"Xiao Feng, let's take care of the Lin family." He Bayun said, he is also ready to let the he family step on the Lin family to go up again.

"The he family is going to take the Lin family for an operation?" He Feng asked.

"Well, during the low-key years of the he family, the other four royal families seized the opportunity to seize some of the power that the he family had previously mastered. The Lin family, in particular, is the most active. Now, since the he family has decided to re-enter the world's attention, the first thing to do is, of course, to take back what originally belonged to our he family. "

He Bayun nodded.

"Walk into the world's sight again..."

He Feng murmured.

Although he Bayun just said that, he Feng knew that the comeback of he family was due to He Feng.

In that case

"Yama, the patron saint of China? I He Feng will soon be able to surpass you, when the time comes, I will be able to walk in China

He Feng said in his heart.

This Yama became his first goal to surpass.

For Yama's strength, he is not very clear now, but the more so, the more let him feel full of motivation.

Because although he was not sure about the cultivation of the king of hell, he had a triple cultivation of true Qi ten years ago. In terms of Yama's cultivation talent, his current strength is likely to have broken through to the four levels of true Qi.

Then, he took it as his goal to defeat the myth of the four realms of Qi.

Next, he Feng called out and asked people to deal with the body here, but they got on the car again and left.

After getting on the bus, he Feng asked, "Er Bo, who is Lin Wudi you just said?"

"Lin Wudi, he is a genius of Lin family. Cultivating talent... Seems to be a little better than me. " He Bayun touched nose, some embarrassed said.

"The cultivation talent is better than the second uncle? Isn't he now at the four levels of true Qi? " He Feng pick eyebrow way.

He Bayun said: "I'm not sure whether he has reached the four levels of true Qi, because I haven't seen him for more than 30 years."

"Haven't you seen him in such a long time?"

"Well, he has been practising in the sect all these years and never left."

He Bayun pondered: "speaking, we don't know much about Lin Wudi, and we haven't even seen him. Although his cultivation talent is very high, but he is dedicated to martial arts, and he is low-key, and has not even done much. Some of his strength is still handed down from the Lin family. "

He Feng asked: "how strong is his strength?"

He Bayun did not answer directly, but said: "when Lin Wudi broke through to Huajin, he should be 25 years old. This talent is not strong, but it is not weak. But after Huajin, his cultivation speed was much faster. It took him only three years, that is, at the age of 28, to break through the myth drama, becoming the youngest myth among the four royal families at that time. Of course, his record was soon broken by your father. Well, it's broken by you now. But it's not as fast as your father when you break through the myth. "

He Bayun is deliberately attacking He Feng, so that he Feng doesn't feel that he is so amazing when he breaks through the myth at a young age. He should know that his talent is very ordinary and he can't be overconfident.

Of course, he didn't think so.

He Feng's time to break through the myth is not as fast as he Fengyun's because he Feng didn't start to practice since he was a child, and he didn't have a lot of support and expert advice.

He Fengyun is different. He was born in he's family since he was a child, and the old man of he's family gave advice in person. Naturally, his cultivation is fast.

"How old is Lin Wudi now?" He Feng asked.

"To sum up, it should be thirty-five years since he broke through the true Qi. Then he is sixty-three years old. "

He Bayun's face was quite dignified and said: "after Lin Wudi broke through the real Qi, he directly joined the sect and became a disciple of the inner sect. In the past 35 years, he has never done it once. Now no one knows his specific accomplishments. However, I occasionally hear the old man mention him. The old man guesses that Lin Wudi's cultivation now, even if he doesn't step into the four levels of true Qi, is at least the level of the three peaks of true Qi. "

He Feng secretly Lin invincible this person in mind.

At least the strength above the triple peak of true Qi State, which is enough for him to pay attention to.

Unexpectedly, there are still such masters hidden behind the Lin family.

What's more, the other side has not only reached the triple peak of true Qi, but also joined the sect. Maybe he has a good status in the sect.

Such a person, even the he family, is not easy to deal with.

Therefore, he Feng himself has to keep an eye on it, or to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Xiao Feng, you just need to know something about Lin Wudi. He used to do less. Even if we have a large-scale conflict between he family and Lin family, which leads to Lin invincible, he will only do it to he family at most. He can't do it to Xiao Feng directly. " He Bayun said.

"Well, I know!"

He Feng nodded.

This is, is holding a mobile phone to see information Ling Weiyu suddenly said: "brother Xiaofeng, now we are still very dangerous here?"

He Feng pondered for a while, immediately shook his head and said: "the myth behind song Yan should have left Jiangbin city. As long as he doesn't return, there will be nothing wrong with us. Moreover, I asked the three brothers of Shenji pavilion to keep an eye on the air energy changes in Jiangbin city. If he comes to the riverside, as long as he practices, we can immediately detect his existence. "

Before Ling Weiyu spoke, Wang Xiangyun said, "do you mean that we can start to work tomorrow?"

Chu Yue also followed: "I think we should be able to work normally, otherwise, we have to let sister yuan and Wei Wei come to the Liuyue club. Can't we stay in a safe place, but let them stay in a dangerous place? "

"Well, let's get busy with our own business tomorrow."

Wang Xiangyun said directly, "today, sister yuan has sent me several messages, saying that there are some things in the company that I need to deal with, and I must go to the company tomorrow."

In addition to the company's business, Wang Xiangyun does not want to delay his research too much.

The first stage of research has been completed, and the second stage of research is about to break through. Wang Xiangyun really wants to work hard to finish that research at one stroke.

Now that she has been in contact with some forces, she knows very well how great the impact on the whole world will be once her second research is completed and published.

"Brother Xiaofeng, sister Yun, I'll go to the website tomorrow."

Ling Weiyu said: "today Yiqin sent me a message saying that jiuku.com seems to have invited a powerful hacker to take all the works on our website off the shelves. I'll go to find out the details first tomorrow."

"Jiuku.com? Is that the pirated website? "

He Feng thought for a moment and then remembered, "in the past so many days, it seems that they have finally come up with a way. But it's OK. I'll go back to the Liuyue club later. I can put those books back on sale with a little time. "

"Boss, you're talking about sister-in-law's novel website, right? This kind of thing doesn't need to be done by yourself. Just give it to the brothers of Shenji camp. " The monkey said immediately.

For He Feng around a few women's things, he actually had a clear investigation.

Ling Weiyu and he Feng opened the maple language Chinese network, he actually knows.

"All right, say hello to the brothers." He Feng doesn't care much about it either, mainly because he has too much confidence in the brothers of Shenji camp. They are just too low-key. If they are willing to be on the hacker list, anyone can easily enter the top ten in the world, and a few two or three people can even enter the top five.

Soon, the group returned to Liuyue club.

This evening, as Wang Xiangyun said, he Feng didn't go anywhere and was directly caught in the training room to practice.

And the whole night, Jiangbin city is calm, song Yan behind the myth, there is no trace revealed.


What he Feng didn't know, however, was that a middle-aged man was very angry because of him on a towering mountain in China.

This is Lin Zhiqiu!

"Asshole, Mr. Fang is the elder who watched me grow up. In my mind, his status is no lower than my father. But you dare to kill him in front of me. "

In a small courtyard, Lin Zhiqiu was sitting in a wooden house, but his face looked rather ferocious. "He Feng, I, Lin Zhiqiu, will kill you myself. Before I kill you, I will catch the people around you first, and then kill them in front of you, so that you can also experience the pain of your relatives being killed. "

"Dong Dong..."

At this time, Lin Zhiqiu's door was knocked, and a middle-aged man's voice came, "younger martial brother Zhiqiu, are you ok?"

Lin Zhiqiu took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, went up and opened the door.

Outside the door, there were three men. The first one was a middle-aged man who looked about 40 years old. The other three were a little older, but they all looked extraordinary and very human.

"Younger martial brother Zhiqiu, I just heard something about you. What happened?" The middle-aged man at the head asked with a smile, looking concerned.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, senior brothers."

Lin Zhiqiu said with some apology.

These people, like him, are all disciples of the same clan.

Because they are only outside disciples, there is no separate yard. Four people live in the same yard, but they don't live in the same room.

"Zhiqiu, don't say such kind words. If you are in any trouble, just tell us. If our elder martial brothers can help you, they will do their best." Said the middle-aged man.

"Elder martial brother Haiyan, my business..."

Lin Zhiqiu paused and said, "it's really a bit of trouble, but now I can solve it, so I won't bother several elder martial brothers. If I can't deal with it later, I'll ask several elder martial brothers for help. "

"Well, then we won't disturb you. Come to us whenever you need to."

The middle-aged man named Hai Yan nodded and left with several others.

Watching Haiyan and others leave, Lin Zhiqiu takes back her sight.

Haiyan is his elder martial brother, and everyone's cultivation is far higher than him. The weakest one has reached the later stage of Huajin. It is said that Haiyan has now half stepped into the myth, and will soon become an inner disciple.

"No matter their accomplishments or talents, they are higher than me, but they are extremely polite to me. It should be because they know that uncle is in Tianlei sect, right?"

Lin Zhiqiu murmured.

His uncle Lin Wudi entered Tianlei sect more than 30 years ago, and now he is very noble in Tianlei sect.

Lin Zhiqiu also learned that Lin Wudi had become a true disciple of Tianlei sect five years ago.

The disciples of the eight sects are also of different grades. The worst are the outside disciples. They are only qualified to enter the sect for cultivation, but they are not qualified to be a real teacher. They can only be the registered disciples of an elder.

Only when they reach the true Qi State and achieve the myth, can they be qualified to become the inner disciples and be accepted as the formal disciples by the sect elders.

In addition, you must break through the true Qi before you are 100 years old.

People who can't break through the true Qi within 100 years old will be directly expelled from the clan.

However, the status of the inner disciples in the sect is not too high. Only by cultivating to the medium myth, that is, the four realms of true Qi, can they become true disciples and have a respected status in the sect.

Of course, to be a true disciple is the same as to be an inner disciple. You have to practice the four realms of true Qi before you are two hundred years old.

If you are more than 200 years old, you can only become an elder of the sect, inferior to the disciple of Zhenchuan.

When Lin Zhiqiu entered tianleizong, his uncle Lin Wudi sent a servant of zhenqijing to visit him here. Haiyan in the yard was more polite to him when they knew Lin Zhiqiu's identity.

However, Lin Zhiqiu knew his uncle very well, and he didn't dare to do things with the help of his uncle's name. Otherwise, if he let his uncle know, he estimated that he would be directly kicked out of tianleizong.

"However, to deal with a He Feng is just enough for our Lin family. These years, with the help of my uncle, the strength of the Lin family is not comparable to that of the he family. Besides, what I'm dealing with this time is not the he family, but just a He Feng. "

Thinking of this, Lin Zhiqiu raised his sword and walked out of the yard.


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