On a range rover, he Feng drives the off-road vehicle from Ji Xinyu's garage to the riverside road where song Yan's third leg was abandoned last time.

"Yunyun, are you dealing with work?" He Feng looks at Wang Xiangyun, who is looking at his mobile phone.

After leaving the Liuyue club, Wang Xiangyun took out his mobile phone with a face of concentration and seemed to be in a working state.

"Well, there are too many things in the company now. I'll work for a while first."

Wang Xiangyun continued to work on his mobile phone.

"Well, you can work hard. I won't disturb you."

He Feng said, but also really quiet down.

However, although he was quiet on the surface, his eyes would fall on Wang Xiangyun's face from time to time, staring at the woman's cheek.

In the past half an hour, Wang Xiangyun put down his mobile phone, then looked at He Feng and said, "Why are you always staring at me? Is my face that good? "

He Feng immediately nodded, "must be good-looking ah, but in addition to the face, other places are also very good-looking."

Wang Xiangyun face a black, "is a little bit better attitude to you, you will advance?"

"How can you? I'm not telling the truth He Feng grinned: "daughter in law, I called old man he today."

"Old man he?" Wang Xiangyun was stunned, "the old man of he family? Your grandfather? "

He Feng nodded, "Well! I asked him about the ancient people. "

"Do you know the strength of the ancient people now?" Wang Xiangyun stretched out, revealing the sexy curve of the upper circle, "so, you'd better not have any bad ideas on me in the future. You'd better work hard to break through the true Qi as soon as possible. Only when you break through to the mythical realm can we have such a chance to be together. "

It can be seen that Wang Xiangyun's attitude to He Feng is not as cold as it was at the beginning after he Feng's invincible strength.

He Feng said with a smile: "daughter-in-law, I'm a little curious. Why did you say that if we got together, it would bring me danger?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, I love you so much that I have to solve all the factors that prevent us from being together."

"Bah, you naughty radish, even said 'love'. God knows if what you said is true or false." Wang Xiangyun gave he Feng a white look, but his eyes were full of shame. "Now that you know the strength of the ancient people in your grandfather's place, I'll tell you about it. In fact, my mother and I are from an ancient tribe called Zhan. In my body, it is possible to awaken the legendary blood. And the people of the Zhan nationality hate their blood to spread out, because it will make them lose face. "

Speaking of this, Wang Xiangyun gave a slight pause and said with an unnatural look: "once we get together and have a baby, the Zhan people will definitely not let us go. They may clean up the door directly. And I heard from my grandmother that there are myths and legends among the Zhan people. If their myths are used, aren't you dead? "

"The person who forced you to marry me at that time should be grandma, too?"

He Feng asked suspiciously: "since grandma knows we can't have children, why force you to marry me? Isn't that a contradiction? "

Wang Xiangyun shrugged, "I don't know the specific reason. Before I asked her the specific reason, she didn't say, just forced me to go with you to get the license. If she knows that you are invincible at the age of 26, she should have confidence in you. If she thinks you can achieve the myth, she will be able to deal with the Zhan people. If she doesn't know your strength, she should have pure confidence in the he family and believe that the he family can fight against the Zhan family. But this morning, because Xu Yuanjie and others came, she was still worried about you. She may not know your specific strength. "

"Well, then she should believe in the he family."

He Feng said with a smile.

It seems that about his information, the he family did not disclose to Wang Xiangyun's grandmother.

Wang Xiangyun asked in surprise: "you he family is so strong, even myth can deal with?"

"I don't know how strong the he family is, but there should be a way to fight against mythology."

He Feng did not entangle this topic, but continued to ask: "grandma, what else did she say? For example, about my mother-in-law, grandma, did she say anything? "

"About my mother?"

Wang Xiangyun sighed and said: "my mother was a hard-working person. She went to Nanjin city to play at that time. Because she was beautiful, she was watched by villains and drugged her food. Although she was saved by my grandfather, she also took advantage of Wang Qing and became Wang Qing's woman.

But Wang Qing is too fickle. After my grandfather died fighting with others, no one in the Wang family took care of him. He even colluded with Cao Zhiyan and even brought him to the Wang family.

My mother has a strong character. She divorced Wang Qing on the same day and left the Wang family. From then on, she and I depended on each other.

But before long, she fell ill and died.

To his death, Wang Qing didn't go to see my mother and didn't apologize to her.

So I swear, I must strive to get enough social status, I will let him Wang Qing kneel down to my mother's throne to repent, to apologize to my mother and admit his mistake. "

Hearing this, he Feng moved slightly.

He didn't quite understand why Wang Xiangyun forced himself to be a workaholic, so eager to succeed.

Now he finally understood!

But he knew that if Wang Xiangyun continued to be a workaholic, he would not be happy in the end.

"Yunyun, what your grandmother told you about your mother should not be true..."

He Feng thought about it and decided to tell Wang Xiangyun the truth, because Wang Xiangyun has the right to know about it.

"Not really? What do you mean Wang Xiangyun frowned and asked.

"Your mother, she is not an ordinary person. She is a powerful myth He Feng said.

"What did you say? Is my mother a myth

Wang Xiangyun was stunned when he heard this and immediately laughed, "He Feng, are you kidding me? I just made it very clear to you that my mother is just an ordinary person. Wang Qing, that bastard, just because my mother was born in an ordinary family, and she was just an ordinary person, not even an ancient warrior, so she thought that she was easy to bully and was dispensable to the Wang family, so she abandoned her directly. Now you tell me that my mother is not only an ancient warrior, but also a legend. Do you think it's possible? If she was a myth, would Wang Qing abandon her? He doesn't dare to borrow Wang Qing's courage. "

"The reason is very simple. Although Wang Qing is your father and spent a lot of time with your mother, he didn't know that your mother was a myth all the time."

"Wang Qing doesn't know?"

"Yes! Your grandfather didn't tell Wang Qing about this because your mother was a member of the ancient clan. And your mother was low-key. At that time, although she had not yet broken through the myth, she was just Huajin, but she would not casually let others know that she had Huajin cultivation. It can be said that until your mother died, Wang Qing didn't know that your mother was an ancient warrior, let alone a myth. "

Wang Xiangyun still didn't believe it. "That's impossible. My grandmother told me that my mother died of a serious disease. If she was a myth, how could she die?"

He Feng sighed, "grandma, she didn't tell you the truth. In fact, your mother didn't die. Even... Whether she is still alive is still unknown. "

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun suddenly excited, a pair of eyes bright frightening.

"He Feng, what do you say? You said my mom didn't die? Tell me what's going on? Why didn't my grandmother tell me the truth? "

Excited, Wang Xiangyun directly grasped He Feng's arm.

"Shit, you let go. I'm driving. Do you want to kill people by destroying the car and be a duck with me?"

He Feng didn't shout.

"I'm sorry. I can't control my emotions. Please tell me what's going on? My mother, is she still in the world? " Wang Xiangyun quickly released he Feng, but still very anxious asked.

"I'm not sure if your mother is still alive."

He Feng didn't give Wang Xiangyun too much hope, to avoid that his cheap mother-in-law is not in the world, and will cause a blow to women, "however, she is indeed a generation of myth and legend. Old man he told me this personally. If you don't believe it, you can call your grandmother and ask. She should know the truth as well. "

"I'll call my grandmother later, but can you tell me what happened? Why does my grandmother hide the truth from me? " Wang Xiangyun asks anxiously, since he Feng has spoken now, she wants to know everything he Feng knows from He Feng immediately.

"I think your grandmother should want to make your life easier. After all, you are just an ordinary person. It's not good for you to know what happened in those years."

He Feng pondered: "as for what happened in those years, Wang Qing really abandoned your mother because she didn't know that she was a myth. Your mother didn't care with Wang Qing. She took you to live in Jiangbin City alone, and the days were quiet.

But before long, the Zhan people came.

What the Zhan people care most about is their feudal customs and face.

When your mother marries a person with a different surname, she destroys the customs of the Zhan people and impairs their face.

Therefore, the Zhan people are angry, and the three myths and legends want to kill the three members of your family.

For Wang Qing's life and death, your mother certainly won't care. But you're just born, she won't allow anyone to take your life.

Fortunately, at that time, your mother also broke through the myth and legend, and awakened the higher blood, the combat effectiveness is much stronger than the ordinary myth.

Can Rao is so, she fight to the death, in the end only kill each other a person, seriously injured a person, there is a strong point of cultivation, only slight injury.

This war attracted the Zhan clan leader, who let you and Wang Qing go and took your mother away.

But your mother's life and death, outsiders do not know.

Old man he said that with her injury at that time, the probability of survival is not big. "

At this time, Wang Xiangyun has heard the tears on his face.

If what he Feng said was true, how solemn and stirring was his mother at that time?

In order to protect her, her mother fought against the three myths alone and tried to protect her. In the end, although she killed one person and seriously injured another, she herself

I don't know about life and death!


Wang Xiangyun's voice choked and his eyes were red.

At this moment, she was deeply in love with her mother.

Tears, simply can not control, she did not control, let it slide.


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