"Of course, is it difficult to keep them to deal with the people around me?"

He Feng sneered and said.

For him, today's event is just a small accident, and an appetizer for him to show his tusks in China.

It was only when Zhang's family and Si's family were destroyed that they could be regarded as the main drama.

"All right!"

Seeing that he Feng couldn't be persuaded, old man he stopped persuading him. He just said, "I can press down your actions today with one or two words. Long Ya won't pay too much attention to you. But if you immediately and high-profile to destroy the Zhang family and the Si family, it will not only cause Longya's high attention, even the most elite organizations in China will investigate you. At that time, I'm afraid it's hard to hide your true identity. And once you let the country know your real identity, I think it will be very difficult for you to stay in China. "

He Feng naturally thought of what old man he said.

If he makes a big move in China, the relevant departments will definitely investigate his identity clearly, and even many forces in the underground world abroad will notice his existence.

At that time, the state of China will be in turmoil.

This kind of turbulence is by no means what the country wants to see.

It can be said that once he Feng's identity is revealed, the myths hidden in the kingdom of China are bound to come forward and forcibly expel He Feng from the kingdom of China.

"I can't manage these things now. I will destroy the Zhang family and the Si family. Otherwise, others will only think that I am a bully. " He Feng narrowed his eyes.

As for what will happen in the future, when it happens, he is not a person who likes looking forward and backward. Since he has decided to do it, he will not stop easily.

"Well, since you've made up your mind, I won't stop you. But can you give me two or three days, and I'll try to keep it down. "

"Yes, I'll let them live a few more days!"

"One last thing, I think I need to remind you."

Old man he said, "I heard that there seem to be a lot of women around you now. Don't delay your cultivation. If your strength is strong enough, as long as you don't endanger the interests of the people of the country and the eight sects, I think even if the relevant departments want to expel you from China, they don't have that ability. "

Hearing this, he Feng was a little bit interested, "what you said is strong enough, how strong is it?"


Old man he gave a little thought and then said, "you're only thirty-six in tianbang now, aren't you?"

"..." He Feng wanted to ask why he added the word "talent".

"Well, after breaking through the true Qi, Tianji Pavilion directly put me in the thirty-six."

"If you can make it to the top 20, that's about it."

"OK, I see."

He Feng secretly wrote it down. Looking back, he himself tried to find a way to investigate the information of tianbang people to see what strength he might have in order to enter the top 20.

He Feng asked: "there is one thing I want to ask you. Is there any relationship between my daughter-in-law Wang Xiangyun and the ancient people?"

"Why, do you know that Wang Xiangyun has something to do with the ancient people?"

Old man he was a little surprised. "Did Wang Xiangyun tell you that?"

"She didn't tell me, but one of her servants told me briefly. By the way, her servant's surname is Zhan. She looks like she's about fifty years old. Her accomplishments have reached the level of strength. "

"Zhan? Ha ha, it seems that she is also a member of the Zhan nationality. "

"Zhan? Is it an ancient clan? "

"Yes, the Zhan nationality is one of many ancient nationalities."

Old man he said: "since she has mentioned it to you, I will tell you in detail. How much do you know about the concept of ancient race? "

He Feng touched his nose. "The power of the kingdom of China is relatively secret. Except for various departments of the state, I am only familiar with the four royal families. As for the ancient people, I have only heard about them occasionally, but I don't know much about them. "

"Well, the ancient clan, like zongmen, are the most secret forces in China.

They may not be as powerful as the sect, but because of their long tradition and extremely exclusive, they are much more mysterious than the major sects.

Even I don't know how many ancient tribes there are in the world and where they live.

But I know more or less about the Zhan people. "

Old man he said: "the Zhan family has been handed down for more than 1000 years. It is said that there was once a powerful guwu family. At the most glorious time, there was a double-digit myth at the same time."

"Double digit? More than ten? "

He Feng exclaimed.

In this world, any mythical strong man can be regarded as the top person in the world. When some small countries have their own opinions, they will treat them respectfully.

Even in some small countries, the mythical strong can become the sea god needle of this country, because they don't even have super bombs.

"Yes, more than ten."

Old man he said: "as for now, no one knows whether the Zhan people are declining or still brilliant. But one thing I'm sure is that the Zhan people still have a myth to live in. "


He Feng is silent, but it's reasonable. After all, there were ten myths when people were at their most brilliant time. The life span of the mythical strong people is usually about 500 years old. Nowadays, there are myths that survive, which is very normal.

"What's the relationship between the Zhan people and my daughter-in-law?" He Feng asked directly.

Old man he didn't answer what he Feng said. Instead, he asked: "I have a question for you first. Can Wang Xiangyun practice now?"

He Feng said directly: "yes, some time ago, I helped her gather inner strength and gave her a lot of Dan medicine cultivation. Her cultivation reached the middle stage of Mingjin."

"Blood has not awakened, has it?"


He Feng frowned and said, "where did she come from

"I don't know. I don't know if she will wake up. But one thing I can tell you is that her mother has awakened her blood, and it's higher blood. " He said.


He Feng smell speech, not from open mouth, a face surprised.

Among the ancient martial arts, those who can awaken their blood are all the most talented.

But these blood, in fact, there are high and low levels.

Blood level from low to high, respectively, is low, medium, high, as well as the legendary King level blood.

Generally speaking, the earlier the blood awakens, the lower the level will be. For example, the martial arts awaken their blood when they are aware of strength, which is basically low blood. The blood awakened when they are dark is mostly medium blood, and the blood awakened when they are strong is higher blood.

And the blood awakened by the true Qi state is 100% King level blood.

In fact, the awakening of blood has nothing to do with talent. It's like heaven's gift to the ancient warrior. It mainly depends on luck.

For example, some gifted people are not strong until they are 60 or 70 years old, and then they wake up to a medium or high blood when they eat and drink.

Another example is that some talented people reach the true Qi State in their twenties, and they don't even awaken their lower blood.

Wang level blood, he Feng has not heard of who awakened.

But one thing he knows very well is that people who have basically awakened their higher blood can easily enter the realm of true Qi even if they practice casually every day.

It's just like the individual who read novels in the evening class in the school can be among the best in the exam.

Unexpectedly, his cheap mother-in-law was the lucky one who was taken care of by God.

"The Zhan nationality is one of the ancient nationalities. Your mother-in-law is a member of the Zhan nationality. However, although she has awakened her higher blood, she is a hard-working person Old man he sighed.

"Hard life?"


Old man he said slowly: "this matter will start more than 20 years ago. At that time, although her cultivation had reached the level of strength, she had not yet awakened her blood. Maybe she was not very valued, so she was sent out to perform some tasks. At that time, she came to Nanjin City alone, but because of her beautiful appearance, she attracted the attention of villains and drugged her food. "

"She ate it?"

"She didn't break through to the true Qi. She couldn't feel some colorless and tasteless drugs, so she took them.

However, she happened to meet Wang Tianwen and Wang Qing's father and son at that time, so she was not spoiled by the gangsters.

Unfortunately, at that time, the medicine had already broken out, and Rao Shi Wang Tianwen's cultivation had reached the peak of Huajin, and he could not force the toxin out.

In desperation, Wang Tianwen asked his son Wang Qing to detoxify Zhan Taiyin. "


He Feng opened his mouth, speechless.

However, according to old man he's words, it's really cheap for Wang Qing.

"The toxin is neutralized, but Zhan Taiyin doesn't want to go back to the Zhan family because he has been robbed.

But Wang Tianwen also has the responsibility, let Wang Qing marry her directly.

However, although Zhan Taiyin married Wang Qing, it may be because she was born in an ancient family and had a cold temper. She seldom took care of Wang Qing except for cultivation.

During this period, she was awakened to the higher blood, and then her cultivation speed was also rapid.

According to Wang Tianwen, when Zhan Taiyin and Wang Qing got married, they turned their initial accomplishments into strength. It took only one year, that is, when she was pregnant with Wang Xiangyun, she broke through to the true state of Qi. "

Hear here, Rao is with He Feng's state of mind, in the eyes all emerged the thick envy hate.

Nima, why do people who awaken their blood become so abnormal in their cultivation?

When does brother Feng wake up?

However, he is now in the state of true Qi. If he awakens his blood, he will be king level blood. The probability is too low.

Huisheng's master and Huisheng said that among the 1000 realms of Qi, it is difficult to find one that can awaken the blood of the king.

And in the whole ancient martial arts world, how many people are strong in real Qi? I don't know if there is a thousand He Feng!

Old man he continued: "during Wang Xiangyun's pregnancy, Wang Tianwen died because of one thing. Wang Qingcheng was the head of the Wang family. Jiang Hongmei, Wang Xiangyun's grandmother, did not stay at the Wang family because she was too sad. During this period, Wang Qing could not bear this kind of life and fell in love with another woman because of Zhan Taiyin's cold personality and pregnancy, and Wang Tianwen didn't allow him to take concubines. That woman is his present wife, Cao Zhiyan. "

"My mother-in-law has broken through to the state of true Qi. Does Wang Qing dare to come here?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that although Zhan Taiyin awakened his blood, his cultivation was powerful. But only Wang Tianwen knows about these things. Wang Qing doesn't know about them at all. All he has been thinking about is that Zhan Taiyin is an ordinary person. "

"Well, when I didn't ask."

"Because of Wang Tianwen's death and Jiang Hongmei's absence from the Wang family for a long time, Wang Qing's prestige in the Wang family is getting higher and higher, and almost no one will disobey him.

So Wang Qing brought Cao Zhiyan back to the Wang family. Zhan Taiyin didn't say anything after learning about it. He left the Wang family with her maid. At that time, Wang Xiangyun was just born.

Wang Qing saw that Zhan Taiyin didn't have a son. In his eyes, Zhan Taiyin was just an ordinary person with no background. There was no comparison with the Cao family who was about to become a middle-class ancient martial family at that time. Cao Zhiyan was the daughter of the Cao family leader, because Wang Qingquan didn't persuade him, and Jiang Hongmei was not there, so there was no one to persuade him.

Those people in the Wang family are very realistic. They watched Zhan Taiyin leave the Wang family


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