"All go to Mr. He. Hurry up. Don't keep him waiting. Otherwise, die

The middle-aged man said impatiently.

"Yes, I'll be right there!"

Liang Mingchen is the first to take the lead and walk towards He Feng.

In the direction of Mi's family, MI Jiaqi's face has no blood color, and her delicate body is a little trembling.

Before Xu Yuanjie was defeated, she still had a glimmer of hope for him.

But now, Xu Yuanjie not only lost, he Feng also showed the master level gunshot, how to fight?

Xu Yuanjie does have cards, but he Feng has more.

After showing the master level of gunshot, there were nearly 20 people in black. Although I don't know how powerful these people are, MI Jiaqi felt a terrible breath on them.

"The peak of dark strength!"

Mi Dongyu's pupils suddenly shrunk up, shocked and said, untied Mi Jiaqi's confusion.

"What's the dark peak? The man in black who is talking is the one with the highest dark strength? "

Midonglong asked subconsciously.

Mi Dongyu looked at Mi Donglong, "each of these 20 people is the peak of dark strength. Moreover, in each of them, I can feel the breath of death. If you fight them, any one of them can kill me. "

"What?" Midon's eyes widened.

Mi Dongyu once again added, "and it's easy to kill me."


Mi Jiaqi in the back directly sat on the ground.

At this moment, a touch of regret finally appeared on her face.

She has been chanting about killing He Feng and seeking revenge for him Feng, but now she understands that he Feng doesn't pay attention to her, the beautiful daughter of the rice family.

Even if it was outside the king's Landing Hotel at the beginning, his frivolous molestation to himself was just on the spur of the moment, right?

Otherwise, a 26 year old Huajin master, with master level gunshot skills, will take the initiative to throw her arms at He Feng.

Didn't you see how many top-notch beauties He Feng had around him at this time?

Among these beauties, which one is not much better than her mi Jiaqi?

"At that time, if I became his maid, I'm afraid that now the rice family would not feel shame, but would feel extremely honored?" Mi Jiaqi heart suddenly came up with such an idea.


"Mr. He, what are you going to do with these people?"

At this time, the middle-aged man has brought Cao Zhiyan and Liang Mingchen to He Feng.

Besides them, there are two other people.

Xu Tianyin, Zhou Han.

At this time, the two people have been dead, a face of despair.

"He Feng, the conflict between our Xu family and you was caused by Xu Hongjie at the beginning. I didn't teach him well. Please kill me. Please let my eldest son and my wife go."

Xu Tianyin kneels down in front of He Feng and pleads.

"Oh, it's very emotional."

He Feng sneered, "you come to kill me, the strength is not as good as me, let me let them go? If today is my He Feng's strength is not as good as you, I beg you to let go of my relatives and friends, will you let go? "

"I..." Xu Tianyin said for a moment.

"Besides, it seems that you initiated every conflict between us? Did I take the initiative to trouble you once? " He Feng sneers.

"I know it's our fault, and I'm willing to pay for it. All my property, I am willing to exchange all my property for the lives of both of them. "

Xu Tianyin said without hesitation: "now I have all kinds of assets in my hand, and there are still 120 billion. I am willing to transfer all these assets to your name."

"Ha ha, I'm sorry. I may agree to your terms at another time. But today, I can't

He Feng laughed, then squinted and said: "in the past, you may think that I He Feng is too easy to talk, you think I dare not kill people, so you dare to do it to me three times or four times, even to the people around me. Today, I will tell the world with your lives that anyone who dares to provoke me, he Feng, should be prepared to pay the price. "

Speaking of the back, he Feng's voice has been cold down, and said to the middle-aged man: "kill their husband and wife!"


The middle-aged man nodded, arms in his hand, fire spray.

"Pooh! Poof

The bullet instantly fell into their eyebrows, then went through the back of their heads, and then hit the ground again, forming a fist sized hole.

Xu Tianyin and Zhou Han fell to the ground without a snort.

"Ah! Asshole, I'm going to kill you! "

Xu Tianyin roared angrily and struggled to stand up to rush to He Feng.

"Now you know the anger? Know the pain? Then why didn't you consider how my relatives and friends would mourn after you killed me when you came to kill me? "

He Feng coldly looked at Xu Tianyin and asked himself, "because in your eyes, you don't think I have a chance to live today. In your eyes, the law of the jungle, the strong for respect, you think you are stronger than me, kill me is natural

Xu Tianyin roared: "kill me! Kill me if you can... "

"No! I'll keep you for some use! "

He Feng said to the middle-aged man: "knock him unconscious, take him down to custody, but don't let him commit suicide. If he dies, I'll ask you. "


The middle-aged man looked at the man in black beside his eyes. The other man immediately stepped forward and knocked Xu Tianyin unconscious with one palm, then carried him to the side like a chicken.

"Next, it's your Cao family!"

He Feng's eyes look at Cao Zhiyan and others.


As soon as he spoke, Liang Mingchen was the first to kneel on the ground. His voice was shaking. "Mr. He, I'm not from the Cao family. I'm just the driver in charge of driving. I can kowtow to you and admit my mistake. Please let me live. I promise I will never appear in front of you again. "

While he was talking, he had knelt down and kowtowed directly, his head and the ground made a dull sound, his forehead was bleeding, but he didn't feel it.

At the moment of him, where there is a little bit of dark power master's prestige?

"Don't you have the surname Cao?" He Feng asked.

"Yes, my name is Liang, and my name is..."

"Since you are not Cao, why do you talk to me so much?"

He Feng light mouth, "killed!"


Sound down, guns.

Liang Mingchen's eyes widened and he fell into a pool of blood.


Several people in the rice family looked ugly when they saw this.

Liang Mingchen was a member of the Cao family. He was killed because he didn't have the surname Cao.

Then they are neither surnamed Cao nor members of the Cao family, and they have no way to live?

"He Feng, we were just passing by. We didn't mean to trouble you. If there is any trouble, I'm here to apologize to you."

Cao Zhiyan heart a joy, originally she thought he Feng will kill them.

But now, he Feng seems to give the Cao family face.

Is it because of the marriage between Cao family and Wang family?

In addition to this reason, Cao Zhiyan can't think of any other reason at the moment.


He Feng turned a white eye, did not look at Cao Zhiyan, but looked at Wang Xiangyun and asked: "daughter-in-law, do you want to kill all the people of Cao family?"

It is true that the Cao family and the Wang family are married. Strictly speaking, these people can be regarded as Wang Xiangyun's relatives.

Therefore, although he Feng wanted to kill Cao Zhiyan and others directly, he still wanted to consult Wang Xiangyun to show his respect for women.


Wang Xiangyun would like to say that he Feng let Cao Zhiyan and others go. After all, Cao Zhiyan is her father's wife now, and Wang Xuan is her father's son.

If they are killed directly, Wang Xiangyun feels that he and Wang Qing are completely incompatible.

I'm afraid the relationship between father and daughter will be broken.

Because of her mother's reasons, Wang Xiangyun hated Wang Qing very much, even hate him.

She has worked hard for so many years to make Wang Qing kowtow to her mother's Spirit card and apologize.

But it doesn't mean that she can accept and completely end her father daughter relationship with Wang Qing

Moreover, she had hardly seen dead people before. Today, so many people died at one time in front of her. The road outside the Liuyue club was dyed red, and the air was full of blood. No matter how strong Wang Xiangyun's psychological endurance was, he couldn't stand it now, so he didn't want to see too many dead people.

"Yunyun, the reason why he Feng wants to kill so many people is obviously that he wants to set up a power and let the world know whether he is strong or not. If you stop him, I'm afraid the effect will be worse. "

The voice of war maniac came from behind Wang Xiangyun.

"It's OK. Yunyun, think about it for yourself. If you don't want me to kill them, I won't spare their lives. " He Feng obviously heard the voice of war crazy, direct way.


Cao Zhiyan hurriedly looked at Wang Xiangyun, a face of supplication.

If put in the past, she would never look at Wang Xiangyun directly, but now Wang Xiangyun can dominate the lives of several of them, Cao Zhiyan naturally dare not pose.

"I'll call my grandmother and see what her attitude is. Do you think that's ok?"

Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng.

"OK, you can call grandma."

Wang Xiangyun took out his cell phone and called her grandmother.

"Well, yunyun, what's the matter with you?"

As soon as the phone was connected, her grandmother Jiang Hongmei's voice came from her mobile phone, "are you OK with Xiao Feng?"

"Grandma, he Feng and I have nothing to do. The matter here has been solved. The people Xu Yuanjie brought with him have been killed by He Feng." Wang Xiangyun said.

"All in one?" Jiang Hongmei was stunned and immediately said with a smile: "good! I really look down on Xiao Feng. "

"However, there was an accident here. Cao Zhiyan didn't know what was wrong in their mind. They also came to join in the fun. I want to ask grandma how to deal with these people?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Hum, they are still very fast. They rushed to Jiangbin so fast. Do they want to see Xiaofeng killed so much?"

Jiang Hongmei hummed coldly: "yunyun, you can tell Xiaofeng that these people don't have any good intentions. If he is dissatisfied, he can kill Cao Zhiyan and Wang Xuan directly. There's no need to consider leaving roots for our Wang family. Anyway, besides Wang Xuan, we Wang family also have you. "

With that, Jiang hung up directly.

Wang Xiangyun frowned and hung up?

"Daughter in law, what does grandma say?" He Feng asked.

Wang Xiangyun said: "grandma said, you can kill them directly. You don't have to leave roots for the Wang family. Anyway, the Wang family still has me!"

"Well, grandma is making me difficult."

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"Don't you understand? Grandma, it's obvious that she wants us to have more boys, so that one of them can follow your surname Wang. "


He Feng said this in public, and immediately made Wang Xiangyun blush.

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