"What's the matter? Mr. Dongye and Mr. shihei, they were... Knocked unconscious? "

"There is something wrong with their injuries. It seems that the elixir field has been abandoned?"

"Well, how is that possible? Both of them are masters of Huajin, and they are also pharmacists. Their fighting power is extraordinary. The masters at the beginning of Huajin can compare. Isn't he Feng at the same level as them? Why can he give up Dongye and shihei in such a short time

"Is there a more powerful master hidden in the dark?"

After Qian Yuan and others came to the corridor, they saw Dongye and Shi Hei lying in a pool of blood. Their faces changed greatly.

Even Qianyuan is not sure to defeat one of them.

Because they are not only the early masters of Huajin, but also the pharmacists. They have strong mental power, and they are good at using poison. They are very dangerous, not inferior to the ordinary middle masters of Huajin.

But it's less than two minutes since Shi Hei sent him a message for help

"Brother yuan, what should I do?" Qiande asked solemnly.

Although he Feng is the only one in the corridor now, and there are nearly ten of them, the weakest are all high master gunners, who can threaten master Huajin. The stronger are Qiande and master level gunners, and there are also two masters in the middle of Huajin.

But facing He Feng, they are full of fear.

"It's a bit unexpected. He Feng's strength is even stronger than we expected. In other words, there may be forces around him that can threaten the middle master of Huajin. With us, there is no one who can kill him. "

Qian Yuan looked at Qian Guang and said, "Qian Guang, what do you think?"

Like him, Qian Guang's cultivation is in the middle of Hua Jin, and his opinions are also very important.

Qian Guang also nodded, "let's go back to Qian's house first, and then make a long-term plan."

"Well, go back and let the owner make the decision."

Qian Yuan looked at Dongye and shihei on the ground not far away and said, "however, we will take them away. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome. "

"Speak directly to He Feng!" Qian Guangdao.


Qian Yuan nodded, immediately looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, today we can no longer deal with you, nor with those people who just returned to the ward. But Dongye and shihei, we have to take them away, don't you mind? "

"You've been discussing for so long, but you're not discussing how to do it to me. You're discussing not to do it to me anymore?"

He Feng frowned and said, "isn't that good? I'm still waiting for you to do it to me. Otherwise, you will kill me, so that you can take them both away. "


Qian Yuan smoked from the corner of his mouth.

If we're sure we'll kill you, do we need you?

But what does this guy mean by letting himself kill him?

Did you dig a trap and wait to jump in?

Or bluff?

Dongye and ishihei have been abandoned. The possibility of bluffing is not big. That is to lure them to do it by themselves.

It's a fool!

"He Feng, we admit your strength is very strong, we are not sure to deal with you. But the power on our side, as you can see, is not good for anyone if both sides fight. Especially the people around you, you should not be able to protect a few, right? Are you sure you don't want us to take Dongye and shihei? "

Qian Yuan said coldly.

The threat is quite obvious. If you don't let me take people away, I can't deal with you. Then deal with the people around you.

"Just now I heard you call him Qian Guang. Are you from Qian family? The Qian family is also a high-level ancient martial family. How could they be so shameless? " He Feng frowned and said.

"Hum, I don't want to talk to you here and delay time. Just tell me, will you let me take people away?" Qian Yuan gave a cold hum.

When it comes to the master, who cares about face?

Can you make a meal?

"It's easy to take people away. Do it." He Feng said calmly.

Qian Yuan's pupil shrank, "are you sure you want to tear your face? At that time, those people behind you have casualties, and it's too late for you to regret it. "

"If anything happens to them, I'll certainly regret it. But the premise is that you should have the strength that I regret. "

He Feng is also a little impatient, "hurry to do it, I have other things later."

"Qian Yuan, do it. Dongye and shihei are sure to take them away, even if they pay some price."

Dry light wring eyebrow to say.

It is reasonable to say that the elixir fields of Dongye and shihei have been abandoned, which is of little value. If these two people are from Qianjia family, Qianyuan and Qianguang will definitely give them up.

However, Dongye and shihei are both under Qianshou's hands. They even know some secrets of Qianshou. Qianyuan dare not let them fall into He Feng's hands. Otherwise, Qianshou will probably blame them and the consequences will be more serious.


Qian Yuan squinted and gave the order without hesitation, "everyone, shoot directly."

"Bang, bang, bang, Bang..."

As Qianyuan's voice fell, the sound of dense gunshots, like firecrackers, began to ring one after another. Bullet after bullet, like raindrops, shot densely at He Feng.

The whole corridor has no room to dodge.

In other words, at this time, unless he Feng instantly disappeared in the corridor, no matter how he hid, he would be hit by bullets.

"Hum, these bullets are all alloy bullets. Even the great master of refining gas into flesh and blood, or even refining gas into bone marrow, can be easily pierced by these bullets. I want to see if there are more powerful masters hidden in the dark. Whether this person can appear in time and rescue He Feng. "

Qian Yuan snorted coldly, keeping an eye on the movement around him.

Qian Guang shook his head and said: "at this time, even if the top master of Huajin who refined Qi into the viscera appeared, he could not be saved. Unless there's a myth. "

Smell speech, Qian family all tightly stare at the front, waiting to see the picture they expected.


He Feng was killed by random gun, fell in the pool of blood in the picture, did not appear.

Under their gaze, he Feng's hands were waving in the air, and the sound of crisp metal fighting rang out.

"Ding Ding..."

Bullets made of alloy fall to the ground one by one.

In a flash, he Feng's foot was full of bullets, with two or three hundred.

"It looks like a flying knife in his hand. Did he use it to shoot down bullets one by one?"

"Well, how is that possible? How did he do it? "

"Can the master shoot down the bullet from the gun fired by the master level shooter?"

"Master can't do it. It's hundreds of bullets, and he's still intact. The only way to do this is... Myth! "

"God... Myth?"

The sound of a cold air in the corridor.

All eyes staring at He Feng are full of shock and panic, and no one dares to attack again.

Although he Feng didn't really show the mythical means, he shot down hundreds of bullets with a flying knife, which completely shocked Qian Yuan and others.

If the other side is only the later stage of Huajin, or even the top master of Huajin, Qianyuan and others may have a little idea of fighting. After all, there are many people on their side, and there are many shooters. Even if they can't win, they still have the chance to escape.

But now

What they are facing is not a master of Huajin at all, but a myth!

In the face of a legendary myth, these people are not enough to see.

Even if the whole family comes out, it's not enough for others to plug their teeth.

At this moment, Qian Yuan and others had no idea to start again. Some of them only had fear and trembling

"Well, why is there no movement? Aren't you going to take both of them? Then kill me. "

He Feng urges a way.


Qian Yuan knelt down on the ground without hesitation, lowered his head, and said sincerely: "Dear mythical Lord, we have eyes and don't know what to do. We are willing to apologize to you."

"Poop! Poop! Putong... "

Qian Yuan just knelt down. Qian Guang, Qian de and others knelt down without hesitation.

The sound of kneecaps touching the ground kept ringing.

"Dear mythical Lord, please spare your life!"

"Lord myth, we... We didn't mean to bump into you."

"I'm willing to give all I have to mythical Lord, only that he can spare my life."

Everyone in Qian's family said in a trembling voice, full of fear.

At present, they have no image to speak of, and their posture is very low.

They were born in the high ancient martial family. They knew very well the power possessed by the mythical strongmen. They could be killed at any thought.

As long as the other party is willing, they can be killed easily, and no one can escape.

At the same time, Tang Wen, Chu Yue and Tang Kan in the ward also heard the voices of the family outside.

"God, myth?"

Tang Wen opened her mouth and subconsciously looked at Chu Yue, "Yue Yue, how are they shouting myth? Did he Feng ask mythology to help? Is it the myth of the he family? "

Tang Wen now also knows that he Feng is the son of the he family, one of the four royal families, and the he family has more than ten masters of Huajin. Maybe there is a myth hidden in it.

Chu Yue didn't rush to answer Tang Wen's words at the moment. Instead, she took the computer and quickly eliminated the video recording in the corridor to avoid the video spreading.

After deleting the video, Chu Yue said: "sister Wen, he Feng's strength, you and Tang Lao have to help keep it secret, can't spread it out. The police, in particular, must not tell them, or they will report to the state, which will bring big trouble to He Feng. "

"Yueyue, make it clear." Tang Wen stares at Chu Yue.

"He Feng, it's a myth!" Chu Yue spits out five words directly.


Tang Wen only felt that her head was in a trance.

Tang Kan also shook his head and sighed, "tut tut Tut, today's young people, it's amazing. Wen Wen, if you start now, it's still time... "

"Grandfather, what are you talking about?"

Tang Wen's face is black.


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