"Can you get in touch with him?"

He Feng inquires, he is really a little curious.

"I'm sorry, Mr. He. When Xinghua left, he told us directly that when he settled down, he would take the initiative to contact us." Mi Xingyu said.

He also had some doubts in his heart, and he Feng didn't understand why he was suddenly interested in MI Xinghua.

"OK, if he contacts you later, you can tell me."

He Feng casually said: "in addition, wait a moment you rice family these people don't go, I have something to talk with you alone."

"Yes Mi Xinghua nodded and said nothing more.

He Feng said to Ma Hong: "staff Ma, since the matter here has been solved, you can contact the blockade."

"All right!"

Mahong immediately took out his walkie talkie and gave the order.

As for Ji Xinyu, let Ji Gang arrange someone to clean the site.

"What's your name?"

He Feng's eyes looked back at the middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man and a group of people in black he brought with him are all killers trained by crocodiles. They arrived in Jiangbin city last night, but they didn't go to the hospital to find he Feng. Today, at the Liuyue club, he Feng took the initiative to contact him and asked him to bring some people to hide around the Liuyue club.

Each of these people's accomplishments has reached the level of the top of the dark power, and their fighting power is far beyond the ordinary top of the dark power. They all come out of the dead.

"Your honor, my name is hu er." Said the middle-aged man.

"OK, you can take people out first, and then you will stay in Liuyue club." Hefeng road.


Hu er took a group of people into the moon club.

"Daughter in law, Xinyu, let's all go first." He Feng looks at Wang Xiangyun and others.


Immediately, they all entered the Liuyue club.

After returning to Liuyue club, he Feng comes to a training room alone, and asks hu er to bring Xu Yuanjie, who is in a coma.

"Mr. He!"

Hu er throws Xu Yuanjie on the ground and takes out two porcelain vases at the same time. "These are pills found from Xu Yuanjie, but they are all ordinary Xuanyuan pills. The Shenxue pills he took before are gone."

Hu'er is a confidant next to the crocodile. The crocodile tells hu'er that he Feng must be treated more respectfully than his crocodile.

For any words of the crocodile, suddenly ears are obedient, plus just arrived in Jiangbin city soon, saw he Feng's terrorist fighting capacity, to He Feng is naturally from the heart of respect.

"No? Well, forget it

He Feng quite some regrets, but also expected.

Now he remembers that the elixir used by Xu Yuanjie is Shenxue Dan. He Feng hasn't used it before. It's not until Huisheng breaks through Huajin that Huisheng refines a similar elixir, but the level and effect are higher than Shenxue Dan, so he Feng is quite strange to Shenxue Dan.

"Did you bring down the body from the attic? Did you confirm his identity? " He Feng asked.

"It has been confirmed that the dead man's name is Zhou Wenyuan. He is a worshiper of the Qian family. It is said that he has just broken through to Huajin, but his skill of shooting is more powerful. His skill of shooting broke through to the master level many years ago, nicknamed eagle eye. There are more than five masters who died under his gun these years." Hu Erhui reports.

"Qian family..."

He Feng nodded and said: "next, there may be strong people above Huajin peeping into Liuyue club. You should say hello to your brothers and let them give me 12 points of spirit. Don't mention Huajin. Even if it's a myth, you can't let him walk into Liuyue club. Do you understand?"


Suddenly, his face changed slightly. "Mr. He, what if there is a mythical strong man coming?"

Master Hua Jin, if it's just in the early and middle stages of Hua Jin, they don't have too many people. Suddenly, they don't pay much attention to it.

But if they were the masters of Huajin in the later period or the peak of Huajin, suddenly they would be very hard to deal with.

As for myth

Although hu er had never seen it, he had heard of crocodiles. They could be wiped out at will.

There is a huge gap between the peak of dark strength and the level of Hua strength.

Huajin and mythology are different from each other.

"Don't worry, I'll say casually that there won't be any mythical strongmen in China. Even if there are, all of them can't come out of the seclusion. If they really walk in the secular world, they will surely die

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