"Captain, something happened in the clinic. An old man was knocked down when he was queuing up for registration. It seems that he fell seriously. His two sons are now fighting with each other, and even have a conflict with the security guard."

Li Ping, Tang Wen's assistant, walked into the ward quickly and said, "Captain, shall we send someone to see the situation? So that nothing will happen. "

Tang Wen did not speak, but looked at He Feng.

With many years of experience in handling cases, she is acutely aware that this is definitely not an ordinary conflict.

Probably just to get the attention of the police.

"Call the monitoring screen and show it to me!"

He Feng looks at Chu Yue.


Chu Yue immediately opened her laptop, and a picture soon appeared on the computer screen.

The content of the picture is very chaotic. An old man is protected by two middle-aged men. Several security guards are pushing the two middle-aged men. It seems that they want to subdue them. However, the middle-aged man is big and strong, and several security guards can't subdue them for a while.

"The video doesn't show whether these two people have plastic surgery, but they are obviously acting."

He Feng made a direct judgment.

When it comes to acting, he Feng feels that he won't be inferior to any movie king, otherwise he would have died long ago.

Therefore, he could see at a glance that both the two middle-aged men and the old man were acting.

"Are they the people who want to kill my grandfather?" Tang Wen asks anxiously.

She can't wait to bring to justice those who hurt her grandfather.

He Feng shook his head, "I'm not sure now, but now I'm alone here, and I don't trust to go directly to check the situation. However, if you have enough police, you can send a few people to control the situation. If there are still people behind them, their purpose should be to attract some police forces. Otherwise, they may not dare to take the next step. "

Tang Wen immediately looked at Li Ping and said, "Li Ping, take a few people there. Be careful. If you are in danger, I will allow you to shoot."


Li Ping didn't talk nonsense either. He took a few criminal policemen in the room and left.

"He Feng, why don't I follow you? Now that I'm breaking through to the dark force, I should have some power to protect myself, right Chu Yue said eagerly.

He Feng rolled his eyes, "Yueyue, you'd better take it easy. Maybe the other party is a master of Huajin. If it's Huajin, you rush up. Isn't that the hostage you sent to the door? "

Chu Yue vomited sweet tongue, "won't you? How could they send a master to assassinate Mr. Tang

He Feng nodded, "before they used Huan Ling San, it should be the poison of master dark strength. But this time, master amjin did not dare to touch the flower poison of purple toad. Only when he reached Huajin and his mental strength was strong enough, could he dare to use it. "

"I'd better stay here with sister Wen..."

Chu Yue said weakly.

"Well, we'll just wait here. Don't worry. We have a large number of criminal police here, and the other party will be able to find it soon. As soon as they arrive, I will subdue them as soon as possible. You can prepare the handcuffs, and then you can prepare the handcuffs. " He Feng said.

"Hee hee, the most important thing our police need is handcuffs." Chu Yue said with a smile.


He Feng they did not wait too long, just past less than five minutes, he Feng's eyes will light up.

"When people come, give orders to disperse all the people in this layer."

He Feng looked at Tang Wen and said.


Tang Wen nodded, immediately took out the walkie talkie, soon conveyed a command.

Soon, the doctors, nurses, patients and family members dressed up by the police left the floor without leaving any trace.

In less than a minute, there were only four criminal policemen standing outside tangkan's ward and two men in black walking towards this side from the stairway not far away.

"These two people are really arrogant. They don't have easy looks."

Chu Yue looked at two middle-aged men on the computer screen and said.

These two people are the ones who poisoned tangkan.

He Feng laughed and said: "they must have been on this floor before they could recover their original appearance. Otherwise, the police will find them the first time they enter the hospital. "

"He Feng, are you sure you can deal with them? If you can't deal with it, I'll rush out with Yueyue and shoot them directly. They have to be the living targets in such a narrow corridor. " Tang Wen said.

He Feng said: "you can try. I promise that even if you shoot at the same time, you will never hit them. In fact, when you reach the level of dark strength, you can basically avoid bullets as long as you have a better body method. When it comes to Hua Jin, even if more than a dozen ordinary Gunners shoot at them at the same time, they can easily avoid bullets. "

Tang Wen said, "master Hua Jin is so powerful?"

He Feng laughed, "you are not slow now, or you can break through to master Hua Jin in a long time. At that time, you will know how powerful master Huajin is. "

"Well, you'll take care of us." Tang Wendao.

"Ha ha, just watch the play in it."

He Feng chuckled and looked at the computer screen. He saw that the two people were only five wards away from here. He didn't wait any longer and went straight out of the ward.

"Well? You are... "

Walking in front of the East wild already aware of the atmosphere here is not right, as for the four criminal police guarding outside the ward, they did not pay attention.

However, when they got to this floor, they felt some crisis, so they didn't walk fast and were ready to walk slowly into the ward.

Did not expect, did not walk to the door of the ward, the door of the ward opened automatically, and came out a let them some familiar man.

"Shi Hei, if I remember correctly, this man should be the man Qianyuan is going to deal with."

The East wild stares at He Feng to see two eyes, then say.

"The man named He Feng?"

Stone black this just suddenly, no wonder have an impression, originally is the young genius that Qian Yuan wants to deal with.

However, since he is a genius of China, it is not only Qianyuan who has to deal with him.

As far as they are concerned, as long as they are such powerful talents in China, they are worth killing.

"No wonder he dares to set a trap for us. It's he Feng. Unfortunately, they underestimate our strength too much. If it's just the common strength, it's hard to win this time. But now, not only tangkan's body, but also Hefeng, we have to kill him. " Dongye looked at Shi hei and said.

Shi Hei naturally nodded without hesitation, "is this He Feng to be killed by me or by you?"

Dongye thought, "I'll kill He Feng. You go to find Tang Kan's body. When we find the body, evacuate immediately. That's our main goal. "

Shi Hei said with a smile: "it's really cheap for you, then he will give it to you."

Said, two people at the foot of acceleration, together rushed to He Feng, attack.

However, Dongye's attack is only threatening. Shi Hei's only false move and feint seems to be preparing to bypass He Feng.

"You two, let's go together."

He Feng shakes his head, and the blood in his body suddenly surges, like boiling water, bursting out intense heat, and the temperature in the surrounding air seems to be rising in an instant.

"This... This is the power of Qi and blood. He has already refined Qi into flesh and blood. Master of Huajin! He was a master in the middle of Huajin! Shihei, don't go to tangkan. Kill He Feng with me first. "

The East wild complexion slightly changes, loudly exclaims a way.

In their investigation, he Feng is a master of seven body refining, and his foreign shooting skills have reached the master level.

This kind of strength, will not be the East wild they put on the heart, either of them can deal with.

But the middle master of Huajin who has refined Qi into flesh and blood

His strength is far stronger than that of Hua Jin. Rao shidongye is good at using poison, and he Feng can't be killed by himself.

"OK, let's do it together!"

The stone black complexion dignified nod.

The palms of the two turned, and a touch of purple black powder appeared on their nails.


Two people body shape move, speed up a minute again, a left and a right to He Feng Wei kill past.


The East wild big drinks a, both hands become claws, cut through the void, lightning like row to He Feng chest.

And Shi Hei is the throat of He Feng.

The two men's attack was more casual, mainly fast, and they didn't use any powerful martial arts.

Because their purpose is very simple, just leave a little wound on He Feng.

In this way, even if they didn't hurt he Feng, he Feng had to die.

At least, that's what they see.

In front of their attack, he Feng is still standing in the same place, not in a hurry to dodge or fight back.

"Well? Are you scared to be silly? "

"Put on airs, poisoned for a while, it's too late to regret."

Both Dongye and shihei were puzzled, but the offensive continued.

"Bang! Bang

However, just as their attack was about to fall on He Feng, they felt the shadow of their legs in front of them, and then a sharp pain came from their chest.

A terrible impact, instantly swept their whole body, making them fly straight out.

"Dong! Dong

After flying five or six meters, they just landed.

The ceramic tile of the ground, spread to open the crack like spider web.


They coughed violently, and Shi Hei even spat out blood.

"You, how can you be so strong?"

"Is this really the strength of Huajin in the medium term?"

Dongye and shihei are all shocked to see he Feng.

It's not that they didn't fight with the middle master of Huajin. Without using toxin, they were defeated very quickly, but they didn't lose so fast.

"You speak Japanese. Are you Japanese?"

He Feng asked directly in Japanese.

"How can you speak the language of our country?" Dongye asked in surprise.

"Is the language of your country strange? It's like how big your country is... "

He Feng rolled his eyes and said with disdain, "at that time, if it wasn't for the purpose of assassinating a senior official in your country, brother Feng disdained to learn your language."

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