"Screw you. You'll be born by yourself. I won't be born with you."

Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng fiercely. If there are not too many people on the field, she will rush up to flatten He Feng.

It's shameless of this guy to say that in front of so many people.

One side of the war crazy and others to see her shy look, are holding a smile, which makes Wang Xiangyun is more embarrassed.

"No? OK, then I'll kill them all... "He Feng raised his hand, and the middle-aged man handed his pistol to He Feng.

Cao Zhiyan and others turned pale, but they did not dare to say a word. They could only look at Wang Xiangyun pitifully.

"You, you asshole. It's not about having children. "

Wang Xiangyun said angrily, "but if you kill all of them, you can't explain it to Wang Qing."

"Wang Qing, your father..."

He Feng nodded, "it seems that your father still has some status in your heart."

Wang Xiangyun curled his lips, "it's just a little bit!"

"Well, Wang Qing's wife and son, I'll spare their lives." He Feng said: "however, it doesn't matter if I kill those two people in Cao family?"

"Yunyun..." Cao Zhiyan quickly called out.

Cao Xin and Cao Rui, one is a martial arts genius, the other is a computer genius. Both of them are very popular in the Cao family. If they die, the Cao family will blame her even more.

"I don't know those two people at all. You can do it yourself."

Wang Xiangyun did not look at Cao Zhiyan.

To forgive Cao Zhiyan and Wang Xuan is already in Wang Qing's face.

Cao Xin and Cao Rui, two people Wang Xiangyun didn't know, came to see he Feng killed. He Feng wanted to kill them, so Wang Xiangyun would not have any opinions.

"Well, I'll kill them." He Feng said, will raise a hand to shoot.

"Put down your guns or I'll kill him."

Just then, Cao Xin, not far away, suddenly appeared behind Wang Xuan, holding Wang Xuan's hair in one hand, and a sharp sword in the other hand, across Wang Xuan's throat.

The sharp sword changed Wang Xuan's face in a moment. "Cousin, what are you doing? I'm with you. They're your enemies. "

"Shut up! If it wasn't for coming to see you, how could I have had an accident? Besides, how can you live and I die? "

Cao Xin looks gloomy, staring at He Feng and others, "all of you, put down your guns, or I will kill him immediately and let him bury me, and the Wang family will be extinct."

"Cao Xin, don't mess with me..." Cao Zhiyan yelled. At the same time, he said to Wang Xiangyun, "yunyun, please persuade he Feng to save Wang Xuan's life."

Wang Xiangyun also frowned, but she did not speak.

At this time, he Feng is not simply let Wang Xuan go. The matter is quite complicated. She decides to let he Feng make her own decision.

If Wang Xuan really has an accident, then

I really want to be with him in the future. I'll have two more boys with him.

"Well, you cao people like to toss. In the end, the results are not all the same. " He Feng shook his head and looked at Cao Xin coldly.

Hearing the speech, Cao Xin couldn't help but clap.


The next moment, a pain in the back of his head, in front of the moment became a blur.

The consciousness dissipates!


The sword fell to the ground and Cao Xin's body fell to the ground.


Another shot rang out, and Cao Rui, with a frightened face, also fell to the ground.

"Wang Xuan, are you ok?"

Cao Zhiyan hurried to Wang Xuan and asked with concern.

As for Cao Xin and Cao Rui, she doesn't care now.

"Mom, I'm fine." Wang Xuan shook his head, but his face was extremely pale.

"That's good, that's good." Cao Zhiyan was relieved. Then she looked at Cao Xin and Cao Rui lying in the pool of blood, with a touch of worry and hatred in her eyes.

I'm afraid only she knows whether this hatred is against Cao Xin or others.

In this regard, he Feng did not pay attention.

His eyes have already fallen on the people of the rice family.

Before speaking, midonglong's face was pale, and his lips were trembling.

"If I am right, just outside the Liuyue club, there should be no one from your family, right?"

Under the despairing and begging eyes of the rice family, he Feng inquires lightly.

"Yes, Mr. He, our family was threatened and oppressed by Xu Yuanjie and had to join his team. But I can assure Mr. He that no matter in Nanjin city or Jiangbin City, no one in our family has ever hurt any of his relatives and friends. "

He Feng's voice just fell, midonglong eyes not from a bright, hastily said.

Although he Feng did not say to let them go, but even if there is a little hope, Midong long do not want to let them go.

"Are you sure you didn't lie to me? If I find out that you have lied, I will not let go of any of you, including all the people behind your family, old and weak women and children. " He Feng said coldly.

"I swear that if one of us in the rice family moves his hand today and hurts any of his relatives and friends, all of us in the rice family will die." Midong long road.

"Well, I'll trust you for a while and give you a chance to live." Hefeng road.

"Thank you, Mr. He!" Midonglong said happily.

He Feng continued: "how many people have you come here?"

Midong long looked around all the people of the rice family, counted them and said, "Mr. He, there are seven people in our rice family today."

In addition to MI Donglong, MI Dongyu, and Mi Jiaqi, there are four other people, two of them are gunners, and the other two are the strong men of MI family, one is in the later stage of MI family, and the other is in the middle stage of MI family.

These people, of course, are not all the dark strong men of the rice family.

"Seven, right? Do you have a problem with 10 billion people? " He Feng said coldly.

"Ten billion for one person, Mr. He, this..."

Midong dragon's face slightly changed. He said in a dilemma: "although our Mi family has a lot of assets, and its total assets have exceeded 70 billion yuan, we have used a lot in Junlin Hotel some time ago. At present, even if we take out all the working capital of the MI family, I estimate it will be more than 10 billion yuan."

"Just over 10 billion?"

Smell speech, he Feng eyebrow not from wrinkle.

Is the rice family too poor?

However, for the rice family, he Feng did not intend to destroy it.

So he thought about it and said, "since you can't afford enough money to buy your life, I'll give you another choice now. You rice family, submit to me, so I can let you continue to survive. Otherwise, not only you, but also the whole rice family, I will get rid of them. "

As soon as he Feng says this, Mahong and the war maniac look at each other. They both have some doubts. They don't understand why he Feng, who was decisive on the sofa before, suddenly feels soft to the rice family.

It seems that the rice family is of little value to him, isn't it?

After all, he Feng is a great master!

As long as he is willing, he can immediately set up a higher ancient martial arts family, and countless dark strength level scattered martial arts practitioners will come to take refuge in him.

If so, why accept the rice family?

To this, he Feng did not go to explain, he has his idea.

Today, the guwu circle in Nanjin city has lost a large number of powerful people. If mi Donglong and other people have another accident, the guwu circle in Nanjin city will become chaotic and turbulent.

He Feng has shown great strength today, which will certainly attract the attention of some relevant departments. If he makes a move, the ancient martial arts world of a city will become chaotic. Those departments are bound to make a thorough investigation on him, even the he family may not be able to suppress him.

Therefore, he Feng plans to stay in the MI family, let the MI family on his behalf to stabilize the situation of the ancient military circles in Nanjin city.

In this way, together with the explanation of the he family, the relevant departments of China should not be too difficult for him. At most, from now on, he Feng will come into the sight of some departments of China and be paid a little attention to by them.

"Big brother, do you have any problem with Mr. He

Midonglong looked at midongyu and asked, looking rather worried.

He knew too much about his big brother's temperament for fear that MI Dongyu would refuse.

"Potential is stronger than others. What else can I say? What's more, Mr. He Feng's accomplishments have already entered the stage of transformation since he was young, and his future achievements are limitless. If we follow him, the future may be brighter. But I hope Mr. He Feng doesn't regard our rice family as cannon fodder or chess pieces. " Mi Dongyu said.

"Mr. He Feng..." when mi Donglong heard the speech, he Feng looked at it.

"Don't worry, as long as the rice family doesn't do anything harmful to me, I guarantee that your rice family will only become stronger and stronger." He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "of course, if the rice family does something bad to me, then the rice family is not just destroyed."

"Don't worry, Mr. He Feng. I swear that I will never do anything against him."

Midonglong bowed to He Feng for the first time and said, "see Mr. He Feng!"

Mi Dongyu and other Mi family members also lowered their heads to He Feng.

Mi Jia Qi also stood up, complexion complex low head.

"Those who know current affairs are heroes. I believe you will not regret today's choice."

He Feng said lightly, then looked at Mi Dongyu and asked, "is mi Xinghua your son?"

Mi Xinghua and Mi Dongyu are similar in appearance and temperament, so he Feng is more curious about Mi Dongyu.

"Yes Mi Dongyu nodded.

"Mi Xinghua has been well trained by you, and your cultivation should not be weak, right?" He Feng asked.

"I'm nearly 60 years old now. I'm just at the top of my strength. I'm far behind Mr. He Feng." Mi Dongyu said calmly.

"You are not far behind me. You will be far behind your son Mi Xinghua. His future achievements will certainly be much higher than you."

He Feng inquired: "what about Mi Xinghua? Why didn't you come today? "


Mi Xingyu hesitated and immediately said: "two days ago, Hua Wenyuan contacted our Mi family and asked our Mi family to deal with Mr. He Feng. Xinghua didn't know why, so she suddenly chose to leave the MI family and go to the north to learn from him. Before leaving, he reminded us not to hurt any of his relatives and friends, including the Wang family and the Ling family

"Oh? Did he remind you? "

Smell speech, he Feng vision micro movement, this rice Star China how can suddenly say these words?

He doesn't seem to know his strength at all, does he?

Can he be a prophet?

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