"What? Where's the myth? "

"What are we going to do next?"

"Brother Xiaofeng, can you handle it?"

After hearing the words, all the girls began to ask with worry.

Mythology, in the eyes of ordinary ancient warriors, is just like a God, who has no heart to fight.

"Myths and legends? How can myths and legends come here? "

It was Mi Dongyu of the MI family who was talking. He was puzzled and didn't know what was going on.

That's the peak of ancient martial arts. I'm afraid there are few myths in the whole kingdom of China?

Today, several great masters have come to deal with He Feng. Now even myths are out?

"Master, do you want me to help you?" Yang Qi asked solemnly.

Although he knows that he is far from a mythical opponent, he is loyal to He Feng. Subconsciously, he thinks that he Feng's life is more important than his own. If he can use his life as a meat shield for He Feng, he will.


Mi Xingyu is confused when he Feng is called by Yang Qi.

Master Tang Huajin calls He Feng "master"?

Not only does Mi Dongyu think that he Feng is just Xi Xueqing, who is refining his body's seven strength, but he is also surprised at the moment.

At the same time, there are doubts.

He Feng said it was a myth, why feather sister also asked he Feng can deal with it?

Is it possible that today's Henglian masters can compete with myths?

"No, in the face of myth, there is no difference between an ordinary master and a mole ant. You can stay here. If it's dangerous later, I'll send you a message, and then you can take everyone away as soon as possible. "

He Feng ignores Mi Dongyu's inquiry, and just tells Yang qiphene.

He planted spiritual seeds in Yang Qi's spirit, and he was interlinked with Yang Qi. What ideas he had could be conveyed to Yang Qi's mind at the first time, even without opening his mouth.

"All right!" Yang Qi nodded.

Wang Xiangyun worried and asked: "He Feng, have you successfully broken through? If there's no breakthrough, you might as well leave with us. "

Wang Xiangyun is really worried about He Feng now. If he Feng fails to make a breakthrough, she won't allow him to face the myth.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law. Not long after lunch today, I made a breakthrough."

He Feng laughed and said, "the other party is less than five kilometers away from Liuyue club. I'll go there now. You wait here."

Voice down, he Feng did not say more, at the foot of a move, the next moment will disappear in front of everyone.

In addition to Yang Qi, no one can see he Feng's figure.

"This, this speed..."

Mi Dongyu sees he Feng's terrible speed and stares at him.

Before, when Yang Qi, song Yan, Xu Yuanjie and others fought, their speed was very fast, but Mi Dongyu could see clearly.

But now he Feng's speed, he can't even see the shadow.

If he Feng's speed before was like that of a tiger or a leopard, the speed now displayed is comparable to that of an ordinary plane, almost approaching the speed of sound.

"Sister feather, didn't he Feng just say there was a myth coming? Why did he rush through? He... He's just a great master who practices his body seven times. How can he fight against the mythical strongman? " Xi Xueqing asked anxiously.

"Sister Xueqing, he Feng is no longer the master of horizontal training. He just said that he has successfully broken through. Now he should be able to fight against myth. You don't have to worry about it. " It was Wang Xiangyun who answered.

The woman looks more relaxed on the surface. She doesn't want Xi Xueqing and others to worry about it, but she is very nervous at the moment.

"Successful breakthrough? After the breakthrough, didn't he just build eight weights? "

"Xueqing, you've all been cheated by him. In fact, he Feng is not a master of Qi Zhong's horizontal training, but a master of Huajin, and he is invincible in Huajin. And the breakthrough I'm talking about is from the top master breakthrough to the myth. "


Xi Xueqing opened her mouth, as if in a dream.

Mi Dongyu was also completely shocked. He felt that his breathing stopped.

Now he finally understood why Yang Qi, a great master, would call He Feng "master.".

Ling Weiyu and others took a look at Wang Xiangyun and wanted to tell him that it wasn't Xi Xueqing. They were cheated, and you were cheated too.

But at this time, they are all concerned about the safety of He Feng, and they don't have the heart to think so much.

He Feng is a good myth, but he Feng is too young. If he Feng is an old myth, what should he do?

Isn't he Feng in danger?


At the same time, about five kilometers away from the Liuyue club, a military cross-country car was heading for the Liuyue club.

The driver was he Juncong, who had just arrived in Jiangbin city from Nanjin city.

"Old four, do you think old three really didn't send Xiao Feng to a sect? I really can't believe that the little guy can break through the real Qi State just by fighting and killing outside? You know, he doesn't have the guidance of a famous teacher, and there are no endless resources for him to cultivate. Under such circumstances, it's very difficult for ordinary people to break through to the dark force. "

It was a middle-aged man sitting in the co pilot's seat. He Bayun, the second master of the he family, arrived in Jiangshu province by plane from Yanjing.

Although he Bayun was talking on his mouth, the strange energy in the surrounding air poured into his body quickly.

Moreover, on the top of the car, there seems to be an invisible vortex. The vortex rotates rapidly, absorbing the strange energy within a few hundred meters, and then converges into he Bayun's body.

"Second brother, I don't know much about Xiao Feng. I only know that he has a nickname of butcher in foreign countries. He has set up a mythical mercenary regiment. Now he is an S-class mercenary regiment."

He Juncong said: "in addition, Xiaofeng is a very powerful hacker. I guess he may be the dragon on the global hacker list. "

He Bayun heard the news for the first time, and his eyes immediately glared, "what do you say? He fights and kills all day long abroad. At the age of 26, he breaks through to the true state. He even has time to study computer at the same time, and he has become the number one hacker in the world

He Juncong saw he Bayun's reaction, and his heart was suddenly balanced.

At the beginning, he thought he Feng was the only one who was able to cultivate himself secretly. He also thought about instructing him in his cultivation. However, the old man of he family told him that he Feng was a myth of a generation, which could strike the army hard.

"Yes, he not only ranks first in the list of hackers, but also has a big gap with him. Because a force in the United States wanted to destroy Xiaofeng's Dragon mercenary regiment half a year ago, so it called on several powerful hackers, including Qianshou who ranked second and several top hackers, to destroy Xiaofeng's defense system. As a result, on the contrary, their thermal weapon attack system was destroyed by Xiao Feng. "

He Juncong said with a proud smile: "in that battle, the U.S. side was defeated before fighting, and ran away in ashes. No one dared to send people to attack the headquarters of the Dragon mercenary regiment."

He Bayun tut exclaimed, "fierce, Xiao Feng's achievements are almost as good as his father's in those years. Unfortunately, his cultivation of martial arts is a little poor. When his father was his age, he was among the strong young people in the clan, and he had a good time. "

He Juncong rolled his eyes and said, "do you think anyone can be as evil as the third brother? At that time, he was known as the peerless double pride of the younger generation in the whole ancient martial arts world of China. "

"Well, Lao San's cultivation talent is rare in the world. I really shouldn't compare Xiao Feng with Lao San. Xiao Feng can reach the present level, even if let the outside world know that he is the third son, will not insult the third's reputation

He Bayun nodded and said.

"Hey, if Xiao Feng really passes on his true identity, I'm afraid the kingdom of China will be lively. However, it seems that Jiangbin city is a bit busy now. In addition to Xiaofeng, there may be a myth behind it. " He Juncong road.

Smell speech, he Bayun's expression also slightly solemn some, "small maple just break through to myth soon, if meet that myth, may suffer a loss.". Now that I have come to Jiangbin City, I will see if I can help him find out the myth. "

"Can myths be found out?" He Juncong asked in surprise.

"Of course!"

He Bayun said with a smile: "you don't quite understand this. If we mythical strong people don't deliberately hide when practicing, if there is another mythical strong person close to about 5000 meters, they will be able to detect each other's existence. Therefore, I only need to wander in Jiangbin city for a period of time. If the other party doesn't have a dike, I can detect its existence. Of course, the stronger the cultivation, the stronger the range of induction. "

"There's another thing?"

He Juncong was surprised and said: "doesn't that mean that if the other person's cultivation is weaker than you, you can easily feel the existence of the other person? But it's hard for him to feel you? "

He Bayun shook his head, "this is not absolute, because some people's cultivation is not very strong, but they may have strong mental power, so their range of induction will be larger."

"Mental power?"

He Juncong asked confusedly.

"Well, now you don't care about it. It's something that people with strong Qi can cultivate. It's better for you to cultivate your energy honestly. " He Bayun grinned.

"Cut, don't care, don't care, as if I want to care?"

He Juncong turned his lips. Isn't my cultivation talent a little worse than yours?

But outside, I'm a genius, too, OK?

"Eh, this breath is..."

He Bayun sees that he Juncong has been hit and smiles with pride.

But at this time, he seemed to feel something, his face changed greatly, and immediately called out: "stop!"

He Juncong didn't know why, but he stopped the car quickly, "what's the matter?"

"There is a powerful mythical strongman who is approaching us at a very fast speed, less than five kilometers away from me." He Bayun's tone is quite dignified.

"Is there a myth that the strong are approaching us?"

He Juncong's look also changed, "can it be He Feng?"

"It can't be him. He Feng has just broken through to the true Qi for two or three months, but this myth rushing towards us gives me a rather dangerous feeling. The strength of this person has at least reached the double level of true Qi. "

He Bayun didn't go on, because he felt that Fang Zheng was moving towards him.

By the time he said this, he had already opened the car door and rushed out. The speed of the whole person had reached the extreme in an instant, comparable to the speed of sound, and disappeared in the sight of he Juncong in the blink of an eye.

"Second brother, be careful..."

He Juncong yelled a little worried, then stepped on the accelerator and drove towards he Juncong.

He has never seen the battle of the mythical strong. Now he has a rare chance, and he naturally doesn't want to miss it.

At this time, he was a little relieved.

"Fortunately, I brought my second brother in time, otherwise even my second brother would feel dangerous. If Xiao Feng met him, he would be more dangerous."


By this time, he Bayun had seen the mythical strongman.

This man is so young that he seems to be less than thirty years old.

But he Bayun doesn't think that the other person is really in his twenties, because even the dark strong can easily change their appearance, and the mythical strong can keep their youth forever.

Some little Lori, who seems to be only a teenager on the surface, is actually a hundred year old witch.

"Well, I thought you didn't come to me. Now that you're here, I'll try. How many pounds do you have?"

When he Bayun saw the other side, the other side sneered, and then the whole body breath poured out like mountains and rivers, without hesitation to attack him.

"Bah! Fortunately, I thought you were very strong. It turned out that you were just in the middle stage of Qi. Since you are so weak, let's see what a true myth is. "

He Bayun sneered.

As soon as the words were finished, his breath, which was much higher than that of the other side, bloomed wildly and rolled down towards the other side like a sea.

The two great myths fight in one instant.

At this moment, heaven and earth are shaking.

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