"Oh? Has Xiaotian made progress in his research? "

He Feng immediately became interested, "his research on the density of compressed metal is also being studied in many foreign countries, but so far it has not achieved any results. If Xiaotian makes progress in this research, it will definitely cause a sensation. Yes, it seems that my brother-in-law is a talented person. "

Xia Menglu was a little proud and said with a smile: "that guy is not interested in anything except doing his research. Even when I asked him if he would like to practice with me, he felt dull."

"Well, Xiaotian's character is like this. We don't have to force him to do what he doesn't like to do." He Feng said: "after work, I'll accompany you to have a look."


Xia Menglu nodded, "then I'll go out first. If you don't feel satisfied, you can call sister Yang. Or, I'll call for you? "

"Well, isn't that good?"

He Feng touched his nose, "you let sister Yang go downstairs, so that other employees don't talk nonsense."

Xia Menglu snorted, "I thought you were satisfied, but I didn't think you were. Hum, I'll see what I can do with you next time. "

He Feng grinned and said, "next time you can call sister yang to clean me up. Maybe this will satisfy me."

"Together again?"

Xia Menglu blushes. She is not used to waiting on He Feng with other women.

But he Feng all opened his mouth, she is not good to refuse, immediately said: "then you have to conserve your energy first, don't be eaten almost outside."

"Rest assured, brother Feng, I am very energetic."

He Feng patted his chest and said, "if you don't believe me, you can go downstairs with sister Yang."

Xia Menglu hurriedly walked out, "I don't want to. I still have a lot of work to deal with."

Xia Menglu has just left for two minutes, and he Feng leaves as if nothing had happened. Then he goes straight down to the quiet office.

In the office, Yang Ying has been waiting for him.

They didn't see each other for several days, but this time they didn't say a word. They just kiss each other and their clothes peel off

They did not stop until noon.

Now Yang Ying has begun to practice, and her physical quality has improved a lot. Even if she has been tossing about for so long, she hasn't gasped for breath.

Afterwards, Yang Ying went back to work in the finance department, and he Feng called Yuan Yashi and Gong Wei to have lunch in the canteen.

"Sister yuan, Weiwei, are you busy in the company these days?" He Feng put the rice in front of Er Nu and asked with a smile.

"I'm not too busy. I spend most of my time practicing. But it's sister yuan. She has helped me with a lot of my work. She even does a lot of Lianyun's work. In the morning, when yunyun came to the company, I proposed to yunyun that she should promote sister yuan to President. I'll make a soy sauce. "

Gong Wei said with a smile.

Yuan Yashi said: "I don't want to be the president. I'll be busy now. When you have achieved something in your cultivation, you certainly don't need to practice every day. At that time, you have to keep busy. I'm the one who should have a rest. But it's different to be president. There will be a lot of work then. "

He Feng said: "sister yuan, since they are on the way of cultivation, it is difficult to stop in a short time."

He Feng's short-term goal is to make Gong Wei and others cultivate to the peak of Huajin.

But when it comes to Hua Jin, he will certainly hope that Gong Wei and they will all go further and step into the realm of true Qi.

It's very difficult to cultivate to the true Qi state. If you don't have talent, you may not be able to enter this state in five or ten years.

"That's OK. Yunyun has held a high-level meeting this morning and directly asked me to be the vice president. Weiwei is still the president, but we all know the relationship between the three of us. Although I'm the vice president, if we really want to do Weiwei's work, we won't give me face." Yuan Yashi said: "in a word, you should put your mind on cultivation first, and upgrade your cultivation as soon as possible. I will handle the company's affairs properly."

These days, Wang Xiangyun and he Feng didn't come to the company. After Ling Weiyu's Fengyu Chinese network moved to Yuncheng group, Ling Weiyu himself didn't come to work in the company. In fact, Yuan Yashi and they also know about these things.

Plus they can't get in touch with He Feng these two days

Therefore, Yuan Yashi guessed that he Feng might be in trouble these days.

But they couldn't help at all.

Therefore, Yuan Yashi hopes that Gong Wei and her colleagues can work hard to improve their accomplishments as soon as possible, while she helps them solve their worries and deal with all the company's affairs properly.

"He Feng, now that you're back, you have to make it up to sister yuan. I'm practicing these days, but yunyun is not here. She's so busy." Gong Wei said.

"What's the compensation for that?"

Yuan Yashi shook his head, changed the topic and asked, "are you in any trouble with yunyun these two days?"

He Feng nodded and said: "it's a bit of trouble, but it's basically solved. Sister yuan, you can deal with the company's affairs slowly. Don't worry. Anyway, now we don't lack the money made by the company. "

"Not short of money? Just now yunyun told us that you bought pills with tens of billions and tens of billions. Our company's current market value is only 120.1 billion. How can we not be short of money? "

Gong Wei helpless way: "however, what we lack is these big money, Cloud City Group makes so little money, really useless."

"Why did Wang Xiangyun tell you such a thing?"

He Feng is speechless.

It really takes tens of billions to buy pills. Even after Huajin, the cultivation resources needed by Wang Xiangyun and other people add up to hundreds of billions.

These things, he is not prepared to let Gong Wei they know, they slowly earn on the line.

But don't want to, Wang Xiangyun directly told Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi.

Yuan Yashi said: "yunyun may want everyone to help you share some pressure. With so much money, you can't solve it alone. However, how do I feel that yunyun's attitude towards you seems a little different now? "

Gong Wei also said, "yes, have you already taken yunyun down?"

Hearing this, he Feng was a little depressed.

He thought about it and said, "I've taken her heart, but I haven't taken her body yet."

"Oh, so you make yunyun like you?"

"Yes, yes. Tell me about it. How did you do it?"

Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi asked in surprise.

They thought it would take a long time for He Feng to make Wang Xiangyun like him.

Did not expect this just a few days, he Feng actually said that has won the heart of Wang Xiangyun.

"I didn't do anything. Maybe I'm a little handsome these days. That's why Wang Xiangyun really likes me." He Feng is embarrassed to tell the truth.

He cheated Wang Xiangyun with Chu Yue, and let Wang Xiangyun reveal his feelings to him in front of him. Their feelings were a step closer.

In addition to a few people who know Chu Yue, he Feng is really embarrassed to tell others. He Feng will definitely be laughed at.

"Is it?"

Gong Wei grinned and stared at He Feng's face. "It's really handsome, but the skin on her face seems to be much thicker."

He Feng face a black, "Wei Wei, isn't every few days didn't punish you, the skin began to itch again?"? Why don't I come to your house tonight? "

Gong Wei said casually, "I don't care. My relatives are here. But it's OK for you to go to my house. Anyway, sister yuan lives with me now... "

Yuan Yashi blushed, "Weiwei, are you so pitiful?"

He Feng said with a smile: "sister yuan, in fact, what she's doing here is herself. I don't believe it. When we're lingering, he can't help listening to us? "

Gong Wei said: "I wear earplugs to listen to songs and turn on the volume to the maximum."

"Then sister yuan and I will come in front of you."

"I practice with my eyes closed!"

"Ha ha, I don't believe you can't feel the big news with sister yuan."


Yuan Yashi was on the verge of collapse, staring at He Feng and saying, "hooligan, who said I'm going to accompany you tonight? I still have a lot of work to do. I will stay in the company to work overtime tonight. "

"Sister yuan, why are you working so hard? Why don't we just leave the work for tomorrow? "

"No, I'll try my best to make money. By the way, I'll think of more ways to make money. If the company can make 10 billion yuan a year this year, I will try to make 20 or even 30 billion yuan next year. "

Yuan Yashi shook his head and said, "in this way, you only need to concentrate on cultivation, and you don't need to worry about money."

"Sister yuan's words are reasonable. In fact, we have long guessed that it will cost you a lot of money to buy pills, but we didn't expect that it would cost so much. Tut Tut, tens of billions. "

Gong Wei is also speechless, "if we cloud city group can also do Dan medicine business, that's good, not only can make money, self-cultivation also don't need to spend money."

He Feng thought about it and said, "in fact, it's not impossible to do the business of pills. It's a pity that we don't have a powerful pharmacist to make pills. Moreover, even if we have a pharmacist, it's not easy for us to make a panacea. "

Yuan Yashi asked, "what's the market like now? If we have a panacea and a pharmacist, can we get another foot in the market? "

He Feng pondered: "I don't know much about the market of pills in China, but as far as I know, there are already ten big medicine halls in China, and the market of pills should have been almost occupied by them. If we put another foot in, even if we can withstand their pressure and gain a firm foothold in the pill Market, it's not realistic to make too much money. "

"So we don't have much of this big cake."

Yuan Yashi sighed.

"It's true, but it's OK. It's not so fast to make money by selling pills, and it's very troublesome. But at present, although we are short of money, we don't have to worry."

He Feng doesn't care about Tao.

Wang Xiangyun and others need at least hundreds of billions to reach the peak of Huajin, but these hundreds of billions are not coming out immediately. He estimates that it will take several months for them to reach the peak of Huajin.

And he will have several months to earn hundreds of billions!

Now he has 40 billion yuan in his hands. He Feng has not gone to the Zhang family and the Si family, which are two middle-class ancient martial families. After he Feng starts to fight against them, he grabs their industry. Not to mention 100 billion yuan, can he always get 70 billion yuan?

There are also Baiyun medicine hall and Qian family. He Feng will certainly go to them to settle the accounts.

It doesn't seem that it's too difficult to toss hundreds of billions.

Really can't, wait for Lin family to find their own trouble, he Feng can also take the opportunity to ask Lin family to get some money.

Lin family, one of the four royal families, hundreds of billions should be a small thing for them, right?

"In fact, we just care about it. She talked to us this morning and now she has entered her laboratory." Gong Wei said.

"Still doing her previous research?" He Feng asked casually.

Gong Wei shakes her head. "This time is not. What she wants to study this time is pills."

"Research pills? What's good about pills? "

"Of course, it's the ingredients of various kinds of pills. These pills are made of various energy substances. As long as these energies are decomposed, a lot of data can be analyzed. What yunyun is good at most is the conversion and combination of various data. Once she successfully decomposes the pills, it is likely that new things will be formed. At that time, maybe she can really use the new things she has developed to seize the market of pills. "

"This girl... Is she really such a troublemaker?"

"You can wait and see. Anyway, yunyun seems confident this time. It is estimated that she will finish her research in a few days."

"Well, I'll see what she'll come up with."

"Dudu, Dudu..."

Just then, he Feng's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Look at the caller ID, it's Chu Yue.

"Hello, Yueyue!"

He Feng pressed the answer button.

"He Feng, there is something I want to tell you." Chu Yue's voice soon spread, "I feel that there seems to be something wrong with sister Wen..."

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