Qian family, the practice room of the supreme elder Qian Yuan.


Qian Yuan slapped a top-grade mahogany tea table to pieces, and the tea splashed all over the floor, "asshole! That he Feng is so presumptuous that he even dares to kill my Qianyuan disciple. Is he not afraid that our Qianyuan family will take revenge on him? "

Next to Qian Yuan, there are two people, a middle-aged man who looks about 50 years old. He is not angry. He is the contemporary leader of Qian family.

The cultivation of heaven and earth is unknown to the outside world, because his last attack was 20 years ago when he killed a master in the middle of Huajin.

Now, twenty years later, his age has exceeded three figures. For master Huajin, his age is middle-aged, and there is still a huge room for growth.

Qian Kun frowned and looked a little ugly, but he didn't speak.

Sitting next to him was a young man who looked less than 30 years old. The young man looked a little strange. He was the thousand hands of mieshen Pavilion.

No one outside knows that the Qian family had taken refuge in the mieshen Pavilion more than 60 years ago when Qian Kun's father was still in control of the Qian family.

Thanks to the support of mieshen Pavilion, the Qian family has developed rapidly over the past few years, from having no one master more than 60 years ago to having three masters now.

Moreover, the three great masters are only superficial forces.

"At the age of 26, he has refined his body seven times and is a master of gunshot. Besides, he is a powerful hacker. I thought he was very talented before. I didn't expect that he was so talented. "

The slender white fingers of a thousand hands gently knocked on the armrest of the wooden chair, "master Qian, you can arrange it. This He Feng must be removed. Otherwise, the future is bound to be a myth of China. "

The pupil of heaven and earth shrinks, "Mr. thousand hands, he Feng wants to become a myth, shouldn't it be so easy? At the master level, every step of cultivation is extremely difficult, especially for those who practice martial arts horizontally. They don't have the strength to cultivate, and they want to harden their flesh, bone marrow and viscera. They don't know how difficult it is. Can he Feng break through the myth

"Ha ha, who told you He Feng didn't cultivate his vigor?"

Thousand hands sneered: "he has been hiding his cultivation before, so why can't he hide his strength? Maybe his strength is higher than his physical level? "

"Do you practice energy and body at the same time?"

Heaven and earth exclaimed, "if his strength has reached the master's level, is that too abnormal?"

"Pervert? It's not that the he family has never experienced metamorphosis. There was a big metamorphosis more than 20 years ago, and now there is a small metamorphosis. Isn't it quite normal? " A thousand hands light way.

Qian Kun was surprised and said, "Mr. thousand hands, do you mean he Feng is a member of the he family?"

Thousand hands nodded, "except for the he family, it's hard for other forces to cultivate this kind of super genius. In a word, whether he Feng is a member of the he family or not, he doesn't have to live in this world. "

Qian Yuan said: "Mr. Qianshou has a point. A 26 year old master can be regarded as an evil. Few of the four royal families have such talents. Let's get rid of him while he Feng is in Jiangbin city and doesn't go to Yanjing

Heaven and earth pondered for a moment and asked, "do you need me to do it?"

"No need!"

What he said was a thousand hands, "master Qian, your main task now is to cultivate to the peak of Huajin as soon as possible. At that time, you will go to my master. He will show you the mystery of the unity of heaven and man, and let you step into the myth. "


Heaven and earth murmured and solemnly said, "I will try my best to practice, and strive to refine Qi into the viscera as soon as possible."

"Master, let me take people with me to deal with He Feng." Qian Yuan said.

"Well, you go with Qian Guang and Qian De, and take two master level gunners."

Heaven and earth said: "you five strong hands, must not give he Feng a chance to live."

Qian Yuan said, "let Qian Guang come with me? His accomplishments, like mine, have already broken through to the middle of Huajin. Is it enough for me to go with him alone? "

Qian Kun shook his head: "just in case, you can go with him. In addition, take a few more high master gunners. "

Qian Yuan knew that Qian Kun was cautious, so he didn't say anything more. He said directly, "I'll go and gather people now. Today I'll be in Jiangbin city."

"OK, I'll wait for your good news!"


He Feng practiced all morning, but he didn't wait for monkey's call.

When it was time for lunch, he finished his training and had dinner with Ji Xinyu and others.

Wang Xiangyun and Ling Weiyu also did not continue to practice, together on the table.

In addition to He Feng and several girls, there is no one else.

Joking, he Feng, this can be regarded as a family meal, how can other people get involved when the light bulb?

"Xinyu, you are injured today. Eat more meat."

Wang Xiangyun put a rib in Ji Xinyu's bowl and said with a smile.

"OK, thank you, yunyun, but you have to deal with so many things in the company besides practice. You also need to eat more." Ji Xinyu also put a piece of meat in Wang Xiangyun's bowl.

He Feng looked at this scene, a face of envy, "beauties, you have no one to give me the clip vegetables?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, I'll clip it for you!"

Ling Weiyu immediately picked up a piece of fish, ready to pass it to He Feng bowl.

But Wang Xiangyun stretched out his bowl and caught the fish. "Little feather, we can't let him do everything. When we eat, we should be served by him. How can we serve him? Isn't he a great man? "

"Well, yunyun has a point. We can't get used to him too much, or he will turn the world upside down in the future."

Ji Xinyu agreed.

Ling Weiyu vomited his sweet tongue and said with a smile: "brother Xiaofeng, then you can clip your own vegetables."

"Damn, are you uniting against me?"

He Feng looks depressed.

"Is that against you?" Wang Xiangyun said faintly.

"If I don't even want to serve the dishes, what else should I do?"

"It's very simple. I'll let everyone practice with me tonight. You have to stay in the Liuyue club to practice. That's about the same."


He Feng mouth corner mercilessly smoked.

Is Wang Xiangyun too cruel?

Is this to make brother Feng abstinent?

However, he Feng is too lazy to retort. Even if you pull the little feather and they practice together, it doesn't matter. Brother Feng shouts sister Yang and Lulu.

"How are you doing? Have you made a breakthrough? " Wang Xiangyun asked.

He Feng a Leng, immediately understand the meaning of Wang Xiangyun.

Because in the morning, he and Wang Xiangyun said that he could break through the true Qi at any time. She estimated that she wanted to ask herself whether she had succeeded in breaking through the true Qi.

"Guess!" He Feng smiles.

"Love to say not to say, wait for that myth strong person to come, I see you how to do." Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes and was too lazy to ask.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

At this time, Xi Xueqing's mobile phone vibrated.

She took out her mobile phone and looked, "yunyun sister, Xinyu sister, my father called me, I went out to answer the phone, you eat slowly."

"All right, go ahead."

Xi Xueqing immediately went out, but not long after, she came back and said to He Feng, "He Feng, my father said he wanted to talk to you, but he couldn't get through to you all the time."

He Feng said: "my mobile phone broke down yesterday. Now I have changed a number. Please give me your mobile phone."


Xi Xueqing hands the mobile phone to He Feng.

"Hey, brother Xi, what's the matter?" He Feng asked while eating.

"Brother he, you are hiding deep enough. You can even kill a strong master. It seems that your real fighting power is stronger than what you showed in front of me."

Xi Zhenxing said: "one is Xu Yuanjie, one is song Yan, one is Hua Wenyuan who has taken the blood pill, and the four men who can form a battle. Tut Tut, all of the seven great masters died in the Liuyue club. Do you know that when I heard the news, I was a little surprised. "

He Feng was speechless. "Brother Xi, the result should be in your expectation, right? But are you calling to tell me you're surprised? "

"Well, surprise is the second and the main thing to tell you. Today, what happened in Liuyue club has been widely spread. The whole ancient martial arts community in Nanjin city knows about it. I think Baiyun medicine hall and Qian family should also get the news. "

Xi Zhenxing was quite helpless, "this news, is that you deliberately let people out?"

In fact, Xi Zhenxing knew what happened outside the Liuyue club from Xi Xueqing, but he didn't expect it to spread so quickly.

When things spread, he realized that something was wrong, so he quickly called He Feng.

He Feng said: "well, I really did not intend to hide this matter, otherwise outsiders will only think I He Feng good bullying."

Xi Zhenxing said with a bitter smile, "brother he, don't you know much about Baiyun medicine hall and Qian family?"

He Feng said: "well, I really don't know much."

"I think that whether it's the Qian family or the Baiyun medicine hall, they may go to brother he for revenge." Xi Zhenxing said solemnly, "especially the master of Hua Wenyuan, Ge Guanlin. I just made a special phone call to my master and got to know him. My master said that GE Guanlin cared about his face very much. You killed his disciple. Now it's spread again. He will take revenge for Hua Wenyuan for his face. Ge Guanlin has not only reached the middle stage of his cultivation, but also has a wide range of contacts. You have to be careful. "

"OK, I see."

He Feng nodded, a face of calm.

"In addition, I also learned about Qian family from my master. The strength of this Qian family is no weaker than that of Baiyun medicine hall. "

Xi Zhenxing continued: "the Qian family has three great masters of Huajin. Among them, Qian Kun, the contemporary leader of Qian family, is the first genius of Qian family. When he was 70 years old more than 20 years ago, he had already reached the middle stage of Hua Jin, and killed a strong man of the same level in ten moves. My master said that the present world may have broken through to the later stage of Huajin. "

"The Qian family will deal with me, too?" He Feng asked.

"I'm not sure about that!"

Xi Zhenxing said: "now many people outside are speculating that you are the son of he family, one of the four royal families. Under such circumstances, the Qian family and Baiyun medicine hall should not deal with you any more, but the relationship between you and the he family has not been publicized. In addition, the he family has been keeping a low profile for more than 20 years. People in the ancient martial arts circles think that the he family may be declining, and some higher ancient martial arts families don't even pay much attention to the he family. Therefore, even if they don't deal with you openly, they may send someone to deal with you secretly. "

Smell speech, he Feng some surprised, he family decline?

Today, when I talked with old man he, how can I feel that he family is very powerful from his tone? Even the ancient people who have a myth dare to fight against him.

Forget it, I don't care. No matter whether he family is declining or strong, he won't pay much attention to Baiyun medicine hall and Qian family.

It's a big deal. Go to the place where there are fewer people. Don't let people know your real strength.

"Brother he, I suggest you discuss with the he family and let them find a way to help you solve the crisis. After all, you're not alone. You have a lot of family and friends around you. " Xi Zhenxing warned.

"I know elder brother Xi, and I'll find a way to deal with it." Hefeng road.

"That's OK. I'll sort out the information of Baiyun medicine hall and Qian's family and send it to you, including some photos of important personnel." Xi Zhenxing.

"All right!"

After he hung up, he Feng returned his mobile phone to Xi Xueqing, then took out his mobile phone and added Xi Zhenxing's wechat, waiting for Xi Zhenxing to send information.

After dinner, he Feng went back to the practice room and turned on the computer to see if the monkey had responded.

"Dudu, Dudu..."

The cell phone on the side vibrated.

He Feng looked at the next caller ID, is an overseas number.

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