At this time, on the top floor of a ten story building about 500 meters away from Liuyue club, a seemingly 60 year old man was lying on the ground and shooting at He Feng.

After shooting, he would stare at He Feng's head, want to see the picture of He Feng's head exploding.

"It's a seven fold training. It's excellent in body method and martial arts. It's enough to fight against the strong in the middle of Huajin. If you don't get rid of him, I'm afraid you'll bury disaster in the family. "

The eagle's eyes were cold.

At this time, he saw he Feng pick up an AK47 and pull the trigger at him.

He raised a disdainful color on the corner of his mouth. "It's really an idiot. Even though it's a special gun, you can shoot me from such a long distance? It's so far away. There's no master level gunshot. I'm afraid the bullet will hit the sky... "

As for whether he Feng is a master gunner

Eagle eye directly vetoed in the heart!

For He Feng's information, he is also clear, know he Feng only 26 years old.

He is nearly 26 years old. He has achieved seven levels of physical training in his whole body. His combat power is even more powerful than that of the great master in the middle of Huajin period. This is already against heaven.

If his marksmanship has reached the master level, will he be alive?

But soon, the color of disdain on the corner of eagle's eye and mouth solidified directly.

Because in his sight, three bullets were zooming in at lightning speed.

Moreover, there seemed to be a little white light on the bullet.

"This... No!"

The hawk's eyes roared and tried to dodge.

However, his speed is slower after all.

In other words, the speed of bullets was far beyond his imagination. Even his cultivation could reach the level of strength, and he could not escape the three bullets.


"Pooh! Poof! Poof

One of the bullets went through the sight and through his right eye.

The other two bullets, one into his eyebrows, the other in the moment he just slightly raised his head, into his throat.

Three bullets, each one accurately hit the point.

"This, this is not only the master level gunshot, but also the white light just now. The power is... The power of heaven and earth, God... Myth!"

The eagle's eyes seemed to see something terrible, full of shock and panic.

Then, the shock and panic gradually turned into anger and worry.

Anger is anger at Xu Yuanjie. It even provokes a myth and tells him that the fighting power of the other side is the most comparable to that of the later stage of dark strength. At most, there is only one Huajin master around to protect him. To protect your sister, do you need a great master to protect her? I was buried with you.

As for worry, of course, it's about Qian family!

Offending such a myth and legend, the result of Qian's family is self-evident, but I don't know if this myth and legend is the kind of ruthless person who will directly destroy Qian's family.


"You, you killed Hawkeye?"

Outside the Liuyue club, Xu Yuanjie kneels down because his legs are shot, but his eyes are fixed on He Feng.

He wants to see with his own eyes the scene that he Feng is shot by eagle eye!

But when he saw that he Feng had dodged the bullet and shot at Eagle's eye, he had a bad premonition in his heart and quickly turned back to look at the back.

He is a strong man at the top of the dark force. He has clear ears and clear eyes. His eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people. Even if he is hundreds of meters away, he can clearly see the eagle's eyes completely lying down.

On the head of the eagle's eye, the blood was streaming.

Xu Yuanjie suddenly confused, looking at He Feng's eyes, as if looking at the monster, "your marksmanship... Master level?"

"Is the master's gunshot strange?"

He Feng threw AK on the ground, light way: "can you please move the master level gunner to kill me, I can't be a master level gunner?"


He Feng's words, everyone on the field can't help staring big eyes, eyes and Xu Yuanjie no difference, all like looking at a monster like looking at him.

If he Feng showed his shooting skills before he started, people would not be so shocked as they are now.

But now, he Feng shows his master level gunshot skill after he shows his seven accomplishments.

The 26 year old master Henglian is a state-owned master in China, and he is not rare, but he is rarely seen by ordinary ancient martial artists.

There are also many 26 year old master level Gunners in China, including a few in the Longya army.

But at the age of 26, he can not only achieve the master of horizontal training, but also master the level of gunshot training. Such a person is absolutely rare in China.

"Before, I just suspected that his marksmanship had reached the master level. Unexpectedly, he was the master level..." in addition to praise, the war maniac only had a wry smile on his face. "This guy is too hidden."

Mahong laughed, "it's not that he deliberately hid it, it's just that there's no need to show his strength."

"If you don't tell us in advance, we'll give him nothing to worry about. Moreover, if he had done it earlier, Xinyu would not have been hurt. "

Wang Xiangyun is secretly stare He Feng one eye.

Then she looked at Chu Yue and asked, "Yueyue, what do you look like a flower maniac?"

"How can I be a flower maniac?"

Chu month face is tiny red, "however, don't you discover, he Feng just shot of that posture, very very handsome?"

Wang Xiangyun has no good way: "bah, you feel handsome..."

Chu Yue looks at Ji Xinyu and others and asks, "sister Xinyu, sister feather, and Xueqing, don't you think he Feng is just handsome?"

Ji Xinyu smiles, "ha ha, the posture is very handsome, and the people are OK. It's just that his clothes are ugly... "


Ling Weiyu and Xi Xueqing all laughed and did not comment on it.

"Well, if he was that strong, he wouldn't have put on his clothes. Now that I'm wearing this dress, how can I be handsome? "

Wang Xiangyun saw Ji Xinyu talking for himself, and a smile appeared on his face: "in the future, we have to urge him to practice more, and we can't let him go out to make trouble, which is a waste of time."

"Yes!" Ji Xinyu nodded seriously.

"I will stare at brother Xiaofeng more..." Ling Weiyu followed.

"Xueqing and I will look at him more." Chu Yue followed the way.

Xi Xueqing's face turned red in an instant. How did she get involved with me?

He Feng, he has not pursued me, OK?

And... I haven't agreed yet!

Chu Yue didn't care about her. At this moment, she was thinking about things in her heart.

Now because of He Feng's injury, sister Yun's attitude towards He Feng has obviously improved a lot, and she seems to be able to get along well with sister Xinyu. In the future, they will certainly try to restrain him.

In other words, from now on, it will be too difficult for other girls to get close to He Feng.

"Sister Wenwen, you have to work harder..." Chu Yue sighed.



In front of them, when they realized that Xu Yuanjie and Yingyan had both failed, they were in a panic. The four men's battle line and their breath suddenly became disordered, and their strength fluctuated, and they also fell rapidly.

The flaw comes out suddenly!

Yang Qi also consumes a lot at the moment, but he is a real master after all and still has a certain combat effectiveness. At this moment, he obviously would not miss such an opportunity. The knife in his hand pierced rhubarb's throat.


Erhuang, Sanhuang and Sihuang fled in three directions without a moment's pause.

Turning around at the same time, they have a pill in their hands, swallow it directly, the breath rises again, and they want to escape.

This is their usual way. If the battle fails to defeat the enemy until the end, they immediately take pills to stabilize their breath and then escape.

"Bang! Bang! Bang

Unfortunately, they obviously underestimated Yang Qi's ability.

As they turned around, a series of gunshots rang out behind them.

The bullet shot out at top speed and penetrated the back of their heads and vests.

Yang Qi put the pistol away and retreated to He Feng with a calm face.


When people saw this scene, they were dumbfounded again.

What happened?

Isn't this a strong master of Huajin? When did you become a shooter again?

Moreover, looking at the shooting skills he showed just now, Erhuang and others didn't even have the chance to dodge. Obviously, they are not ordinary sharpshooters, at least they are masters.

Are all the masters and the strong sharpshooters?

For these people's doubts, Yang Qi naturally will not explain.

Others think that he is just a master of Huajin, but they don't know that when he was on a mission in Ghost hunting, he basically killed the target by shooting.

"Run, run..."

On the other hand, Cao Zhiyan and Cao Xin, who saw he Feng and Yang Qi's bravery, turned pale in fright and rushed into a Mercedes Benz car, ready to flee at full speed.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh... "

However, as soon as their car started, they found a group of black shadow people standing around the car.

Everyone's hands, are holding special guns, aimed at them.

"Turn off the engine and get out of the car. Otherwise, die Speaking of a cold middle-aged man, there is no emotion in his voice.

But his eyes, is let Liang Mingchen this dark strength medium-term strong, have a kind of palpitation feeling, dare not with it.

"Well, it's at least a top dark power. Moreover, he is not an ordinary dark power peak. Even in the Cao family, I don't feel that way. "

Liang Mingchen felt that his soul was trembling, as if the other party was an inexorable evil.

Without any hesitation at all, Liang Mingchen turned off the car for the first time, opened the door and got off the car, holding his head in both hands.

"Don't kill me. I'm just a driver. Besides, I'm not Cao. I'm Liang. I have my ID card in my pocket. You can take it out and have a look. "

Cao Xin and Cao Zhiyan got out of the car, helped Cao Rui and Wang Xuan down and put them on the wheelchair. Then several people stared at Liang Mingchen with ugly faces.

But being watched by these people in black, they dare not speak.

These people, people in black, are really terrible. Each of them is like death from the abyss. It seems that one eye can reap their lives.

Even the usual arrogant Wang Xuan, now also obediently closed his mouth, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


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