
He Feng pressed the answer button.

"Boss, you leave a message for me to call you. What's the matter?" The monkey's voice came quickly.

"Last time you said that you would go back to Shenlong island to shut down, have you gone back?" He Feng asked.

The monkey said, "not yet. Recently I'm looking for the Tomahawk. I want to compete with him. Let's see how far behind I am with tianbang."

"Eh, you have just broken through the real Qi state. How long have you dared to go to battle axe?" He Feng asked in surprise.

"What's the matter? I don't have to win. I just want to see how far behind tianbang is. After all, before that, Tomahawk was ranked thirty-six in tianbang, but it was just pushed down by the boss. Boss, if you don't want me to go to you, I can only look for the Tomahawk. " Monkey depressed way.

He Feng said with a smile, "ha ha, I heard that Tomahawk is a martial arts practitioner. It's hard for ordinary people to find him. Well, since you want to know how far away you are from the top of tianbang, come to China and find me


Monkey a Leng, "boss, you, you are not joking? Did you agree to let me go to China to see you? Didn't you object strongly before? "

He Feng did not hide, said: "there is no way, Jiangbin city recently happened a little situation, need you to help."

"What happened?"

"There may be a mythical strongman in Jiangbin City, and I just killed another one."

He Feng said: "it's a bit complicated. When you see me, I'll talk to you face to face."

The monkey said with a smile, "don't worry, boss. I'm going to the airport. You can see me tonight."

He Feng asked: "do you have Shenji camp brothers around you?"

"I've got four with me, and I'm counting on them to help me find the axe."

"That's just right. You brought all four of them here. You and them, come and help me find out the myth hidden in Jiangbin city. "

"Well, I'll take them with me."

"By the way, your whereabouts must be kept secret. Don't let Ruo die know."

"Don't worry, boss, I understand!"

Hang up the phone, he Feng's face emerged a smile.

Monkey also broke through the myth, and monkey, like him, is honed in the battlefield, and its combat effectiveness is invincible in the same level.

Although the monkey has just broken through to the initial stage of Qi level one, he Feng estimates that the fighting power of the monkey is not much weaker than that of the killer he killed at that time. Even if there is a life and death battle between the two, the monkey is more likely to survive, although he will be seriously injured in the end.

When a monkey comes to Jiangbin city to help sit in Liuyue club, he Feng's heart is a little more relaxed, not even worried about leaving Liuyue club.

"I don't know who that guy is. In just two or three days, he let song Yan have the power of a great master. What's more, song Yan still has the smell of fierce bear and green snake. "

He Feng is still quite curious about the strong real Qi behind song Yan. "However, this man was in Jiangbin three days ago, and now he should still be in Jiangbin. And song Yan was killed, the news has spread, how should he also receive the news, ah, why did not come to me? The strength I'm showing now is just strength. In the face of myth, it's no different from ordinary people. Paralyzed, don't let brother Feng find you. If you are pulled out, and your strength is not as strong as mine, brother Feng will beat you all over the place to find your teeth... "

Although he thought so, he Feng soon began to practice.

The reason is simple

He is afraid that the other side is better than him, so he has to speed up his strength.

Otherwise, it will be him who will be beaten all over the place.


Shenluo forest is a huge primeval forest with a length of more than 1000 kilometers, which crosses many countries such as Oro and Shenzhou.

There are traces of human activities about 100 kilometers outside the forest, but within 100 kilometers, ordinary people dare not enter because it is said that there are powerful wild animals in the forest, and even some elite hunters dare not go deep into it.

At this time, a beautiful and charming figure flew out of the forest at a high speed, and soon came out of the forest.

Yes, it's flying. It's extremely fast. It's definitely over 200 kilometers per hour.


This person is mu Jingbai, who is flying. She suddenly feels an itch on her nose and sneezes without warning.

Mu Jingbai immediately jumped to the ground and frowned in doubt.

"Although I've just broken through to the true Qi State, I've never been sick again since I refined Qi into flesh and blood. I'm in excellent health. How can I suddenly sneeze?" Mu Jingbai murmured: "is there a villain scolding me behind my back? Which pig demon was it just now? It must be that the pig demon was seriously injured by me not long after he became a demon. He must bear a grudge against me and scold me secretly. It's too normal. "

With this thought, mu Jingbai was relieved, and then patted the dust on her body.

These two days, he has been training in Shenluo forest, seriously injured a pig demon that is comparable to the strength of human mythology, and killed more than a dozen high fierce beasts that are comparable to the strength of human master.

However, these beasts are not her goal. Her goal is to finish the task given to her by her father, defeat the butcher and step on the list of heaven.

"The butcher didn't know where to hide. He disappeared for nearly three months. Is it because there are so many people who want to challenge him recently that he is afraid to hide? If so, he is not a man! " Mu Jingbai snorted. She didn't want to think about the butcher any more, because she had handed over the task of looking for the butcher to the following people, "by the way, it's time to call ah Xing and ask how the animal changed Dan experiment is going."

Thinking, mu Jingbai took out his mobile phone, "fortunately, when we get out of the forest, the mobile phone will have a signal."

After dialing ah Xing's phone, ah Xing's voice soon came, "Miss, are you free now?"

"Well, what's the status of the animal changing pill experiment? Did anyone survive taking the upgraded version of beast changing pill? " Mu Jingbai asked directly.

Ah Xing replied: "Miss, only two people survived, one warrior and one ordinary man. By the way, you know that ordinary person, song Yan, whom we met three days ago. "

Mu Jingbai was surprised and said, "did he really survive? Yes, in the future, if zongmen has developed a more advanced animal changing pill, he can continue to try it. By the way, I remember that he seems to be looking for someone in the later period of dark strength to revenge, right? Did he go for revenge? "

"Yes, but he was killed by the man called He Feng."

"Well? If he survives, he should have a great master, right? And it's more dangerous than an ordinary master. How can he Feng kill him? "

"He Feng is not a late master of dark energy at all. He is also a strong master. Moreover, his marksmanship has also reached the master level. "

Ah Xing reported that at the same time, he told mu Jingbai all the things that happened at the Liuyue club in the morning in detail, "Miss, I inquired. He Feng is probably the son of he family, one of the four royal families, so I don't know how to deal with this matter."

"When he was 26 years old, he was a great master, and his gunshot skills also reached the level of a great master. He Feng is really a little unusual. The he family had such a monster as he Fengyun in those years, but now they are going to have a little genius? "

Mu Jingbai said in surprise.

Ah Xing asked: "Miss, do we want to avenge song Yan?"

Mu Jingbai said faintly: "what revenge? Song Yan is just a test object for us. What's the qualification for us to avenge him? His life and death have nothing to do with us. We don't have to pay attention to his affairs. Next, you will sort out the data of this experiment and submit it to zongmen. However, you'd better stay in Jiangbin city. When I find the butcher later and kill him, I'll go to Jiangbin city again to meet He Feng and see if he is interested in entering our animal hall. "

"Yes, I'll wait for Miss Jiang Bin."

After hanging up the phone, mu Jingbai looked at the direction of China with great interest. "Although I know that your achievements can't reach the height of Qin Fengyun, if you can accept the cultivation of our hall of beasts, you will achieve the myth in your lifetime, it shouldn't be a big problem."


He Feng was practicing all afternoon.

No way, Wang Xiangyun and others are all practicing, there is no important thing, he did not dare to leave the club easily.

Although the myth is that the strong will not attack ordinary people, they are not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

But for yuan Yashi and Gong Wei, they are so busy that he Feng wants to call them to Liuyue club.

"Well? How did your heart beat a little faster all of a sudden... "

He Feng, a practitioner, suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

A moment later, he seemed to be aware of something. He looked to the north with a dignified look.

"The power of heaven and earth fluctuates so strongly. It is absolutely the power of heaven and earth that the strong Qi is running at a high speed. Is the legend behind song Yan going to attack me at last? "

He Feng stood up, aware that the other party's breath is fast approaching, he Feng without saying a word, quickly rushed out of the training room.

In addition, a voice also sounded in all corners of the Liuyue club, "everyone, first level alert. All cars, all pull over to the side of the road, the driver sits on it, the car should be kept in the starting state

As his voice fell, suddenly a group of people took action.

Although they can't deal with the mythical strong, they can't do nothing.

At least, we should be ready to take Wang Xiangyun and a group of people to escape at any time.

"He Feng, what happened?"

Wang Xiangyun and others noticed the movement outside and ran out.

"The myth is coming!"

He Feng's face is unprecedentedly cautious.

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