"Boss, what do these people do? Which one doesn't open your eyes? "

At the Liuyue club, the monkey looks at the Qian family and asks in doubt.

Ji Xinyu, Xi Xueqing and others also come out and stare at the Qian family.

Tang Kan glances at Ji Xinyu and Xi Xueqing. Then he looks at Tang Wen again and shakes his head helplessly.

If he Feng is just an ordinary man, he will not allow Tang Wen to become He Feng's woman again, but he Feng is a fable. It's a great honor for such a strong man to have him with other women.

Although Tang Kan was old, his thought was not feudal, and even avant-garde.

Therefore, let Tang Wen become He Feng's woman, he has no opinion.

It's just

From the immediate situation, Tang Wen's speed seems to be a little late.

Moreover, from the girl's face now, it seems that she is a little difficult to accept that he Feng has so many women.

"It's from a small family, but there may be something else involved. I'll try them now."

He Feng said, and looked at Ji Xinyu, "Xinyu, you arrange a room to facilitate my interrogation. By the way, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Tang Kan, the financial giant of China. Now Mr. Tang is in trouble. I'm going to let him stay in the monthly club for a period of time. Please arrange a clean and tidy room. "

Then he looked at tangkan again, "Mr. Tang, this is my... Friend, Ji Xinyu."

"It's Mr. Tang. I've heard about Mr. Tang for a long time. I didn't expect to see a real person today, and it's really my honor that Mr. Tang wants to live with me. However, I'm a small place, and I've wronged Mr. Tang. " Ji Xinyu laughs.

"There's nothing wrong, but I've disturbed you." Tangkan smiles.

"Mr. Tang, would you like to have a look at the interrogation later?" He Feng asked.

Mr. Tang nodded and said, "well, I don't have anything to do, so I'll go and listen to it."

"Xinyu, arrange a room."

He Feng said, pointing to the East wild and stone Black said: "monkey, you take these two people, to the interrogation room, I personally to the interrogation."


The monkey immediately ordered people to carry in Ishiguro.

At the moment, none of them is awake.

"Xiao Feng, what's the origin of those people?" He Bayun asked, "those two people don't look like people from China."

He Feng said: "well, they are Japanese. They went to Jiangbin city to deal with Tang Lao. Moreover, they are pharmacists, and they are good at using poisons. They are also mentally strong. "

He Bayun frowned, "pharmacist? To deal with Mr. Tang? "

"Let's go to the interrogation room and talk!"


Immediately, a group of people came to a spacious training room.

There are not many people in the training room. Except for Dongye and Ishiguro, only he Feng and the people who are very familiar with him did not come in.

"Monkey, wake them up first." He Feng looks at the monkey.

The monkey nodded and stepped forward to kick them.

Both of them have strong spirits. As soon as they wake up, they immediately come back to their senses, especially after seeing the situation in front of them.

However, when they noticed Tang Kan standing behind he Feng, their looks changed.

"You're still alive? Haven't you been poisoned by my purple toad flower yet? "

Both Toyo and Ishiguro were shocked.

Purple toad flower poison. It's a very poisonous poison that can kill even Huajin. Tang Kan is an ordinary person. How can he survive after poisoning?

But immediately, they seem to think of something, eyes fell on He Feng again.

"Are you the one who saved him?" he asked

There is a myth in their organization. Although they seldom see it, the myth in their organization tells them that although the poison of purple toad flower is powerful and can be killed by Huajin, those with strong real Qi can use real Qi to force the toxin out of their body.

He Feng shrugged, "of course! If something happens to Mr. Tang, you won't even have a chance to live. "

"He Feng, your strength is very strong, we are not your opponents. Now we not only fall into your hands, but also the Dantian is abandoned by you. You can kill us directly. I tell you, you can't ask anything out of our mouths. " The East Wild Cold hums a to say.

"Do you want to die? OK, monkey, kill him He Feng looks directly at the monkey.


Without saying a word, the monkey kicked Dongye.

Clear and crisp bone crack sound rings out, East wild chest all collapsed down, vomit out a mouthful of blood, then fell on the ground.

"Next, it's your turn. Do you want to live or die? " He Feng's eyes fall on Shi Hei's body.

When he was in the hospital before, he could see that Dongye's faith was firm, and he was not afraid of death. From him, he Feng was hard to find out.

And this stone black is different, now kill Dongye in front of him, I'm afraid his psychological defense line will collapse directly, explain everything he knows.

"I, I want to live. But can you promise to let me go if I say what you want to know? " Shi Hei's voice trembled and his face turned white.

"It doesn't matter much to me if you are dead or alive. I'll let you go as soon as I'm satisfied with what you say. "

He Feng urges a way.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

Blackstone's eyes flickered, and a moment later he looked up and asked.

"Let's introduce ourselves first..." He Feng said.

"Good! My name is Shi Hei, and I come from Mie, Mie... "

Shi Hei said.

However, when he said the word "Mie", for some reason, a wisp of blood red light suddenly flashed in his eyes, as if there was an inexplicable energy burst out in his mind.


As if something was broken in this moment, Shi Hei's eyes turned red in an instant.

Later, he didn't have time to say a word more, so he fell to the ground silently.

"What's the matter?"

"Why did you fall all of a sudden?"

"Is he... Is he dead?"

Tang Wen Chu Yue and others see this, all are surprised to ask a way.

That's strange.

Even he Feng frowned.

Then he seemed to think of something, and his face became ugly.

"Boss, this man is dead. What's the situation? He died too suddenly. No one hurt him. Did he deliberately cheat us and then commit suicide when it came to the key? Isn't that wonderful? "

The monkey came forward to investigate the physical condition of shihei, and then said.

He Feng look dignified, helpless said: "he is not suicide, is killed by his master."

"Master? What do you mean Monkeys have just broken through the myth, and they don't know much about some means of myth.

He Bayun turned his eyes and said, "Xiao Feng, are you talking about spiritual seeds?"

He Feng nodded and said: "well, this man should have been planted with spiritual seeds by human race, but he may not know much about spiritual seeds, so he wanted to betray his master in order to survive. Unfortunately, as long as he does something harmful to his master, the spiritual seed will explode and wipe out his spirit. "

"Now what? These two people are dead. How can we know who sent them to kill my grandfather? " Tang Wen frowned.

He Feng is to smile, "he just said although not much, but he just said a word, you should hear it?"

"A word?"

Tang Wen recalled what Shi Hei said before he died. "At that time, he seemed to say," I come from the annihilation of the Japanese nation... ", and then he died. Is it the word "Mie"? Can that explain? "

He Feng hasn't answered yet, but he Bayun and monkey are shocked.

The monkey said, "boss, is it the anti God Pavilion of Japan?"

He Bayun's face is dignified, "if it's the mieshen pavilion that has an eye on Mr. Tang, then Mr. Tang is really dangerous."

"Mieshen pavilion? What is mieshen pavilion? "

Seeing this, Tang Wen was also worried.

He Feng explained: "the mieshen Pavilion is a powerful force controlled by the Japanese, and many people in China also participate in it. The main purpose of their existence is to kill the backbone talents of our country. However, judging from the current situation, the relationship between mieshen Pavilion and the three East Group is quite close, and it is even possible that mieshen Pavilion is a force cultivated by the three East Group. "

Then he Feng looked at he Bayun and asked, "second uncle, do you know much about mieshen pavilion? How powerful are they? "

At first, he Feng didn't pay much attention to mieshen Pavilion. He felt that the strength of mieshen pavilion was general.

But now it seems that there may be myths in mieshen Pavilion.

He Bayun pondered and said: "I don't know much about mieshen Pavilion. I only know that this force is specially watched by Yanhuang Iron Brigade and dragon group of China. By the way, more than 30 years ago, when Lao San was still Huajin, he once found out the biggest stronghold of mieshen Pavilion in China. In this stronghold, there is a myth of mieshen Pavilion, which killed many of the pillars and talents of China. As soon as this stronghold was found out, our old man led the Yanhuang railway brigade and united with the dragon group to annihilate it. At that time, the two great myths joined hands to kill a myth of mieshen Pavilion, but it caused a sensation. "

"A single stronghold has a myth?" He Feng surprised way.

There is a myth in a stronghold, so there must be a myth in their headquarters, and there can not be only one.

Just now, he suspected that the mieshen pavilion was a force cultivated by the three East clique. Now, they should be cooperative.

Otherwise, the three East clique would be so terrible that it could match the eight sects of China.

"Well, the power of mieshen Pavilion is very strong. According to the old man, when we destroyed one of their mythical strongholds, it just made them feel a little sad, but it didn't hurt their muscles and bones. The action of mieshen Pavilion in China didn't slow down because of this. "

He Bayun said with a wry smile: "the mythical strongman in this pavilion may be more than ten figures."

He Feng's pupil shrinks, "Ten Myths?"


Tang Wen also opened her mouth wide.

A myth, let her feel powerless to contend with, now he Bayun said that there are ten myths in mieshen Pavilion.

How can she help her parents get revenge?

With her current cultivation, even if she is lucky enough to break through to Huajin and become a master in the future, she will not be able to compete with myths and legends.

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