"Brother Xiaofeng, just now I felt as if some people were staring at us. Do you think it could be our enemy?"

In the RV, as soon as he got on the bus, Ling Weiyu asked worried.

No way. Although there are three myths in their car, Ling Weiyu also knows that they may have an enemy of mythical cultivation now.

That's the man hiding behind song Yan!

Therefore, now any enemy appears, Ling Weiyu will guess whether it is the myth behind song Yan.

"Is anyone staring at us?"

Wang Xiangyun and others are confused. They don't have Ling Weiyu's abnormal sensitivity.

He Bayun looked at Ling Weiyu in surprise and said: "Yo, feather girl, you have a strong sense. Can you sense the spies of several masters of Huajin? Haven't you just stepped into the dark

He Bayun also knows about the accomplishments of Ling Weiyu and Wang Xiangyun.

"Second uncle, although Xiaoyu's cultivation is not high, he has just stepped into the dark force. But her sensitivity is surprisingly high, which is comparable to that of the ordinary master Hua Jin. " He Feng explained.

"I see. If you are sensitive, if you step into the realm of true Qi in the future, your cultivation speed will be quite fast." He Bayun's praise.

After arriving at the true Qi State, the cultivation of martial arts is not only dependent on elixir, but also depends on talent.

If you don't have enough talent, no matter how many cultivation resources you have, you can only cultivate to a lower level.


Ling Weiyu was silent and did not speak.

Her talent, isn't it the point of conversation?

"Feather, don't worry, those people are not myths."

It seems to know what Ling Weiyu is thinking, he Feng said with a smile.

That must not be a myth. If the other party is a myth, how can Ling Weiyu feel it?

Even he Feng, in the other side did not show hostility to him, even if a myth followed him, he could not detect the existence of the other side.

Myth has already realized the unity of man and nature.

Man is in harmony with heaven and earth.

Such an existence is just a living ghost. If a myth intends to hide himself, he just needs to put himself in the crowd, and no one can find him out.

"It's not a myth..." Ling Weiyu was relieved. Wang Xiangyun and others were also relieved.

"Xiao Feng, do you know who those people were just now?"

He Bayun asked.

He Feng shrugged. "I haven't seen these people, and there are many people who want to deal with me. I don't know who he is. It may be from Baiyun medicine hall or sent by Qian family. But it doesn't matter. I think we'll find out who they are soon

He Bayun nodded, "well, you're right. These people estimate that they will do it in a place with few people."

He Feng said to the monkey who was driving: "monkey, do you hear me? The car is going to a place with few people."

"All right, boss!"

The monkey nodded.


Almost 200 meters behind them, the Mercedes Benz S400 is slowly following, and has no idea of speeding up to catch up.

"Mr. Fang, don't we start yet?" Chen Bairong in the back asked.

Fang Shao shook his head. In his hand, he was holding a cold shining dagger. He was gently wiping it with a clean rag. "When they get to the place where there are fewer people, they can do it again. Don't worry now. Anyway, in the hands of our masters, can they still escape? "

"Mr. Fang, it seems that their car has entered a path. Shall we catch up directly?"

Zhou He, who was driving, asked.

Fang Shao glanced at the front, then looked around and said, "this road is a little narrow. If you stop, we can catch up with you."

"Ah? You don't need a car to catch up? "

Zhou he was stunned.

Can an adult run faster than a car?

"Stop talking. Stop the car." Fang que frowned.

"Yes, yes

Zhou he didn't dare to say anything again, so he stepped on the brake and let the car stop at the side of the road.


Fang que, Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian get out of the car quickly, and then rush up like a ghost. Almost in the blink of an eye, they appear more than ten meters away, with an amazing speed.

"Is this... Is this still human speed?"

Zhou he looks like a ghost.

It's faster than the speed he drives on the highway.

No wonder you stop and rush up.

At such a fast speed, it's too easy to catch up with a RV driving on the road.

"Sure enough, I caught up so soon!" After driving for less than half a minute, Zhou he saw that the RV was forced to stop by Fang Que and others.

Zhou he also stopped the car, "go up and have a look. I heard that Fang is always the top strong man in Lin's family. I don't know how strong he is. He should at least be a master of dark strength?"


In front, the RV stops and he Feng and others get off.

"Husband, do you want me to deal with one later?" Ji Xinyu, standing beside he Feng, said in a low voice: "my injury is almost better. I don't have to do anything about it."

He Feng thought about it and said, "OK, later, if they only do it by themselves, you can play. If all three of them do it at the same time, I'll take care of it. "

"Boss, why don't you let me warm up?" The monkey said with a smile.

After breaking through to the true atmosphere, he had never had a hand with anyone. He wanted to find the thirty-six Tomahawk on the list the day before yesterday, but he didn't find anyone for more than half a month.

He didn't fight with anyone for such a long time. He felt a little itchy.

"While you go, you are breaking through the real Qi. What's the point? Do you want to fight with Huajin?" He Feng looked at the monkey with disdain.


The monkey opens his mouth. Aren't you also in the state of true Qi?

Why should I be despised when I work with Huajin, and you won't be despised?

Sure enough, the higher the accomplishments, the thicker the skin.

"It's very interesting. I thought you would be willing to destroy your car after parking so soon."

At this time, Fang que had already come to He Feng and others. He was holding a dagger in his hand and glanced around them. He stayed on he Bayun for a little more than two seconds, because he Bayun gave him a kind of familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

But on second thought, he couldn't think of it.

He doesn't want to think about it any more. Whether he knows it or not, he seems to be no different from ordinary people. Maybe he doesn't have any accomplishments.

As for another young man, who looks careless and thin as a monkey, this kind of person is even less likely to pose a threat to him.

In addition to He Feng, the two men were directly filtered out by Fang que.

Therefore, he directly fell his eyes on He Feng.

In these people, no one can make him feel dangerous.

Therefore, in his opinion, he Feng may be the strongest of these people.

In the information he got, he Feng's accomplishments were just comparable to the later period of dark strength.

As for what happened at Liuyue club today

He has not received any news yet.

After all, in his investigation, he Feng is at least a chess piece of the he family.

Even if he doesn't pay much attention to the he family, it's better to keep a low profile. There's no need to make it known to everyone. The he family just knows that they are the Lin family. At that time, they can't give any evidence and can't make any sense.

"Who are you?"

He Feng glanced at the square to lack one eye, light of opening to ask a way.

"Ha ha, it seems that you have offended so many people that you can't guess who I am? But it doesn't matter. When you go to hell, you can ask the king of hell. "

As he spoke, Fang lacked the power of a great master.

"How strong! Fang Lao's physical strength is much stronger than mine. It seems that he is already trying to refine Qi into flesh and blood. "

"According to his progress, it is estimated that at most three to five years, he will be able to enter the middle stage of Huajin. Tut Tut, I'm really envious. I'm worthy of following Lin San ye to practice in the clan. "

When Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian felt the strong breath of Fang Shao, they were shocked. At the same time, their eyes also showed a strong color of envy.

"Don't say it, but I can give it back to you."

He Feng said with a smile: "if you go to hell and don't know who killed you, you can ask Lord Yan, maybe he knows."

"Well? So arrogant? "

Fang que hears he Feng's words and raises his eyebrows.

Didn't he feel the power of his master?

How dare you be so arrogant in front of a great master?

"Is there really a master behind him? What's more, the master is hidden in the dark? "

Fang que was a little wary, and immediately said to Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian, "brother Chen, if something happens later, please help me."

"Brother Fang, don't worry. If there is an accident, we will help you solve it."

"Yes, you don't have to worry about anything."

Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian, who wanted to express themselves, immediately assured that their chest was pounding.

"Well, then I'll make a quick decision!"

Fang que nodded and then rushed to He Feng.


His speed is extremely fast, and a hand, his body will send out a sharp sword, the whole person in addition to the vicissitudes of life, but also with a strong overbearing, sharp.


Between the attacks, small holes appeared on the ground where he had stepped on.


When he Feng was only five meters away, Fang que jumped two meters high.

All over the sky sword light, a sharp sword, as if through the void, stab to He Feng's throat.

"It's very handsome... But I'm old enough to use a sword? It's really awkward to look at it. "

He Feng shook his head and looked at Ji Xinyu.

Don't need him to open his mouth, Ji Xinyu has already rushed up against Fang que.

Her explosive speed is not as fast as fangque, but it is more flexible, such as butterfly dancing, which makes people unable to lock her body.

This is a set of common body method martial arts, which he Feng taught her, but he Feng didn't cultivate it himself, but Ruo die's martial arts. Although he Feng hasn't practiced, he often sees Ruo die perform. He knows this set of martial arts very well.

In addition, Ji Xinyu's figure is a little similar to Ruo die's, so he Feng teaches her the body method and martial arts.

"The body method..."

Fang Que in mid air saw this scene and his pupils shrank slightly. "The control of power is even more subtle. What's more, the figure is so flexible! Is she the master who hides in He Feng and kills Cao family? However, no matter how powerful it is, I can support ten moves at most in my hand, which is just the peak of dark strength in micro environment! "

Sneer at of smile, square lack don't think more, a sword kill to Ji Xinyu.


However, as soon as the light of the sword arrived, Ji Xinyu's figure quickly dodged away, and then waved her hand. With a continuous force, she rushed to fangque's wrist.

"A small skill of carving insects!"

One move has no effect. Fang Shao gives a cold hum. His arm vibrates and turns in the shape of a sword. He cuts Ji Xinyu's palm in the opposite direction. His speed is as fast as lightning.


Ji Xinyu quickly stops, but when her wrist is retracted, her eyes suddenly fall on the dagger.


Without much thought, Ji Xinyu's fingers flicked lightly when she stopped, and the great momentum suddenly hit the sword body, sending out a clear sword chant.

However, this is not the end.

At the moment when the strength rushes on the sword, it vibrates violently and spreads to Fang Que's hand like lightning.

Although the strength is not very strong, it makes Fang lack's wrist feel numb. He almost can't hold his sword.

Ordinary people may not be aware of this scene, but as masters, Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian can see it clearly.

"What's going on? This woman didn't step into the master, and her strength could even threaten the master? "

"Indeed, it seems that the strong man named He Feng is this woman."

Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian were both shocked and amazed.

Ji Xinyu seems to be too young. She is less than 30 years old, but she has realized the subtlety and can be expected.

In time, maybe we can win the legend.

"Unfortunately, this woman is the enemy." Chen Bairong squinted.

Chen Wannian called out directly: "brother Fang, do you need our help?"

Fang Que's face was very ugly. "No, I can deal with her. Just help me stare at He Feng and others. Don't let any of them go. "

With that, Fang que clenched his teeth and launched a more fierce attack on Ji Xinyu.

This time, Fang que was not as casual as before. He did his best in every move. Later, he used the local level intermediate martial arts.

"Die for me!"

The two fight for more than a minute, Ji Xinyu can avoid Fang Que's sword move, and Fang Que's left hand is to blow and kill.

Ji Xinyu is unavoidable!


Helpless, Ji Xinyu had to concentrate all her strength on the palm of her hand to meet Fang Que's fist.

"Step on, step on, step on..."

The fists and palms collide, Ji Xinyu's face turns white, and immediately steps back, until he Feng's side. He Feng's arm helps him, and then he stabilizes.

He Feng's true Qi enters Ji Xinyu's body, and depresses the galloping energy in her body. Then he says, "Xinyu, it's OK. Let's leave it to me next."

"All right!"

Ji Xinyu is a little lost.

The gap between dark strength and chemical strength is really too big.

If she doesn't break through to Hua Jin, she can hold on to Hua Jin for a minute or two, but it's too hard to defeat her opponent.

"Are you coming? Don't you like to hide behind women? Now I'm going to stand up for your woman? "

Fang que knew that he had just hurt Ji Xinyu with a fist, and he didn't rush to fight any more. He took a cold look at He Feng and said, "but can you do it?"

"Brother Feng doesn't need you to care. If you have a beautiful young granddaughter, you can ask her. Brother Feng will let her know if I can do it." Hefeng road.

As soon as his voice fell, cold eyes fell on him.

He Feng heart a tight, immediately understand that he said the wrong thing.

"If you want to start, hurry up and go home early. Tonight, you are practicing with us. You can't leave. " Wang Xiangyun stares at He Feng and says that he doesn't give face at all.

This guy is too presumptuous. In front of so many of them, he even wants to play a hooligan.

"Yes, daughter-in-law, I'll take care of them now, and then we'll go home to practice."

He Feng hastens to say, then the look in the eyes of evil intention, looked to square lack.

This old bastard made brother Feng scolded by his wife. He had to be killed.

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