"Ha ha, didn't I just say that I was the master of Huajin many years ago." He Feng said with a smile.

Hearing the speech, Tang Wen's pretty face is a little red with shame.

She just said that he Feng had been unable to break through Huajin. She didn't expect that he Feng had broken through Huajin several years ago.

This is really... What a slap!

"Little brother he Feng, I really had no eyes before I was old. I didn't expect that you were a powerful master of Huajin. I admire you!" Tang Kan said to He Feng, he Feng is from the heart of admiration.

At a young age, he is not only good at medical skills, but also good at managing companies. Now his cultivation has reached the master of Huajin.

This is a young genius!

He had heard from his friends before that in the kingdom of China, all the martial arts talents who can step into Huajin before the age of 30 are the best in the world.

He Feng is only 26 years old.

And he also said that he had been Huajin for several years.

Genius of genius!

He Feng shook his head and said, "Mr. Tang, you don't have to say these polite words to me. The reason I tell you these things is to make you believe me. "

Tang Kan said with a smile: "you tell me directly that you have been Huajin for several years. What else do I don't believe in you? Just say it. How can I cooperate? "

For so many years, tangkan only knew that it was the people of Sandong group who were dealing with him, but it was really not clear who was leading the matter.

Now there is an opportunity in front of him to let him know who is dealing with him. Naturally, tangkan doesn't want to give up.

"Wenwen, you call the hospital and ask the hospital to pick up Mr. Tang and go to the hospital for treatment. As for the condition of the disease, let's just say poisoning. " He Feng looks at Tang Wen.

Tang Wen frowned, "isn't grandfather's poison solved? How to let the hospital pick up my grandfather for treatment? Is there any residual toxin in my grandfather's body? "

He Feng rolled his eyes, "of course, there is no toxin in Tang Lao's body. Just do as I say. In addition, now you also call some police to come and ask them to escort Mr. Tang to the hospital. As for the rest, I'll deal with it. "

"Do you want to use my grandfather as a bait to let the assassin know that he is not dead, and then assassinate him again?"

Tang Wen understood he Feng's meaning, but she objected directly, "I don't agree to do this, it's too dangerous. Grandfather almost died just now. If the other party gets the news and comes back to kill him, he won't go away as he did before. "

Before he Feng spoke, Tang Kan said: "Wenwen, since we have chosen to believe he Feng, let him do it boldly. Anyway, I am a person who has died twice. Why not take another risk? "


"Don't be, unless I never go out to see anyone again, the news that I'm still alive will come out sooner or later. Next time, they will send more powerful people to deal with me. It's better to dig a hole for them and let them jump in this time. "

Tang Kan said directly to He Feng: "little brother he Feng, just follow your way, old man. My life is in your hands. Even if I die, I won't blame you, neither will Wenwen. "

Although Tang Kan said so, Tang Wen was staring at He Feng.

It's obvious that if something happens to my grandfather, I'll be with you forever.

"Thank you for your trust. Don't worry. I won't put you in danger." He Feng smiles and ignores Tang Wen's eye warning. Then he takes out his mobile phone and dials Ning Caizhu.

After Yuncheng Group acquired Baishi group, Baishi group became the Propaganda Department of Yuncheng group, which was controlled by Ning Caizhu.

Ning Caizhu, who is in charge of such a huge media company as Baishi group, can definitely let people in Jiangbin city know in a few minutes if he wants to spread some news.

Fifteen minutes later, police cars and emergency vehicles came to tangkan's house one after another and took the "unconscious" tangkan to the hospital.

And a piece of news immediately spread all over Jiangbin city in various forms.

TV, newspaper, circle of friends and so on

The content of the news is very simple. Tang Kan, a master in China's financial sector, suddenly fainted from poisoning at home. Fortunately, he was found in time and the ambulance arrived in time. Tang Kan was found dead.

It is said that Mr. Tang's poisoning was man-made. Now the police have stepped into the investigation, and the most elite criminal police in Jiangbin city are closely protecting Mr. Tang.

Once the gangster reappears, he will be arrested by the police.


"He Feng, is this useful? What if those two don't show up again? Moreover, if they show up, you have to guarantee that ordinary people will not be injured or killed. Otherwise, the problem will be very serious. "

In an intensive care unit of Jiangbin people's Hospital, Tang Wen frowned and said.

In the ward, in addition to Tang Wen, there are Chu Yue and several criminal policemen with guns.

In addition to Chu Yue, these people are all dignified with their hands on the handlebars.

Because when Tang Wen called them, she clearly told them that the enemy this time was a great master of Huajin, so that they could be prepared psychologically.

These criminal policemen have received strict training, and they have a good understanding of the ancient warriors. They are very clear about master Huajin's strength. They all know that in front of master Huajin, they are no different from mole ants, so they dare not relax a bit.

It is Chu month, a pair of nobody like, "Wen elder sister, you rest assured, those two people don't appear of words is good, if they appear, absolutely can't hurt anyone in front of He Feng."

"How can you be so sure? Those two people are not only powerful ancient warriors, they are also good at using poison. If they poison ordinary people directly, how can he Feng stop them? "

Tang Wen said with a frown.

He Feng stood up, stretched a stretch, said: "this is not simple, I do not give them the opportunity to poison, they will not hurt people?"

Tang Wen said: "what if they are both like you, all masters of Huajin? How can you stop them from poisoning? "

"Wenwen beauty, there is a big gap between Huajin and Huajin."

He Feng grinned and said, "besides, I just said that I was a master of Huajin a few years ago, but I didn't say that I am still a master now."

Tang Wen rolled her eyes and said, "it's not the master. Have you broken through the myth?"

He Feng gave a thumbs up, "smart, suddenly guessed my accomplishments."

"Insanity is about the same!"

Tang Wen glared at He Feng and didn't believe him at all. "In a word, you are ready to take action at any time. I have let our people stare at all the cameras in the hospital. As soon as the other party appears near the hospital, we will get the news right away."

"All right!"

He Feng helplessly shook his head, in order not to let him worry, he kindly told her that he was a myth, and she even said that she was a neuropathy.

Good people are easily misunderstood!

"Little brother he Feng, when you fight with each other for a while, don't force. If you feel that the other party is too strong, you will leave directly. In short, safety is the most important thing. "

Tang Kan, who was sitting on the side, gave a warning.

"Mr. Tang, I understand that there will be no danger." He Feng doesn't like to smile, he only cares about whether the two people will come to the hospital.

If those two people still don't come, he Feng has to let monkey take Shenji camp's brother to find someone.


At this time, 300 meters away from Jiangbin people's Hospital, several cars slowly drove towards the hospital.

"Mr. Dongye, I think this is likely to be a trap of the police in Jiangbin city. The police deliberately wanted to lead you out and then arrest you. This is just a plot of the police. Otherwise, you two don't go in. I'll arrange for two people to sneak in. If tangkan's body is still in the hospital, let them take it out and give it to you. What do you think? "

Qian Yuan, sitting in the back row, said.

About an hour ago, dono contacted them and said that their task had been completed and they could help them to complete the task, so the two sides met.

But not long after the meeting, Dongye received another message.

The target they assassinated might not have died!

Although, this is a false news, the police deliberately want to lure them into the net, but the East wild must also join in this net.

There is no reason for that. He wants to take away the body of the target and let the people above him see tangkan's body with their own eyes.

"Well, in a moment, you can help make some noise to attract the attention of the police. Shi hei and I can go directly into the hospital and find the old man. Or find his granddaughter. " The East wild light nods, has not refused.

He will not pay attention to some ordinary policemen, but they are not from China. If they make too much noise or kill too many policemen, they will certainly attract the attention of the high-level officials of China, which may cause some trouble.

"I'll bring people there in person later. I'm sure I can attract a lot of police attention."

Qian Yuan said with a smile.

He also wants to help Dongye deal with the affairs here as soon as possible, so Dongye can help him deal with He Feng.

Dongye reminded a, "well, you try not to kill the police, China's violence agencies, the strength is not weak."

Qian Yuan nodded, "understand!"

Before long, the car stopped 100 meters outside the hospital.

Qian Yuan directly took Qian Guang and Qian De to the hospital, while Dong Ye and Shi Hei sneaked into the hospital as fast as they could.

As for the shooters, shortly after several of them entered the hospital, they also came into the hospital with guns and looked like ordinary people.


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