"I don't want to talk too much nonsense with you. If you want to live, you can be happy. You can answer whatever I say."

He Bayun ignored Fang Que and asked directly, "tell me your real identity."


Fang que gently breathed out a breath, and immediately looked at He Feng, then said: "I come from Yanjing!"

He Bayun glanced at him, then directly kicked him in the abdomen.


Fang Shao screamed, and his breath instantly became dispirited, "asshole, you, you abandoned my elixir field? How dare you? Who gave you the courage? "

Fang que roared hysterically.

Dantian is almost the life of a warrior.

If Dantian is abandoned, Fang que can finish his whole life.

Even if he is lucky to live, the future will be dark, more painful than being killed directly.

"No more nonsense, I won't waste your Dantian, but kill you directly." He Bayun said: "I'll ask you one last question. What's your real identity?"

"Well, since you want to know, I'll tell you. My name is Fang que, from the Lin family in Yanjing. "

Fang que stares at he Bayun with resentment, "if you have seed, you will kill me directly. Although few people see that you did it, my young master already knows that I will deal with you. At that time, he will certainly avenge me. You people, just wait to die. "

"Lin family?"

He Feng frowned. Brother Feng, when did I offend Lin's family again?

However, he soon remembered that he Juncong, his third uncle, had taught the manager of the hotel a lesson for him in Junlin hotel.

And that hotel is Lin's industry.

I didn't expect that because of these troubles, the Lin family was willing to send three great masters to deal with him. They are worthy of the royal family. This is really a big hand.

"It's the Lin family! I remember. No wonder I'm familiar with the sword technique you just used. It turns out that it's the martial arts of the Lin family. "

He Bayun heard Fang que say the word "Lin family", then suddenly, and then asked: "your young master? Who's in the Lin family? "

"Hum, my young master is Lin Zhiqiu, the Third Master of the Lin family."

Fang queleng snorted and said: "now, my young master is practicing in the clan. He Feng is not in charge of air traffic control for the time being. That's why I'm here to solve him."

"Lin Zhiqiu, that trash has even entered the clan?" He Bayun was stunned, and immediately asked, "isn't he just going to the sect to be a disciple? Haven't you even joined the inner door yet? "

"You, you even know zongmen?"

Fang que looks at he Bayun in surprise.

Ordinary people don't know about zongmen.

But in front of me, this guy who looks like five big and three thick, can actually open his mouth to tell the disciples of the outer gate and the inner gate.

"Well, you are the only people who regard the sect as a holy land. Isn't that the way it is?"

He Bayun sneered, "however, Lin Wudi of your Lin family is a character. Besides him, Lin Zhiqiu is nothing but a group of rubbish."

"Hum, arrogance! If you can enter the sect, whether you are an inner disciple or an outer disciple, you are a genius. It's better than you who are not qualified to enter the sect. " Fang said coldly, "just wait. My young master will not let you go."

Dantian has been abandoned. Fang Que's heart is really full of ambition to die.

He is not like Zhang Guiquan. Zhang Guiquan has always been a killer. The more people he kills, the more eager he is to live for a long time. Fang que stayed in the clan for a long time, and he was used to seeing too many strong people. He knew how to live brilliantly and like a person.

A waste that has no elixir field is mole ants. Life is dark. It's better to die.

"Before you die, open a video with your master and say goodbye." He Bayun said indifferently, he also wanted to confirm whether Fang que was lying.

At the same time, he also wants to let the Lin family know the attitude of the he family, lest they always disturb He Feng.

Now the he family doesn't plan to keep a low profile, but it can't find the object that can let the he family step on the top again. Since the Lin family is going to bump into him, he Bayun can't wait for it.

"Are you sure you want me to open a video for my young master? You can think clearly. If my young master sees my present situation, maybe he will bring someone to get rid of you in a day or two. "

Fang que looks at he Bayun sarcastically. He thinks he Bayun's words are good. Later, if he really takes out his mobile phone to open the video, he may regret it.

"If you don't want to open it, you can open it. It's just for your master to see you for the last time."

He Bayun said lightly.

"Well, don't regret it later."

Fang didn't say much. He took out his mobile phone, opened wechat and sent a video out.

"Mr. Fang, what's the matter?"

Soon, the video was connected and a middle-aged man appeared on the screen.

It was Lin Zhiqiu.

Behind Lin Zhiqiu is a tall and simple mountain. It looks like he is on a mountain.

"Eh, Mr. Fang, why do you look a little out of shape? Do you feel sick? " Lin Zhiqiu then asked.

When a warrior reaches the point of transforming strength, he begins to refine Qi into flesh and blood, bone marrow, and viscera. Only by completing these three steps can he be regarded as a body without leakage. From then on, all diseases will not invade, unless it is a virus deliberately created.

And now Fang que is seriously injured by He Feng and abandoned by he Bayun. Even in the video, he has amazing beauty effect, and his face looks ugly.

"Third Master, I'm... I'm incompetent. I can't finish the task you told me."

Fang que reproached himself.

"What do you mean?" Lin Zhiqiu frowned.

"That he Feng, I underestimated his strength."

Fang said: "he is not a dark strength, but a Hua strength. Moreover, it has reached the middle stage of Hua Jin, which is not the ordinary middle stage of Hua Jin. I brought two brothers Chen Bairong and Chen Wannian to deal with him, but now they have been killed and have not escaped. And I was also abandoned by them. "

"What? How could he waste your elixir field? "

As soon as Fang's voice fell, Lin Zhiqiu's angry roar rang out on the phone, "Mr. Fang, where are you now? I'll go down the mountain to see you. And that he Feng, I will let you bear the pain, ten times a hundred times to repay him

Fang que wants to say something more, but he Feng grabs his mobile phone.

He Feng directly aimed at himself with his mobile phone, so that Lin Zhiqiu could see him, and immediately said, "are you from the Lin family? Just because I, he Feng, fight with people in your Lin family's Junlin Hotel, your Lin family will deal with me? I He Feng's life, in your Lin's eyes, so worthless? "

"He Feng? So you are He Feng

When Lin Zhiqiu saw he Feng, he narrowed his eyes and said in a cold voice, "He Feng, you are very good. When I was born, Fang began to take care of me. He was in love with his father and son, but you abandoned his elixir land. Although your cultivation is strong enough to reach the middle stage of Huajin, I still want to tell you that if you don't kneel down, kowtow to old Fang and apologize, and then abandon your Dantian, I promise you, you will die awkwardly. "

"Sure enough, in your eyes, ordinary people's lives are no different from those of mole ants. He can kill me, but I can't abolish his elixir field. "

He Feng shook his head, "if the masters of China are like you, then sooner or later this country will decline."

He Feng just finished, he Bayun said: "Xiao Feng, in fact, our major royal families, although acting will be quite overbearing, but such idiots as Lin Zhiqiu, or very few."

He Feng deeply thought ran nodded, "indeed, the world's most indispensable, is an idiot."

"Bastard, you dare to call my young master an idiot. Do you want to die?" Fang is short of angry voice.

"Well? Who was that? Can you call out my name, Lin Zhiqiu? " Lin Zhiqiu asked coldly.

Although he didn't see anyone, he felt familiar with the sound, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"Lin Zhiqiu, why, I haven't seen you for more than 20 years, can't you hear my voice?" He Bayun comes to He Feng and smiles at Lin Zhiqiu.

"You are..."

Lin Zhiqiu was a little stunned, then immediately responded and exclaimed, "are you he Bayun, the second master of he family?"

"You remember, I thought you forgot."

He Bayun smile, "by the way, Lin idiot, I correct, you this under the Dantian, is not He Feng waste, but I waste.". In addition, I asked him to send the video to you. "

Lin Zhiqiu's face was very ugly.

If he Feng is the only one dealing with Fang que, even if he Feng has the strength of Huajin in the medium term, he won't take it too seriously.

But if he Bayun gets involved, it's really hard to deal with.

Although he Bayun hasn't done it for more than 20 years, as far as he knows, he had already broken through to Huajin more than 20 years ago when Lin Zhiqiu couldn't do it in secret

Now he Bayun, even if he has not reached the peak of Huajin, he may have broken through to the later stage of Huajin.

"Second master he, I want to know what you mean?"

Lin Zhiqiu asked coldly.

"What do you mean? I want to ask you what do you mean? You know that he Feng is the one our he family wants to protect, and you even sent master Huajin to kill him. How you don't pay attention to my he family? I think the he family has been keeping a low profile for more than 20 years, so I think they are bullying, right? "

He Bayun snorted.

"He Feng broke the rules of our Lin family in Junlin Hotel, and he Juncong threatened our Lin family. He told me that if I dealt with He Feng, I would fight against him. If Lin Zhiqiu didn't do anything, wouldn't he be laughed at by people all over the world, saying that I was afraid of him? He Er ye, you answer me. In this case, shouldn't I send someone to deal with He Feng? "

Lin Zhiqiu said: "it's not that I have to kill He Feng, but your he family forces me to kill him."

He Bayun blinked.

That's a very reasonable statement. He couldn't refute it.

He just thought that Lin Zhiqiu was an idiot, but he didn't expect that the other party would talk one way or another. He Bayun has been in a state of closed cultivation for so many years, and he seldom contacts with the outside world, so his eloquence is naturally inferior to Lin Zhiqiu.

"Second uncle, there's no need to talk to him. He sent someone to deal with me for what he thought was the right reason. However, his mistake is that he didn't send someone stronger than me to deal with me. So, even if his reason is right, he lost today. "

He Feng said.

He Bayun rolled his eyes. Lin Zhiqiu, how can he send someone stronger than you to deal with you?

Lao Tzu's three myths in the early stage of his true Qi state didn't deal with me, did you?

"He Feng, since the he family is determined to protect you, even he Erye has come out for you, then I can give him a face, and I won't deal with you any more. But I also hope you can let Mr. Fang go. From now on, our well water won't break into the river water. "

Lin Zhiqiu's voice came again.

He is talking about giving face to he Bayun, not to he Juncong.

He Juncong's accomplishments are at the same level as he, but he Bayun is different. At least he is in the later stage of Huajin, which is much better than Lin Zhiqiu. Lin Zhiqiu gives in because of he Bayun, and outsiders can't laugh at him.

"I'm sorry, whether you Lin family will continue to deal with me or not, but I He Feng have a rule that has never been broken."

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "your man just wanted to kill me and the people around me. In that case, don't say it's you. Even if it's the king of heaven, I can't keep him today. "

Lin Zhiqiu's face suddenly cooled down, "are you sure you really want to kill him?"


He Feng's answer is very concise, and his hand action is more direct.

As the voice fell, he had raised his foot and stepped on Fang Que's chest.


The sound of broken ribs sounded and pierced the viscera.


Fang que spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath declined instantly. He Feng glared resentfully, "you, you will die..."

"I don't know if we'll die, but now at least you die before us."

He Feng chuckled and took back his feet.

Fang Que's eyes were still big, but there was no light in his eyes.

"Asshole! You dare to kill Mr. Fang. I will kill you. Wait, I will kill you. "

Perhaps because of too much anger, Lin Zhiqiu's voice was trembling, and her eyes were red. We could see how strong the intention of killing was in her heart.

"Well, I'll wait for you to kill me in Jiangbin city."

He Feng finished, then directly hung up the phone.

If the other party's cultivation has reached the true Qi State, he Feng may be afraid.

But it's just a little bit of energy

There are monkeys sitting in the Liuyue club, plus hu er and others, as long as Lin Zhiqiu dares to come, it is absolutely a dead end.

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