At the same time, the family.

"Elder brother, this is the general situation. After the president of the bank called me, I came to inform you as soon as possible. Do you want to contact elder Qianyuan to have a look?"

A middle-aged man respectfully stood in front of heaven and earth, worried said.

The middle-aged man's name is Qian Shan. He is Qian Kun's younger brother. He is not weak in cultivation, and now he has reached the level of strength. However, he is better at business and management, so he is basically responsible for all the affairs of Qian family.

Just two minutes ago, he received a phone call from several bank governors, saying that Qian Yuan, Qian Guang and others had transferred most of the money on their bank cards.

Transfer time, almost at the same time.

The payee is the same person.

A man named He Feng!

"You call Qianyuan now, I'll call Qianguang."

Hearing Qian Shan's words, Qian Kun's brow twisted up, then took out his mobile phone and immediately dialed Qian Guang's phone.

Qianshan called Qianyuan.

"Qian Guang's mobile phone is off..." Qian Kun's face sank.

Qian Shan also said, "Qian Yuan's phone has been turned off. I'll try Qian De's again."

Then he dials the phone again.

However, the result is the same. Qiande's mobile phone is also turned off.

"Brother, what should we do now? I'm afraid something has happened to them in Qianyuan. " Dry mountain complexion dignified ask a way.

"Well, let's go to Mr. Qianshou. Two of his men are still in Jiangbin city. Let's see if we can ask his two men to help investigate what happened in Jiangbin city."

Qian Kun nodded and walked out of the room immediately.

Qian Shan followed.

Two minutes later, they came to an independent training room.

As soon as he got outside the room, Qian Kun heard a series of crisp crashing sounds, just like metal crashing. The sound was not very loud, but it was very clear and steady.

"This thousand hands, cultivation talent is so strong? He should not be 30 years old this year, right? The realm of cultivation is at the same level as me? " There is a touch of shock on Qian Kun's face.

It's worthy of being the disciple of that adult!

Qian Kun stood outside, waiting quietly, without knocking at the door.

When he learned about the cultivation of thousand hands, his attitude towards thousand hands was more polite. Even if something big happened in Qianjia, he didn't disturb the cultivation of thousand hands.

About five minutes later, the cultivation of thousand hands came to an end. He opened the door of the training room and came out.

"What's the matter? You two brothers came to me together. "

"Mr. thousand hands, something happened to our family!"

Qian Kun said: "just about 15 minutes ago, Qian Yuan, Qian Guang, Qian de and others transferred all the funds on their bank cards to He Feng almost at the same time. Then I called them and their mobile phones were all turned off. I think they may have an accident when they fight against He Feng. He Feng's strength is stronger than what we imagined. "

"Well? It seems that their strength to go to Jiangbin this time is not weak, is it When a thousand hands hear words, they frown.

"It's not weak, it can even be said that it's very strong. It's almost half the strength of the family. Two in the middle of Huajin, one in the early stage of Huajin, two master gunners and four high master gunners. "

"Such a powerful force, even the late master of Huajin, it's hard to leave all of them. Is it hard for He Feng to hide the top master of Huajin?"

"Well, I'm not sure. But if he Feng can catch them all, and make them even have no chance to escape, then even if he Feng doesn't have the top master of Huajin, at least there will be more than three later masters of Huajin. "

After pondering for a while, Qian Kun suddenly said, "the one who can mobilize this force and has something to do with He Feng should be the he family, one of the four royal families."

"He Jia? It seems that we underestimate the he family. "

Thousand hands narrowed their eyes and said, "how much do Qianyuan know about the information of mieshen pavilion?"

Qian Kun thought for a moment and said, "they don't know much about mieshen Pavilion. They only know that there are myths in it. If they fall into the hands of the he family, once they are pressed by the he family, they will probably learn from them that the Qian family has taken refuge in the mieshen Pavilion. "

Thousand hands frowned, "in this case, the Qian family can no longer exist. Otherwise, it is likely that they will give you a pot. "

Qian Kun's face is not good-looking, but now he has no better way.

Although the Qian family is a high-level ancient martial family, it is really a little worse than the four royal families.

The main problem is the inside information!

The four royal families have been developing for a long time, and the strong masters are full of vitality. They can live to more than 200 years old, normally, well recuperate, and have no injuries. They can live to 300 years old.

In this case, even if there are dozens of Huajin masters among the four royal families, it is very possible.

Even among these great masters of Huajin, there will be a breakthrough to myth.

In a word, on the surface, gaogaoguwu aristocratic families are not much weaker than the four royal families. However, some gaoguwu aristocratic families who have not been promoted to gaoguwu aristocratic families for a long time and have a shallow foundation still have a big gap with the four royal families.

"Mr. thousand hands, why don't you contact your two men first? We want to see if we can know what's going on in Jiangbin City, and if there are really he family experts

Said Qianshan.

"Well, I'll contact them and just ask if their task has been completed."

A thousand hands nodded, then took out the mobile phone and dialed the phone.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off..."

However, the phone he made was turned off.

Thousand hands frowned and made another call.

The result is the same. It's all off.

"Their cell phones are off, too." A thousand hands said coldly.

"What? Aren't your two men very strong? Did they also... Have an accident? " Heaven and earth's face changed again.

"I'm not sure!"

Thousand hands shook his head, suddenly said: "yes, if I remember correctly, he Feng seems to be closer to a person named Tang Wen?"

"Tang Wen?"

Qian Kun looks at Qian Shan. All the information about He Feng is collected by Qian Shan.

After thinking about it, Qian Shan said, "Tang Wen has a general relationship with He Feng, but Chu Yue, Tang Wen's best friend, is He Feng's woman."

"In this way, if Tang Wen is in trouble, he Feng will certainly help solve it, right?"

"It should be!"

"In that case, there should be something wrong with my two men."

This time, Qianshou's face was very ugly.

His two subordinates are different from those of Qian family. They know a lot about the details of mieshen Pavilion.

For example

Where is the headquarters of mieshen pavilion?

How many forces did mieshen Pavilion control in China?

How many myths are there in the headquarters of mieshen pavilion?

This information is a secret to the outside world, but it is no longer a secret to the Huajin master of mieshen Pavilion.

"I'll contact my master now. You'll wait here for a moment."

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Qianshou turned back to the training room, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, master Qianshou, what can I do for you?"

A moment later, an old man's voice came over the phone. He was speaking Japanese.

Qianshou also said in Japanese: "grandfather xiangtian, something happened to me. Something happened to Dongye and shihei. I want to report it to Shifu immediately."

"OK, just a moment!"

Said the old man.

A moment later, an old man's voice sounded, "what happened to Dongye and shihei?"

"Master, just now, they may have fallen into the hands of the masters of China."

Qianshou said in detail to his teacher about his sending them to Jiangbin city to carry out the task, "master, I'm sorry for my bad work. Please punish me."

"Well, I can't blame you for this. The main reason is that the people of China are so cunning that they sent out the experts of the four royal families to wait for them to jump into the trap. However, it's OK. The people of Qian family don't know much about mieshen Pavilion. As for shihei and Dongye, they may betray mieshen Pavilion in order to survive. However, once they have the heart of betrayal, that waiting for them, will not be alive. It's... Death! "

Qianshou thought a little and soon understood what was going on, "spiritual seed?"


The old man said: "at that time, when I was training them, I found that although they have good talent, their willpower is not firm. They may betray us if they fall into the enemy's hands in the future. So, just in case, I planted spiritual seeds for them. So, you don't have to worry too much that the news of our mieshen Pavilion will leak out. At most, we will lose two great masters of Huajin. But the loss is the loss. For a myth, it's too easy to cultivate several masters. "

Hear here, thousand hands also don't worry.

Thousand hands continued to ask: "master, what about the arrangement of Qian family? They have submitted to us, and the story of mieshen Pavilion may also be revealed. "

The old man said, "let them do their work and bring the clan to the headquarters. The talent of Qian Kun is good. Let him practice with me for a period of time. I'll see if I can make him break through the myth as soon as possible. "

"Well, I'll talk to him in a moment." A thousand hands nodded.

"Well, you also work hard to cultivate, play less with computers, and strive to enter the peak of Huajin as soon as possible, so that you can begin to covet the realm of myth. When it comes to mythology, you can really enter the high level in our mieshen Pavilion. Do you understand? " Said the old man.

"I see, master! Since knowing that the dragon is the butcher, I have taken him as my goal to surpass. Besides computers, I must surpass him in my cultivation. " A thousand hands said.

"Butcher? Although he's on the tianbang, he's only 36. It's not hard for you to surpass him. Work hard. "

With that, the old man hung up.

Listening to the busy voice on the phone, a thousand hands murmured: "butcher, right? Hum, before that, I spent most of my time on the research of computer technology and seldom practiced it. But next, most of my time and energy will be on cultivation. In ten days, I will reach the top of my strength. After that, I will enter the land of killing God. With the purity of my blood, I will soon be able to break through to the realm of true Qi. At that time, I will find you out, defeat you and push you out of the sky list. "

Thinking of this, Qianshou couldn't wait. He didn't want to delay a little longer. He walked out of the training room again and said to heaven and earth, "you clean up and prepare to follow me to our headquarters of mieshen Pavilion."

"Shall we go to the headquarters of mieshen Pavilion now? Then I'll... "

Heaven and earth in front of a bright, nervous asked.

A thousand hands nodded, "well, you have awakened your lower blood. It's not bad to cultivate your talent. If you can break through to the peak of Huajin in ten days, I think my master will give you a chance to achieve the myth as soon as possible. "

"Ten days? OK, my accumulation has reached the limit now. Then I will try my best to rush to the peak of Huajin and refine Qi into the viscera as soon as possible. " Qian Kun guessed something and said excitedly.

Then he looked at Qianshan again, "Qianshan, the transfer of Qianjia is up to you. It's not particularly important. Don't disturb me. "

"Don't worry, brother. I can handle everything."

Qianshan nodded heavily.

Although Qian family wanted to leave China, Qian Shan didn't care too much. Like his elder brother Qian Kun, what he wanted was the strength of Qian family.

And as long as heaven and earth can use the power of mieshen pavilion to break through the myth, the Qian family

Will be able to climb to match the four royal families of China!


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