For He Feng's words, all the women are too lazy to pay attention to him.

If it's just he Feng's ordinary friends, they may feel free to order, but this time it's he Feng's brother of life and death, not the kind of brother is better than brother, they will naturally pay attention to it.

After about half an hour's waiting, a rather windy Porsche palamella stopped outside the Liuyue club.

"Boss, I'm coming!"

An excited shout sounded from Liuyue club.

Everyone heard the sound and went out.

Outside the Liuyue club, there were four people, three of whom were subordinates, but their breath was not bad, and they all reached the level of Hua Jin.

It's just that the three great masters of Huajin are holding not some powerful soldiers, but

A person carrying a computer bag looks like three ordinary office workers.

The leader, however, was a young man with thin figure, short shaved hair, and looking rather energetic.

"Meet my king!"

The three people see he Feng, one by one excited kneel on the ground.

That's more exciting than seeing your ancestors.

"Get up. This is the kingdom of China. Let's keep a low profile. You can call me Mr. He later." He Feng stepped forward and helped several people up. Then he looked at the monkey angrily, "monkey, what are you howling about? Can't you keep it down? Do you believe I kicked you back to the Middle East? "

"Hey, I'm so excited. I haven't seen you for nearly three months. Wuwuwu, I miss you so much, boss. Do you want to miss me? "

The monkey seems to see his old lover. He goes over and hugs He Feng's arm. He looks very intimate.


He Feng's face suddenly turned black, and without hesitation, he kicked the monkey's ass, "go away, don't behave like a girl. People who don't know think we are the two manuscript bases."

Not to mention, Wang Xiangyun and others look at him and the monkey with strange eyes, even a little scared

"Oh, boss, don't you always like to touch my ass?" Monkey covers buttocks, a face of depressed said, like a little daughter-in-law.

"Always like to touch his ass?"

Wang Xiangyun and others opened their mouths.

How does this sound wrong?

"Smelly boy, you've met some of my daughters-in-law who are too beautiful, so you want to make a fool of me, don't you? Hehe, well, since you dig a hole for me, I'll go into your hole. "

He Feng's eyes twinkled with dangerous light, "tonight, we fight all night!"

"Boss, don't, I'm still a junior. You can't do this to me." The monkey immediately pitifully begged for mercy and looked at Wang Xiangyun and other humanitarians: "sisters in law, boss, he's going to violence me. You have to save me from fire and water."

Wang Xiangyun can see it clearly. The monkey is the best.

She chuckled and said, "it's OK. You two haven't seen each other for a long time. It doesn't matter if we give him to you tonight. New rain and feathers, don't you

"Well, I don't mind."

"I don't mind!"

"Brother Xiaofeng, you have to perform well tonight. You can't waste your energy."

Ji Xinyu and others nodded.

"Lying trough!"

The monkey was stunned.

The result is different from what I expected.

Shouldn't the best-looking sisters in law feel disappointed with their boss one by one and then leave?

Why do they collectively agree to let the boss accompany them at night?

He suddenly felt that the hole he dug seemed to have buried himself.

"The three of them are brothers of Shenji camp, aren't they?" He Feng looked at the three people behind the monkey and said.

Shenji camp is a department of Shenlong mercenary regiment. The person responsible for training Shenji camp is Ruo die, but the monkey is really in charge.

Because, if butterfly is lazy.

There are not many people in Shenji camp, only about ten of them. Their strength is not very strong, but they are not weak. They all have the cultivation of power.

Each of the ten people in Shenji camp is a computer expert. If they are put on the hacker list, they can at least rank in the top ten in the world, but they are very low-key, and no one is on the list.

In fact, their cultivation talent is not very strong, but he Feng and others use their resources to smash them into Huajin. The purpose is to let them have the power of self-protection. After all, they are very valuable, not ordinary Huajin masters.

"Yes, boss, and these three people follow me most of the time. They are more sincere to me than ruodei. You can rest assured that they will never tell ruodi about you in China. " The monkey assured me that his chest was thumping.

He Feng's face is slightly changed, and he has a bad feeling in his heart.

Sure enough, Wang Xiangyun and others' eyes fell on him one after another.

"Who is the butterfly?"

"Is it your woman abroad?"

It's Wang Xiangyun and Ji Xinyu.

He Feng has an impulse to strangle the monkey.

If the eyes can kill, the monkey is now designated by He Feng to lingchi.

Now the monkey's face has changed.

Obviously, he also understood that he was quick to say something wrong.

It seems that sister-in-law do not know the existence of Miss Ruo die!

"Well, daughter-in-law, Xinyu, I'll explain to you about Ruo die later. Now, let's ask the monkey to help us find out the myth. " He Feng said with a dry smile.

At this time, he really didn't know how to explain what happened to Ruo die.

Fortunately, Wang Xiangyun and others didn't make trouble out of nothing. When they heard that he wanted the monkey to help find out the hidden myth, they didn't speak any more.

The monkey was puzzled and asked, "boss, what happened here?"

"Well, it's about a myth."

He Feng just nodded and didn't elaborate for the moment.

He Bayun also asked: "Xiao Feng, how are you going to find out the myth?"

He Feng said with a smile: "of course, it's the computer!"


He Bayun was stunned, and immediately said: "are you going to invade the traffic system of Jiangbin City, and then find out the people through monitoring? But it's too slow, isn't it? "

"Not through the transportation system, of course, which is too low-level."

He Feng grinned and said to the monkey, "control the satellite in Jiangbin City, don't let the government find it, and then check the abnormal air. Should this be possible?"

"Don't worry, boss. We've brought our own equipment. I can handle this little thing."

The monkey chuckled and said, "I took them to the Middle East just to let them help me find the Tomahawk, but the Tomahawk guy should not be in the Middle East. It's too difficult to find him."

He Feng said: "then don't talk nonsense, do things quickly."


Several people went into the hall, sat directly on the table, turned on the computer, and then quickly started to work.

He Feng and others are watching.

"Xiao Feng, how many of them can do it?"

He Bayun asked in a low voice.

He Feng laughed and said: "if they are the only three people, it's really hard to find, but with the help of monkeys, it's not a big problem. Monkeys are also very familiar with the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth. Once the power of heaven and earth in Jiangbin City fluctuates violently, monkeys will surely be able to detect it. "

"Well? what do you mean? He is familiar with the fluctuations of the forces of heaven and earth? " He Bayun looked at the monkey in surprise, "is it difficult, he is also a myth?"

He Feng did not hide, nodded: "the monkey's cultivation talent is not much worse than me, followed me for more than ten years, now I have broken through the myth, he broke through the myth is normal?"


He Bayun stopped talking.

But the heart is extremely depressed.

Relying on his father's guidance and a lot of cultivation resources, he broke through the myth at the age of 30, and then broke through the triple realm of true Qi after another 20 years.

And he Feng and others, first of all, there must be no myth master's advice, and second, there must be not enough cultivation resources, but they can break through the myth faster than him.

It's too shocking!

Wang Xiangyun and others were shocked when they looked at the monkey.

When he arrived at the Liuyue club, he Feng was "intimate" with him. How could the careless young man be a myth?

In the past, in their mind, myths are legends, ordinary people can not see, but now in one day, they see three myths.

It seems that the shocked eyes of Wang Xiangyun and others are sensed, and the monkey is quite proud, with a touch of radian on the corner of his mouth.

See, not only my boss is a genius, but I'm also a monkey.


In his proud, a palm directly on his forehead.

"Work hard for me. Do you believe I'll kick you back to the Middle East?" He Feng didn't say well.

The monkey's face suddenly suffered, "boss, can you give me some face? So many sisters in law are watching... "

"I don't see anything!" Wang Xiangyun set up a horse road.

"Me too!"

The monkey is about to cry, "sisters in law, can you please leave your husband and sing along with your wife and sympathize with the feelings of a single dog?"

He Feng frowned: "single dog does not have the right to speak, stop talking nonsense."


When the monkey was hit again, he didn't speak any more.

But he swore in his heart that he had to get rid of the identity of a single dog as soon as possible, otherwise he would be despised by the boss, which was too shocking.


"Successfully intruded into China's satellite system."

"Successfully controlled the satellite system of Jiangbin city."

"Start to detect the fluctuation law of air energy particles..."

Several people skillfully cooperate, the monkey also entered the working condition, the manner is quite earnest.

A full hour later, the monkey's brow gradually wrinkled up.

"Boss, it has been tested twice, but the air energy fluctuation in Jiangbin city is normal, and there is no picture of a large amount of energy absorbed."

The monkey turned around, looked at He Feng and asked, "boss, are you sure the person you asked me to look for is a myth?"


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