"Mr. Tang, I'll call Wenwen in first. She's scared to death this time."

He Feng nodded, and then stood up to call Tang Wen in.

"Grandfather, are you awake? Wuwuwuwu, I thought I would never see you again. You scared me to death... "

As soon as Tang Wen saw Tang Kan, she began to cry like a child, and her tense mood was completely vented.

"Well, Wenwen, don't cry. He Feng is still here. Aren't you afraid of his jokes?" Tang Kan has now sat on the sofa, patting Tang Wen on the back and saying.

Tang Wen can't manage so much, she is still crying hard and can't stop at all.

When she was very young, her parents died because of an accident. Tangkan is her only relative in the world.

Before I saw tangkan seemed dead, she felt as if the sky would collapse, in front of a dark.

Now that tangkan is back from the dead, how can he control his emotions.

Tang Kan sees this, apologetically saw he Feng one eye, did not persuade her again.

After a full two minutes, Tang Wen's cry was a little less.

She looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, thank you for saving my grandfather again."

He Feng shrugged and said, "it's OK, but you'd better ask Mr. Tang first, what happened."


When Tang Wen heard the speech, she also looked at tangkan.

Before she was working in the office, she suddenly received a phone call from Tang Kan, but there was no sound coming out. Tang Wen realized that something was wrong and rushed home for the first time. On the way, she called Tang Kan's bodyguard, but no one answered.

When I came to my home, I saw that tangkan and others were poisoned and fell to the ground.

Tang Kan didn't answer Tang Wen immediately, but said to He Feng: "little brother he Feng, if you can cure me, my two bodyguards..."

He Feng said helplessly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Tang. They're two people. Now the king of heaven can't be cured. If I come here ten minutes later, even you can't cure me. "


With a heavy sigh, Tang Kan said to Tang Wen, "Wenwen, you should remember to contact their family members, and then go to get 10 million yuan and give it to their family members. If there are any difficulties in their family, you should try your best to solve them. Besides, apologize to their family for me. "

"I know, Grandpa. I'll deal with it as soon as possible."


Tang Kan nodded, then looked at He Feng and said, "little brother he Feng, the people who want to deal with me may come from a big way. You... If you know, it's not good for you, and it may even bring you trouble. For example, if you save me, if you let them know, they will certainly come to deal with you. "

He Feng saw that Mr. Tang was thinking about himself and couldn't help laughing. "Mr. Tang, you don't have to worry about me. In fact, I've offended a lot of powerful people now. It doesn't matter if I have one more. I can handle it."

Tang Kan thought for a while and asked, "OK, can you tell me first what level of your cultivation has reached?"

"Don't you know the realm of martial arts?"

He Feng asked in surprise.

Tangkan has always been a member of the financial circle. He certainly doesn't know much about guwu circle.

But he immediately remembered that Tang Wen was the captain of the criminal police team and would soon become the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Even if Tang Kan knew the martial arts realm, it was normal.

"Mr. Tang, are the people who want to deal with you very powerful?" He Feng continued to ask.

Tang Kan nodded, "yes, very strong! But I don't know exactly how strong it is. But I don't think it's suitable for you to know about it if you don't even have the dark energy cultivation. "

He Feng did not reply, Tang Wen said: "Dad, he Feng's cultivation, should be in the appearance of the peak of dark strength."

In their understanding of the police, he Feng is now the most powerful ancient warrior in Jiangbin city. Of course, he pays special attention to him.

In the police investigation, he Feng's cultivation is the peak of dark strength.

He Feng blinked. I didn't say I was the peak of dark strength. I wanted to tell you the truth

"The peak of dark strength. Tut Tut, it's really a young hero. I didn't expect that he Feng's younger brother's cultivation reached the peak of dark strength. Huajin is just around the corner. In the future, even if it's a legend, it's possible to step into it..."

Tang Kan exclaimed.

Tang Wen rolled her eyes and said, "grandfather, don't praise him. In fact, he has a special method of refining Qi. With enough cultivation resources, he can easily reach the peak of dark strength. You can wait and see. After a few months, I can also reach the peak of dark strength. Now I have reached the middle stage of Ming strength, and I can reach the late stage of Ming strength immediately. "

Tang Wen now has a good understanding of the gas refining method he Feng taught her. She knows that as long as she learns the gas refining method and has enough cultivation resources, it's only a matter of time before she reaches the peak of dark energy.

And it won't be long!

She even felt that he Feng might have reached the peak of dark strength many years ago by relying on this set of gas refining methods.

But in the past so many years, he Feng still did not take another step forward and stepped into Huajin. She felt that he Feng was just a dreg in his cultivation and had no talent at all.

"Well? Don't you know how to practice? How can you reach the middle stage of Mingjin

Tang Kan said in shock.

Tang Wen didn't want to hide her grandfather, so she immediately said, "grandfather, in fact, I started to practice a few days ago. He Feng is the one who taught me to practice. However, he taught me a set of methods for refining Qi and gave me some pills. But with these, my training speed was very fast. It took me more than one day to reach the middle stage of Mingjin. In another two days, I should be able to reach the later stage of Mingjin. "

Although Tang Wen said carelessly, Tang Kan stood up when he heard this.

Then, he bowed solemnly to He Feng, and said: "He Feng, thank you!"

"What's the matter with you, grandfather?"

Tang Wen was startled by Tang Kan's action.

"Mr. Tang, just say thank you to me. Why did you bow to me? I can't afford that. " He Feng is also in a hurry to avoid.

Tang Kan didn't care whether he Feng avoided it or not, but gratefully said: "little brother he Feng, there's something you may not know. In fact, I wanted Tang Wen to practice martial arts a long time ago. However, her cultivation talent is relatively general, and I don't know any powerful ancient warrior, so I can't make her an ancient warrior. Unexpectedly, you helped me realize this wish. I really appreciate you. In the future, if you need any help from me, just open your mouth. As long as you don't break the law, I will try my best to help you. "

He Feng smelt speech, pondered to say: "Tang Lao, you want Wen Wen to become Gu Wu person, with want to deal with your person, should have a little relation?"

When Tang Wen heard this, she also raised her ears, waiting for Tang Kan's reply.

Tang Kan nodded, "yes! People who want to get rid of me are too strong. If Wenwen doesn't have enough power to protect herself, if they want to protect Fu Wenwen in the future, even if Wenwen is an excellent criminal policeman, it's hard to protect herself. "

"Grandfather, it's time to tell me who's going to deal with you. I'll see if I can use the power of the police to find them out. " Tang Wen said angrily.

These people, it is too hateful, before is to give grandfather to take that what Huan Ling San, this time is to use more powerful poison.

If it wasn't for He Feng, my grandfather would be gone now.

Therefore, Tang Wen is eager to find out the people in the dark.

"If the police of Jiangbin city could find them out, I would have told you."

Tang Kan sighed, but did not hide, continued: "those people's strong, simply not a prefecture level city police can deal with. They are a real behemoth. I asked a good friend of mine, and he told me, let alone the Public Security Bureau of Jiangbin City, even the Public Security Department of China can't help each other. "

"This, so powerful?"

Tang Wen was shocked.

The last time he Feng said that Tang Wen was poisoned, Tang Wen realized that someone was secretly dealing with Tang Kan, and tentatively asked about Tang Kan, but Tang Kan kept her secret.

At that time, she felt that the people who had to deal with tangkan might be very strong.

But what she didn't expect was that Tang Kan told her directly that even the Public Security Department of China could not deal with the powerful enemy.

He Feng did not say anything, just staring at tangkan, waiting for the latter to continue to say.

Tang Kan continued: "three East Group, the name of this company, you should have heard of it?"

"Three East Group? The largest and most valuable enterprise in Japan? "

Tang Wen surprised said: "grandfather, three East Group is not a regular company, they are good to deal with you why?"

Sandong group, among the world's major enterprises, ranks 20th in market value. Its main industries include electronic products, it, catering, real estate, luxury goods and so on. It is an extremely formal and well-known company.

Why should such a company deal with its own grandfather?

He Feng's eyebrows are picked up, said: "Wenwen beauty, you know this three East Group, or too little, they are a formal Enterprise on the surface. But in fact, the three East Group is an underground world organization. They have their own military factories and their own mercenary regiments. There are no more than 1000 people who die in their mercenary regiments every year, and there are more than 800. "

"Mercenary corps?"

Tang Wen opened her mouth wide.

As a criminal police officer, she naturally knows that mercenaries are extremely active in the underground world, and their strength is quite terrible. Police of all countries are very afraid of them and will not easily provoke them or let them enter their own countries.

However, how can he Feng know this?

"Little brother he Feng, have you ever known about this three East Group?"

Tang Kan also looks at He Feng in surprise.

Sandong group is not as simple as it seems. Tangkan only knows something through years of investigation. How does he Feng know?

Even open mouth can say three East Group has its own military factory and mercenary corps!

"Mr. Tang, I used to work abroad. I just came into contact with Sandong group, so I know them better."

He Feng casually found a reason to come out, "the energy of the three East Group is very powerful, and their means are also more vicious. But they don't seem to have any industry in China, do they? Mr. Tang, how can you have a conflict with them? "

Tang Kan said helplessly: "twenty five years ago, I went to Japan on behalf of Jiangbin University and had a heated economic discussion with them. Maybe my performance was outstanding and I was noticed by them. At that time, someone from Sandong group contacted me and threatened me to join Sandong group to help them develop Sandong group's business in China. However, I don't like Japan very much. Going to their country for academic exchanges is the limit I can accept. No matter how much money you give me, I can't help them. Even... At that time, I insulted the people who came to talk to me. "

"Grandfather, you are right. If it was me, I would scold them. In order to let you do things for them, it's too much to bully and lure them. "

Tang Wen said.

But Tang Kan shook his head, and his face was rather painful and regretful. "Wenwen, if you give me another chance, I won't abuse them any more. Even, I may choose to promise them... "


Tang Wen was stunned at first, then stunned and asked in disbelief: "why?"

There was a trace of pain in Tang Kan's eyes, "because, less than three days after I returned home, your parents suddenly had a car accident and were killed on the spot."

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