"I feel the intention of killing you. Are you here to kill me?"

He Feng's eyes swept one eye on three people's bodies, immediately fell on the old man's body, and asked.

The old man laughed, shook his head and said: "ha ha, originally I was entrusted to kill you, but at the beginning I only thought you were the cultivation of Huajin in the early stage, but I didn't want you to break through to the middle stage. Since you are in the middle of Huajin, I will give up this task. So you can rest assured that I will not be your enemy. I'm a 26 year old genius in the middle of Huajin period. I don't want to make enemies with such people. After all, if I don't kill you once, I'll be in big trouble after that. "

"Is it?"

He Feng said with a smile, "why can I still feel the killing intention in your body? Do you think, you are a killer, your intention to kill me can be perfectly hidden in front of me? "

Smell speech, the smile on Zhang Guiquan's face not from stagnate for a while.

He guessed that he was a killer?

It's because I didn't hide my killing intention, OK?

However, he felt that he had hidden very well, even in front of the same level strong, the other side could not be aware of it.

It is precisely because he can perfectly hide his killing intention that he can successfully assassinate the master in the middle of Huajin before he reaches the middle of Huajin.

But now, his cultivation has already broken through to the middle stage of Huajin. It's reasonable to say that even the late master of Huajin, it's hard to detect the killing intention in his heart.

How can he Feng detect it?

Is it difficult that his cultivation is not in the middle or later stage of Hua Jin, but in the peak of Hua Jin?

You're kidding!

He's only twenty-six!

"This guy is bluffing me!"

Zhang Guiquan felt that he Feng was bluffing himself, so he shook his head and continued: "brother he Feng, are you kidding me? You are a strong master in the middle of Huajin. When it comes to cultivation, you are no weaker than me. How can I kill you? If I can't kill you today, I'll be in trouble in the future. I'm not going to do this kind of business. "

"Don't deceive, we are not stupid, since you want to kill me so much, then hurry to do it, little special ink."

He Feng is impatient to say: "you don't start again, I can take the initiative to start.". At that time, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to do it. "

Between the words, he Feng's eyes flashed a touch of real killing.

Aware that he Feng body that some familiar kill meaning, Zhang Guiquan pupil a shrink.

This guy, has he ever been in the killers' circle? There was such a terrible intention to kill.

But he didn't know, he Feng's killing intention just leaked a little bit.

Otherwise, he Feng can make Zhang Guiquan kneel down on the ground and have no heart of resistance just by killing more than 100000 enemies.

"Well! It seems that we are in the same way. No wonder you can detect my killing intention. In that case, let's see if you can escape today. "

Zhang Guiquan laughed again and didn't hide his killing intention.

As he said, after seeing he Feng's strength, he doesn't want to attack him any more, because once he Feng fails, he will grow up, which will be a trouble for them in the future.

But their organization owes each other a favor, really can't refuse, so even if he Feng has the strength of Huajin medium-term, he can only continue to work.

As for the success of this operation

He is still very confident!

"Blue ghost, green ghost, do it."

Zhang Guiquan face smile convergence, said to the two people around.


As soon as his voice fell, the other two masters of Huajin immediately took up their pistols.

The skilful action and the cold look showed that they were not ordinary gunners.

"Bang, bang!"

The sound of the gun broke the silence of the night sky.

Bullet after bullet toward He Feng shot in the past, and instantly penetrated the body of the latter.

"That's it?"

Zhang Guiquan eyebrows pick, feel a little wrong.

Although his two subordinates are the same as him, they not only step into Huajin, but also reach the level of master, but they can't shoot a master in the middle of Huajin face to face, can they?

In that case, then

"Shadow! That's his shadow. Be careful

Zhang Guiquan seems to be aware of something, all over the hair are erect up, face crazy change, without saying a word toward the back burst back.

Blue ghost and green ghost smell speech, also is to pull out madly retreat.

But their speed is a little slower than that of Zhang Guiquan.


A sudden burst of wind broke out in their ears.


"Click! Click! Click... "

With a shadow shaking, blue ghost felt a pain in his chest, as if he had been hit by a fast-moving train, and the sound of broken ribs sounded like a firecracker.

When the consciousness is gradually engulfed by the darkness, the blue ghost feels empty in his hand, and the special rifle has been taken away by He Feng.

"Guns, they don't work that way."

He Feng body standing, single hand gun, muzzle raised, without any aiming hands, aimed at green ghost is pulled the trigger.


There was only one shot.

At the next moment, the green ghost who retreated quickly stopped.

In the center of his brow, there was a blood hole.


Green ghost's body fell to the ground.

"This, this is dead?"

Zhang Guiquan saw that he Feng didn't pursue him and stopped under a big tree ten meters away.

Looking at the green ghost and blue ghost lying on the ground, he only felt his scalp numb.

Among their ghosts, there are seven killers, red, orange, red, green, blue and purple, in addition to the two principal killers. The green ghost and the blue ghost are the stronger of the seven, and they have already broken through to Huajin. Although their frontal combat effectiveness is not strong enough, their body method speed is extremely fast.

Even Zhang Guiquan, the second master of ghosts, and the master in the middle stage of tangtanghuajin, is not sure that he can kill Qinggui and langui.

But he Feng

Just one face to face, he killed these two men.

This kind of strength, is by no means he Zhang Guiquan can resist.

"Damn, I should have left just now. Face is important, but if you lose your life, what's the use of face? " Zhang Guiquan's heart is full of deep regret.

Seeing he Feng's eyes toward him, Zhang Guiquan's face changed slightly. He quickly hid his body behind the big tree, and yelled: "He Feng, today's thing is wrong. I'm willing to apologize to you, and promise that I won't find you again in the future. Can you let me go?"

"Come up to me and talk. I can think about sparing your life." He Feng light way.

"In front of you?"

Zhang Guiquan behind the big tree rolled his eyes, "do you think I'm stupid? You're so good at shooting. The cultivation of green ghost is not much lower than me, but you don't even have a chance to react. You're killed by one shot. If I go out, won't I become a living target? "

"Why don't you come out? You think if you hide behind a tree, my gun won't hit you? Don't you know that this gun is a special high-grade alloy gun. Even a tree can pierce it. "

He Feng shook his head and sighed, then fired directly.


The gunfire rang out.


When Zhang Guiquan heard the gunshot, his face changed. Without saying a word, he rushed out.

"Er... It's coming out?" He Feng opened his mouth and shot again.


The bullet flew out and disappeared into Zhang Guiquan's leg in an instant.


Zhang Guiquan screamed and fell to the ground.

His leg was directly pierced and his bones were broken. One of his legs was useless and could not escape.

When he fell to the ground, he saw the tree in front of him, and his face became very ugly.

Nima, this tree is at least surrounded by an adult. Even if it's a special gun, it's impossible for him to fight through it.

He Feng's previous shot did not hit the tree at all, but hit the ground. There was a big hole on the ground.

He's really funny, which is fooled out by him!

"If you don't want to die, climb over." He Feng spoke again.

Although Zhang Guiquan feels that he Feng has little chance to forgive himself, even if he still has a little chance to live at this time, he won't miss it.

Immediately, he was like a disabled person. Oh no, he has become disabled now. He climbed towards He Feng.

After a full two minutes, Zhang Guiquan climbed up to He Feng and said, "Mr. He, I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I shouldn't have come to deal with you. Please spare me a small life."

He Feng said: "to be frank, who are you and why did you come to kill me. Don't try to cheat me, or I'll make you more miserable than death. "

"Yes, I dare not deceive Mr. He."

Zhang Guiquan quickly said: "my name is Zhang Guiquan, who is the second leader of the ghost killer organization, and the other two are my subordinates. As for the person who asked me to kill you, it is Ge Guanlin, the elder of Baiyun medicine hall. Our ghost owes him a favor. He said that as long as we get rid of you, the favor will be returned. My elder brother has a good face, so even if I know that Mr. He's very powerful, I'll do it myself, and I'll take two of our most elite men with me... "

"Ge Guanlin?"

He Feng thought about it and soon remembered who it was.

When he was talking to Fu Hua Wenyuan, Hua Wenyuan said that his master's name was Ge Guanlin.

"Mr. He, I've said all I have to say. I'd like to apologize to you for today's event. I just hope you'll forgive me for my life." Zhang Guiquan lowered his head.

"Well, first of all, how are you going to apologize?" He Feng said with a smile.

Zhang Guiquan gritted his teeth, "I am willing to transfer all my wealth to Mr. He."

He Feng asked, "how much wealth do you have? By the way, don't tell me that your wealth is all fixed assets. How much time does it take to transfer it to me? I don't have the energy to accompany you with these things. "

"No, it's not fixed assets. It's all cash wealth."

Zhang Guiquan said: "we are killers. Our identity is sensitive. We can't leave too much fixed assets. It's easy to be checked. So, my money is all in cash, all in my card. It's ten billion yuan. I wonder if Mr. He can look up to it? "

"10 billion..."

He Feng's eyes brightened, but he pretended to be calm on his face and said faintly, "OK, then you can transfer the money to me first."

When he spoke, he had already taken out his bank card.

Zhang Guiquan said with a smile: "Mr. He, I transferred money to you. You can certainly forgive me?"

"Must be able to, I He Feng said, you can rest assured, as long as you can guarantee that all the money on your card is transferred to me, do not leave a cent, I promise that I will never kill you. He Feng is also a young genius. You have to believe in my character. "

He Feng said with a serious face.

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