"After Grandma Wang Xiangyun returned to the Wang family, did she get angry?" He Feng asks curiously.

"What about fury? Zhan Taiyin has left the Wang family. How determined is the strong man's will? She doesn't even persuade him. She just apologizes to Zhan Taiyin and often takes care of Zhan Taiyin and Wang Xiangyun's mother and daughter. However, at that time, Zhan Taiyin's maid also came. Zhan Taiyin had a leisurely life. Slowly, she began to enjoy this peaceful life. Unfortunately, this calm did not last long and was soon broken. "

Old man he sighed: "because Zhan Taiyin didn't return to the Zhan nationality for a long time, the people of the Zhan nationality sent people to Nanjin city to investigate. They soon found the Wang family and found Zhan Taiyin.

When they learned that Zhan Taiyin had married an ordinary man and had a child, they were very angry and prepared to kill Zhan Taiyin's husband and daughter to protect the face of the ancient people.

But at that time, Zhan Taiyin was a myth and legend of a generation, not just an ordinary ancient people.

If Zhan only killed Wang Qing, Zhan Taiyin might not care.

But her daughter, Wang Xiangyun, is desperate to protect her.

As a result, a big war broke out between the two sides.

In that battle, the Zhan clan also sent out many experts, including three myths and legends, and the two sides also played a real fire.

But Zhan Taiyin is weak after all. He has a lonely family. Even if he struggles to death, he can't defeat the other three.

Finally, she launched a taboo move, issued a reckless strike, only to kill one person, seriously injured one person, the other only slightly injured.

At that time, Zhan Taiyin had run out of oil, the lamp was dry, the meridians were damaged, and he could not stand up. "


Hear here, he Feng to this never masked mother-in-law, in the heart gave birth to a wave of respect.

As a mother, she really did her duty as a mother and did very well.

"Then what happened?"

He Feng felt a little nervous.

"Fortunately, the chieftain of the Zhan nationality came here in person. The chieftain of the Zhan nationality was actually the father of Zhan Taiyin. He may be because of Zhan Taiyin's talent. He didn't kill all of them. He just brought Zhan Taiyin back to the Zhan family. But Zhan Taiyin's physical condition at that time, and the probability of survival, I'm afraid, was less than one percent. "


He Feng is slightly silent.

If the real Qi state is strong, it will burn vitality, and the power is huge.

But it's too difficult to survive the attack.

"Why didn't the Zhan people take my daughter-in-law back?"

He Feng asked subconsciously.

"Chi, it's very kind of the Zhan people to forgive Zhan Taiyin and bring Zhan Taiyin back to them. As for Wang Xiangyun, it's the blood of Zhan Taiyin and people in the secular world. How can the Zhan people admit her existence? If Wang Xiangyun is brought back to the Zhan people, will it not make people laugh once the news gets out? " Old man he sneered, as if disdaining the custom of the Zhan people.

"All right!"

He Feng thought about it and asked, "by the way, there's one more thing I want to ask you. A few days ago, Wang Xiangyun suddenly told me that if she really came together with me, it would not be good or even dangerous. What's the matter?"

"Wang Xiangyun told you about it? It seems that the relationship between you two has taken a big step forward. "

"You don't talk nonsense, brother Feng. I'm a man walking through the flowers. It's only a matter of time before I win Wang Xiangyun."

"Ha ha ha!"

Old man he began to laugh.

He Feng's face suddenly turned black, "what do you mean, old man? Do you look down on brother Feng? "

"No, I can't look down on my grandson. I don't look down on myself."

Old man he said, "I'd better continue to get down to business with you. The reason why Wang Xiangyun said that if you really come together with her, there will be danger. That's because before Zhan clan leader left with Zhan Taiyin, he warned Jiang Hongmei that Wang Xiangyun was not allowed to go together with any man without Zhan's permission."

"What do you mean?" He Feng frowned and didn't understand why the Zhan people did it for a moment.

"It's very simple. It's the face of the ancient people."

He Laotou said: "Wang Xiangyun's body is more or less full of the blood of the Zhan nationality. In the future, her children, or her children's children, have a certain probability of awakening the blood of the Zhan nationality. If a person with a different surname wakes up the blood of the Zhan people, it's a slap in the face. Therefore, the Zhan people do not allow Wang Xiangyun to marry other people. "


He Feng mouth corner ruthlessly a draw, "that you still force me to return to China country to marry with Wang Xiangyun?"? What's more, you want me to have a baby with her. Do you want to kill me with Zhan's hand? "

"What are you mumbling about? Laozi, who am I? " Old man he scolded angrily, "you're a dog biting LV Dongbin. You don't know a good heart. I asked you to marry Wang Xiangyun because I thought that the child you gave birth to with her might awaken her blood in the future. You even wonder if I want to kill you with the help of the Zhan people. Is there something wrong with your mind? "

"Well, what if the Zhan people come to trouble? There should be more than one or two realms in the Zhan clan, right? If they join hands with three strong men in real mood to deal with me, wouldn't I be heroic with my mother-in-law? I don't want history to repeat itself. " He Feng depressed said.

Although he still has monkeys, a group of powerful brothers, they are all far away from overseas. If Zhan people suddenly come to several realms to kill him, no matter how strong the monkeys are, water can't save the near fire.

"Don't worry, this history will not repeat itself."

Old man he said with a faint smile: "the reason why your mother-in-law was defeated by the Zhan family was that she was alone and no one could help him. But you, he Feng, are not alone. You, you are he family's son, he Fengyun's son. If the Zhan people want to deal with you, they have to ask if the he family agrees. "

"Well! It's very warm to hear that, but isn't he family just a dozen masters of Huajin? Can any myth destroy the he family? "

He Feng pie pie pie mouth to say, a face of disdain.

"Who told you that there are only ten great masters in the he family?" Old man he asked.

"Isn't it? Are not all the four royal families more than a dozen great masters of Huajin? " Hefeng road.

"Ha ha, it seems that your understanding of the four royal families is limited to the spread of the outside world. Yes, you have just broken through the myth. You don't know much about the myth level. "

He old man light smile, didn't say much, "four big royal family in the end how strong, I won't tell you in detail now, later you will slowly contact.". But you don't have to worry about the Zhan people. If you can have a baby with a handle with Wang Xiangyun, even if the chieftain of the Zhan people comes to destroy you, I can find a way to help you resist. "

He Feng is curious about the strength of he's family.

It seems that I greatly underestimated the four royal families.


He old man said, but let he Feng heart a restless.

I really should try my best to start making baby with Wang Xiangyun as soon as possible.

Wang Xiangyun was afraid to come with him because she was afraid of the Zhan nationality. But now old man he says that the Ju nationality of the Zhan nationality doesn't care if they come. What's there to be afraid of?

"OK, I'll hang up here. Maybe this afternoon, someone will come to you to get song Yan's body."

He said and hung up.

Across the phone, old man he is drinking tea in his yard.

After putting down his cell phone, old man he poured a cup of the best Longjing that the Lord of China had no chance to drink. Then he put down his cup and walked forward.

After two steps, he looked back at the teapot on the eye table, and his eyes were a little reluctant. Then he turned and walked back, picked up the teapot and a teacup, and walked towards the deep of the house.

"Such a good tea can't be wasted because one pot is less than the other."

Old man he murmured and walked slowly, pouring tea while walking, with a leisurely look on his face.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he came to a simple house and knocked on the door.


A moment later, the door was opened by an old man with white hair.

"Master!" When the old man saw him, he bowed respectfully.

"Oh, Lao Ke is not bad. I haven't seen you for more than a year. Your breath is more and more mellow, and you are about to integrate with heaven and earth. It seems that you have already integrated heaven and man, and it's not far to understand the power of heaven and earth."

Old man he's eyes looked around the old man and said with a smile.

"It's all thanks to the second master's advice, otherwise I'm not qualified to step into the real Qi state." The old man said without a word.

"Second, can he instruct others to practice? Not bad. It seems that his temper has improved a lot now? " Old man he asked.

The old man looked back at the house behind him. After thinking about it, he said weakly: "I think the second master's temper has always been very good!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" He old man laughed, "forget it, you go to call him out, I have something to look for him."

"All right!"

The old man nodded and wanted to turn around.


At this time, the door of the house behind opened automatically, and a huge shadow appeared in front of old man he in the blink of an eye.

The speed of the shadow was very fast, but the air was very quiet, even a little wind could not be heard.

"Lao Ke, you have done well. I'll give you some advice later."

This shadow is a tall middle-aged man, two meters tall, extremely strong, full of Qiu knot strong muscles, the whole person looks like an iron tower, and the body does not need to deliberately, naturally will send out the high morale of war, making him like a god of war, people dare not look directly at him.

"Thank you

The smile on Lao Ke's face made him sweat in his heart.

Fortunately, I didn't speak ill of the second master just now. Otherwise, the second master would not instruct me to practice, but to teach me martial arts.

"Well, go ahead. I'll have a chat with my father."

Said the middle-aged man.

"All right!"

Old Ke retreated respectfully.

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