He Feng will stop the car to the side of the road, pacifying Wang Xiangyun.

It took five minutes for Wang Xiangyun to calm down.

"He Feng, I want to call my grandmother to make sure it's true."

Wang Xiangyun took a deep breath and said.

For more than 20 years, she always thought her mother was dead, and Wang Qing never paid attention to her. It can be said that she was lack of father's love and mother's love since she was a child.

For Wang Qing, although Wang Xiangyun hated him, the father at least lived in her life.

But for his mother, Wang Xiangyun really had no impression at all.

But now, he Feng tells her that her mother didn't step back in order to protect her, knowing that she might die alive.

At this moment, her mother's figure in her heart became extremely tall and burly, surpassing her father and everything.

At this moment, she can't wait to know more about her mother.

At this moment, she wished her mother could live, so that she could repay her mother.


"Well, let's fight. Anyway, it's not too urgent to investigate song Yan. It's OK later." Hefeng road.

"Well, it shouldn't take long."

Wang Xiangyun said, already took out the mobile phone, dialed Jiang Hongmei's telephone.

"Well, yunyun, what else can I do for you?"

Jiang Hongmei's voice soon came from the phone.

"Grandma, is it convenient for you to talk now? There is one thing I want to ask you about my mother." Wang Xiangyun said.

"About your mother? Why did you suddenly ask about your mother? It seems that you haven't mentioned your mother to me for many years? "

At this time, in the Wangs' house in Nanjin City, Jiang Hongmei and the Wangs have now returned to the Wangs' house. Jiang Hongmei frowns slightly when she hears that Wang Xiangyun suddenly mentions Zhan Taiyin.

Is it difficult? Does that girl already know something?

"My mother didn't die, did she? Besides, she's not an ordinary person, is she? " Wang Xiangyun asked directly.

"Well, who told you that?" Jianghongmei's face changed slightly.

"You don't care who told me, you just answer me directly, am I right?" Wang Xiangyun's tone is more serious than ever, "grandma, I hope you don't hide it from me. This matter concerns my mother. I hope you can tell me the truth."

Jiang Hongmei was silent for ten seconds before she gave a long sigh. "It was Xiao Feng who knew about your mother's situation in his grandfather's side, and then told you, right?"

"Well!" Wang Xiangyun nodded.

"All right! In fact, after you and he Feng got married, I knew that it couldn't be hidden from you for a long time. He Qingtian, a member of the he family, has too much confidence in his family. He thinks that they must be able to fight against the Zhan family. He doesn't intend to keep this secret at all. However, if they can deal with the Zhan people, it is also a good thing. At that time, the Zhan people were too overbearing and overbearing.... "

Jiang Hongmei said apologetically, "yunyun, our Wangs are sorry for your mother, alas!"

"Grandma, don't say anything if you apologize. Now I just want to know that my mother really fought with the three myths alone, and I don't know whether she died or not? " Wang Xiangyun asked anxiously.

She just wanted to be sure that her mother might be alive.

"Well! In that war, I witnessed with my own eyes that your mother fought alone against three myths. Although she killed one of the other and injured another, she also suffered very serious injuries. At that time, the chieftains of the Zhan nationality said that it was difficult to save her. However, your mother was brought back to the Zhan nationality by them. She was born or died in the end. The Zhan nationality didn't send us any news. "

"Then... Is there any way we can contact the Zhan people? I want to see if my mother is still alive."

"It's hard!"

Jiang Hongmei said helplessly: "I have talked to Xiao Feng's grandfather about this. He said that the Zhan people are very mysterious and outsiders can't contact them at all. It is estimated that if we launch the national intelligence network of China, it will be difficult to contact the Zhan people. "

Hearing this, Wang Xiangyun was lost for a long time.

A moment later, Jiang Hongmei said, "yunyun, don't think too much now. You have to urge Xiaofeng to practice and break through the true Qi as soon as possible. Only in this way can you have the power to protect yourself.

At that time, although the Zhan people let you go, they definitely warned us not to let you get married.

If you let them know that you are married, I'm afraid the Zhan family will send experts to ask for a crime.

Although the he family promised to deal with the Zhan people, we don't know how strong the he family is, but there are at least three myths about the Zhan people.

When the he family can't deal with the Zhan people, you and Xiao Feng will be in danger. "

Wang Xiangyun said: "I know grandma, I will urge him to practice hard."

"Well, if you have any more questions, you can call me directly."

Jiang Hongmei said and hung up the phone.

Wang Xiangyun holding a mobile phone, standing in situ motionless, do not know what is thinking.

He Feng didn't ask, waiting patiently.

"Get in the car!"

Two full minutes later, Wang Xiangyun kicked his mobile phone into his pocket and went directly to Land Rover.

"Er... What's the situation?" He Feng couldn't help frowning, some worried about Wang Xiangyun.

With the car, he Feng asked: "daughter-in-law, all right?"


Wang Xiangyun gently shook his head, and then asked: "I heard that you had set up a mercenary Corps abroad before, so your intelligence network should be very strong, right? Do you have a way to find the Zhan people? "

He Feng said with a bitter smile: "daughter-in-law, to tell you the truth, I know little about the ancient tribes. I don't know which ancient tribes are in China. Zhan is also my" Zhang Ziyan? "

"Well, Zhang Ziyan is actually a member of the middle-class guwu family, and she is about to become a genius of the high-class guwu family. She has a high position in the Zhang family. It's not difficult for song Yan to arrange two bodyguards in the later period of the dark force. Song Yan will also spend some money."

"Isn't Zhang Ziyan song Yan's woman? Why do you suddenly want to marry someone else? "

"I think maybe it's because I'm afraid that I'm going to get into trouble with song Yan, so I want to arrange two powerful characters for song Yan. Therefore, she will choose to marry into the high ancient martial family, so that she will have a certain say in the Zhang family. "

He Feng laughed, "unfortunately, they only thought that I was the most powerful in the later period, and they didn't know my real strength at all."

"Song Yan's luck is very good. There is a woman willing to pay for him like this. By the way, I heard that song Shiqun is not doing well in Nanjin city. Can't he protect song Yan? "

"Hey, this song Shiqun is also a wonderful flower. He doesn't care about song Yan's life or death, and he even wants me to kill him. I think song Shiqun should have other women outside. "

"Hum, song Shiqun and Wang Qing are almost the same virtue. You men don't have a good thing."

Wang Xiangyun snorted coldly.

He Feng deeply thought ran nodded, "well, in addition to me, there are really few good men in the world."

"Thick skinned!"

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes, then scanned the roads on both sides, and even stood on a big stone pier to look into the distance.

A moment later, she jumped off the stone pier, pointed to a distant place and said, "let's go there and have a look!"

"Over there?" He Feng doubts, "daughter-in-law, what did you find?"

"No, I just thought there might be a clue over there."


"You'll know when you go!"

Wang Xiangyun didn't answer he Feng, but walked toward Land Rover, "let's drive there. There must be more than 1000 kilometers there."

He Feng can only follow.

After getting in the car, they drove slowly to the front.

In a minute.

"Stop it!" Wang Xiangyun said.

He Feng obediently stepped on the brake, put in the parking gear, two people get off the car together.

"Daughter in law, what's good here?" He Feng asked.

"Don't you find that it's better to go into the river and commit suicide here?"


He Feng said in surprise.

He really didn't think about suicide, because there was no word "suicide" in his dictionary.

Especially men, how can they commit suicide?

Now Wang Xiangyun reminds him that he has a sense of awakening.

Suicide is a normal thing in the world of ordinary people. Even some people who seem to be very strong at ordinary times, once their psychology is hit by some huge blow, they may be unable to think about it for a moment and commit suicide directly.

For example, some city dwellers, who are already living under a lot of pressure, have to earn 20000 or 30000 yuan a month with an annual income of nearly 400000 yuan. But their monthly housing loans, car loans, social expenses, living expenses, and the real big head... Children's education, so that they can not save much money in a year.

And if one day, their company's economy is bad, they will be laid off directly

The balance of life is broken!

Some people who are psychologically vulnerable may jump from a building directly.

And song Yan?

The beloved woman wants to marry another man!

Mother ran away with other men!

My father formed a family with other women and ignored him.

And he himself

Not even men!

Under the heavy blow, no matter how strong people are, I'm afraid they will be defeated?

"It should be this position. This place is suitable for jumping into the river. I don't know if song Yan went down from here... "Wang Xiangyun pointed to a place and said.

"He didn't jump into the river!"

At this time, he Feng seems to have found something and continues to walk towards a corner in front of him. This time, Wang Xiangyun follows him.

"Did you find something?" Wang Xiangyun asked.

"Here is a tire mark left by the fierce friction between the tire and the ground. This tire mark is relatively new, and it should be produced in about three days." He Feng pointed to the ground injury a black tire said.

"Tire print? It doesn't seem to explain much, does it? This kind of tyre is often seen on the road. " Wang Xiangyun said.

"What if you add this footprint?"

He Feng pointed to a shallow footprints not far away and said: "this road is not an ordinary road. It's impossible to leave footprints when building roads. And after the road is repaired, can ordinary people still leave footprints on it? "

Wang Xiangyun noticed that there was a footprints on the ground. The footprints were not deep. They were only a few millimeters deep. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all.

"What does a footprint mean?" Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng curiously.

What can a tire print and a footprint analyze?

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