
As soon as the door opened, ah Huang's voice rang again.

He Feng at a glance to see a Huang is the balcony there, the balcony was closed by the glass door, the outside is installed with anti-theft window.

Huang also saw he Feng, a pair of dog eyes straight staring at He Feng, full of the smell of pleading, looks very pitiful.

"Well, this dog seems to be a little bit human."

Wang Xiangyun said in surprise: "besides, this should be a local dog, right? But why do they look so much bigger than ordinary local dogs? "

"I don't know!"

He Feng shrugged, "however, it looks like it is not sick."

With that, he Feng went forward and opened the glass door of the balcony.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Ah Huang immediately came out and directly fell on He Feng, as if a child had seen an adult in his family after several days.

Aunt Yuan said: "Xiao Feng, it seems that ah Huang still has to follow you. Before, he had a spacious yard for him in the welfare home. With some children, he can still stay in the welfare home. But when it comes to Xingyuan, it's like going to jail. "

He Feng thought about it and said, "aunt yuan, I'll let ah Huang follow me. It's really not suitable for her to live here."

"But with you, do you have time to take care of it?" Aunt yuan worried.

"In fact, ah Huang is very obedient, so he doesn't need to take care of him. Just give him food." He Feng said with a smile.

"Well, let it be with you in the future." Aunt yuan had no better way, so she had to nod her head.

"Aunt yuan, I have something to do with my company. I won't stay here any longer. I'll come back when I have time. If you need anything, call me at any time. " Hefeng road.

"It's OK. You can go to work with yunyun. What can I do here?"

Aunt Yuan said quickly, and then she looked at Wang Xiangyun again, hesitated for a while, and then said: "yunyun, he Feng has no father and mother since he was a child, and I haven't taught him much. If he makes any mistakes in the company, or doesn't make you very satisfied, you should bear a little responsibility, and don't worry too much about him. If he is usually lazy or has a bad working attitude, you can also contact me directly and I'll help you teach him a lesson. By the way, I'll give you my phone number. "

With that, aunt yuan really took out her mobile phone.

Wang Xiangyun sees this and looks at He Feng strangely, but he still exchanges the number with aunt yuan.

"Auntie, in fact, he Feng's usual work is very good. You don't have to worry too much. But there's one thing you should really teach him Wang Xiangyun said.

"Which point? Yunyun, tell me

He Feng heart a Deng, have a kind of very bad premonition.

Wang Xiangyun said with a smile: "when he is usually in the company, because he performs too well, and he is also the top leader of the company, some female employees will come to him if they have something to do. Well, you should give him a lesson. After all, he's with feather now. He's close to other women. Even if nothing happens, I'm afraid feather will be jealous. "

Hearing this, aunt yuan's face changed slightly. She stared at He Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, are you not dishonest in the company?"

He Feng's heart wants to curse her now. Wang Xiangyun is too pit. Didn't he just call her "sister Yun"?

As for this pit yourself?

"Aunt yuan, yunyun, she misunderstood me. Those people in the company came to me purely for work. I promise you, I will never mess with you. " He Feng explains quickly.

"Well, it's better not to mess about. If you let me know that you dare to mess around with your feelings, I'll tell you how to teach you. " Aunt yuan warned.

"Don't worry, aunt yuan. I won't mess with you."


Aunt yuan nodded, then looked at Wang Xiangyun, "yunyun, if he's in trouble, you call me secretly, I'll go to your company to have a look in person. If I had seen it with my own eyes, he would not have been able to quibble. "

"I know, auntie. I'll report to you in time." Wang Xiangyun said with a smile, a very obedient and clever appearance.

"Then go to the company as soon as possible, and I won't waste your time." Said Aunt yuan.

"Aunt yuan, take care of yourself. Let's go first."

He Feng left with ah Huang as if running for his life.


"I said Wang Xiangyun, what do you mean? Do you want to kill me?"

On the car, he Feng the first time to start the car out of the Xingyuan District, and then staring at the co driver's seat of Wang Xiangyun said.

Wang Xiangyun said, "do you dare to call me sister Yun in the future?"

"Call sister Yun, you won't lose a piece of meat!"

"If I pit you, you won't die!"


He Feng immediately wants to vomit blood, this woman is also too bad.

"Don't tell Aunt yuan about these things any more. She's worried. I'm afraid she'll think all day." He Feng said: "moreover, I feel aunt yuan's eyes are very tired today. I don't know if she didn't sleep well yesterday or what happened. I have to take her to the hospital for a general examination later."

"I'm sorry, i... I didn't mean to. Why don't we go back now? I explained to my aunt that I was just joking with her. I told her not to think about it Wang Xiangyun apologized.

"Forget it, I'll take her to the hospital to have a look when I have time." Hefeng road.


Wang Xiangyun said nothing more.

He Feng saw that the woman still seemed to blame herself. She couldn't help changing the topic. Looking at ah Huang in the rearview mirror, he said, "ah Huang, are you very happy to see me?"

"Wangwang..." ah Huang called twice, his voice was quite cheerful.

"Why, ah Huang can understand you?" Wang Xiangyun asked in surprise.

He Feng said with a smile: "ah Huang is not an ordinary local dog. Don't you have found that he is much stronger than an ordinary local dog? In fact, its intelligence quotient is much higher than that of ordinary local dogs, and I think it can match that of five or six-year-old children. "

"I.Q. so high? How does it do it? By the way, did you buy ah Huang? " Wang Xiangyun said.

"No, a friend gave it to me."

He Feng didn't say it was sent by Dashui brother of Yuanjiacun. "I don't know why its IQ is so high. I guess it's a panacea to improve its physique and IQ."

"Elixir?" Wang Xiangyun surprised: "this guy is really lucky!"


He Feng nodded.

Along the way, they chatted and returned to Liuyue club.

Stay in the club is very calm, nothing happened, Ling Weiyu and Chu Yue and others have now gone to practice, even Ji Xinyu also to take care of the body.

In today's battle, she consumes a lot. After a battle with Xu Yuanjie's four guards, she also understands a lot. At this moment, she needs to shut up and turn these insights into strength.


As soon as a Huang got out of the car, he rushed into the Liuyue club, which was quite fast.

"This guy, why are you running so fast? There's no delicious food."

He Feng helplessly shook his head, also lazy to tube a Huang, anyway stay on the club on this one door, also not afraid of it ran away.

"Mr. He Feng!"

At this time, several people of the rice family came over and said hello respectfully. Mi Donglong looked like he wanted to talk and stop.

Mi Dongyu is frowning, seems to be quite displeased with MI Donglong.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" He Feng asked.

Midonglong said: "well, Mr. He Feng, I heard something about what happened here in Nanjin city. A lot of phone calls came to me just now. In addition to the rice family, there were also some people from the Jiang family and the Wei family. But I only took the phone calls from the rice family, but I didn't tell them what happened here. They saw that I would not disclose what happened here, and I would not tell them when to return to Nanjin city. They were worried that something might happen to me, so... "

"Ha ha, I think it's not that they are worried that something will happen to you, but that you don't trust me, afraid that I will go back on my word and deal with you again?"

"Mr. He, I..."

"Well, it's normal for you to worry about it. Well, you leave and let Mi Dongyu stay alone. He needs to stay here for a few more days. "

He Feng looked at Mi Dongyu and said.

"OK, I don't mind." Midong woo road.

"Thank you, Mr. He Feng!"

Mi Donglong said gratefully: "Mr. He, I don't know that when I arrived at Nanjin City, people asked me what happened here. What should I say? What can't I say?"

He Feng indifferent way: "there is nothing should not say, if someone asked you, then what happened here, you all according to the truth, nothing to hide."

Midonglong was a little surprised, but soon nodded, "OK, I see."

"And there's one more thing you need to do. Now the major families in Nanjin City, your mi family should be the most powerful, right? He Feng asked.

"Well... It should be on the surface. As for whether the Wang family and the Ling family have hidden top strength, I'm not sure. But I estimate that even if they don't have the top dark power, they should more or less hide one or two later dark power. After all, these two families are ancient martial families that have been handed down for a long time. " Midong long road.

The guwu family is not a family like the Jiang family and the Wei family. It can be called a "family" and has been handed down for at least 100 years.

And those with strong dark strength live longer than 100 years.

In 100 years, it's very normal to have one or two late strong people.

"The Ling family and the Wang family don't care, but the ordinary guwu families, such as the Jiang family, the Wei family and the Huang family, you have to watch for me. We can't let the ancient Wu community in Nanjin city have a turbulent situation. You should be able to handle such a small matter, right? " Hefeng road.

"Don't worry, Mr. He. I won't let the ancient martial arts in Nanjin city have a turbulent situation." Midonglong assured.

"In addition, today your major families unite to challenge me. In addition to Xu Yuanjie, Baiyun medicine hall is also involved. I want to ask, "is Tianhuo Yaotang involved?" He Feng asked.

Midonglong thought about it and said, "although Tianhuo medicine hall didn't directly participate in it, Hua Wenyuan told me at that time that he also talked about Fan Yi. After Xi Zhenxing was killed, he beat Guiyi medicine hall together and tried to drive Guiyi medicine hall out of Nanjin city as soon as possible."

"In that case, then you will let all the families in Nanjin City suppress the Tianhuo Yaotang together."

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "as for how to treat Baiyun medicine hall, you can take the initiative to ask the master of Xi hall to see what he thinks."

"OK, I'll go back to Nanjin city and find master Xi immediately."

"Well, you can go."

He Feng waved.


Mi Donglong and his party left immediately. Only Mi Dongyu stayed.

Mi Jiaqi left, looking at He Feng's eyes are very complex.

It was not until he got out of Liuyue club and got on a RV prepared by my family that midonglong sighed, "Jiaqi, now do you think he Feng is much better than Xu Yuanjie?"

Mi Jiaqi pursed her lips and suddenly asked, "Dad, if I had promised to be his maid, would he treat me like Wang Xiangyun and Ji Xinyu?"

For MI Jiaqi's mind, MI Donglong can also guess some.

He shook his head and said, "Jiaqi, don't think about it. He Feng is not interested in you at all. Otherwise, he would not have said that kind of insulting words to you in front of so many people. "

Hearing this, MI Jiaqi's eyes were a little red, with a trace of reluctance, "but, he is really excellent!"

Looking at the Liuyue club which is farther and farther away from him, MI Donglong said: "he is really excellent, even... He is probably the family from Yanjing. But it's because he's too good and he's too far away from us. This kind of character is not something we can really climb up to. It's an honor for our rice family to be a subordinate force of him. Jiaqi, don't think about He Feng any more. In this world, there are many men who are no worse than he Feng. You are so excellent that you will find me a real son-in-law in the future. "

Mi Donglong has to put his words through, otherwise he Feng will stay in MI Jiaqi's heart all the time, which will only make Mi Jiaqi more and more painful in the future.

Mi Jiaqi was silent for a moment, her expression gradually returned to normal, "I know Dad, next I will work hard to cultivate, and strive to break through to Huajin one day."

"Well, Dad, look after you!"


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