class gunner, hastily loudly reminded.

However, he Feng's whole mind now is hiding in the shooter in the dark of a high building, and he doesn't hear their cry at all.

Besides, even if he heard it, he would not care.

"It's been months since the master gunner shot at me, right? I really miss this feeling... "

He Feng's eyes are fixed on the void. In his eyes, a golden bullet is shooting at him.

This speed, the naked eye can't see, even he Feng, is also with a strong mental force, can lock the bullet.

"As a reward for your nostalgia, I'll shoot you with a gun."

He Feng murmured, and then the special AK was raised by him with one hand.

Aim at the void, aim.

press the trigger!

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Three shots in a row, all at the same time.

At the same time, he Feng's head tilted toward the side.


A bullet almost passed his cheek.

He Feng can obviously feel the burning heat of the bullet.


The bullet went into the oil road and made a hole as big as a bowl.

Dust splashing!

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