"Well, it's still the old man's conservative estimation, because our understanding of mieshen Pavilion is really limited. Although they act frequently in China, in fact, they are very low-key. In recent years, the biggest action is only taken by the master, and there is no trace of myth. But in foreign countries, the actions of mieshen pavilion are quite frequent. Occasionally, I hear that there are myths

He Bayun nodded and said.

It is precisely because of this that master he guessed that there are more than ten myths in the pavilion.

He Feng didn't ask any more questions. He looked at Tang Wen and saw that the latter's face was not good-looking. He thought about it and finally comforted, "Wenwen beauty, don't think about it now. First, work hard to break through the myth as soon as possible, and then you will be able to avenge yourself. If you can't wait, I will try my best to help you find your enemy, and then catch him in front of you and let you kill him yourself. "

Tang Wen looked at him, "I will try my best to cultivate myself and catch him with my own hands."

He Feng was helpless and didn't say much, "well, what cultivation resources do you need next? You can ask Xinyu directly."

Tang Wen was silent for a few seconds and said, "after I have achieved something in my cultivation, I will try my best to make money and return it to you."

He Feng shrugged, "let's wait until you break through to the master first. If you don't break through to the master, if they can't find your grandfather and find you instead, it's hard for you to escape..."

With that, he Feng looked at he Bayun again, "second uncle, let's go to interrogate the people of Qian family. Maybe they know more about mieshen Pavilion."


He Bayun naturally has no problem.

So a group of people came to another training room.

In this practice room, a group of Qian family members have awakened one after another, and their faces are very ugly.

Seeing he Feng and others coming in, Qian Yuan said uneasily: "he, Mr. He Feng, we have already transferred money to you, and our Dantian has been abandoned. Can't you spare our lives?"

He Feng smilingly way: "what Rao not Rao ah, after you give me transfer, in fact, I did not intend to kill you."

"Really... Really?"

"Then why did Mr. He Feng catch us here?"

Qian family is happy and nervous, for fear that he Feng is fooling them.

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "you come to kill me. I haven't fully understood why you came to kill me. How can I let you go? By the way, do you come to kill me because of a Xu Yuanjie? Although Xu Yuanjie has a little talent, his cultivation is too weak after all. It's just the peak of dark energy. Will you send so many experts to kill me for a dark energy character? You know, I'm not only a strong individual, but the outside world should be guessing that I'm probably a genius cultivated by the he family secretly, right? It doesn't seem to be in your family's interest for you to come and kill me when you know this? "

Smell speech, dry family everybody facial expression is all tiny to change for a while.

Indeed, as he Feng said, he Feng is too strong, and his status is more noble. He comes from the he family, one of the four royal families. How dare ordinary high ancient martial families move him?

Therefore, he Feng can almost conclude that the Qian family sent so many experts to kill him, not because he killed Xu Yuanjie, but for some other reason.

"You're going to keep this secret, aren't you?"

He Feng's eyes looked at one of the high master gunners, "say not?"

The master gunner blinked, "I, I don't know..."

"Monkey!" He Feng shouts.

Monkey depressed, why do I kill now? When you were abroad before, didn't you try to kill people? He also wants to be as reserved as possible in front of several beautiful sisters in law.

But think about it, the monkey's hand movement is not slow, a swaying body came to the other side, the palm fell, the other side fell to the ground.

"And you?" He Feng looks at other shooters.

"I, I just follow orders."

"Yes, we really don't know why the family came to kill you."

"Dear mythical Lord, please spare your life. Ask Qianyuan. They are all masters of Huajin and elders of the family. They must know why..."

The several Shooters' faces changed greatly, and they immediately began to explain, with a look of depression and bitterness.

They really don't know why the family should send so many people to deal with He Feng, otherwise, they will definitely tell he Feng now.

"I don't know if you really don't know, or if you deliberately conceal me. Anyway, since you said you don't know, you don't have to live. "

"Bang Bang..."

There is no need for He Feng to open his mouth. When he just finished, the monkey immediately came forward and killed all the shooters.

"There are only three of you left, say it or not?" He Feng looked at Qian Yuan, Qian Guang and Qian de again.

These three people are all masters of Huajin. They are definitely the top ones in Qian family.

Qian Yuan sighed heavily, then said: "He Feng, if you promise to let us go, we can tell you."

He Feng said: "well, I can promise you, as long as you tell me the real reason why you came to deal with me, I can not kill you."

"Brother yuan, do you really want to say it?" Asked Qiande, frowning.

Qian Yuan was a little silent for a while, and said: "face is important, but... It seems that living is the most important thing at this time?"

Dry light way: "say, first save life again."

Qian Yuan immediately nodded, looked at He Feng and said, "He Feng, in fact, the reason why we came to kill you has nothing to do with the Qian family. These people are all invited by me to deal with you. "

"You invited me?" He Feng eyebrows a pick, "you invite so many people to deal with me?"

Qian Yuan said, "yes, because you killed Xu Yuanjie. Xu Yuanjie, on the surface, is my disciple, but in fact... He is my illegitimate son. I used to focus on cultivation. Although I played with some women, I didn't want to get married. But I don't want to. Among the women I played with, one of them was pregnant. She was Xu Yuanjie's mother. As an old man, I love Xu Yuanjie very much. So when he was a little older, I took him to Qian's family to teach him how to cultivate himself. On the surface, he is my close disciple. But actually, he's my son. You killed my only son. Of course, I will try my best to kill you and avenge my son. "

All the people in the training room are stupid when they say this.

It's too... Too dramatic, isn't it?

The Qian family attacked on a large scale and sent out a number of sharpshooters. There were three masters of Huajin, just because of an illegitimate son?

There is no loophole in the reason of Qianyuan.

Xu Yuanjie is his close disciple. It is known to the outside world that he Feng has a big hatred for Qian Yuan when he killed Xu Yuanjie. If Xu Yuanjie is the only son of Qian Yuan, the hatred will increase ten times.

Even if Qian Yuan brings so many experts to kill He Feng, it's a normal thing.

"Your lie is perfect, but a lie is a lie after all. So, I don't believe it He Feng light mouth.

People looked at him in doubt. How did he know Qianyuan was lying?

Isn't it just a trial of Qianyuan?

"He Feng, I even said this kind of thing that made me disgraced, and you even said I lied? If you don't believe it, I can't help it. " Qian Yuan said with a black face.

Qian Guang then said, "He Feng, what Qian Yuan said is true. I know that Xu Yuanjie is his illegitimate son. Otherwise, I would not come with him to deal with you. Even the Qian family doesn't know what we're dealing with you, and the Gunners don't know your identity at all. Otherwise, they may not only not follow us to deal with you, but even tell the Qian family. Once let the owner know, the owner is bound to stop. Because your strength and your identity do not allow us to deal with you. "

He Feng ignored him and just took a look at another Qiande who was only at the beginning of Huajin.

From the beginning to the end, Qian de bowed his head and did not speak, as if he had acquiesced in their words.

"Well, both of you have a point. But... I still don't believe it. "

He Feng said with a smile.

This, even the monkey and he Bayun these two myths, looking at He Feng's eyes are a little confused.

Qian Yuan and Qian Guang both made it very clear that people in their 100s and 20s don't even want their reputation now. What can they say at the risk of being ruined?

He Feng saw Qian Yuan and Qian Guang frowning, a very helpless expression, can't help but smile, "you don't think I'm testing you, do you know why I don't believe you so clearly?"

They stare at He Feng and don't say a word.

"Because, just before I came to you, I had learned something from the other two people."

He Feng looked at Qian Yuan and others and said, "you are the people of mieshen Pavilion now, aren't you?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a look of surprise in the eyes of Qian Yuan, Qian Guang and Qian De.

How did he Feng know about this?

He Bayun and others opened their mouths, more surprised than Qian Yuan and others.

Then they looked at Qian Yuan and others with sympathy.

I don't know if they will cry when they know the truth.

He Feng saw the eyes of Qian Yuan and others, quietly, continued: "and you come to kill me, only for one reason, because of my talent. Your headquarters of mieshen pavilion are in Japan, but there are many strongholds in China. Your biggest goal is to kill the pillars and talents of various industries in China. He Feng, who is only 26 years old, has demonstrated his Qizhong cultivation and master level gunshot skills. He has a long way to go in the future. Mieshen Pavilion doesn't want me to grow up, so it sends you to deal with me, right? "

Hearing this, Qian Yuan could not calm down at last. He said with an ugly face: "since you have asked from Dongye, what are you going to do? Just to see our jokes? Hum, he Feng, now that you know the truth, you can kill us. As for our Qian family, you can't think about dealing with it. I think when we transferred money to you, we Qian family already got the news, and now I'm afraid we've taken measures to deal with it. With the help of the mieshen Pavilion, even if you send out the he family, you can't do too much damage to our Qian family. "

"Sure enough, the Qian family really took refuge in the mieshen Pavilion." He Feng frowned.


Qian Yuan frowned.

what do you mean?

"You, you were just talking to me?" Qian Yuan had a bad feeling.

He Feng nodded, "if I don't suit you, how can I know the truth? You are really dead when you are in charge of your family. You dare to take refuge in mieshen Pavilion. Do you know that you are treason when you are in charge of your family? "

Qian Yuan's face was as ugly as it was!

Qian Guang and Qian de are the same!

It's said that people grow old and become elite. The younger Qian de here is also 100 years old. Qian Yuan and Qian Guang are both in their thirties, but he Feng is only in his twenties. He Feng's accomplishments are better than them, which can also be attributed to his talent. But now they are given the routine by He Feng, and the biggest secret of the Qian family is passed on.

It can be predicted that even if Qian family will not be destroyed, it will not have any place in China.

"Xiao Feng, I'll contact my family first, and let them dispatch experts. If the people of Qian's family have not left, they will be destroyed by the whole clan. "

He Bayun said, already impatient with a mobile phone out of the training room.

See this scene, Qian Yuan three face panic, anger, toward He Feng hysterical shouting up, "He Feng, you have to die!"



Accompanied by a few crisp crack sound, Qian Yuan three people reluctantly fell to the ground, pupil open big.

turn in one's grave!

"Let's go out, too!"

He Feng didn't bother to look at the bodies and walked out.

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