"Xiao Feng, this man's sword moves are a little familiar. Please spare his life. I'll ask him if I have any questions later."

Just when he Feng is ready to start, he Bayun's voice suddenly rings in his ear.

"Well, I'll spare his life. By the way, the other two can be killed directly? " He Feng asked.

"Well, the person who just made the move should be the leader. You just keep him."

He Bayun said.

"All right!" He Feng nodded, then looked at Fang que, Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian, and said, "you three, let's go together."

"What's going on? Isn't he just the strength of the late dark strength? How dare you shout at master Huajin? "

"Are you so arrogant now? Or do you think it's time for the dark to challenge the Huajin

"Is it difficult to succeed? Does he Feng also hide his strength?"

After Fang Que and others heard he Feng's words, they were all surprised.

But soon, Fang que made a decision, "brother Chen, I'll deal with He Feng. You help me to kill the others. Let's not waste time. "


"Let's do it together."

After discussing, three people at the same time toward He Feng and others rushed up.

There was little difference in the power of the three men.

These three people are all masters of Huajin.

"The three great masters... Are they the Qian family? Or Baiyun medicine hall? "

He Feng glances at the three people and is preparing to defeat them by mythological means.

But at this moment, he seemed to notice something, and glanced at the dark place not far away.

"Eh, in addition to the three great masters of Huajin, there are also masters hidden in the dark? It seems that there are a lot of people who want to deal with him Feng... "

There are many people who want to deal with themselves, but in addition to a myth behind song Yan, he Feng never cares about any enemy.

Oh no, the leader of the eight dragon divisions is half an enemy. After all, if he Feng makes a big move in China, the other party will probably call on him and drive him out of China.

"He Feng, die for me!"

At this time, Fang's attack has come to He Feng. The dagger waves a sharp light, and instantly envelops He Feng in it.

"I can't even hide. I'm so weak that I dare to fight against me. I'm really looking for death!"

Fang que saw he Feng still standing in the same place, his eyes seemed to be staring at other directions, a distracted look, his eyes suddenly showed a strong sense of killing.

The intention of killing is revealed, and Fang Que's sword point directly at He Feng's throat.


The light of the sword flickered, and the sharp eye of the sword was about to pierce He Feng's throat.

In Fang Que's eyes, it is full of coldness and killing, as well as slight disdain.


At this time, a terrible force of Qi and blood surged out of He Feng's body, making him as if he were a fierce beast in an instant. The hot Qi and blood made Fang Que's Qi and blood be severely suppressed, and the speed was half a beat slower.

And in this instant, he Feng shot.


There is no complicated move, he just casually waved his hand towards Fang que.

However, the rapid breaking of the wind, but it is to let Fang lack face changed.

"This, this Qi and blood, this speed..."

Square lacks to stare big eye bead son, seem to think of what, "change strength medium-term, this is change strength medium-term!"

Thinking of this, Fang Que's face changed greatly. He made a decision at the first time, and he would withdraw without hesitation.

However, even if he Feng's present strength is only in the middle of Huajin, this speed is not something Fang can avoid.


There was a dull slap.

At the next moment, Fang que, a great master of Huajin, flew out.

Yes, just fly out!

In this slap of He Feng, he didn't even have time to hide, so he was hit. He couldn't resist the huge force contained in it, so he flew up, turned in the air for more than ten circles, and then fell to the ground heavily.


The sound of objects falling to the ground makes Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian both silly.

Behind Zhou He, his eyes widened, like a ghost.

"What's going on? Isn't Fang Laogang still powerful? He was still shouting to kill all the people here. How could he have been taken away by others before long? "

Zhou he murmured in disbelief.

Then, his eyes changed slightly. He wanted to get on the car and escape without thinking about it.


However, as soon as he turned around, a stone cut through the void and shot at him.

Before Zhou he understood what was going on, he felt a pain in the back of his head, and then he fell into a pool of blood.

Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian were originally prepared to rush to Ji Xinyu, but now they stopped one after another, and their faces became more dignified than ever.

They also heard what Fang said just now.

"Huajin middle stage..."

Two people looking at He Feng's eyes, full of shock.

Fang que clearly told them that he Feng was only 26 years old.

At such a young age, it's quite a genius to have the strength comparable to that of the later stage of dark strength.

But now he Feng's fighting power has reached the middle stage of Hua Jin.

Moreover, it seems that it is much stronger than the ordinary middle stage of Huajin. Otherwise, it is impossible to blow fangque away and make fangque have no fighting power.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Chen Wannian looked at Chen Bairong and asked in a low voice.

Chen Bai Rong frowned, thought about it and said, "the cultivation in the middle of Huajin is not ordinary. It's not something we can deal with any more."

Wen Yan, Chen Wannian subconsciously looked in the direction of Fang que.

Although Fang que was just slapped, he was stunned and lay on the ground.

They are really not suitable to participate in such strong strength.

Immediately, Chen Wannian said nothing more, but nodded.

Chen Bairong immediately looked at He Feng and said, "Mr. He, I'm really sorry. We shouldn't help Fang que. We two brothers will not get involved in the matter of Fang que, so we'll leave. "

Say, also no matter he Feng agrees not to agree, turn round then walk.

Although he Feng's strength has reached the middle stage of Huajin, which makes them feel extremely scared, it has not reached the point of fear. What's more, they are not a master of Huajin, but two people, and they are old masters who have been immersed in the early stage of Huajin for many years.

Two people want to leave, they don't think he Feng can leave them, even they don't think he Feng dare to leave them.

After all, he Feng is not alone now. There are several weaker people around him. If he Feng really wants to keep them, they don't mind threatening him with the lives of the people around him.

"You two are too arrogant, aren't you? See me weak want to kill me, now see me strong, want to leave directly? Is it easy to bully me when I'm young? "

He Feng's indifferent voice sounded in their ears, and their eyes were staring at them, step by step toward them.

I don't know why, although he Feng is not fast, they feel a deadly crisis.

It seems that if they really go on like this, there will be unexpected danger in the end.

"Why, do you want to keep our brothers?"

Chen Bairong turns around and stares at He Feng coldly.

Chen Wannian even licked his lips and said cruelly, "He Feng, you have to think about it clearly. If you really want to tear your face with our brothers, you may be able to keep us, but I can guarantee that no one around you can survive."

"Oh, you have confidence in yourself."

He Feng smile, "then start chanting, let me see who dares to kill me, is really strong."


Seeing that the threat had no effect, they both looked ugly.

But just after seeing the strength of He Feng, he Feng did not take the initiative to fight them, and they did not dare to act rashly.

"Great master Hua Jin, I dare not take the initiative in life and death. With your courage, what's the right to live? Let me send you to death

He Feng shook his head, then stepped up a little.

Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian are smoking!

Nima, if those who dare to say this are just the ordinary masters in the early stage of Huajin, they would have done it already, OK?

Besides, who stipulates that a coward is not qualified to live?

However, seeing the speed of He Feng's feet getting faster and faster, they looked at each other. Chen Wannian said: "brother, you entangle He Feng, I'll kill other people."


Chen Bairong naturally has no opinion, nods directly, and then rushes up to meet He Feng.

As for Chen Wannian, he rushed to Wang Xiangyun and others.

"You two, remember, next life, don't offend people casually. Some people you can't afford to offend. "

He Feng's voice rings in the ears of Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian.

The next moment, Chen Bairong, who rushed to He Feng, noticed that the shadow was flashing in front of him, and then a click came from his throat.

The darkness instantly engulfed his consciousness

"Big brother!"

When Chen Wannian heard the news, he subconsciously took a look at Chen Bairong. He just saw the scene that Chen Bairong was killed by He Feng's palm knife, and immediately roared.

"It seems that you two have a deep relationship. Let's go down together."

A move to solve Chen Bairong, he Feng body movement, has come to Chen Wannian in front.

"No! He Feng's speed is so fast. I'm not his opponent at all. "

Chen Wannian's face changed greatly, and his anger was immediately suppressed. Without hesitation, he withdrew and wanted to escape.

Although he saw his elder brother killed by He Feng, he wanted revenge in his heart, but he Feng's powerful strength can be seen. What he wants now is to run for his life first.

Revenge or something. Go away. What's more important than being alive?


His speed is too slow after all, just escaped less than five meters, he Feng came behind him, before he could react, he hit his vest.



Chen Wannian spat out blood and fell to the ground. The light in his eyes dissipated, and he soon lost his breath.

Two moves to kill two masters of Huajin, he Feng's look did not fluctuate too much.

However, in his eyes, there was a touch of surprise.

Seeing that they have shown their strength in the middle of Huajin, those people haven't escaped yet?

It seems that these people didn't pay much attention to the masters in the middle of Huajin.

"Now that you're here, show yourself."

He Feng is also lazy to cover up, directly directed at a light opening in the dark.

In the dark, there was no movement.

He Feng frowned, "three, do you want me to invite you out in person?"

"Why, can you really find us?"

In the dark, a voice of surprise came, and then a small old man with two middle-aged men jumped down from a big tree not far away.

The old man looks like he is in his eighties. He has silver hair. His blood is running like a dragon in every move.

Obviously, this is a middle-term master of Huajin who has practiced Qi into flesh and blood.

And the other two, whose accomplishments are not weak, have reached the level of the initial stage of Hua Jin.

Moreover, in the hands of the two men, they both had a special rifle, and their waists were bulging, full of weapons.

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