"Xiao Feng, if you want to join the clan, don't worry about it for the moment. Go back to the he family and discuss with the old man to see what he said."

He Bayun warned.

"Well, I'm not in a hurry for the time being." He Feng nodded.

Of course, he is not in a hurry. After breaking through to the early stage of Qi level one, he went into the mountains with Huisheng and found many top-level elixirs to take. Now his body has not fully absorbed these elixirs.

Moreover, since he broke through to the true Qi State, he created the "limit" move. Even if he didn't use the elixir, the speed of absorbing the power of heaven and earth is not comparable to the ordinary myth.

This is the reason why he broke through to the middle stage of the first stage of true Qi in just two months.

"Xiao Feng, do you have anything else to ask?"

He Bayun looks at He Feng and asks.

He Feng shook his head, "no!"

He really has nothing to ask at the moment. He Bayun has to spend some time digesting all the things he says to him now.

He originally thought that his parents were only characters of Huajin level at most. After all, in his understanding, there were no myths about the four royal families. Even if there were one or two, they were not powerful. Even if there is a myth behind it, it will not be too strong. As long as he works hard for a few years, he will find his parents sooner or later.

But now

The enemy is more than strong, it is too strong.

Higher myth, even the most powerful myth, even if he Feng thinks that his cultivation talent is good, he doesn't have much confidence to reach this level.

Huisheng once told him that no one in the world's most powerful myth seems to be younger than three figures in age.

Those who can become the most powerful myth are the most gifted.

And he Feng now

Only 26 years old.

Even if his talent is no worse than those of the most powerful myths, he needs to be over 100 years old to achieve the most powerful myths.

Seventy four years to go!

Such a long time, for He Feng, who is extremely anxious to find his parents, is torture.

"Second brother, Xiao Feng, let's leave here first. I feel that many people are coming here."

At this time, he Juncong said.

When he Bayun and he Feng were fighting just now, there was a lot of noise within a kilometer radius. It felt like the weather had changed. Now it's suddenly calm again. Some people with heavy curiosity are coming to watch the fun and want to see what's going on.

"Go to Liuyue club. Yunyun, they are probably still worried about me." Hefeng road.

"Yunyun? It's your daughter-in-law, isn't it? Then hurry over. I can meet my niece and daughter-in-law just in time. " He Bayun said with a smile.

"Second brother, we have more than one nephew and daughter-in-law. I've made a statistics. There are seven or eight of them. " He Juncong said suddenly.


He Bayun thumbs up to He Feng, "your cultivation talent may be a little worse than your father, but our four brothers can't match you in this way. When you are free, you have to teach your two cousins. "

"I don't have any way to pick up girls!"

He Feng shook his head and sighed: "I just rely on my personal charm and a face..."

Smell speech, he Bayun mouth corner smoked.

Is this really my nephew?

What a shame!

After all, the three people got on the bus quickly and headed for the Liuyue club.

On the bus, he Bayun asked curiously: "Xiao Feng, what's the move you just performed? How can I even feel the fatal crisis? "

"It's just a unique way I created to protect my life!" He Feng said casually.

"Self created?"

He Bayun's eyes widened, "can you even create your own moves? What's more, the power is so powerful, at least it reaches the level of heaven level

"Is it strange to create your own moves? I have two brothers, and they have created their own powerful moves. " Hefeng road.

He said two people, one is a monkey, the other is reincarnation.

Huisheng seems to be keeping a low profile, and most of the time he studies medicine. But in fact, his talent in martial arts is no less than him.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Huisheng to achieve the same level of martial arts cultivation as he Feng in the condition that his medical skills are all connected with heaven. He Feng just broke through to the true Qi first.

What's more, Huisheng has been closed for a long time recently, and has not yet passed the pass. Maybe he has broken through to the true Qi.

"What a bunch of freaks!"

He Bayun exclaimed, and immediately asked: "Xiao Feng, can you teach this self created martial art to others?"

Although he Bayun has mastered the unique skill, the unique skill he has mastered is too bad compared with He Feng's.

He felt that if he learned he Feng's move, even for the four fold myth of true Qi, he would have a chance to kill him.

He Feng said: "Er Bo, my martial arts are tailor-made according to my own situation. Other people can't learn it. Otherwise, I would have passed it on to my brothers. "

He understood the extreme martial arts as soon as he changed his strength, and then deduced it slowly.

It was not until the true Qi state that it was perfected and formed, that it realized the attack means.

Gather a lot of power of heaven and earth, bless yourself, and burst out attacks far beyond your own cultivation.

This can be regarded as the use of four or two thousand jin theory, but he Feng applied this theory to the extreme.

"All right!"

He Bayun had some regrets, but he didn't insist.

He also knows that there are too many powerful martial arts in the world, but only those that are most suitable for him are the most perfect.

A few people chatting, unknowingly came to stay outside the club.

"He Feng, are you ok?"

As soon as he Feng got out of the car, Wang Xiangyun and others surrounded him. They were all worried and nervous.

The fighting scene just now was really terrible. They all felt very powerful several miles apart. In those scenes, Huajin was a mole ant. Rao Shihe Feng stepped into the myth, and they were also worried.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

He Feng looked at the worried faces and said with a smile: "in fact, it was just a misunderstanding!"


"Well, I thought it was the myth behind song Yan, but it's not."

He Feng nodded.

At this time, he suddenly found that hu er and others all knelt down in front of him. First, he was stunned, and immediately understood.

It seems that they know their identity now.

"Suddenly, you stand up first."

He Feng goes over and reaches out to help hu er.

Suddenly, he stood up, but his face was still full of excitement and worship. "My king, it's really you. I didn't expect that I would have a chance to serve you."

"Ha ha, practice hard in the future, and strive to break through Huajin as soon as possible. The higher your accomplishments are, the more places you can help me in the future. In addition, my identity is more sensitive in China. You'd better call me Mr. He as usual. Otherwise, it will be a bit of trouble to attract the attention of the official of China. " He Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, my king!"

He nodded subconsciously.

He Feng helpless smile, also don't say much.

At this time, MI Dongyu came over and knelt down directly in front of He Feng. "Mr. He, I'd like to recognize you as my Lord and become your servant from now on."

Before he Feng said let him serve as a servant, and to control his spirit, he also some resistance.

But now, knowing that he Feng is a great myth, where can he have the idea of resistance?

Even if he Feng makes him a puppet directly, he can control his life and death from then on, which is also his honor.

He is willing to be a mythical puppet!

The reason is very simple. The myth in front of us is not an ordinary myth, but a myth of 26 years old.

With such a myth, in the future, not to mention whether he can step into master Huajin, even the myth in the legend

It's possible!

"I'll talk about your business later. You can stay at the moon club first. I'll find you when I'm finished." He Feng said.

"Yes! Thank you, master Mi Dongyu's address to He Feng has changed directly. Now he is willing to be his servant and recognize he Feng.

However, he Feng wants to control the rice family, when the rice family as their own puppet, or to control the spirit of rice Dongyu just at ease.

After all, Nanjin city is his daughter-in-law's hometown. He can't take it lightly.

Therefore, he did not let Mi Dongyu go back to Mi's home because of his admiration and respect.

He looked at Ji Xinyu and said, "Xinyu, go and tell the people below that people who know about my accomplishments and identity must keep their mouths shut and no one can divulge them."

"All right, I'll go now!" Ji Xinyu is going to call the people of Liuyue club.

"Second uncle, let's go inside and have a chat."

He Feng looked at he Bayun and said.

"Okay, okay!"

He Bayun nodded repeatedly, but looking at He Feng's eyes, he was envious and crazy.

Good boy, I thought he just picked up seven or eight girls at random, but I didn't expect that each of these girls was beautiful.

That's enough to hang his father.

When they entered the hall, except for He Feng, he Bayun and he Juncong, there were only a few women he Feng could absolutely trust.

Waiting for Ji Xinyu to deal with the matter, he Feng pointed to he Bayun and he Juncong and said, "daughter in law, let me introduce you first. This is my second uncle, my father's second brother. This is my fourth uncle, my father's fourth brother. My father, third in line

"Second uncle, fourth uncle..."

Ji Xinyu was the first to shout.

"Second uncle, fourth uncle!"

Wang Xiangyun was a little coy for a while, and soon followed.

Although Ling Weiyu and others are a little shy, they can be regarded as meeting their parents now. If they don't behave cleverly, what will parents do if they are not satisfied with themselves?

Even Xi Xueqing, also vaguely followed to shout.

He Feng, she is from the heart of worship and admiration, she is just a little worried that he Feng will not accept themselves.

After all, the women around He Feng are better than each other. When it comes to beauty, she thinks she will be the last.

"Second uncle, fourth uncle, let me introduce you."

He Feng continued to introduce Wang Xiangyun and others.

In fact, for Wang Xiangyun and others' identity information, he Bayun already knew it on the road, but he Feng didn't interrupt when he introduced it.

Finally, after introducing Xi Xueqing, he Feng said, "Lulu, they are not here now. I'll let them have time to come back and meet with my second uncle and fourth uncle."

"It's OK. I'll wait until they are free. Anyway, I'm in Jiangshu province. I'm not in a hurry." He Juncong said quickly.

He Feng this a four uncles, although not direct shout him, but also let him in the heart very comfortable.

"The old man also arranged other tasks for me. I don't think I can stay here long."

He Bayun said.

"He Feng, what happened just now? Don't you say there's a myth coming? What's the situation now? "

At this time, Wang Xiangyun asked.

All the women also looked at He Feng in doubt. He Feng had been like an enemy before. Now how could he be like nobody? Also brought a second uncle and fourth uncle back.

"Well, just now I felt a strong breath. I thought that the comer was the myth behind song Yan. I was afraid that the fight in Liuyue club would hurt you, so I rushed to intercept each other. But I didn't expect that the mythical strong man was the second uncle. "

He Feng touched his nose and said: "second uncle, he may have misunderstood me as the myth behind song Yan. He hasn't seen my picture. Seeing that I'm aggressive, he rushed up to fight with me."

Smell speech, all women have a kind of impulse to vomit blood.

Isn't that too long?

"Second uncle, he is also a mythical strongman?" Xi Xueqing looked at he Bayun in shock and said.

She comes from Guiyi medicine hall. Shigong is the supreme elder of Guiyi medicine hall, master Huajin. She is a real big shot. Therefore, she has learned a lot about the ancient martial arts of China since she was a child.

She naturally understood the four royal families in Yanjing better.

Among the four royal families, although there are not a few Huajin masters, they are at least ten strong masters.

But myth

Even in the four royal families, it seems that they have never heard of myths.

In the past 20 years, the he family is the most low-key of the four royal families. It is even rumored that the he family is declining.

But now the he family even has myths.

Is this a decline?

I don't know who first said that the he family was going downhill. It's just a pitfall.

If a higher guwu aristocratic family thinks that the he family is really declining and is on the decline, deliberately provoking the authority of the he family, then they don't know how to die.

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