
Along with the fight between the two real Qi strongmen, within a radius of several hundred meters, it seems that a terrible tornado has been formed, raging wildly.

At this moment, some people who have noticed this scene are surprised.

Why is it so windy all of a sudden?

Is this the rhythm of heavy rain?

But there is still a big sun in the sky.

"Is this the power of the mythical strong against each other?"

In the direction of Liuyue club, Wang Xiangyun and others all felt the terrible phenomenon about three kilometers away, one by one shocking.

At the beginning, they only knew that the mythical strongman was very strong, but they didn't know how strong he was. They didn't have a clear concept at all.

But now, when they feel the terrible power in the strong storm, they already understand the horror of myth.

In the face of such forces, they are no different from mole ants.

"The master is right. Although I have become a great master, even my master will be killed every minute in front of such great power." Yang Qi sighed.

"Myth! Is the rogue, who is careless and has no integrity, unconsciously become the top of the ancient martial arts? This kind of strong man is my husband? "

Wang Xiangyun's expression is a little trance.

Xi Xueqing and Mi Xingyu are stunned.

Ling Weiyu, Ji Xinyu and Chu Yue, who know he Feng's true identity and accomplishments, are proud.

Not far away, hu er and others felt the terrible momentum ahead, and their faces changed greatly.

"What a powerful breath! One of them is Mr. He Feng's? "

"It turns out that Mr. He Feng is not so strong on the surface at all. His real strength is much stronger than what we imagined."

"No, this breath..."

Suddenly, he was shocked at first, then his face changed slightly, as if he remembered something.

"So familiar, this breath, so familiar... Where on earth have I seen it? Why am I so excited all of a sudden? I know. I remember! The Middle East is in the Middle East battlefield. "

At this moment, suddenly the breath of the ear became urgent, and the body trembled violently.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?" Asked one of his men.

"No mistake, absolutely no mistake. Only Wang has this familiar murderous spirit. In this world, only my king is qualified to possess such murderous spirit. "

Suddenly the ear didn't answer the words of the hand, after confirming he Feng's true identity, he didn't hesitate, knelt down on both knees, prostrate toward the front, as if worshiping the nine gods.

"My king

In his mouth, it was a cry full of piety.

"My king?"

A group of people around him changed their faces when they heard hu er's address.

Although their top leader is a crocodile, they all know that they have a real leader on top of the crocodile.


There are too many such things.

Because of these things, the figure became the God in the eyes of all people in their organization.

He is a God.

He is also the king without a crown.

The only king in myth!

At this moment, many of hu'er's men and brothers, after confirming the identity of each other, were as excited as hu'er. Their bodies trembled, tears filled their eyes, and they crawled to the ground.

"My king is up!"

"My king will win!"

"Long live my king!"


This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Wang Xiangyun and others.

"What's going on? What happened to them? What are they shouting about? "

Wang Xiangyun frowned and asked.

Ling Weiyu thought about it and said, "it seems that these people are all subordinates of brother Xiaofeng. They may worship brother Xiaofeng very much."

"Worship is worship. Is it like kneeling down to ancestors?" Wang Xiangyun rolled his eyes and said in silence: "I don't know how he Feng fooled these people. They were like his followers. He built a mercenary Corps abroad. Isn't he engaged in pyramid selling? That guy is really good at deceiving people


"Sister Yun, you are so funny!"

Originally, there was some tension, because Wang Xiangyun's words were a little relaxed.

Chu Yue said with a smile: "if all the myths go to MLM, it is estimated that a world-class economic crisis will break out soon. Pyramid schemes do great damage to the economy. "

Listening to their chat, not far away suddenly ears heart is collapse.

If those who say these words are others, even the mythical strong, they will rush up and fight for it without hesitation.

Dare to blaspheme their gods, that is to humiliate their faith, in order to maintain their faith, they are willing to pay their lives.

However, these people are He Feng's women.

Suddenly I can only pretend that I didn't hear anything


At this time, not far away from the battle circle, he Feng and he Bayun in a short moment, they have been fighting several moves.

Several moves, he Feng was directly suppressed in the downwind, almost no fight back.

"Damn, how can the myth behind song Yan be so strong? Even if it's in the top ten, it's not so powerful, is it? Is this the most powerful man who came out of the sect? " He Feng depressed want to curse.

"Villain, you are so murderous. You don't have 10000 lives, but you have 8000? Killers like you should have gone to hell for a long time. Today, I will do justice for heaven and destroy you. "

He Bayun yelled angrily. It seemed that there was thunder rolling between heaven and earth, which shocked people's eardrum.

As his voice fell, he quickly approached He Feng and waved his fist. It seemed that there was a huge group of light in his fist. Once this group of light bloomed, it would burst out the power of destroying heaven and earth.

"Damn it, it's hard to get rid of brother Feng."

Feeling each other's fists contained in the breath of terror, he Feng face dignified to the extreme, but also some depressed.

Because the other person's cultivation is much stronger than him, he estimated that this person's cultivation should reach the triple level of true Qi.

Just because of the big gap in cultivation, he was suppressed by the other side at the beginning of the fight.

Now, the other person may feel that his cultivation is two levels better than himself, and he has not defeated himself in a short time, which makes him lose face, so he directly uses killing moves.

"Paralyzed, think you have kill move, maple elder brother didn't kill move?"

He Feng cold hum a, and then Mou Guang a coagulate, the power of heaven and earth above the head, suddenly crazy rotation up, toward his body convergence.

"At that time, I didn't use my own" limit "when I was faced with the inevitable attack of the medium-term killer in the real Qi state. Although I will fall into a deep sleep after using this move, even if you reach the triple level of true Qi, you have to stay here for me today! "

Thought, he Feng Dantian running faster and faster, head seems to have a black hole, crazy devouring the energy between heaven and earth.

And his breath, in a short moment, suddenly rose about five times.

A breath stronger than he Bayun diffused from him.

"What's going on? Isn't this guy in the middle of his life? Why is the breath so strong all of a sudden? "

He Bayun, who is rushing to kill, has a slight body shape. He, who was a little careless, has become more alert than ever.

Because in each other, he felt the fatal crisis.

It's like the person who survived after the two sides attacked each other

Maybe not him!

"Well, how is that possible?"

He Bayun felt like vomiting blood.

The other party is in the middle of life. Can he kill him?

"I've been closed in the he family for more than 20 years. I seldom fight with those who are strong in real Qi. Are all those who are strong in real Qi now so abnormal?"

He Bayun is very depressed, "I'm in a triple mood of true Qi!"

"No, he took the initiative to attack me. It seems that he really has confidence in his move. But it's a really strong move. No matter. If you stay away now, you may die faster and have to fight hard. "

He Bayun clenched his teeth and clenched his fist, ready to block He Feng's attack.

"Stop it, stop it

At this time, a cry of surprise sounded from a distance, in the ears of two people.


Hearing this familiar voice, no matter he Feng or he Bayun, they subconsciously look toward the source of the voice.

"Fourth uncle?"

"Fourth brother?"

He Bayun and he Feng's movements are one meal.

"Second brother, stop fighting. It's Xiao Feng. Stop it..."

He Juncong looks at the two people who exude terror breath because of the fierce fight, and exclaims in panic.

Especially when he saw that he Feng's momentum was no weaker than he Bayun, he was even more shocked. "Xiao Feng, this is your second uncle. Stop it."

"Second uncle?"

"Little Maple?"

Both of them were shocked again.

He Bayun was shocked that the little guy had just broken through to the real Qi State for two or three months?

But now his strength is no weaker than himself, OK?

Especially now is about to perform a move, even he felt palpitation.

What's so special about this is just a breakthrough?

You're kidding me!

He Feng was shocked that he thought that the he family could compete with the power of one or two new myths at most, but he Bayun was obviously an old myth. He didn't dare to associate with the he family. He just guessed that he was from eight sects.


He Bayun took a long breath. Although he was still shocked, he still restrained his breath.

He Feng took nearly half a minute to control the power of the riot in his body and let the breath fall back.

Fortunately, the move has just been condensed and has not been released. Otherwise, he will not be able to control it and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Little guy, are you really Xiao Feng?"

He Bayun see he Feng body to restore calm, no that terrible breath, this just at ease came to He Feng.

He Juncong introduced: "Xiao Feng, this is your second uncle. For more than 20 years since your parents disappeared, your second uncle and your eldest uncle have spent almost 20 years in seclusion, only to help you get your parents back in the future. Today is also because of your business, your second uncle will go out. "

"More than 20 years of hard work..."

Hear this words, he Feng heart move.

He family

Also did not think much, he Feng to he Bayun respectfully called a, "second uncle!"

Although he complained a little about the he family and felt that his parents and he family owed him, he knew very well that his parents would not abandon him if they were not forced to.

From the few words that old man he chatted with him, he could also guess some vaguely.

At that time, his parents may have met a real powerful enemy, and even the he family couldn't help much. Therefore, his uncle and second uncle have been practicing hard all the time.

"Xiao Feng, will you call me Er Bo?"

He Bayun heard he Feng so straightforward call himself, suddenly a face of ecstasy, like a child to see a beloved toy.

Just on the way, he Juncong told him that he Feng would not call them.

"You are my second uncle. Why don't I call you second uncle?" He Feng asked.

"Xiao Feng, what about me?" He Juncong said.

"Fourth master he, as you can see, I am a mythical man. Second uncle is also a myth. You're just using your strength. I can't save face to call your fourth uncle. It's a shame. " He Feng sighed.


He Juncong looks confused.

I'm slow in practice. What can I do?

"Ha ha, old four, have you been hit? So that you usually like to study military things and don't know how to practice behind closed doors. Although you have average talent, if you shut up like my brother all the time, you may have broken through the myth now. " He Bayun said triumphantly.

"At that time, he wanted to send me to the sect for cultivation. Didn't I insist on staying in the he family?"

He Bayun shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about him. Instead, he looked at He Feng and said, "Xiao Feng, old four told me that you've only broken through to the real Qi State for less than three months, but how can your combat effectiveness be so strong? If you don't use your unique skills, your combat effectiveness will be comparable to that of the real Qi state. And once the stunt, even I feel the fatal crisis. You know, not long ago, I broke through to the triple initial stage of true Qi. "

"Yes, Xiao Feng, how can your fighting power be so powerful? It's almost as good as your father He Juncong also asked in shock.

"My father?"

He Feng eyebrows a coagulation, "since you now see my strength, that should be able to tell me what happened in the end?"

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