"Boss, are you sure the person you asked me to look for is a myth?"

The monkey looks at He Feng doubtfully.

He controls the satellite radar of Jiangbin city to detect the change of energy particles in the air, but there is no sharp fluctuation.

"Or, that myth is not practicing now, or it is no longer in Jiangbin city." The monkey then added.

"Can't find it?"

He Feng frowned.

Song Yan should have met each other in the evening three days ago. In the past three days, did the other party leave Jiangbin city?

According to He Feng, this morning they made a lot of noise, and the story spread in the martial arts circle of Jiangshu province. Even some other ancient martial arts families and medicine halls knew about it. If the myth was still in Jiangbin City, they would have known about the killing of song Yan.

And with the temperament of myth, he is likely to come directly to trouble him.

He Bayun said: "Xiao Feng, are you sure that there is a strong myth behind song Yan? Could it be that he got some benefit of improving his strength by accident? For example, I found a mysterious and powerful Pill on the road and swallowed it carelessly, then my strength soared... "


He Feng rolled his eyes.

You think it's Chinese cabbage.

I also found pills by the side of the road!

Now even Chinese cabbage is hard to pick up, OK? I don't know how expensive it is in the vegetable market.

"Yunyun and I went out to investigate. Song Yan did meet a big man. According to my conjecture, it should be true that this man had a master in the middle of Huajin to be his driver. " He Feng said.

"If master Huajin is really a driver, he may be a mythical strongman."

He Bayun nodded.

In the early stage of Huajin, it was nothing, but in the middle stage of Huajin, the master had already refined his energy into flesh and blood. He was regarded as a great man in the kingdom of China. Entering the four royal families was absolutely the existence of worship level.

Such a character, even a strong man at the top of Huajin, can hardly be used as a driver.

In this case, there are only myths and legends.

"Since that myth is not in cultivation and did not come to me, it is very likely that he is no longer in Jiangbin city. Song Yan's death, he now either has not received the news, or does not take song Yan's life and death seriously He Feng said.

At this time, he Bayun pondered: "if he didn't get the news, it's OK. If he didn't take song Yan's life and death seriously, it's not so good..."

He Feng took a look at he Bayun, "Er Bo, do you mean that if the other party doesn't even care about the life and death of master Hua Jin, it means that he has a great origin, maybe from the eight sects?"

He Bayun nodded, "in addition to the eight sects and the ancient clan, no force will not pay attention to the life and death of a Huajin master."

"Boss, do you know the specific address of the eight sects, or I'll use satellite to detect the situation of the eight sects? Look at the myths of the eight sects. "

The monkey suddenly opened his mouth, looking very excited.

The eight sects have always been a very mysterious force in China. The reason why foreign underground forces dare not set foot in China is that they fear not only the state machine but also the eight sects.

For example, tianbang strong

Everyone who can step into the sky list is the strong one who once shocked the underground world, and everyone is a famous person in the underground world.

He Feng was known as the king of the underground world before, but he was the last one among the 36 people in tianbang.

In the top ten, each of them has been famous for many years.

But ten years ago, there was a person who ranked the eighth in the list of heaven who entered the kingdom of China and challenged the majesty of the kingdom of China.

At that time, he not only killed dozens of his enemies in the kingdom of China, but also killed hundreds of people who surrounded and killed him.

However, the official forces of China can't help it. Even the strongest people in the military headquarters can't help it.

Because the tianbang strongman is not only powerful, but also has a huge S-level mercenary regiment behind him, which can give him great support and help.

In desperation, the official of the state of China had to invite people from the eight sects.

In the end, not only the tianbang strongman was killed, but also the S-level mercenary regiment behind him was destroyed.

It is precisely because of this that countless foreign forces in the underground world, no matter how strong, dare not easily enter China, and dare not make trouble in China, unless there is something attractive to them, such as competing for He Feng's ranking in the tianbang.

They only look for He Feng. If they don't make trouble in China, the eight sects will certainly ignore him.

However, the major forces are extremely curious about the eight sects. They try their best to find out all kinds of information about the eight sects, but few people in the underground world really know about the eight sects.

This includes where!

"OK, try to see if you can find out the eight sects. If you can find out the location of the eight sects, you can try again to find out if you can find the ancient clan. "

He Feng agreed immediately.

He will not forget to help Wang Xiangyun find the Zhan nationality. Once he finds the Zhan nationality, he can consider whether he needs to step on the Zhan nationality and confirm whether Wang Xiangyun's mother is still alive.

"I said don't bother. You even want to investigate the eight sects..."

He Bayun rolled his eyes and said in silence: "the eight sects are in the kingdom of China, but they are the most sacred place. Their confidentiality standard is higher than that of the Lord's office."

The monkey surprised way: "the satellite can't detect?"

He Bayun said: "nonsense, the location of the eight sects and the global satellite signals have to be shielded. Even the most developed satellite technology in the United States can't use their satellites to detect any information of the eight sects."

"Second uncle, is there any foreign power comparable to the eight sects of China?" He Feng asks curiously.

"Of course, there are, but not many. It's mainly the United States, Oro and Western countries. Some of them are comparable to our eight sects. Otherwise, we will be able to unify the world with the help of the eight sects. " He bayundao.


He Fengchang breathed out, "it seems that the world is far more complicated than we imagined!"

So did the monkey.

They know how strong the eight sects are in the mouth of reincarnation, not to mention the higher myths, there are all the most powerful myths.

Therefore, even if the mythical mercenary regiment acts a little domineering abroad, they don't know how much they have killed, but they never dare to be presumptuous in China, and they will not attack the people of China at will.

In addition to the fact that he Feng is a member of China, they are also afraid of the eight sects.

However, in other countries, there are forces comparable to the eight sects of China.

They were abroad before, but their style was very arrogant

Now think about it, they reckon that they have gone through the gate of hell many times, right?

"Boss, what if the other party is the strong one of the eight sects? He won't trouble us afterwards, will he Asked the monkey.

He Bayun was also worried: "the strong of the clan are strong and weak. The weak may only be the cultivation of strength, but the strong..."

He Bayun didn't go on!

Those who are strong in the clan are not low-level myths, but there are many middle-level myths.

As for the myth of higher education or above, it is unlikely, because for the myth of higher education, the most important thing is only one

That's to be the most powerful myth!

And the most powerful myth is in the highest realm of the legend, it is impossible to deal with secular things.

"Forget it, the soldiers will block the water and cover the land. Now it's meaningless to worry about these. I'd better try to improve my strength as soon as possible. If I have the cultivation of high level of true Qi, I'll worry about nothing. "

He Feng shrugged, lazy to think, "second uncle, monkey, let's find a place to eat. We've been at home for a long time. Let's go out for a breath."

"OK, where are you going to eat?"

"You can see what kind of taste you like, Chinese food and Western food. By the way, our he family seems to have opened a Chinese restaurant in Jiangbin city. The boss is a woman, surnamed he. Her husband has been arranged by the he family to become mayor of Jiangbin city. "

"Yes? I don't know. Let's have a try. Since it's our he family's restaurant, it's our own home. "

He Bayun said, and asked, "Xiao Feng, do you want to call your other girlfriends to have dinner together?"

He Feng patted the monkey on the shoulder, "I still don't hit my brother, I'm afraid he will doubt life."


The monkey is depressed and wants to vomit blood.

I'm single. Am I wrong?

A few people talk and laugh, and then take a RV to the accord hotel.

Knowing that the myth behind song Yan is no longer in Jiangbin City, he Feng is more or less relieved.

At least, now his side is not a myth. Besides him, there are monkeys and second uncle. Unless the other side is really a medium myth, they are safe.


At the same time, three old people came out of Jiangbin airport.

The leader was Fang Laofang, who was beside Lin Zhiqiu.

"Mr. Fang, thank you so much for creating such a good opportunity for our brothers. Don't worry, even if there is a master Hua Jin around He Feng, our two brothers will surely help you stop him. "

The speaker was a fat old man. When he spoke, the fat on his face was shaking.

"Fang Lao, after getting rid of He Feng, Lin San ye will really let us go to his side to be servants?" Asked another old man with a moustache.

They are brothers, one is Chen Bairong, the other is Chen Wannian.

On the surface, they look like they are in their fifties, but in fact, their real age is over three figures.

As for cultivation, I have stepped into Hua Jin for more than 30 years

Unfortunately, for more than 30 years, the two brothers have not been able to refine Qi into flesh and blood because of their lack of talent and guidance from experts.

Just this morning, Fang que came to them and asked them to do something to stop a great master at the beginning of Huajin.

After that, you can take them to Lin Zhiqiu and become Lin Zhiqiu's attendants.

Although Lin Zhiqiu was able to accomplish his mid-term cultivation, they agreed to Fang que without thinking about it, and rushed to Jiangbin on the same day.

Because they are eager to get a chance for them to enter the middle stage of Huajin. Lin Zhiqiu is not only the cultivation of Huajin, but also the place where he practiced, which is also the eight sects in the legend.

Among the eight sects, there are myths.

If they are lucky enough to get a little bit of advice from myths and legends, it is possible for them to break through into myths in the future, not to mention the middle stage of Huajin.

At least, they think so.

"Don't worry, you two. I've asked the third master for instructions on this matter. As long as you can cooperate with me to finish the task perfectly today and kill that man, the third master will go down the mountain in person. At that time, when he has dealt with his affairs, he can take you back to zongmen. "

Fang que said lightly.

"The third master is going down the mountain?" Chen Bairong was surprised.

Fang said: "well, the fourth master of the he family was very arrogant in Nanjin city some time ago. He threatened to fight against the Third Master of our family. In this case, how can our third master avoid fighting? Isn't that a joke? Therefore, the third master decided to go down the mountain to celebrate the fourth master. "


Hearing this, Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian were shocked.

No matter Lin Zhiqiu or he Juncong, they are all the outstanding young people among the four royal families.

However, one of them joined the clan, and the other just went to the military headquarters. Their development may be limited, and their cultivation progress may not be so fast.

"If I remember correctly, he Juncong and third master just broke through Huajin in that year, not long ago? Although several years have passed now, the third master is devoted to martial arts in the clan. He Juncong must be busy with affairs in the military headquarters, and his accomplishments must have been surpassed by the third master. If there is a life and death war between them, he Juncong will die. "

Chen Wannian said.

He would never have said that in normal times.

But in front of Fang que, he still has to say something nice about Lin Zhiqiu.

Fang queleng snorted: "hum, he Juncong didn't join zongmen. Maybe he family thinks zongmen is just like this. After he Fengyun joined zongmen, there was no movement in he's family. However, they don't know that even if they enter the clan, whether they can rise or not depends on their talent. Only with strong talent can we have a chance to stand out, otherwise, we will only become the foil of others. The eyes of the he family are just like that. "

Hearing this, Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian naturally nodded and echoed.

Three people chatting, soon on a Mercedes Benz S400 luxury car.

Zhou He, the driver of Jiangbin City, is a one billion dollar rich man who was cultivated by the Lin family. Now Mr. Fang comes to Jiangbin city to do business, and he drives himself to meet him for the first time.

"Good old Fang!"

As soon as Fang que got on the bus, Zhou he said hello respectfully.

It was like seeing my master.

"Well!" Fang que answered faintly, and immediately looked at Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian and asked, "have you investigated where he Feng is now?"

"Mr. Fang, when you called me this morning, I sent someone to investigate."

Zhou Hehui reported: "this morning, he Feng should have been at the Liuyue club. In addition to him, there are also high-level figures from the police and the military, who have put the Liuyue Club under martial law for two kilometers, and the people who live in it have also been cleared out. Later, it was said that there seemed to be gunfire inside. "

"Gunfire? Do you know what happened? "

"I can't find out. It's rumored that there are bandits in Jiangbin City, and the media in the city have also made news that a group of bank robbers have appeared in Jiangbin City, and they have been killed."

"Bullshit rob bank, ten have contact nine is He Feng's some enemy killed to come, he a person can't deal with, can only ask move military's person to help."

Fang que sneered, "however, since they even use the gun, it should not be a cruel role. Don't worry about it."

"Yes Zhou He nodded respectfully, not daring to say more.

"Where is He Feng now?" Fang que asked.

"Half an hour ago, they left Liuyue club and went to a remote restaurant for dinner. However, that hotel is very famous in Jiangbin city. It's called Yating hotel. Most people are not qualified to enter it. " Zhou he said.

"Brothers Chen, since he Feng has gone to a restaurant for dinner, how about we go to this restaurant for dinner? After dinner, I guess it's evening. Let's do it at night. What do you think? "

Fang looked at Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian and said to them.

"We have no problem!"

"Just arrange it, Mr. Fang."

Two kinds of humanity.

"Well, go to the atrium hotel." Fang made a decision immediately.

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