He Feng laughed and said: "daughter in law, your cultivation is still shallow, so you can't see anything from this footprint. But I can tell you that this footprint was left by a strong man in the middle of Huajin. "

"In the middle of Huajin?"

Wang Xiangyun was surprised. "It's just a footprint. How can you infer that it was left by the strong in the middle of Huajin?"

"I'm from here. Of course I know."

He Feng looked at the tire print on the ground, his mind seemed to imagine the picture at that time, "if I guess correctly, song Yan should be preparing to jump into the river at that time.

But at this time, he suddenly heard the sound of the sports car coming. At that time, he was seriously injured. It would be a little difficult for him to walk to the river. So he changed his mind and was ready to let the sports car crash him.

So he hid at the corner over there. When the sports car came, he could rush out directly. Just run a meter or two, and the sports car would directly hit him.

But I think he should have overestimated his physical fitness at that time. He could not cross this distance in a short time.

And the driver is also a master, psychological and physical quality are excellent, even if it is the turning place, also in time to control the car, did not let the car break through the guardrail.

Of course, song Yan's action made the other party very upset, so he decided to kill song Yan.

Although song Yan is just an ordinary person, and also seriously injured, but he still decided to do his best to vent his anger.

When he carries Qi and blood, every move of his whole body will show great strength.

This footprint is the result of his Qi and blood.

After a while, you can have a look at the Liuyue club. When Xu Yuanjie fought with me, he actually left a lot of footprints.

Because what he takes is the blood pill, which is the pill to strengthen Qi and blood. With all his strength, he can play the fighting power of Huajin in an instant. "

Wang Xiangyun nodded, and then asked: "the middle of Huajin doesn't seem to be anything? You can easily solve it. Don't you say that there may be a myth behind song Yan? "

"Well, before, I just guessed that there was a myth behind song Yan. But now it seems that there must be a myth behind him. "

He Feng said: "if there was only such a strong man in the middle of Huajin at that time, even if he wanted to kill song Yan, he would not do his best and directly use his Qi and blood. So I guess he was not the only one in the car at that time, but also a big man. And this strong man in the middle of Huajin is just a driver. "

"The master of Huajin in the middle period should be the driver?"

Wang Xiangyun was surprised.


He Feng said with a smile: "daughter-in-law, tell me, what level of cultivation should the master of Huajin become a driver?"

"If you can make Yang Qi a powerful servant in the early stage of Huajin, then the strength of this great man should also reach the peak of Huajin?"

"Daughter in law, Yang Qi can't compare with this man."

He Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "when we get to Hua Jin, it's very difficult to improve every realm. It's not like Ming Jin and dark Jin. As long as you take drugs, you can improve your accomplishments. The gap between the early and middle stages of Huajin is still quite large. A strong man at the top of Huajin, coupled with his natural talent, may be able to make a strong man serve him at the beginning of Huajin, but it's really hard to be a strong man at the middle of Huajin. What's more, the strong man in the middle of Huajin obviously cares about the feelings of the other party, otherwise he won't do his best to song Yan. "

"So, there is a myth behind song Yan." Wang Xiangyun worried: "now what do we do?"

He Feng looked around his eyes and shrugged: "I can't help it. I can only watch it change. In the next few days, let's stay at Liuyue club. I killed song Yan. I think the mythical strongman should go to Liuyue club to find me soon after he gets the news. "

Although his mouth said so, he Feng's eyes narrowed.

Wait and see what happens?

Waiting for the other party to come?

This is not He Feng's style.

This unknown danger, he Feng will not allow it to exist.

Otherwise, once the danger breaks out, not only will he be in danger, but the people around him who can't even make use of their strength may not even have the hope to escape.

"What if he didn't come to you? Have we been staying at the moon club? " Wang Xiangyun frowned.

"Of course not. I'll try to find out if this man is still in Jiangbin later. If he's not in Jiangbin, then we don't have to worry too much. " Hefeng road.

"What if he comes to you? It's hard to deal with the mythical strongman. Do you want to go to the he family and see if they can help you deal with the mythical strongman? " Wang Xiangyun said.

"How can you trouble the he family with such a small matter? I won't let the he family think I'm incompetent! Don't worry. I have a way to deal with the mythical strong. "

"What can you do? What can I do? "

"It's very simple. I've also broken through the realm of true Qi. Can't I deal with the myth of true Qi?"

"Are you kidding me? Is there such a good breakthrough in true Qi? "

"I don't know about others, but I can break through to the true Qi at any time now. Otherwise, how can I say that my Hua Jin is invincible?"

He Feng sighed and said: "originally, I was prepared to settle down at the level of Huajin for a while, so that I could break through the real Qi state with a strong foundation. But now that the myth of true Qi is threatening me, I have to make a breakthrough ahead of time. When you get to the true Qi State, try harder, and you won't be too slow. "

Smell speech, Wang Xiangyun surprised said: "you really can break through to the true Qi state at any time?"

He Feng nodded, "of course, I won't cheat anyone. If you don't believe it, how about we make a bet? "

"The devil just bets with you. It's your business to break through. I don't care about you."

Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes and went straight to the car.

She won't bet with He Feng.

Bet with this guy, she never won.

However, he Feng said at any time can break through to the true Qi, but it is some stimulation to Wang Xiangyun.

"How can this rascal cultivate so fast? Can I catch up with him? "


They got on the bus one after another and rushed to Xingyuan community.

Parking the car downstairs, he Feng got off the car with Wang Xiangyun.

"Daughter in law, are you sure you want to go up?"

He Feng touched his nose and said, "when I introduce aunt yuan, I can only say that you are my boss."

He Feng has already told aunt yuan about his relationship with Ling Weiyu. If he and Wang Xiangyun are the real couple, then

He Feng didn't dare to think about what kind of reaction aunt yuan would be.

Wang Xiangyun glared at He Feng, then picked up the two boxes of high-end supplements he had just bought on the road, "do you think I like you very much when you say I'm your wife outside? Hurry up, don't delay. I'll go back to practice. "

"All right!"

He Feng nodded and took Wang Xiangyun straight to the fifth floor.

"Dong Dong!"

He Feng is knocking at the door.

"Who is it?" Aunt yuan's voice came from the room.

"Aunt yuan, it's me, Xiao Feng." Hefeng road.


Aunt yuan opened the door and said, "Xiao Feng, you're here. Eh... Who is this?"

Seeing he Feng, aunt yuan's eyes brightened, and then asked curiously.

Wang Xiangyun is so beautiful and has a lot of temperament. Even aunt yuan is surprised now.

He Feng said: "aunt yuan, let me introduce you. This is the chairman of my company. Her name is Wang Xiangyun. Today, she was just going to deal with something near Xingyuan. Knowing that I was coming here, she gave me a ride. I talked to her about you on the way, and she admired you very much, so she wanted to come and visit you. "

"Good aunt!"

Wang Xiangyun called politely. He Feng was speechless in his gentle and lovely appearance.

Can't this woman be so gentle to herself?

"It's Dong Wang. Please sit inside."

Aunt yuan quickly let me drive to one side.

"Auntie, I heard he Feng say that you are not very well, and I don't know what to give you, so I bought some tonics on the way. I hope you don't mind." Wang Xiangyun walked into the room and said with a smile.

"Wang Dong, look at you... You're a busy man. It's a waste of time to come to see me. Why do you still buy things?"

"Aunt yuan, just some tonics, Wang Dong, she is also a kind-hearted, you take it."

He Feng impolitely took the tonic from Wang Xiangyun and put it on the table.

Wang Xiangyun said, "Auntie, don't call me 'Wang Dong'. My elders call me 'yunyun'. You can call me that too."

"Yunyun? This... "

Aunt yuan looks at He Feng. She doesn't dare to call him that. If she makes people unhappy, it will affect He Feng's work.

"Aunt yuan, just call her yunyun. Wang Dong is very nice. Even I usually call her Yunmei, right? "Sister Yun?" He Feng said with a smile.


Wang Xiangyun looks at He Feng with a smile on his face and doesn't speak. It's tacit.

Aunt yuan looked at He Feng and Wang Xiangyun doubtfully.

"Well, I'll call you after that."

Then, she said with a smile: "Xiao Feng, go and make a pot of tea for yunyun."


He Feng said, ready to make tea.


But at this time, suddenly came a barking sound outside.

"Eh, aunt yuan, isn't that ah Huang's cry? Where is it now? " He Feng asked.

Aunt Yuan said: "I shut it upstairs. Usually children eat and play here. I'm afraid it scares children, so I didn't let ah Huang come to the fifth floor."

He Feng said, "let's go upstairs and have a look at ah Huang."

Aunt Yuan said, "go upstairs now? Why don't you go up and I'll make yunyun tea. "

Wang Xiangyun said: "Auntie, don't make tea. I heard he Feng say that your dog is not feeling well, right? Let's go and see what's wrong with the dog. If there's something wrong with the dog, we have to send him to the pet hospital as soon as possible. "

"Well, let's go upstairs."

Immediately, the three men went upstairs.

There is no one upstairs now. Bai Shuang and Bai Xue have sent the children to school and are responsible for buying vegetables. They haven't come back yet.

After arriving at the sixth floor, aunt yuan took out her key and opened the door of Room 601.

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