After he got out of the training room, he Bayun finished his phone call and said, "Xiao Feng, the old man has sent the elite troops of Yanhuang Iron Brigade, which is nearest to Qian's family, to Qian's family. He even asked a high-level ancient martial family nearby to check Qian's family. The elder brother is now out of the gate, and he's on his way. As long as the Qian family members have not left now, the Qian family will be exterminated. Once the Qian family is wiped out, our he family will make another great contribution, not to mention the Yanhuang railway brigade. Even if it is the dragon group, our he family will be able to control it. "

In fact, among the four royal families, the strength of the he family is probably the most powerful.

On the surface, at least!

He family as long as the original intention, in addition to a dragon eight, control Yanhuang Iron Brigade and dragon group is not difficult.

"OK, when the he family takes control of the Yanhuang railway brigade, you tell me, I have to kill the Si family and the Zhang family." He Feng said.

"Well, it won't be long. It'll be two or three days at the latest."

He Bayun thought about it and said, "however, if you go to miesi's house and Zhang's house, you'd better fight directly as he's son. In this way, the higher guwu families and even the royal families related to these two families will only pay more attention to the he family than to you. "

He Feng rolled his eyes and said, "when I kill people, do I have to say 'I'm a member of the he family'? I think after I get rid of these two aristocratic families, people outside just need to investigate and naturally know that he Feng is a child of he family. "

"There seems to be some truth in it..."

He Bayun scratched his head. "You can do it yourself. Anyway, you know what I mean. If too many people outside pay attention to you, your true identity is likely to be revealed. "

He Feng did not say much, nodded, "I know, then I will let others know that I am the identity of he family children."

"Ha ha, that's good."

He Bayun just laughed.

His purpose is very simple, that is to let he Feng admit that he is a child of the he family. In this way, we can see that he Feng has no complaints about the he family.

Next, he Feng talked with Ji Xinyu and others for a long time, and gave them some advice. Then he drove to Yuncheng group.

He didn't forget that he was still an office worker.

The most arduous task is to let Wang Xiangyun give birth to a baby for himself.

Although he already knows about his father, he will not give up this task, but is more eager to complete it.


As soon as he Feng returned to his office, his mobile phone vibrated and a wechat message came.

Open the information to see, is Gong Wei sent.

"Honey, are you going to my house for dinner tonight?"

The content is simple.

The meaning is very simple.

He Feng heart suddenly some fiery, has been many days did not go to small Weiwei home to enjoy.

I don't know if Wang Xiangyun will be in charge of the club this evening as he was last night, so that he can only practice and can't do bad things.

But go to Gong Wei's home, it is simply transformed into an emperor, you can let Wei Wei and sister yuan serve themselves together.

But after thinking about it, he Feng said, "I'll go to Lulu's house after work. Her brother has developed something for me to go over and have a look. I have already promised her. You and sister yuan will have dinner first. When I'm finished, I'll go to you. "

Soon, Gong Wei replied, "OK, you go to Lulu's first. Sister yuan and I won't go back to dinner. We will eat directly in the company. After dinner, sister yuan will work overtime for a while. I will accompany her in the company and practice by the way."

"OK, let's get in touch at night. Love you, MEDA..."

Gong Wei didn't reply. She just sent a photo of herself.

The photo is not taken now, because Gong Wei in the photo is wearing a pink bathrobe. Her sexy posture is even more charming under the dim light. No matter where she is, she is full of temptation.

He Feng felt the evil fire in his body and was completely ignited at this time.

He even has the impulse to find Gong Wei immediately and bring the woman to justice.

Now I want to send a photo to brother Feng. I want to tempt him to commit a crime!

"No, no, Weiwei has become the president of the company. The office is next to Wang Xiangyun. I have to bear it a little. Well, practice... "

He Feng, who was going to open the computer to read novels, gave up the idea of reading novels.

Night listening to the wind that guy's book is the most women, if you read his book, it can't help but go to Gong Wei.


With a long breath, he Feng sat on the ground with his knees crossed and entered the cultivation state.

As he began to practice, an invisible whirlpool suddenly appeared above his head, absorbing some special energy between heaven and earth, bringing it into the elixir field and transforming it into real Qi.

For this kind of energy, someone has done chemical research and found that it is not any chemical element in the air.

Even in the existing chemical field, this kind of magical energy has not been found.

This kind of energy was named Yuanqi by the ancient martial arts, commonly known as Zhenqi.

Both vitality and vigor can be increased by absorbing the energy in pills.

In addition to using pills, you can also learn from heaven and earth to cultivate the vitality. The stronger the vitality is, the faster the cultivation speed will be.

Energy is not the same, only through their own slowly grinding, eat more meat, parts and so on, grinding speed will be faster.

If you don't eat these things, the progress of cultivation will be very slow, even if you awaken your blood.

Today's he Feng is in the state of cultivation all the time, because he and Huisheng soon went to the mountains, found a precious elixir, and swallowed it.

This elixir not only helps He Feng break through the barrier successfully, but also has a lot of medicinal power that has not yet been refined. Now even if he doesn't practice, his medicinal power will gradually deepen his cultivation.

If you practice, you can absorb the medicine more quickly.

This is also the main reason why he can break through to the middle stage of true Qi in such a short time.


"Dong Dong..."

After nearly two hours of practice, he Feng's office was knocked.

Open your eyes, he Feng finished his cultivation and went to open the door.

"Brother Feng, you're off work now. Have you finished your work?" Xia Menglu stood outside and asked softly.

"I don't have a job. I've just been practicing. Let's go."

He Feng smiles, and they walk out of the finance department side by side.

At this moment, many employees in the finance department have left. When they get off work, those who are going to work overtime go to the company canteen for dinner. He Feng and Xia Menglu walk side by side, but few people see them.

Now they plan to keep a low profile, because if he Feng's relationship with Wang Xiangyun is disclosed, it will have a certain negative impact on Xia Menglu and even Wang Xiangyun's reputation.

When he comes downstairs, he Feng suggests driving his car to leave, considering that he can't spend the night at Xia Menglu's house tonight.

More than half an hour later, they came to the villa yard.

"Here comes Xiao Feng? Come to dinner and I'll wait for you two. "

Just opened the door, Xia Menglu's mother Cheng Huilan warmly welcomed up.

"Brother in law, brother in law, I have something good to show you. Follow me quickly..."

But at this time, also heard the movement of the summer, ran out of the villa, waving to He Feng, and then toward the edge of a just built shed.

"What are you looking at? Can't we wait until we've finished eating? "

Cheng Huilan stares at summer with some dissatisfaction.

Good boy, don't you see I'm entertaining my son-in-law? It's itching to rob my son-in-law, isn't it?

"Mom, don't worry about eating. I let my brother-in-law see it, but my brother-in-law must be very interested in the good things I've just developed, right?"

Summer see he Feng has not come, anxious directly to pull He Feng, "brother-in-law, quick, quick to see, I promise you will be very surprised."

"Auntie, there are many mosquitoes outside. Why don't you and Lulu go inside and wait for me." He Feng said to Cheng Huilan.

"It's OK. When my aunt was in the countryside, she was not afraid of mosquitoes. What was there to be afraid of here? I'll go and have a look with you. I want to see what this smelly boy has developed. "

Cheng Huilan said.

Immediately, he Feng four people together came to the villa temporary shed.

All around the shed is closed. You can't see the inside from the outside, but the air permeability is not bad. The light inside is very bright, and it doesn't affect the work at all.

Inside the shed, there are all kinds of instruments and equipment, large and small. As soon as you walk in, there is a strong smell of metal. There are too many metals around. Besides iron, there are also gold, silver, copper and aluminum, as well as all kinds of alloy metals and rare metals.

He Feng finally understood why he had to borrow money before doing this experiment in the summer.

It's so expensive. He saw several pieces of gold bars. Although the gold bars are small, how can they cost more than 100000 yuan?

There are also alloy metals. The price of better metals is much higher than that of gold. Most people can't buy these metals, and they don't know where they come from in summer.

"Brother in law, come here and have a look."

Summer went to an instrument next to the He Feng waved.

He Feng stepped forward and asked: "what are you looking at?"

"Here is the iron ball." Summer pointed to a fist sized iron ball on the instrument and said.

He Feng saw several of these iron balls in the shed, some big and some small. The small ones were only as big as table tennis, and the big ones were as big as watermelon.

So summer pointed to such an iron ball to let himself see, he Feng did not feel strange above.

"I saw the iron ball, and then what?" He Feng asked.

"Yes, Xiaotian, it's just a small iron ball. You just call my son-in-law over here. Are you itching Cheng Huilan is very discontented to say, this stinky boy is to do research to do the brain problem ah?

"Xiaotian, just tell me the point. Is there anything special about this iron ball?" Xia Menglu is also dissatisfied to say a word.

"Mom, sister, don't worry."

In the summer, Cheng Huilan was very dissatisfied with herself and said, "Mom, our family used to pick up junk. Didn't you take me to the streets of the town to pick up junk? Especially outside a factory, we can often pick up some metal, so you can probably guess the weight of the iron ball just by looking at the appearance? "

Cheng Huilan's family is very poor, and she doesn't mind saying it in front of He Feng in summer.

She just looked at the iron ball and said, "this iron ball is big or small. If it's solid, it's about five Jin."

Summer did not immediately answer her, and looked at Xia Menglu said: "sister, do you think this iron ball has weight?"

Xia Menglu said: "mother said five Jin, then I guess five Jin."

Summer and elated to see he Feng, "brother-in-law, you also guess."

He Feng answers very simply, "don't guess!"


Summer is quite speechless, but also did not force, way: "I this iron ball, but more than five Jin."

"How much is that?"


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