The next morning, ghost killer headquarters.

Guiying's eldest brother is Zhang Guihang. He looks about sixty years old. He seems to be an ordinary old man in the countryside, without any outstanding features.

But people who know him well know that this is just a disguise of his appearance. If his enemies think that he is just an ordinary person, the end will be very miserable.

It was in this disguise that when he was still at the peak of dark strength, he successfully hunted the master at the beginning of Huajin.

Up to now, his whole cultivation has reached the middle stage of Huajin, but he seldom does any tasks. Basically, he leaves any tasks to his younger brother to carry out. He is all focused on cultivation, striving for refining Qi into the bone marrow as soon as possible, and stepping into the late stage of Huajin.

However, from the early morning until now, Zhang Guihang's face is not good-looking.

Because he asked his younger brother to carry out a task yesterday. At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, his younger brother sent a message to him, saying that he had found the trace of the prey, was following behind and was about to start.

But until early in the morning, Zhang Guihang didn't receive any information from his brother. He realized that it was not good and called his brother directly.

As a result, the phone cannot be reached.

From early in the morning until now, he has made hundreds of calls, including the two subordinates brought by his younger brother. He has also asked his subordinates to keep calling, but they can't get through.

"Is there any news from Jiangbin?"

Zhang Guihang looked at a man in front of him and asked.

The hand with the highest cultivation of dark strength shook his head solemnly. "Boss, there was a calm last night in Jiangbin City, and there was no news of Huajin fighting."

Zhang Guihang frowned. "Guiquan sent me a message yesterday, saying that he Feng was going to fight, and he Feng had the cultivation of Hua Jin. Once the two sides fight, the battle will fluctuate greatly, so that the public can call the police. And once the police go out, it's easy for us to get information, isn't it? "

"If the police go out, we do get information," he said. But as far as I know, from last night until now, the whole police station system of Jiangbin city has only sent out police three times. One is to crack down on pornography, one is to catch a thief, and the other is because of an ordinary car accident. We have also investigated the most suspicious traffic accident case in detail. It's really just an ordinary traffic accident. The driver who caused the accident and the person who was hit are also ordinary people. "

"But Guiquan must have started..."

Zhang Guihang's face was hard to see.

The men bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

"Purple ghost, although your accomplishments are not as good as green ghost and blue ghost, your brain is flexible. You can analyze what's going on in the ghost spring."

Zhang Guihang stares at Purple ghost to say.

"Boss, with all due respect... The second brother may have had an accident."

Purple ghost sighed, but said: "since the second brother has already started with He Feng, but no news has spread, there is only one possibility. Their battle ended very quickly, and the people outside didn't notice, so they didn't call the police. And I just got a message... "

"What's the news?"

"He Feng left Liuyue club and went to work in Yuncheng group. In addition to him, there are several women of his... "

"Do you mean that Gui Quan and he Feng have a hand in hand, and he Feng is still alive, which means that Gui Quan is dead?"

Zhang Guihang's eyes were red.

When he and his brother were very young, their parents died because of the war. He and his brother depended on each other and loved each other very much.

Although his brother's cultivation talent is poor, Zhang Guihang's cultivation resources are almost 70% of his brother's, and only 30% of his brother's in order to keep up with his own pace.

But now, one of his most trusted subordinates told him that his younger brother was probably dead

"Boss, this is just my analysis. I won't believe that the second brother is dead before I see his body again." Purple ghost quickly explained.

However, Zhang Guihang's breath was rather heavy, and his eyes could almost eat people.

It took five minutes for Zhang Guihang to calm down.

Then he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Hello, brother Zhang."

Zhang Guihang dialed out of the phone was soon connected, inside came the voice of an old man.

"Ge Guanlin, you asked me to deal with a man named He Feng. Because you once saved me, I took the task and asked my brother to take two powerful killers to deal with He Feng. In principle, as long as the information you give is accurate, my brother will certainly be able to complete the task. Even if your information is a little bit inconsistent, even if he can't complete the task, he can still retreat completely. But since my brother sent me a message last night, saying that he would start to deal with He Feng immediately, until now, I can't contact him, and he didn't take the initiative to contact me. "

Zhang Guihang's face was very ugly and said, "Ge Guanlin, no accident. The information you gave me was out and in. He Feng's strength on their side was completely different from the information you gave me."

Ge Guanlin said in disbelief: "no? The strength of He Feng is equivalent to the strength in the middle of Huajin. Whether he Feng can reach this level is still a problem. It's reasonable to say that if you let brother Guiquan come out in person, you will certainly be able to complete the task. "

"It's no use talking to me now. You have to give me a satisfactory explanation as soon as possible. Otherwise, even if you save me once, I'll take revenge. "

Zhang Guihang finished saying this and hung up without waiting for GE Guanlin to reply.

"Boss, what shall we do next?"

Purple ghost in the side asked: "need I personally take people to Jiangbin city to investigate this He Feng?"

Zhang Guihang wanted to nod his head, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "forget it, he Feng's strength may be much stronger than what GE Guanlin said. If you go there, you may have the same result as ghost spring. "

Purple ghost smell speech, in the heart reveals a trace of gratitude.

He naturally understood what Zhang Guihang said, but if Zhang Guihang asked him to investigate He Feng, he would risk going to Jiangbin city.

The purple ghost continued to ask, "are we just waiting for the news from GE Guanlin?"

"Ge Guanlin? I didn't put too much hope in him

Purple ghost puzzled looking at Zhang Guihang, waiting for the latter to continue to say.

"Even the ghost spring that broke through to the middle stage of Huajin can stay. There may be the power of later stage of Huajin around He Feng."

Zhang Guihang made an analysis and said: "Purple ghost, you muster your brothers, no matter they are in the closed door or performing tasks outside, I'll give them a week. A week later, let them go to Jiangbin city with me. And this week, I will make the final impact and strive to break through. "

"OK, I'm going to contact my brothers."

Purple ghost eyes a bright, hurriedly said.

He was very clear about Zhang Guihang's strength. When he was still in the middle of Huajin, Zhang Guihang had a certain grasp of assassinating the later master of Huajin.

Once a breakthrough is made, even in a frontal battle, it is difficult for Huajin's later master to be his opponent.

With the help of their subordinates, it's 80-90% certain to kill a great master in Huajin's later period.


Baiyun medicine hall.

After receiving Zhang Guiquan's call, Ge Guanlin immediately called his disciple Chen Zhou.

"Shifu, you said that Zhang Guiquan, the ghost shadow's hand, was also damaged in Jiangbin city?" Chen Zhou said in shock.

As the deputy leader of Baiyun medicine hall and a disciple of Ge Guanlin, he is very clear about ghost information.

He even felt that Zhang Guiquan was more powerful than his master when it comes to fighting power.

But now, Ge Guanlin told him that Zhang Guiquan was damaged in Jiangbin city.

"Well, the probability of Zhang Guiquan dying in He Feng's hands should be very high. In addition, Zhang Guiquan was not the only one who died this time. He also took the green ghost and blue ghost of their ghost to go out together. Those two people, too, have already broken through to Hua Jin. "

Ge Guanlin nodded.

"What? One master in the middle stage of Huajin and two masters in the early stage of Huajin are all dead? "

Chen Zhou's eyes widened, and he said, "isn't it that he Feng's cultivation is only seven fold? Even with his master level gunshot, it's impossible to kill Zhang Guiquan. "

Ge Guanlin said: "He Feng's strength is far beyond our expectation. In the future, we Baiyun medicine hall must not trouble him any more. Let's give up the market in Nanjin city. "

"There isn't even a middle-class guwu family in Nanjin city. We don't have a big stall there. The annual profit is only $120 billion. It doesn't matter if we give up."

Chen Zhou thought, "but I'm afraid he Feng knows that we've found the ghost to deal with him."

Ge Guanlin nodded, "it's really a hidden danger, but we don't have much to worry about now. He Feng hasn't got the energy to deal with us. If Zhang Guiquan is really killed by him, Zhang Guihang will definitely deal with him. Besides, I don't think Qianjia will forgive him. "

"Since Zhang Guiquan is planted in He Feng's hands, can Zhang Guihang and Qian's family deal with He Feng?"

"I saw Zhang Guihang once two years ago. That guy should be able to refine gas into bone marrow. There is also Qian's family. I'm afraid he has already reached this level without any accident. "

Ge Guanlin narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't believe that he Feng can deal with the two great masters of Huajin."

Chen Zhou was a little relieved. "In this case, we really don't have to worry too much."


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