Jiangbin high speed railway station.

A group of people came out of the station, led by an old man who looked sixty or seventy years old.

Qian Yuan is the elder of Qian family.

In addition to Qianyuan, there are several high-level figures of Qian family. These people will not set foot in Jiangbin city at ordinary times, because there are almost no ancient martial arts masters in Jiangbin City, and there is nothing to attract them in this city.

But now, they come to Jiangbin city together, just to kill one person.

He Feng!

"Elder Qianyuan, our brothers have other tasks to perform. We won't be with you next. However, Lord Qianshou said that if you have any trouble, you can contact us and we will help you. " The speaker is a middle-aged man who looks ordinary. When he is thrown into the crowd, others will not look at him more.

However, Qianyuan, a great master, did not dare to be proud in front of middle-aged men.

"OK, Mr. Dongye, just do your work first. If I need your help, I will contact you." Qian Yuan said with a polite smile.

"Then we'll go first."

Dongye said, then and another man turned away, soon disappeared in the crowd.

Watching Dongye leave, Qianyuan looks at another old man beside him, "Lao Guang, if you want to fight with this Dongye, how much do you think your chances of winning?"

"Eh, brother yuan, isn't this Dongye an ordinary man? If brother Guang starts with him, he will be shot to death with one move? "

On one side, a fat looking old man said in surprise.

"Qiande, it seems that you have been cheated by Dongye. Dongye is not an ordinary person. "

Qian Guang looked at the direction of Dongye's disappearance and said with a smile: "if I guess correctly, he should be a pharmacist. Besides, he is a local level pharmacist. "

The level of the Alchemist is the same as that of the elixir, which is divided into human level, earth level and heaven level,

The local level pharmacists may not be as powerful as master Huajin, but in a power, their status will never be worse than master Huajin.

"Pharmacist? Then his cultivation should not be weak, either? " Chandler said in shock.

"Well, cultivation is not weak, but it must not be strong. Maybe it's just in the way of Hua Jin. However, the strength of pharmacists lies not in their energy cultivation, but in their spiritual strength. Even if this Dongye doesn't use other means, relying on strength and spirit alone, Qianyuan and I are not sure we can defeat him. "

Qian Guang narrowed his eyes and said, "in addition, some pharmacists still have the means beyond the imagination of ordinary ancient martial artists. For example, they are very good at using poison. If I don't guard against it, maybe we will die in his hands before we start."


Qiande could not help but take a breath. "Fortunately, this Dongye is a man of thousand hands, not our enemy. If anyone becomes an enemy with him, I'm afraid he can't sleep at night? However, since they are so powerful, what task will they perform in Jiangbin city? What's the matter in Jiangbin city worth letting them go in person? "

"Ha ha, don't underestimate Jiangbin. Although there are few powerful ancient warriors in this city, its economy is extremely prosperous, and there are many top talents in other industries. Maybe their goal is those people. "

Qian Yuan laughed and said, "but these things have nothing to do with us. We'd better find out He Feng first and get rid of him."

"Brother yuan, I just got the news that he Feng has gone to work in Yuncheng group. Shall we go directly to Yuncheng group to kill people?" Asked Chandler.

"No! He Feng is also a member of the he family. We should keep a low profile. Let's do it when he leaves work in the evening. In addition, just in case, keep in touch with Mr. Dongye. " Qian Yuan said.

Qian Guang nodded, "well, I'll be responsible for the contact with Dongye."


"Minister, are you here?"

"Minister, I haven't seen you for a few days. We miss you so much."

"Have you had breakfast, Minister? Shall I go downstairs and buy you some? "

He Feng just came to the finance department, many employees of the finance department stood up one after another, with a face of surprise.

Now he Feng's popularity in the company is no worse than Wang Xiangyun's.

In the hearts of the staff of the financial department, his prestige is even higher than Wang Xiangyun.

The reason is very simple. With the help of He Feng, the salary of all the employees in the financial department this month has at least doubled and several times more.

Let alone Xia Menglu!

"What do you think? Is brother Feng the kind of person who likes men? Go away... "

He Feng stares at the male employee and goes straight to Xia Menglu.

However, when passing by Yang Ying's side, his steps pause slightly.

Although did not say a word, but understand his meaning of Yang Ying, sexy thin lips, it is a smile from the heart.

"Lulu, come here." He Feng said a word to Xia Menglu, even if he entered his office.

Although he didn't come to the office for a few days, the office was still clean. I don't know whether it was Xia Menglu or Yang Ying.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing? I can't get in touch with you. If you don't come today, I'm going to ask sister Yun. "

As soon as Xia Menglu came in, she began to laugh.

"It's no use asking her. She's staying with me these two days."

He Feng did not hide, directly: "these two days we have encountered some trouble, but now basically solved."

"Trouble? Is nothing wrong? " Xia Menglu worried.

She knows he Feng's accomplishments, and even he Feng says it's troublesome, so it's not easy.


He Feng shook his head and asked, "have you made any progress these days?"

"Not yet. It's estimated that it will take two days to break through to the middle of dark strength!" Xia Menglu was a little disappointed and said, "when you get to the dark power, the cultivation speed is much slower. According to this speed, I don't know how long it will take to break through to the peak of dark strength. "

"It's only two or three days for you to break through to the dark energy. If you break through to the middle of the next two days, you can reach the peak of dark energy in about 20 days at most. This speed has been several days faster than I expected. "

He Feng said: "you can improve your cultivation to the peak of dark strength as soon as possible. Then I'll think of a way to make you break through to Huajin. Even at last, like me, you can cultivate the power of heaven and earth and step into the realm of true Qi."

Xia Menglu vomited sweet tongue, "my cultivation talent is very poor!"

He Feng waved his hand and said: "in fact, for martial arts practitioners, if they have the right martial arts as a supplement and there is no shortage of cultivation resources, it is only a matter of time to improve their accomplishments. Therefore, as long as I can get enough resources for you, it will only be a matter of time before you break through the true Qi in the future. "

Xia Menglu said gratefully, "brother Xiaofeng, you are so kind to me!"

"Yes? How are you going to make it up to me? "

He Feng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile. He's looking at Xia Menglu up and down.

He was suffocated these two days, especially last night when he was practicing in the same room with some top-notch beauties, smelling their fragrance, but he couldn't have any thoughts. It was a kind of torture for He Feng.

Therefore, when Wang Xiangyun said that he would come to work in the company today, he Feng immediately followed him without saying a word.

Of course, as soon as he arrived at the company, he parted ways with women and went straight to his site.

Finance department!

Then he called Xia Menglu directly to the office.


Xia Menglu didn't seem to understand he Feng's meaning. She pretended to Meditate: "brother Xiao Feng, I think about it. You are so busy now, and there are so many women around you to take care of. Your body must be very hard to bear. I don't think so. Why don't you come back with me tonight and let my mother get you some kidney? "

Smell speech, he Feng mouth a draw.

Did this girl learn from her mother?

Actually also said to let him eat kidney!

Does brother Feng look so weak?

"Lulu, it seems that you dare to go to the house to expose tiles if you don't adjust for two days."

He Feng finish, not wait for Xia Menglu reaction, quickly rushed up, and then a woman to push down on the sofa.


After a full hour, Xia Menglu breathes heavily and puts on her clothes.

"Brother Feng, we'd better try not to be in the office in the future? What a shame Xia Menglu has a red face.

"There's nothing to be shy about. People don't know we're in a relationship anyway." He Feng also put on the clothes, and then shrugged, indifferent way.

"But sister Yun is your wife. It's impossible to hide your relationship all the time, right? Maybe in a few days, the whole company will know about your relationship. How can I stay in the company then? " Xia Menglu said seriously.

Smell speech, he Feng eyebrow subconsciously frowned.

Xia Menglu's words are somewhat reasonable.

His relationship with Wang Xiangyun can't be concealed all the time.

For example, the upper class of Jiangbin City, most people know that he and Wang Xiangyun are husband and wife, this kind of thing they can not deliberately help he Feng hide.

With thousands of employees in Yuncheng group, who can guarantee that none of them is familiar with the upper class of Jiangbin city?

At that time, as long as one person knows, it may cause the whole company to know.

He Feng doesn't care about this kind of thing, but Xia Menglu's girls are thin skinned. How can they stay in Yuncheng group in the future?

If you can't stay in the company, it's similar to that when you come to the company now, you can enjoy a good meal, which is almost gone.

"Brother Xiaofeng, let's try to keep a low profile in the company in the future. We can do things like this in the office where no one is downstairs. Moreover, if you go downstairs, you can also call sister Yang. If I come in your office, sister Yang won't be able to come in again. " Xia Menglu suggested.

He Feng eyes a bright, "reasonable, then this afternoon we go to the office to relax."

Xia Menglu immediately opened her mouth, "still relaxed?"

He Feng said with a smile: "it's necessary. I just warmed up. I'll call sister Yang in the afternoon. Let's have some drama."


Xia Menglu is speechless, but she doesn't refuse He Feng. She just says, "brother Feng, do you have time after work? If you have time, how about going to my place for dinner? "

He Feng face a black, "Lulu, you so want me to eat kidney?"

Xia Menglu chuckled, "what are you talking about, brother Feng? I don't know your ability. I don't know where I need to eat that kind of food."

"Then how can I come to your place for dinner all of a sudden?"

"Xiaotian asked you to come over."

Xia Menglu said: "she asked me to tell you that her research has made a stage of progress. I want you to see his research results."

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