"I haven't revealed my mythical means yet, so you call me a myth? It's not logical. Otherwise, you can continue to work on me. When I show more means, you can determine if I am a myth. "

In the corridor, he Feng saw that everyone in Qian's family knelt down, and he was speechless.

Brother Feng is going to kill a few family members. Can't you give brother Feng a chance to perform?

"Lord mythology, don't make fun of us." Qian Yuan said uneasily, but he secretly said that we are not fools. Do we have to wait until we are killed by you to decide that you are a myth?

"Lord mythology, spare your life!"

Everyone in the Qian family bowed their heads.

"Well, since you are all so knowledgeable, I'll give you a chance to live."

He Feng saw that several people did not dare to do it any more. He readily took out his bank card. "Recently, I'm short of money. You said that you should apologize to me. Then you can transfer all the money on your card to my card. I'll check the balance of your bank card on your mobile phone in a moment. If I find any of you dare not give me money, don't blame me for being impolite. "

This time, he learned to be good. He didn't directly kill people like Fang Que and others last night. At that time, he was distressed for a long time.

This time, even if he wants to kill people, he has to get the money on their cards first.

It's not easy to earn hundreds of billions!


See he Feng so direct, dry family a group of people are silly.

to be straitened for money?

You are a legend.

How can you be short of money?

Are you kidding us?

If they hadn't seen he Feng's mythical means just now, they would definitely have thought that the myth in front of them was a fake.

"Well, if you want to live, you should pay close attention to the transfer. Brother Feng has no time to accompany you here." He Feng impatiently urged a.

"OK, OK, I'll transfer it now."

Qian De He Feng smiles. He has to ask old man he what's going on there. Feng GE has to hurry up so as not to cause any change and make the money fly.

"Dear mythical Lord, can we go now?"

See everyone has transferred money, Qian Yuan some uneasy asked.

He Feng put away his mobile phone and said calmly: "go? What to go? Did I tell you to go? "

Qian Yuan and others turned black, but they didn't dare to vent their anger. "Mr. He, didn't you say that as long as we apologized, you would spare our lives?"

"Yes, I just said I would not let you go, but I didn't say I would kill you."

He Feng said with a grin: "scrap your Dantian and imprison you. Isn't that untrustworthy? If you are released like this, what will you do when you go back to Qian's house and gather people to deal with me? Besides, I can't let you Qianjia know my real strength. Otherwise, how can I deal with Qianjia? "

With that, he Feng took a step forward.

Qian Yuan and other people's faces have changed greatly, but they cry in their hearts that it's not good.

"Run! Separate

"After escaping, contact the family immediately and tell them about He Feng."

"Ah!!! He's catching up

Qian Yuan yelled, and the first one flew back at top speed.

Qian Guang, Qian de and others are not slow. They rush to the wards on both sides. There are a large number of them here. As long as they escape a certain distance, even if he Feng is a myth, they can't catch up with them.


What they don't know is that since he Feng doesn't plan to let them go, no matter how many they are, they can't escape.


Suddenly, a violent roar sounded above their heads, and an energy vortex appeared in the corridor. A series of terrible forces emerged from the vortex and rushed to the fleeing Qianguang and others.

As soon as this energy appeared, no matter Qianyuan, who had the mid-term cultivation of Huajin, or the master gunner, who was just the cultivation of dark strength, his heart was full of fear.

"This, this is Tianwei?"

"It's impossible to compete at all..."

"Damn, how can there be such a terrible power in this world?"

At this moment, Qian family and others were in despair. Their feet seemed to be filled with lead, and they could not take a step further.

Rao is the middle master of Qian Yuan and Qian Guang, and he also feels heavy feet.

"As long as you cooperate, I won't kill you."

He Feng smiles, then takes a slap in the air.


A violent storm appeared out of thin air, Qian Yuan and others did not respond to what happened, one by one on the ground.

Moreover, their breath is falling rapidly.

"Asshole, did you really waste my Dantian? Ah, you have to die... "

Qian Yuan exclaimed in despair.

He is now in his 130's, his Dantian is abandoned, and his energy is lost in his body. In a few days, his physical function will decline rapidly, and there will be only one death road waiting for him.

"Son of a bitch, we'll never let you go." Qiande is also a cry of grief and indignation.

As for some not too old masters, although they are equally angry, they are not too desperate.

At least, they can live another ten years.

Although the cash on the card has been transferred to He Feng, they still have a lot of fixed assets, and the next ten years will not be too miserable.

Of course, the premise is that he Feng will let them leave alive.

"The Qian family won't let me go? Why, is there a myth about your family? "

He Feng stretched a stretch, too lazy to pay attention to them.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

At this time, another dense sound of footsteps came from the corridor.


The door of the next ward was pushed open. Chu Yue came out and said to He Feng, "it's Li Ping. They're back."


He Feng nodded, raised his hand and patted Qian Yuan and others in the air.

Qian Yuan and others did not understand what happened, one by one fainted in the past.

After waiting for Li Ping and others to come up, he Feng doesn't need to open his mouth. Chu Yue, who understands his idea, is facing Li Ping: "Li Ping, you immediately handcuff all these people, send them to the police car, and take them away later."

"All right!"

Li Ping saw that all the people lying on the ground were holding guns, and there were a lot of cartridge cases on the ground. Knowing that the matter was serious, he didn't ask much. He immediately took people to handcuff Qian Yuan and others.

"He Feng, you..."

At this moment, Tang Wen and Tang Kan also came out.

But they look at He Feng's eyes, it is quite complicated.

Previously, Tang Wen also said that he Feng's cultivation talent was very general. He had been at the peak of dark strength many years ago, but now he is still at the peak of dark strength.

But now, he Feng shows the power of myth.

Myth, that's the legend of ancient martial arts.

For ordinary people, they are gods.

"Wenwen beauty, now you know why I dare to let Tang Laochong be the bait? I've never worried about his safety. " He Feng turned his head and blinked at Tang Wen.

"Little brother he Feng, you are really... I admire you Tang Kan gives a thumbs up to He Feng.

He is also a well-informed person. He has seen all kinds of people. Even the national level cadres of China have met him. However, he is the first time to see such a young man as he Feng who has reached the mythical level through his cultivation.

And he, who knows Gu Wu well, also knows what the myth of 26 means.

This is by no means an easy word for "genius". It can only be done with great perseverance and good luck.

"Mr. Tang, I'm just a rash man. There's nothing to admire."

He Feng grinned and said, "for a while, Wenwen and I will interrogate these people to see if they are from the three East Group. I will try to find out the people who want to deal with Mr. Tang behind the scenes."

Don Kan nodded, "thank you."

Then he said to Tang Wen: "Wen Wen, this trial is mainly based on He Feng, and you are a supplement."

Tang Wen looked at He Feng and said, "are you sure you can get anything from them?"

Obviously, she still has some doubts about He Feng's interrogation ability.

If you are good at cultivation, it doesn't mean you are good at interrogating people.

In her view, interrogation is a profession, and the police are just good at it.

He Feng said directly: "if I can't interrogate anything, then you can't interrogate anything."

"Well, I'll watch it for a while, but don't let me interrogate things instead of you interrogating nothing."

Tang Wen light says.

"Well, you'll see for a moment."

He Feng smiles.


At this time, his mobile phone vibrated.

It's the monkey.

"Hello He Feng answers the phone.

"Boss, we just detected the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth in the people's Hospital of Jiangbin city. Did you start there?" Monkey asked directly. As soon as he found out the fluctuation of the power of heaven and earth, he checked the location of He Feng's mobile phone and found that he Feng was in Jiangbin people's Hospital, so he guessed that he Feng might be fighting with others.

"Well, after dealing with several great masters of Huajin, there is no myth. Don't worry." He Feng said.

"Well, I thought it was the myth."

Hung up the phone, he Feng looked at Tang Kan and said: "Mr. Tang, there may be experts from the three East Group to deal with you. Even if Wenwen arranges the police to protect you 24 hours, it's useless. I have a place that's quite safe. Do you want to consider living there?"


It's Tang Wen.

He Feng looked at her and said, "stay in the moon club!"

"Liuyue club? The headquarters of the scorpion Gang? "

Tang Wen frowned and said, "I'm a policeman, and my grandfather is also a well-known figure in the financial sector. How do you arrange for my grandfather to live there? Is there no other safe place? "

He Feng shrugged, "yes, there are, but they are not safe in Liuyue club."

Tang Wen hesitated for two or three seconds and said, "don't you often go to work in Yuncheng group? If you are not in Liuyue club, it will be very safe there?"

He Feng said: "don't worry about this. No matter I'm in Liuyue club or not, it's very safe there, unless someone stronger than me attacks there!"

"Well, let my grandfather live in the moon club first." Tang Wen has no opinion.

The moon club is really safe.

Although she is a policeman, she doesn't care what others will say when they know about her grandfather's safety.

It's a big deal. The deputy director is wrong.

After the discussion, they left the hospital and drove to Liuyue club with five police cars.


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