
Dongye and shihei are glaring at He Feng.

"Don't you. Who sent you to assassinate Mr. Tang? Is it the three East Group?" He Feng asked.

"Oh, you want to get information from us? Dream

Dongye sneered and said immediately, "let's hold him for a while. You can send a message to Qianyuan and ask him to bring someone to save us."

The voice falls, the palm of the East wild turns, three silver throwing knives, appeared on his hand, cold lie of stare at He Feng, didn't rush to launch an attack.

And Shi Hei put his hand in his ear, pressed it, and then said, "come to the third floor of the emergency room quickly, take all the people with you, there is a strong enemy."

"Have you finished? When you've finished, you can do it. Otherwise, when I do it, you will not even have a chance to do it. "

He Feng said slowly.

The two men called the people downstairs, just to save him another trip and solve the problem here together.

"Shihei, you interfere with him, I sneak attack."

Dongye said to Shi Hei.


Shi Hei nodded, then looked at He Feng fiercely, his mouth was wide open, and a roar like a fierce animal burst out from his mouth.


The sound rang out and spread to every corner of the whole building. When some timid people in the building heard the roar, they were scared to death, and the children cried directly.

As for He Feng, who was the first to bear the brunt, it seemed that he was hit by the strong wind, his clothes were hunting, and there was a "buzzing" sound in his ear, just like the buzzing of a bee when it flapped its wings.

This voice goes straight to the mind, seems to make people's thinking appear temporary stagnation.

"Now, die for me!"

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The three silver throwing knives in Dongye's hand burst out of the air and shot at He Feng's eyebrows, throat and heart in the blink of an eye

The knife is deadly!

At this time of He Feng, the whole person seems to be in a state of absence.

"Do you really think we can't do anything about the master of Huajin? I just don't want to use my unique skills at the beginning! "

Dongye's eyes reveal a color of cruelty, staring at He Feng coldly, want to see the scene of throwing knife into He Feng's body.

But the next moment, the expression on his face froze.

Three throwing knives, did not enter He Feng's body key, but all fell into He Feng's hand.

"Well, how is that possible?"

Dongye opened his mouth, ghost like, and then looked at Shi hei and asked: "Shi Hei, didn't you interfere with him just now?"

Ishiguro said, "didn't you see when I attacked just now?"


"His spirit is stronger than mine. Moreover, it is much stronger. "

The stone is black and dignified.

At this time, Shi Hei seems to be aware that he Feng's eyes are looking towards him.

"The enemy is too strong. Give up the task and run for your life."

With that, Shi Hei retreated madly.

Dongye frowned, although some unwilling to give up the task, but considering he Feng's strong, he finally made a decision, with Shi Hei retreat together.

"Whew! Whew

However, a silver streamer caught up with them in the blink of an eye.

Before they could react, they went straight into their bodies.

"Pooh! Poof

The Throwing Knife sank in from their belly, and then passed through their back, taking away a touch of blood.

Their bodies stopped abruptly, and their breath also dropped sharply. Their energy leaked out madly, and they couldn't stop.

"Dantian! My Dantian is gone... "

"Asshole, he's ruined our Dantian!"

Stone black and East wild complexion is pale, one face frightens of looking at He Feng.

Dantian was abandoned, they can no longer escape, life and death will be controlled in He Feng's mind.

Although they have been ready to die at any time, it's time to die. They

Some fear in my heart!

"Dongye, kill me." Dongye squints and looks at ishikado.


Shi Hei hesitated.

He dares to kill, of course.

But if you kill Dongye, can he still live?

"You want to die in front of me?"

He Feng sneered and said.

Then, he stepped forward quickly and appeared beside them in an instant.

"Bang! Bang

He Feng kicks out two feet one after another, kicks the East wild and the stone black which have no resistance to faint in the past.

"Come back later and interrogate slowly. I don't believe it. I can't ask anything."

He Feng snorted coldly.

He can almost conclude that these two people are not ordinary killers even in the three East Group.

He is good at using poison and has strong mental power. From these two points, he can infer that these two people are connected with each other and are a pharmacist.

A local level pharmacist!

Such a person's social status is higher than that of an ordinary master in the middle of Huajin period.

Even in the mythical Sandong group, they may be in an important position or directly follow a big man.


At this time, the door of the ward was opened, Tang Wen and Chu Yue came out together.

Tang Wen is too anxious to know the situation outside so come out, Chu month is to He Feng's strength is too confident, don't think there will be any danger outside, so follow out.

"He Feng, did you subdue them so quickly? Is it true that their cultivation is just dark energy? "

Tang Wen looks at the East wild and stone black on the ground to say.

In her opinion, if these two people are Huajin, he Feng can't solve the battle so soon.

But from He Feng out of the ward to now, also passed two or three minutes?

This has to make Tang Wen suspect that the two people lying on the ground are not masters of Hua Jin, but two masters of dark Jin.

"Whether it's Hua Jin or dark Jin, they have been abandoned by me now."

He Feng looked at Chu Yue, "Yue Yue, handcuff people first."


Chu Yue quickly nods, then feels out two handcuffs, goes forward to handcuff Dongye and Shi Hei.

Seeing this, Tang Wen asked he Feng, "let me interrogate them in person later. Is that ok?"

"Of course there is a problem. These two men are determined. You can't ask anything from them. Only if I interrogate myself can I get something. "

He Feng directly vetoed.

"I'm the captain of the criminal police team of Jiangbin Public Security Bureau, and I'll be the deputy director in two days. You can't compare my ability to interrogate criminals at all..." Tang Wen said with some displeasure: "besides, they are trying to kill my grandfather. I have to ask myself who sent them."

"Your interrogation methods are not bad for ordinary criminals. In these two people, it can't be effective. " He Feng said.

"How do you know if you don't try?" Tang Wen is still very persistent.


He Feng helpless, this woman is too stubborn, right?

But thinking that she should be too concerned about her grandfather, he Feng thought about it and said, "well, then we'll try them together. I'll let you try them first. Is that ok? However, people can't be taken to the police station. It's up to me to arrange where the interrogation will take place. "

The identity of these two people is not simple. He Feng doesn't want to give them to the police station.

Once the above found out the identity of these two people, will certainly attach great importance to, at that time may be associated with his He Feng also to investigate.

"OK, I'm fine."

Tang Wen nodded, did not care about these with He Feng, as long as let her interrogate these two people, she will be satisfied.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

At this time, not far from the stairs, suddenly came a dense sound of footsteps.

The other side was very fast. In the blink of an eye, they came to the aisle on the third floor. There were a lot of people, ten of them.

"What do they do?"

Seeing these people, Tang Wen frowned and put her hands around her waist.

Because, in these people's body, she not only felt the extremely strong dangerous breath, she even saw that there were six or seven people with guns in their hands.

It's not an ordinary pistol, it's a rifle.

Special rifle!

"You two go back to the ward!"

He Feng did not answer Tang Wen's words, just told her.

"He Feng, they are all very dangerous, or you too..."

Tang Wen worried.

But her words haven't finished, he Feng then hit a wink to Chu month.

"Sister Wen, let's go first."

Chu Yue interrupts Tang Wen's words and directly pulls Tang Wen back to the ward.

After returning to the ward, Tang Wen worried: "Yueyue, why are you pulling me in? There are so many of them with guns. He Feng is very dangerous outside. The corridor is so wide. If those people shoot together, he Feng has no place to hide. He Feng can only be a live target. "

Chu Yue shook her head and said: "sister Wen, don't worry about He Feng. If we are outside, he will distract and protect us. Only in this way can we be more dangerous. If we don't need to protect us, even if they have more shooters, he Feng will be fine. "

"But those people are really powerful, especially the two people in front of them, they should have reached the level of strength, right? Other people, the weakest must also be strong Tang Wendao.

"Yueyue, can he Feng really cope with the danger outside?"

Tang Kan also asked anxiously.

He thought there were only two experts on the other side. Unexpectedly, after he Feng solved the two, a group of people came again. Moreover, from Tang Wen's words, it sounds that the people who came here this time are more dangerous.

Chu Yue said: "don't worry about He Feng, elder Tang and elder Wen. Even if there are two great masters among them, he Feng can easily solve it. There won't be anything wrong. We just wait for the result here."

"That's good!"

Tang Kan was relieved and said to Tang Wen, who was still worried: "Wen Wen, since Yueyue has said that, don't worry about it any more. He Feng's strength may be even stronger than we imagined. "

"How strong is it? No matter how strong they are, they are just like those two people. He has one strength, others have two strength, and there are so many shooters. Even if he wins them, I think he will win miserably. "

Tang Wen curled her lips and said.

Chu Yue blinked her eyes and didn't speak.

A tragic victory?

Unless they come to two myths, that's more or less the same.


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