"Mr. He, what's the matter with you asking me to stay?"

After waiting for midonglong and others to leave, midongyu asked.

He Feng nodded, "the Wang family behind my daughter-in-law is in Nanjin city. I want you to help me control Nanjin City, and don't let Nanjin city go wrong."

"What does this have to do with keeping me here?"

"Of course, it doesn't matter, because your cultivation is too weak now, and you haven't even reached the level of power."

He Feng said: "you can have a few days' retreat in the Liuyue club first. Next, I still have some things to deal with. After that, I will give you a chance to break through to Huajin."

"Breakthrough to Huajin?"

Mi Dongyu's eyes became hot as his pupils shrank.

For ordinary ancient martial artists, they may feel that the gap between the peak of dark strength and Huajin is not big. After all, it's only one step away. As long as they cross the peak, they will be Huajin and master.

But they don't know how hard it is to take this step.

I don't know that only one or two of the ten strong people who are at the top of the dark energy have the hope to step into Huajin in their lifetime.

Therefore, it can be said that any one who has no master behind him as a backer will not miss any chance to step into Huajin.

If the opportunity is big enough, they will even struggle to seize it.

At present, he Feng tells Mi Dongyu to give him a chance to break through to Huajin. How can Mi Dongyu not be excited?

However, after the excitement, MI Dongyu calmed down again.

"Mr. He, you give me the chance to break through to Huajin. What do I need to do?" Mi Dongyu asked.

"Of course, you need to be my servant and follow my orders from now on. Therefore, I will control your spirit, so that you will not have any rebellious heart to me. "



He Feng nodded, "you don't have to be in a hurry to agree or to refuse. First, live in the Liuyue club and think about it for a few days. When you think about it clearly, you can tell me the answer. If you refuse, you can leave here directly. "

Mi Dongyu pondered and asked: "if I refuse, then the MI family..."

He Feng said: "rest assured, I will not destroy the rice family, but my spokesman in Nanjin city will not be the rice family any more."

Mi Dongyu said, "I know. I'll think about it seriously."

At this time, Yang Qi suddenly came out.

He looked at Mi Dongyu and said, "Mr. He, there seems to be something wrong with the practice room next to me."

He Feng asked, "what's the matter?"

"I don't know the details, but I can smell the smell of blood and some strange sounds, like someone eating," Yang said

"The smell of blood? Eat? "

Hearing this, he Feng's face changed slightly. "God, it can't be... Shit, don't do that."

Thinking, he Feng has quickly run to the training room.

Soon, he pushed open the closed door of the training room, and a thick smell of blood came to his nose.

Looking at the picture in the training room, he Feng's mouth is pumping wildly.

"Ah Huang, shut up!"

He Feng shouts out loud, with a feeling of collapse.

In the training room, a Huang is eating a corpse

No, to be exact, the body has been almost eaten by it, leaving only one arm and one head.

The ground was full of stinking blood, white human bones, and clothes that had been bitten to pieces.

This is like the body of song Yan.


Hearing he Feng's voice, a Huang stops his crazy action of eating the corpse, and cries two times at He Feng.

I'm eating delicious food. Why should I stop?

"Ah Huang, how did you eat you? It's not food. It's people. How can you eat people? "

He Feng's face is very ugly.

In his mind, he has regarded ah Huang as a friend. Although ah Huang is not an ordinary local dog, he really does not want ah Huang to eat people.

I know you can eat, but you can't eat people.

Looking at the blood on ah Huang's dog's face, he Feng can imagine that if brother Dashui saw this picture, he would be forced to ask him to return to ah Huang.


A Huang doubts of called two, wonder of looking at He Feng.

It a face of innocent, seem to ask he Feng good end of disturb it to eat what?


He Feng wants to curse, you cannibal I can't say you?

"Ah Huang, this is human. How can you eat human?" He Feng's look serious, tone is quite severe, "you usually can eat, I don't want to say you, but you can't eat people.". The fierce beasts in the forest only eat people. Have you become a fierce beast? "

Ah Huang seemed to understand he Feng's words in an instant, nodded busily, and made a low voice in his mouth, as if to say: Yes, ah Huang is a fierce beast.

"You mean, are you really a fierce beast?"

He Feng was stunned, and immediately remembered that ah Huang was not an ordinary local dog. His body and intelligence were far beyond the ordinary local dog. His fighting power could even compare with the ordinary bright and strong. In fact, it was not too much to say that he was a fierce animal.

Fierce beast is a kind of beast whose fighting power is stronger than ordinary beast.

Ah Huang nodded his head again!

He Feng snorted, "even if you are a fierce beast, you can't eat people! I'll forgive you this time. If you eat people later, I'll teach you a lesson. Do you understand? "

A Huang is a little displeased, but under He Feng's cold eyes, he lowers his head after all.

"Yang Qi, you take it down, arrange someone to wash it. It smells terrible." He Feng said.

"Good master!"

Yang Qi nodded and went out with ah Huang.

Seeing one person and one dog leave, he Feng picks his eyebrows. "How do you feel that ah Huang's IQ seems to be a little higher?"

Don't think about a Huang again, he Feng's vision fell to the ground only a head and an arm, helpless caress forehead.

"What if he's coming? Does it mean that song Yan's body was eaten by ah Huang? What if they take ah Huang to study? What a grind

He Feng helplessly shakes his head, and is too lazy to think about it. He goes directly to another clean training room and asks someone to take a computer.

Open the computer, he Feng login a website, and then login his own account.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa

He Feng's fingers on the keyboard quickly hit, and soon entered a line of text up.

"Monkey, when you see the message, call me back. Remember, you can't call me in Shenlong island. After you leave Shenlong Island, you have to make sure whether you are monitored or not. Don't let Ruo die find out. "

After sending out the information, he Feng quietly waits for the monkey's call.

"Myth... After I broke through the true Qi, I had a fight with a myth. I haven't dealt with the strong for more than two months, and I don't know if this myth is still in Jiangbin city. If you're here, you'll find him out. "

He Feng narrowed his eyes and murmured.

However, relying on his own energy, it is too difficult to find a person in such a big Jiangbin city.

Therefore, he needs monkey's help to bring some powerful hackers from Shenlong island to Jiangbin City, so as to find out the other party.

After waiting for ten minutes, he Feng didn't get a call from the monkey. He Feng didn't wait any longer. He closed the computer to practice.


At the same time, Beichang City, the capital of JIANGCHANG province.

As a middle-class ancient Wu family, the Cao family built a villa in Beichang City, but only for the Cao family.

At this time, a BMW 740 stops outside the No. 1 villa.

Cao Zhiyan walked down from the car, while Wang Xuan was held down by a middle-aged male driver and put him in a wheelchair.

After they left the club, they did not return to Nanjin City, but directly bought a flight to Beichang city.

Because of what happened in Liuyue club, Cao Zhiyan felt it necessary to talk to her father face to face.

"Miss, the master is in the room now. Just go in and find him by yourself. I'll push Master Wang Xuan to have a rest."

Said the middle-aged male driver.

"All right!" Cao Zhiyan nodded and walked towards the luxurious Chinese villa in front of her.

Entering the hall of the villa, Cao Zhiyan saw an old man sitting in the living room reading a book. The old man was about seventy years old. He looked like a scholar with elegant style.

This old man is the leader of the Cao family, the leader of the Cao family, and a strong man at the top of the dark energy.

Moreover, he has been immersed in the peak of dark strength for more than 20 years, and still hasn't understood the subtlety.


Cao Zhiyan walked up to the old man with a worried look.


"You said you had something to tell me face to face. What is it?"

Cao Zhiyan put down the book "Godfather" and looked at Cao Zhiyan faintly. He couldn't see whether he was happy or angry.


Cao Zhiyan is directly kneeling on the ground, "father, I have a mistake!"

Cao voters as if by what stimulation, eyelids beat twice, "now apology useful? The fall of the top six dark strength, and my two brothers, such a big loss, even if you die, can't calm my anger. So don't apologize to me, it just makes me more annoyed. You'd better tell me directly what you want to say when you come to me. By the way, Cao Xin, why didn't they come back with you? "

"Cao Xin, they..."

Cao Zhiyan lowered her head and did not dare to look at Cao. "Father, Cao Xin and Cao Rui, they died this morning."


Cao Zhiyan can clearly feel that when she speaks, a cold breath suddenly envelops her, and the temperature of the surrounding air seems to have dropped a lot.

Cao's voice was very cold. "How did they die? Who killed them?"

Cao Zhiyan said: "it's he Feng!"

"He Feng?"

"What's going on?" Cao asked

"Such a father!" Cao Zhiyan said: "this morning, Xu Yuanjie led many experts of Qian family to Nanjin city. They tried to destroy Wang family and Ling family.

But Guiyi medicine hall intervenes, and Xi Zhenxing, the leader of Guiyi medicine hall, breaks through to Huajin. Xu Yuanjie fails to get Xi Zhenxing, and the Wangs and Lings escape.

However, Xu Yuanjie's strength is extremely huge. His four subordinates can form a battle array, and their strength is superimposed on each other, so that they all have the power of a master in a short time.

Xu Yuanjie didn't deal with Xi Zhenxing, but took these people to Jiangbin city to kill He Feng.

We thought he Feng would die, so we went to Jiangbin city to watch. But it turns out that... "

Think of the picture at that time, Cao Zhiyan now feel some panic.

"What happened?"

Cao asked impatiently.

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