"What, what?"

Tang Wen's face changed greatly. If she was struck by lightning, her breath was a little short. "Grandfather, you, you say again, how did my parents die?"

Tang Wen hasn't seen her parents since she can remember.

Later, her grandfather told her that her parents died in a car accident, but what her grandfather said was that it was an ordinary car accident and the driver was sentenced. Tang Wen had nothing to resent. After all, this kind of natural and man-made disaster is too common. There are at least hundreds of car accidents every day in the world.

But now her grandfather told her that although her parents had a car accident, it didn't seem to be an ordinary one.

"My parents were murdered by the three East Gang? Is that grandpa? " Tang Wen asked, staring at Tang Kan.

Since Tang Kan had told the story, he didn't hide Tang Wen's meaning.

He nodded and said, "I'm not sure, but it's no accident. Besides the three East Group, I have not offended anyone else. So I can almost conclude that the real culprit behind it is the three East Group. Unfortunately, the driver died on the night of the accident. There is no way to find out. Even if I know that it was the three East Group, I can't find any evidence. And... Even if I find the evidence, I'm afraid I can't help them. The energy of the three East Group is not what we can fight against. "

Then Tang Kan looked at Tang Wen and sighed, "I'm sorry, Wen Wen Wen. Although I know who is dealing with your parents, I can't do anything about such a huge thing. All I can do is refuse what they ask of me, even if I may lose my life after refusing. "

"Three East Group! It's the three East Group

Tang Wen was holding a pink fist. In her smart eyes, she was filled with endless resentment. "They killed my parents. I will take revenge. I will take revenge."

Tang Kan frowned, "Wenwen, this three East Group is not an ordinary chaebol group. Just now he Feng also said that the energy behind them is so powerful that ordinary people can't help them. "

But Tang Wen shook her head stubbornly, "I don't care. Since they killed my parents, I will surely bring them to justice and let them repent in prison. When they are strong, I try to make myself stronger than them. "

Tang Kan shook his head helplessly.

Over the years, he has been investigating the three East group all the time.

The more he investigated, the more frightened he was.

This is not an ordinary chaebol group at all. Its superficial strength alone has reached the top 20 global enterprises with a market value of several trillion.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the real strength of Sandong group

The power of this force is far beyond Tang Kan's imagination.

"Wenwen, if you really want to deal with them, you must at least have the cultivation above Huajin."

Tang Kan saw that he couldn't persuade Tang Wen, so he solemnly said, "only when you get to Huajin can you barely have the power to protect yourself."

"Hua Jin?" Tang Wen thought for a while, nodded heavily, "I will certainly achieve the strength of Hua!"

For Tang Wen, who has just come into contact with the cultivation world, Hua Jin is the best among the experts. She never thought that she would be able to achieve Hua Jin one day.

But now, her heart is incomparably firm, she must be able to achieve the strength.

"Mr. Tang, what happened later? What else did they do after they killed Wen Wen's parents? " He Feng asked.

Tang Kan shook his head. "At that time, Wenwen's parents were killed, and I became red eyed. I directly called a friend of mine, who worked in Yanjing military region. Originally, I didn't want to disturb him, but at that point, I couldn't manage so much. I wanted him to help me find out the real murderer directly. However, I obviously underestimated the power of the real murderer. Even if my good friend even sent out the "Longya" troops, the strongest service of the military region, he could not capture the real murderer behind him. All he can do is let the three East group give up on me. It was because of his appearance that Sandong group did not continue to trouble me in the next 20 years. But nearly half a year ago, they may have found me because they saw that I had too much influence in the financial field of China... "

He Feng pondered and said: "Mr. Tang, the person looking for you, do you know what he looks like?"

"Know is know, but that person is just a small role. Before I promise them, their important people will not take the initiative to meet me."

Tang Kan said with a bitter smile: "that time they came to me, I not only refused them, but also insulted them, and threatened to find the people of the dragon group to catch them. But not only were they not afraid, they even directly drugged me, trying to poison me. I think that the energy of the three East Group in recent years has become more and more huge, even the dragon group has not been taken into consideration. "

"The head of the mercenary Corps under the three East Group was promoted to a myth a year ago." He Feng on the three East Group or quite understand, suddenly guessed the three East group more arrogant reason.

"Myth? Is there a myth in Sandong group Tang Kan widened his eyes and said in horror.

He knows that the three East Group is powerful, but he can't believe that there is a myth in the three East Group.

No matter how high Tang Kan's achievements in the financial field are, he is only an ordinary man after all. Myth is too far away and too strong for him, just like a God.

Before, he went to investigate the Sandong group in an attempt to avenge his son and daughter-in-law one day. That's because he thought that no matter how strong the Sandong group was, only master Huajin was in the group.

If he had known before that there was a myth in the three East Group, he would not even have the idea of revenge.

Myth is not the power that ordinary people can compete with.

Just like a super bomb, can ordinary people compete with flesh and blood even if they have strong willpower?

I don't know how to die!

Not only Tang Kan, but also Tang Wen, whose mouth is wide open at the moment, can't say a word, but her eyes look rather weak.

Seeing this scene, he Feng shook his head and sighed.

I wanted to tell them that the myth of the mercenary regiment last year was the third myth of the three East Group.

Moreover, this is only the apparent strength of the three East Group.

But see the expression of this ye sun two, he Feng still decided not to say, lest they are too desperate.

"Mr. Tang, how many people have come to deal with you today? You should have an archive of monitoring here. I want to see the specific situation at that time. " He Feng shifts the topic to say.

Tang Kan nodded, "yes, let's go upstairs and have a look. The computer is upstairs."

Then he went to the second floor.

He Feng and Tang Wen followed.

On the second floor, tangkan turns on the computer.

Soon, a picture appeared on the computer. Two middle-aged men walked into the villa yard, and the bodyguards stopped them. They were directly poisoned and fell to the ground on the spot.

Then the screen switches, and the two middle-aged men enter the villa.

"Who are you?" Tangkan's voice rings in the video.

"You have a big life. Last time our men poisoned you, they failed to kill you. This time we'll do it ourselves. I see who else can save you. "

The voice of indifference came from the middle-aged man's mouth.

The next moment, tangkan fell to the ground.

After the middle-aged man poisoned tangkan, he saw tangkan fall to the ground, waited another two minutes, and then left directly.

And Tang Kan, who fell on the ground, struggled to take out her mobile phone and made a call, but she couldn't say a word. Only from her mobile phone came Tang Wen's worried cry.

"That's all the video. These two men are very strange. I haven't seen them before, but they look a bit like Japanese." Tang Kan closed the video and said.

"Mr. Tang, do you doubt the three East Group?" He Feng asked directly.

"Except for them, I didn't offend anyone, let alone Japanese."

"In that case, it is basically certain that these people belong to the three East Group. In other words, they are sent by the three East Group. "

He Feng looked at Tang Kan and said, "Mr. Tang, do you want to know which person in the three East Group is dealing with you?"

"Well? Do you know? "

"I don't know now, but these two people certainly know. We can ask from them."

"Will they tell you?"

"If I catch them and their life and death are in my hands, will they tell me?"

He Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, you just need to cooperate with me. If it goes well, we can catch them today."

Tang Kan worried: "little brother he Feng, although I don't know what level these two people's cultivation has reached, I think their strength should be very strong. Even if you have the highest cultivation of dark energy, it will be dangerous to fight with them."

He Feng does not agree with the way: "Tang Lao, my strength, you can rest assured, these two people, certainly can't help me."

Tang Kan still frowned, obviously still worried.

Seeing this, he Feng had no choice but to say: "Mr. Tang, in fact, my real cultivation is not the peak of dark strength. I broke through to Huajin many years ago... "

"Hua Jin..."

Tang Kan exclaimed.

Tang Wen also opened her mouth wide, "you, have you broken through to Huajin? Don't you mean that you are the best cultivation of dark energy? "

He Feng asked: "when did I say that I was the cultivation of the peak of dark strength? This seems to be what you think! Yesterday, there were some big events in Liuyue club. You should have heard about them, right

"Well, according to our director, he personally led the action, but in his capacity, he is not qualified to be close to the moon club. I asked him what happened, but he couldn't say clearly. Today, I asked Yueyue, and she said, "nothing's wrong."

"The Zhao bureau is not clear, maybe it is really not clear. If Yueyue doesn't tell you, she doesn't want you to worry

He Feng said: "because yesterday, there were two strong waves of Huajin who went to Liuyue club!"

"Two great masters?"

"Well! But I've got rid of them all. "


Tang Wen took a cool breath directly.

This kind of thing, she believes he Feng won't cheat herself, she asked Chu Yue can ask out true and false, and he Feng doesn't have to cheat her.

"So you really broke through to the master?" Tang Wen asked.

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