"What happened to Tang Wen?"

He Feng frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

Chu Yue said: "I don't know what's going on. I just went to the bathroom. When I came back, I saw sister Wen running out in a hurry. Later, I asked my colleagues. They said that they heard sister Wen yell "grandfather" and "what's the matter with grandfather" in the office. After hanging up the phone, she ran out. I called her, but she didn't seem to hear me. So, I'm worried that something happened to sister Wen's grandfather. I thought you had saved her grandfather once before, so I called you

"I see. I'll go to Tang Wen's house now."

"OK, is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, just stay in the Bureau. I'll contact you if necessary."

"Well, be careful."

After hanging up, he Feng greets Gong Wei and Yuan Yashi, enters the elevator, goes downstairs and drives away from the company.

On his own Lexus sports car, he will Tang Wen's mobile phone number to the monkey, and dial the monkey's phone, let the monkey locate Tang Wen's current position.

A minute later, the monkey called him back and told he Feng where Tang Wen was now and where he was moving.

"It seems that Tang Laozhen had an accident at home."

He Feng's face is slightly dignified.

Before he entered the cloud city group, when he was still in the rice soup express delivery, Mr. Tang had an accident and was dismissed.

No one can use this poison.

At that time, he cured Tang Lao, and now the other side is obviously making a second shot.

This time

I'm afraid I won't give Mr. Tang another chance!

"Who are these people? Lin family? Or Baiyun medicine hall? Or do you want to make a family

When he put down his cell phone, he Feng took a look in the rearview mirror.

Just as he drove away from Yuncheng group, he saw the car following him all the time.

To be exact, there are three cars. Apart from the ordinary maiteng car in the front, the other two cars are far away from each other, so they should be afraid of being detected by him.

But these people obviously underestimated He Feng's anti reconnaissance ability and his ability to respond to crisis. When he just went downstairs, he Feng noticed that these people's seemingly ordinary but murderous eyes.

A common eyes, he Feng concluded that these people are to kill him.

"Almost all of those people left the cloud city group, and there were Yang Qi and hu er in the cloud city group. As long as there were no more than five Huajin masters attacking the cloud city group at the same time, they could evacuate safely. The safety of Yuncheng group is not a big problem. "

With this in mind, he Feng didn't bother to pay attention to the following maiteng. He stepped on the gas pedal and the speed of the car soon exceeded 100, or even 120, or 130

In less than half a minute, maiteng was left behind.

Although he also wanted to solve these people now, the more important thing for him now is to make sure whether there is something wrong with tangkan. Naturally, he doesn't care about these people any more.


Back, in the maiteng.

"Yuan Ye, we were found by He Feng. He has accelerated to leave. Do we want to get off and catch up with him?"

Driving is a middle-aged man, a master level shooter, not only good at shooting, but also good at racing.

However, his driving skill is much worse than that of He Feng. In addition, he only drives an ordinary maiteng, and he Feng drives a 5-6 million sports car, which is not in the same level at all. He doesn't even have the idea to catch up with Lexus.

Qian De, sitting in the co driver's seat, said: "brother yuan, he Feng is the only one in the car. Although his speed is very fast, it's impossible to keep going so fast in the urban area. Otherwise, there will be an accident. We may catch up with him if we rush at full speed. At that time, if so many of us deal with him, he will be dead. "

Qian Yuan glanced around the road and shook his head: "well, there are too many cameras on the road. Once we run there, we will be photographed by the cameras. He's certainly not willing to give up dealing with his family's children so openly. "

Chandler said, "what are we going to do now? He Feng has found that we are staring at him in Yuncheng group. I'm afraid he won't return to Yuncheng group. Even if they return, they may come with a group of people. "

Qian Yuan said: "what's to worry about? Let's set up an ambush directly in Yuncheng group. Are you afraid that he won't come? In Yuncheng group, there are a lot of women

Qian Guang, who was sitting beside Qian Yuan, nodded with a smile. "Although he Feng is a man with strong cultivation, his shortcomings are just here. Young and strong, that means he is confident, even conceited. Even if you know it's dangerous, you may not take it seriously. Therefore, we can set an ambush for him in the cloud city group. We are not afraid that he will not go back. "

"Ha ha, as long as he returns to Yuncheng group, he will wait to die. I'm a master of Huajin in the early stage, brother yuan and brother Guang. You've all broken through to the middle stage of Huajin. Plus two master level gunners and four high master level gunners, he Feng is not only a seven fold cultivation. Even if you reach eight fold cultivation, you can't escape today... "

"At the age of 26, he has reached the seventh level of physical training. He is really a genius. However, there is no shortage of talents in the world, but few of them can grow up. "


Half an hour later, he Feng's car drove into tangkan's villa.

Because before to tangkan home to send express, he Feng is to know the way, directly came to tangkan villa.

Villa inside, quiet, no sound, but he Feng get off, eyebrows are tightly wrinkled up.

He felt something wrong with the atmosphere!


Also did not think much, he Feng foot move, body directly across the wall, jumped into the villa yard.

"Something's wrong!"

He Feng glanced at the two men in black lying on the ground in the yard.

These two men are tangkan's bodyguards, but they are dead now.

Moreover, the two bodyguards turned purple, their lips turned black, and there were no scars on their bodies. It was obvious that they died of poisoning.

He Feng did not go to check what poison these two people were poisoned, but quickly walked into the villa living room.

He had heard a low cry in the living room.

After entering the living room, he Feng finds Tang Wen sitting on the floor with speechless eyes, holding an old man in her arms and crying in despair. Her eyes are red. It seems that she has been crying for a long time.

He Feng didn't say a word. He went forward and glanced at Tang Lao.

Tang Lao's condition was similar to that of the two people outside. His face was pale, his lips were black, and he was not alive.

Tang Wen should also be because of this, think that Tang died, so it is very sad.

But he Feng didn't immediately conclude that Tang was dead

He put his finger on tangkan's pulse and sensed it quietly. At the same time, he turned the Qi into tangkan's body and swam slowly.


A moment later, he Feng took a long breath.

Fortunately, I arrived in time. If I was ten minutes late, I'm afraid I could save Tang only if I came back to life immediately.

Tang Wen's body was poisoned, and the toxin spread into the heart, the general doctor is absolutely unable to return.

I'm afraid the poisoned people also know this, so they don't bother to mend the knife on tangkan, and let tangkan die slowly in pain.

Because there are only two kinds of people in the world who can save tangkan. One is with the same powerful medical skills as reincarnation, and the other is the myth of cultivating the true Qi.

Moreover, this toxin can corrode and damage tangkan's viscera in about an hour. Even if there is a myth, it will not be able to return to heaven.

Fortunately, he Feng felt it in time.

"Wenwen beauty, hurry to put your grandfather down. I'll treat him now."

He Feng looked at Tang Wen and said.

Tang Wen heard he Feng's voice, but at first she didn't come back. She was still in pain and didn't even notice he Feng's arrival.

Until he Feng repeated again, Tang Wen's eyes slowly a little more look, looking at He Feng subconsciously asked: "you, what do you say?"

"I said your grandfather is still alive and can be cured, but if you delay like this again, even me will not be able to cure him." He Feng said.

"He Feng, do you think you can cure my grandfather?"

Tang Wen immediately grabbed He Feng's arm, very hard, and even strength are used.

If he Feng hadn't done a good job, her bones would have been broken.

"Well, calm down. Your grandfather still has a trace of life. I must remove the toxin from his body before his life is completely cut off. In this situation, he is very dangerous. So, you can't delay any longer. Every second you delay, your grandfather will be in more danger. " He Feng said.

"OK, OK, OK, then you can treat my grandfather quickly. He Feng, I beg you, you must cure my grandfather. If you can cure my grandfather, whatever you want me to do. "

Without saying a word, Tang Wen quickly puts Tang Canping on the ground and looks at He Feng pleadingly.

He Feng is not in the mood to joke with Tang Wen at the moment, but nodded, "don't worry, I will try my best! You go outside to guard, in case of any danger. Besides, don't call the police for the time being. "

With that, he paid no attention to Tang Wen and treated Tang Kan directly.

And Tang Wen naturally dare not listen to He Feng's words, immediately pull out the gun, ran to the villa yard, keep an eye on the surrounding, so as not to happen what danger, affect He Feng to her grandfather's treatment.

Tang Kan's poison this time is different from that of Huan Ling San last time.

Huanlingsan is a kind of chronic poison. On the surface, there is no symptom of poisoning. Tangkan has been poisoned for more than five months, and the hospital has failed to detect it. It just thinks that he is suffering from serious nervous decline.

But now this kind of poison volatilizes very quickly. Once it is poisoned for more than five minutes, the poison will spread to the viscera. At that time, even the top medical equipment will not cure it. The poisoned person will gradually die in pain and despair.

"It's purple toad flower poison, isn't it? What kind of person did Tang offend? He even used the purple toad flower poison. Even if it's the middle master of Huajin who is refining Qi into flesh and blood, once he's poisoned, he can't force the toxin out of his body. "

Side discharge toxin, he Feng side murmurs to say.

When the cultivation of a warrior reaches the middle stage of Hua Jin, he can basically resist all kinds of poisons.

However, if the toxin was too strong, it would be very difficult for the master to force the toxin out of his body in the middle of Huajin period, and he would still be poisoned.

The poison of purple toad flower is usually used for the ancient martial arts who are above the cultivation level in the middle stage of Huajin. He Feng saw that Huisheng had used it on a strong person in the later stage of Huajin before. The other person insisted on it for two hours before he died.

This kind of poison is generally not used against ordinary people.

But the other side just used this poison on tangkan, which shows that the other side is determined to kill tangkan.

Shaking his head, he Feng didn't think much about it for the time being. He patiently helped Tang Kan force poison.

It took more than an hour for tangkan to breathe again, and his face gradually returned to normal, with blood color.

Half an hour later, Tang Kan slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm... I'm not dead yet?"

Tang Kan was calm. He didn't show fear because of death in his eyes. His reaction was totally different from that of ordinary people. I don't know whether he had seen through life and death or

Give in to fate!

"He Feng little brother, you saved me this time?" Tangkan looks at Hefeng road.

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