"Yes, of course I believe in Mr. He's character. OK, I'll transfer now. "

Zhang Guiquan is also straightforward, directly took the bank card he Feng handed over, and then called to transfer the account.

Less than two minutes, he Feng's mobile phone, received a message to the account.

More than 16.2 billion have been recorded

The balance has again exceeded 40 billion yuan.

"Well, I should not have killed those people who knew just now. Even if they don't have a lot of money, how can they add up to one or two billion? " He Feng looked at several other people lying on the ground, feeling a little distressed.

It's all money.

"Mr. He, the money has been transferred to you. May I go now?"

Zhang Guiquan asked uneasily.

There is no way, he Feng's next answer, can be said to determine his life and death.

And he didn't want to die!

Even if he is penniless now, he still has accomplishments and status. His elder brother will surely be able to protect him for the rest of his life.

Even his elder brother knows a lot of ruthless characters. As long as they are willing to spend some money, even if he Feng can easily deal with the middle-term strong of Huajin, they can get rid of him Feng.

If he can leave alive, he will have to take revenge.

"Well, let's go."

He Feng waved his hand like a fly.

"Thank you, Mr. He. Thank you, Mr. He."

Zhang Guiquan said excitedly, then struggled to stand up and limped to the front.

He Feng didn't start with Zhang Guiquan. Since he said that he wanted to let Zhang Guiquan go, of course, he couldn't turn back and break his promise.

He just looked at the monkey!


The monkey noticed he Feng's eyes, but he didn't say a word, so he ran out directly. In an instant, he appeared behind Zhang Guiquan, with a blow.


His punch didn't mean to restrain his strength at all.

A punch, Zhang Guiquan's body, directly exploded into a blood mist.

A strong smell of blood filled the air.


Ling Weiyu and Xi Xueqing, two women who had not seen bloody scenes, vomited on the spot.

"Monkey, what are you doing? Who made you kill? " He Feng scolded directly.


Monkey a face muddle, "is not you let me kill?"

He Feng asked: "which ear of yours heard me call you to kill?"


The monkey puffed at the corner of his mouth.

You don't want me to kill people. What do you mean by the look you just gave me?

But now he Feng doesn't admit it, and he can't help it.

"Besides, even if you kill people, why are you so cruel? Don't you see many lesbians here?"

He Feng didn't stare at the monkey and said, "the brain is really a muscle. No wonder you are still single after so many years."

"Boss, can you stop?"

The monkey's face turned black.

Even if you criticize me, why do you still make personal attacks?

"Well, isn't it right for your boss to criticize you? There are so many girls, but you don't pay attention to the scene. Pay attention to it later. Otherwise, even if your boss doesn't teach you a lesson, I will teach you a lesson for your boss. "

He Bayun see Ling Weiyu and Xi Xueqing are still vomiting, face a little white, also some dissatisfied reprimand.

The monkey immediately laughed, "lesson? Old man, it doesn't matter if you scold me, but I'm old enough to be strong enough? "

The meaning is very clear. You are my eldest brother's uncle. If you teach me a lesson, I have nothing to say.

But if you do

You are too weak.

"Xiao Feng, your brother is very arrogant. I don't know the heaven is high and the earth is thick. I'll teach him a lesson for you. Don't you mind?" He Bayun looks at He Feng and asks.

"Monkey, hurry to apologize to the second uncle, so as to save the second uncle's hand." He Feng said.

"It's all right, boss. I like helping people the most. Since my second uncle is bored, I'll play with him." Monkeys don't care about Tao.

"Are you sure?" He Feng looks strange way: "my second uncle, he is not an ordinary person, he is also a warrior."

"Sure, boss, you can't stop me from being Lei Feng. And if the second uncle is really a warrior, I can just give him some advice on his cultivation. "

"Well, good luck..."

He Feng shrugged, just looking at the monkey's eyes with some sympathy.

"Second uncle, let's do it, boy. I can't do anything else. I'm good at boxing and footwork. I can take the opportunity to give you some advice."

The monkey immediately looked at he Bayun and said.

The gesture made it seem that he Bayun was a junior and he was an elder.

"Ha ha, I hope you can be like your boss and have a unique way to kill. Otherwise... "

He Bayun narrowed his eyes and laughed.

The next moment, his body suddenly disappeared in place.

A sudden burst of wind, like thunder, suddenly resounded all around.

There were some careless monkeys, their faces changed immediately, and even their brains were a little short circuited.

Until he Bayun was about to rush in front of him, he couldn't help shouting two words.

"Lying trough!"

As soon as the sound fell, the monkey felt a strong sense of crisis from his heart.

Without any hesitation, the monkey immediately stepped back.

"Too slow, too slow, too much slower than your boss. If your boss doesn't use killing moves, he can do more than ten moves in my hand. As for you, you can't do anything

He Bayun shook his head, speed suddenly soared a large section, instantly appeared in front of the monkey.

"Hoo Hoo

One punch!


In front of the monkey's eyes, the shadow flashed, let alone dodged. He couldn't even resist it. He felt that he was hit by a punch in front of his chest. His body lost its balance and flew out towards the back.

And this is just the beginning.

"BAM, BAM, bam!!"

As his body lost its balance, the monkey felt the shadow of his fist shaking in front of his eyes, while his body suffered from repeated blows.

The strength is not very strong, but the speed, the monkey can't resist, completely in a state of abuse.

The dull sound of fists and fists echoed all around, and there was a scream from time to time.

"Er Bo is so strong!"

Wang Xiangyun and others are full of admiration and yearning.

It's one thing for he Bayun to be powerful. The main reason is that he Bayun is helping them to get ahead.

"Poor monkey..."

Seeing this scene, he Feng's sympathy for the monkey is even more serious. "I hope this incident can teach him a lesson and change his temperament in the future. Only in this way can he get rid of the identity of a single dog."

"Wrong! I'm wrong, second uncle. I'll be merciful... "

It took two minutes for the monkey to shout.

Hearing the sound, he Bayun stopped his attack.


The monkey also stopped, breathed a big breath, and then looked at He Feng with resentment, like a daughter-in-law who had been so wronged, "boss, even if we are not brothers, you can't pit me like this..."

Don't mention how depressed he is now. He thought that he Bayun would cultivate his strength at most, but he didn't care about it at all.

But I don't think he Bayun is a myth.


It's not a myth that has just broken through to the true Qi State, nor is it a double true Qi State, but a triple true Qi state.

Although the monkey is very confident in his fighting power, and feels that he can challenge tianbang after breaking through the true Qi, he knows that if he meets the triple strong of the true Qi, he will definitely be killed in seconds.

No, now he has been beaten into a pig's head.

When he Bayun hit him, except that the first punch was on his stomach, every punch behind was on the face.

The monkey wants to cry now!

This is definitely the worst time that he was bullied in his life. He felt that even when he was seriously injured in the last few times of his life, he didn't feel bad at this moment.

It's a bully today!

"Monkey, you have to feel your conscience when you speak. Just now I advised you. You insisted that you wanted to be Lei Feng and that you should guide the second uncle's cultivation. I didn't hear that alone. Everyone here heard it. " Hefeng road.

He Feng doesn't say this is OK. When he says this, the monkey wants to vomit blood.

Then why do you only tell me that the second uncle has accomplishments, but you don't tell me that the second uncle's accomplishments have reached the three levels of true Qi?

It's a rhythm that's going to kill me

"Monkey, don't be sad. In fact, you should be happy. In this world, how many people can fight with the myth of true Qi State? When you fight with the second uncle, you must have summed up a lot of fighting experience. In the future, you will be able to deal with the myth that your accomplishments are higher than yours

He Feng stepped forward and patted the monkey on the shoulder.


The corner of the monkey's mouth is hard to smoke, a little want to curse.

Nima, do I still feel happy after being beaten?

Besides, the old guy doesn't fight anywhere else. He only fights in the face. It's obvious that he did it on purpose.

As for combat experience

Experience your sister, is this a fight?

What's special is unilateral bullying, OK?

The more the monkey thought about it, the more angry he was. Anger came out of his eyes.

"Why, boy, you are not convinced, and you want to continue to fight? Why don't we come again? I'll give you a hand

He Bayun seems to be aware of the anger of the monkey and asks indifferently.

The anger in the monkey's eyes dissipated immediately, replaced by a strong respect and worship, "no! Second uncle, you have misunderstood me. How can I be unconvinced? After seeing the powerful cultivation of second uncle, my worship for you is like a continuous river. Second uncle, from now on, you are my idol. "

"Ha ha!"

He Bayun nodded with a smile, "although it's a little hypocritical, it's really nice to hear."

With that, regardless of the monkey's ugly face, he went straight to Fang que who was in a coma and kicked him.

Fang que woke up in a daze!

"What's the matter? What's going on? Why am I in a coma? "

As soon as I woke up, Fang's brain seemed to be short circuited. I didn't remember what happened just now.

He didn't wake up until he saw he Bayun, he Feng and others standing in front of him.

"I... I'll be knocked unconscious by you? And what about the two men I brought with me? "

At the same time, he also glanced around subconsciously.

Soon, he saw the bodies of Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian lying on the ground.

"You killed them both? How is that possible? They are all masters of Huajin. Even if they are not your opponents, they can easily escape! "

Fang Que's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

The two brothers are his friends, and he knows their cultivation very well. Although they are weaker than him, they can't be killed by ordinary Hua Jin.

In particular, there are so many weak women around He Feng who need to worry about how to kill the two great masters?

Unless he has the strength to kill these two great masters!

But how could it be?

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