"Dad, why did you come to me all of a sudden? By the way, how are you doing? I haven't seen him for more than a year, and I don't know if there is any breakthrough in his cultivation. " He Bayun asked.

"I haven't seen him for more than a year. I don't know if he has made a breakthrough. However, if you fight with him, he will certainly be able to solve you in three moves. " He old man says without leaving a face.

"Well, the boss is really good. I'm not as good as him."

He Bayun curled his lips and said: "however, although the eldest is powerful, he is much worse than the third. The third one in those years... "

"Let's not talk about what happened before third year."

"But sometimes, I can't help but miss the days when I was with my third brother."

He Bayun bit his lip and said, "I was impulsive and irritable in those days, and I often made trouble outside. In order to help me solve these problems, the third brother had a lot of fights with people. But when something happened to their family, I could only watch it

Thinking about that year, he Bayun's eyes are red.

He Bayun always remembers the things before, and dare not forget them.

He Fengyun for him, when he was still at the peak of Mingjin, he fought with dark Jin.

At the peak of dark strength, I played with Huajin.

Hua Jin, because of his impulsive personality, can't bear to see a Lin family son bullying a good family woman, he broke each other's hand.

To this end, he Fengyun fights alone against the five powerful people in the Lin family, and finally he Bayun is saved with serious injury, until the he family experts feel sad.

But when he Fengyun's family had an accident, he Bayun couldn't help at all.

Little nephew He Feng was sent away, he can do nothing.

His sister-in-law was nearly killed, and there was nothing he could do.

He Fengyun is facing the encirclement and killing of more than a dozen mythical strongmen, fighting with blood

There's nothing he can do!

On that day, he Bayun, a strong man more than two meters tall, knelt down and cried bitterly, shouting that he was "useless" and "incompetent.".

For this reason, he has been practicing day and night for more than 20 years. In the past 20 years, he has never taken another step out of the he family. For more than 20 years, he has never missed his third brother

"For Lao San, you are not the only one who feels guilty. Our whole he family owes him. When he was gifted, in order to help our he family fight for enough cultivation resources, he went all over the world and even entered the sect and the Jedi. But he's in danger, but there's nothing we can do about him.... "

Old man he sighed heavily and immediately laughed, "fortunately, God has given us a chance to make up for the third one."

"The chance to make up for the third? What's the chance? " He Bayun raised his head, red eyes staring at old man he.

"You've been closed for more than a year, and you've never come out. There's one thing you don't know, he Feng. I found it." Old man he said with a smile.

"He Feng? The one who often poops and pees on me? "

He Bayun immediately got excited, quickly grabbed old man he's hand and asked, "Dad, is this true? Are you sure you found it? You didn't lie to me? "

"Well, I didn't cheat you. Not only did I find it, but I already sent him to China about three months ago and arranged a marriage for him to get married." He laotoudao.

"What? I came to China three months ago? "

He Bayun yelled, "why didn't you tell me earlier? What's more, he's married? Did you have a banquet, a grand wedding? Do you want the Lord of China to be the witness? No, the Lord is a little worse. We have to invite one of the eight sects to be his witness. "

"You'd better not get excited. He Feng is not an ordinary man. Once his wedding is held, even if we he family don't help, it will attract the attention of the whole world." He said.

"Well? Not ordinary people? "

He Bayun immediately said curiously: "Dad, tell me quickly, why is he not an ordinary person? Has he become a warrior, and is he still a more powerful warrior? "

"Ha ha, that boy's story is rich. It's not much worse than the old three. I don't have much time to tell you. However, Lao Si is also familiar with him. You can go to Nanjin city to find Lao Si and let him tell you his story slowly. By the way, you and old four go to find Xiao Feng. There is something wrong with Jiangbin, where he lives. "

In addition, don't stay too long in Jiangbin city. If you go today, you have to come back today. Because then you have an important thing to deal with. "

"What's more important than Xiao Feng now? Dad, since the third brother's cub is back, you can let me accompany him more. By the way, I'll give him some advice on his cultivation. "

"Don't give me any advice. His talent is not weaker than your third brother. You'd better work harder, or you will be surpassed by this little guy soon."

"Damn it, you're such a pervert? Did the third brother send this little fellow to a certain clan in those years? "

"Into the clan gate..."

Old man he shook his head and didn't say much, "about Xiao Feng, I'll tell you later. What I asked you to do has something to do with Xiao Feng. His identity is more sensitive in China. Now the state departments still don't know his identity, but if these departments know, they may expel Xiao Feng from China. "

Wen Yan, he Bayun also realized that he Feng's identity must be quite sensitive.

He didn't ask the identity of He Feng, just asked: "Dad, just say it directly, what do you want me to do?"

He old man narrowed his eyes, "it's very simple, since these departments know Xiao Feng's identity, they will expel Xiao Feng from China. Well, let's take charge of these departments. "

"Well! No problem. You can prepare a document for me and tell me how to do it later. "

"Well, our he family has been keeping a low profile for so many years. People who don't know the situation may think that our he family is in decline. At that time, our he family couldn't do anything about Lao San. Now, Lao San's cub is in trouble. We he jiadang fight for him. We can't go to the theatre as we used to

He old man said: "you hurry to Nanjin City, Xiao Feng that smelly boy is in a hurry to make a big move, we have to seize some time."

"Big move? What's the big move? "

"Why do you ask so many questions? When you see him, you will know."

"Well, well, I'll go now!"

He Bayun's voice fell, and he wanted to fly away.


However, as soon as his feet were off the ground, old man he slapped him and flew him to the ground. "This is Yanjing. How dare you fly to the sky? Are you not afraid of provoking the old monster of the military headquarters? Although we he's going to make big moves, we should keep a low profile. Do you know what a low profile means? "


He Bayun looks depressed. He is so strong that he doesn't expect to fight back in front of the old man.

It seems that the old man is the most secret of the he family. I'm afraid that only the third man of that year can really be better than the blue?


The moon club.

"Old man he is so interested in Song Yan's corpse that he is going to ask someone to come and take it away today?"

He Feng pondered for a while and went out of the training room. He was ready to go to a place to have a look.

"He Feng, have you dealt with the matter?"

Just came to the living room, he Feng saw Wang Xiangyun, Ji Xinyu and other women sitting here, while Ma Hong and Zhan Kuang went to deal with the aftermath.

Today, there's a lot of noise here. It's the evacuation of the people, the blockade of a large area, and the sound of gunfire. Naturally, people are very curious. Even some gossip media people are wantonly reporting on the Internet. Mahong and they naturally want to solve these problems, so as not to bring trouble to He Feng.

"Well, it's almost done."

He Feng nodded, looked at Ji Xinyu and said: "Xinyu, today you show the strength of the master to be. I'm afraid things will soon spread to Ji's family. You have to urge Xiaogang to practice and let him improve his strength earlier, so that Ji's family won't run away."

Ji Xinyu said: "Ji's family is big, they can't run away. Moreover, I arranged a lot of Eyeliner near Ji's home, even inside the Ji family, there were several of my people. Once Ji Ji had what big moves, I would get the news at the first time. As for Xiao Gang, we don't need to urge him. He saw several rounds of master level battles today, and he was obviously stimulated. Now he has gone to the closed door to practice. He says that he will never go out of the pass until he reaches the peak of dark strength. "

"Well, with his talent, it won't take long to reach the peak of dark strength."

Ji Xinyu wakes up her blood, and her cultivation speed is far faster than that of ordinary people. As long as the resources are enough, I'm afraid that in ten or twenty days at most, the cultivation can be promoted from the initial stage of dark strength to the peak of dark strength.

Only when you understand the mystery of micro, you will get stuck for a period of time, but not for a long time, about a year at most.

A year seems like a long time, but among the ten top dark energy players, at most one has the hope to understand the subtlety and step into Huajin. Most of them will be stuck in this realm all their lives.

"Well, when Xiao Gang reaches the peak of dark strength, we'll go to Ji's house." Ji Xinyu nods heavily. She has been waiting too long for this day.

He Feng also said to the women, "in addition, don't leave the Liuyue club for the time being. I'm afraid there will be danger outside."

"And the danger? Haven't they all been solved by Xu Yuanjie? "

"Yes, song Yan has also been abandoned by you. What's the danger?"

"Is there a master in Qian family?"

He Feng's words, Wang Xiangyun and others all frowned.

"It's not Xu Yuanjie. It's behind song Yan. There should be experts."

Speaking of this, he Feng added, "it's a real master, not even a Qian family."

He did not directly say that there may be myths behind song Yan, so that Wang Xiangyun would not worry too much about them.

After all, for the ancient warriors in this world, myth is the top group of people, just like the martial arts experts in the eyes of ordinary people, who can easily wipe them out.

"And now what?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"I have no clue now. I want to go to the place where I dealt with song Yan last time to see if I can find some clues."

"Are you going alone? Or will Yang Qi come with you? "

"Yang Qi, let him stay here. I'll go alone. As long as it's not a myth, I won't be in any danger. "

"If the myth doesn't appear, you won't be in danger?"

Wang Xiangyun asked, "are you really invincible?"

"Of course, don't you see my fighting power today? It's easy to put out Hua Jin. " He Feng's proud way.

"In that case, I'll go with you." Wang Xiangyun said.

"Isn't that good? If you are in danger... "

"You are invincible. If the enemy is Hua Jin, what danger can you have? But if the enemy is a myth, you may not be able to escape, but the people around you may be able to help you think of a way to escape. After all, more people means more hope. "

"Well, then you can come with me."

He Feng helplessly shook his head, did not refuse.

He knew that Wang Xiangyun was worried about him from the bottom of his heart. If he refused, this girl would be angry.

Moreover, he just guessed that there might be a myth behind song Yan, and whether it is a myth is still uncertain.

Besides, what about myths? With He Feng's current strength, as long as it's not a particularly powerful myth, he won't pay attention to it. After all, he is also the top man in the underground world.

In addition, he Feng also wants to talk to Wang Xiangyun about the Zhan people.

"Brother Xiaofeng, aunt yuan just called me." At this time, when Ling Weiyu saw that he Feng was going to leave, he suddenly thought of something and said, "she said that ah Huang has been lying on the ground motionless and doesn't eat anything since this morning. I don't know if he is ill. Originally, aunt yuan wanted to send ah Huang to the pet hospital, but she couldn't get him downstairs because he was too big. Moreover, ah Huang's eyes are fierce, and outsiders dare not approach him. "

"OK, I see. I'll go to Xingyuan later." He Feng nodded. He was more concerned about ah Huang's affairs. If something happened to ah Huang, he was not like Dashui brother of Yuanjia village.

"That's fine!" Ling Weiyu was relieved.


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