"Xiao Feng, in fact, what happened in those years, your grandfather has let us find a chance to tell you."

He Juncong said, looking at he Bayun, "second brother, when the battle happened, I was studying in school. You have witnessed it with your own eyes. It's up to you to tell Xiao Feng."

He Bayun nodded and said: "Xiao Feng, in fact, that battle was caused by your mother."

"My mother?"

He Feng is surprised.

"Well, to be exact, it's because of your mother's identity." He Bayun seemed to fall into the memory, "I heard your father simply say that your mother came from a very remote place and had a noble identity. However, she also has enemies, very, very powerful enemies, not to mention our he family. Even some strong sects can't fight against her. "

"The strong of the clan can't resist?" He Feng can't help wring his eyebrows.

He didn't know much about zongmen, but he had heard about the power of zongmen before he stepped into the true Qi.

Although the state machine of China is not weak and cannot be easily provoked, the most powerful force of China is the eight sects.

These are the eight groups that are above the state institutions!

However, they are detached from the secular world and have no interest in power and wealth. Only when China is facing the crisis of national destruction, the eight sects will come forward.

Can such a force not deal with his mother's enemies?

He Bayun shook his head. "It's not that all the strong men in the clan helped your father. At that time, some of them were your father's brothers and friends. They were almost as old as your father. They were all 30 or 40 years old. Even in the eight sects, they are young people. "

He Feng asked curiously, "what level of their strength has they reached?"

"Not very strong, either!"

He Bayun thought about it and said, "the weakest is better than me. And the stronger ones are your father and another proud person. Their cultivation has reached the four peaks of true Qi. "

"Four peaks of true Qi..."

He Feng mouth corner ruthlessly draws, own father unexpectedly so strong?

The four peaks of true Qi State, you can kill him with one move?

His so-called extreme moves, in front of the four peaks of true Qi, even have no chance to show.

"How old was my father then?" He Feng was a little hit, and asked quickly.

"It's not much. It's about two years older than you are now."

He Bayun thought for a while and said.

"Only two years older than me!" He Feng is speechless.

He thought he was very talented. After all, he became a legend when he was 26 years old. Compared with those who were over 100 years old, he was just a genius!

But now compared with his father, he thinks he is a scum.

"Why, is that a blow?" He Bayun said with a smile: "in fact, I haven't told you one thing. Your father is not an ordinary four strong man of true Qi. In the eight sects, when you get to the true state of Qi, there will be a list for each of them, arranged according to their strength. And your dad is in the top four. No, to be exact, from the first to the fourth, he can reach the top every time. One of his brothers in life and death came in second. The two of them are known as the peerless geniuses of China in a thousand years, and they are also called peerless double pride. "

"Peerless double pride..."

Hear these, he Feng feels his blood seems to become scalding.

A sense of pride rose in his heart.

"Er Bo, do you think this list is only entered by the strong members of the clan? Did my father join a sect? " He Feng asks curiously.

"Yes, your father joined the crape myrtle sect, one of the eight sects! However, I don't know much about his situation in the clan. " He Bayun said with a bitter smile.

I can't help it. He was too weak at that time. He was not qualified to know too much.

Although now powerful, but they he family and ziweizong, it is no longer contact.

Even he Fengyun's brother, few people have contacted the he family.

As for the reason, he Bayun does not know.

His father and his elder brother seem to know something, but they don't tell him. He Bayun is too lazy to tell he Feng about this.


He Feng secretly remembered the name of the sect, "second uncle, is my mother's cultivation also very strong?"

"Strong! Very strong He Bayun nodded, "your mother didn't join any sect, but her talent and cultivation are stronger than your father. She is the same age as your father, but when your father was at the top of the four realms, your mother had already stepped into the five realms. And the combat effectiveness is even more terrifying. Your father is in your mother's hands, and I'm afraid you can't make it through ten moves. "

"So strong?"

Hearing this, he Feng was very excited.

Not only because of the strength of parents

Also because his father and mother in his mind, is no longer a white paper.

He finally got some information about his parents!

"Second uncle, since my parents are so strong, and I have a group of brothers and friends with the same strength, why can't I deal with my mother's enemies? Are those people still stronger? " He Feng asked.


Thinking of the scene in those years, Rao Shihe Bayun has now broken through to the triple of true Qi, and is still dignified and scared.

"Originally, I didn't intend to tell you when I came here, but since your fighting power can already threaten me, and your talent is not much worse than your father's, then I don't have to hide it from you."

He Bayun narrowed his eyes and said: "in that battle, there was a higher myth."

"Higher myth?" He Feng frowned and exclaimed subconsciously: "the myth of Qi State seven fold?"


He Bayun took a deep breath, "I just guess it's Qizhong, but I don't know whether it is. It's also possible that they are the most powerful myth! "


He Feng's pupil suddenly shrinks.

Although he didn't meet many people with strong real Qi, he heard Huisheng explain some real Qi to him.

There are nine realms, from the first to the ninth.

In the secular world, it is called a myth when the true Qi state is heavy. In some small countries, it can become a sea god needle. Even in the powerful ancient China, it is extremely powerful. There are only a few myths in the secular world of China.

However, there are more powerful myths in the eight sects of the kingdom of China, as well as some huge forces abroad, even the higher myths and the most powerful myths.

The higher mythology is a strong one with more than seven levels of true Qi.

The most powerful myth is the nine levels of true Qi.

It is precisely because he knows that there are still people in the world who can kill themselves with a slap, so even if he has the cultivation of true Qi, he Feng is still very low-key.

If the people of Tianji Pavilion didn't directly list him in tianbang, he Feng didn't want to go to tianbang.

"No, don't you think my parents have four or five kinds of accomplishments? Since the other side has a higher myth or even the most powerful myth, can they still live? "

He Feng suddenly responds and asks.

He Bayun said: "although your mother's enemy has a higher myth. But behind your mother, there is also a higher myth. But Rao is so, your parents are still too weak. Even if your father's brothers and friends help, they will die in the end. While fighting, your father awoke his blood temporarily and his strength soared, but he was not the opponent of the other party. In the end, your mother was seriously injured and was taken away by the other party, while your father ran after her. "

"So my mother was taken by those people? My father doesn't know whether he's alive or dead? " He Feng's face is hard to see.

"It's hard to say that your father's accomplishments soared at that time, so it should not be so easy to die, and the people behind your mother also caught up, so the probability of an accident was not big. What's more, I heard from the old man that there were strong people coming out of zongmen later. But what's the final result? Zongmen didn't reveal it to the he family. The old man asked your parents' friends. They kept it a secret. Let's not ask. They said that the he family didn't have a higher myth. They won't reveal the things behind this. "

He Bayun sighed and said.

It is precisely for this reason that they have been closed day and night for more than 20 years in order to let the he family have a higher myth as soon as possible.

Not only the elder and the second elder of the he family, but also the elder has lived in seclusion these years.

Because of this, the outside world will think that the he family, one of the four royal families, has become low-key. Those who don't know it think that the he family is declining.

However, they don't know that with the many cultivation resources he Fengyun accumulated for his family, many myths have emerged in his family.

"Higher myth..."

He Feng looked at he Bayun and asked, "Er Bo, now he Jiaxiu is the highest. Is it Er Bo you?"

He Bayun shrugged, "how can it be? Whether it's your boss or the old man, his accomplishments are better than mine. Especially the old man, I can't see his depth, in his hands, I guess a move can't go. His cultivation should have broken through to more than four levels and become a medium myth. "

"The old man is a myth!"

He Feng opened his mouth. The old guy who was always complained by him on the phone was so tough?

He suddenly felt very lucky. Fortunately, he just complained on the phone. If he complained face to face, if he made people unhappy, would he kick him away?

"Yes, but now it's hard for us to make a breakthrough!"

He Bayun sighed: "the cultivation resources your father put in our he family in those years have been almost consumed over the years. The cultivation resources of mythical realm are basically monopolized by the big forces of various countries, which is also to prevent the secular myth from appearing too strong, so as not to cause social unrest. Therefore, there are only two ways for us to obtain cultivation resources. First, join the clan. Second, I'll find a way to look for it in the deep mountains. "

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