
Cheng Huilan glared at him, "smelly boy, are you teasing me? Can such a big iron ball have 50 Jin? "

"Mom, you can take it if you don't believe it, but you have to be careful not to hit your feet." Summer said.

"Smash what smash, your mother I now strength is very big, 50 Jin thing a hand can take up."

Cheng Huilan said, directly reached out and picked up the iron ball, "see, you can pick up the iron ball regardless of whether it's five Jin or fifty Jin."

In summer, I almost forget that I can't practice at home.

But Cheng Huilan so iron ball to catch up, outsiders really can't see this iron ball in the end weight.

If people who don't know that Cheng Huilan has practiced, they really think that the iron ball is only five Jin.

"Mom, don't hold on like that. Can you tell my sister and brother-in-law how heavy the iron ball is?" Summer said helplessly.

Cheng Huilan then reacted and said in surprise: "eh, if you don't say I haven't noticed. My God, why is your iron ball so heavy? It's comparable to the weight of our big iron bucket and bucket of water. It's estimated that it's about 50 Jin, isn't it

While speaking, Cheng Huilan looks at the iron ball, full of shock.

It's just an iron ball the size of a fist. It's only about five Jin at most. It's even fifty Jin.

This is not normal!

"Fifty Jin? Ma, show me. "

Xia Menglu also extended her hand.

"Well, be careful."

Cheng Huilan hands the iron ball to Xia Menglu.

Xia Menglu took the iron ball. As soon as she got it, her palm sank slightly.

"It's really heavy. It's 50 Jin. Xiaotian, is this the result of your experiment? "

Xia Menglu asked in surprise and handed the iron ball to He Feng.

He Feng holds the iron ball and looks at it curiously.

"Hey, hey, I've studied it for such a long time, and I've come up with such a thing. How are you, sister, brother-in-law and mother? Are you surprised? " Summer very proud said.

Cheng Huilan didn't have a good way: "what's the surprise? What's the use of studying such a thing? Will it make you stronger, or will it make you rich? You'd better not do this kind of research in the future. Read honestly and practice hard when you have time. "

"Mom, you look down on me too much. My technology has not been successfully studied in the United States. If I give it to the state, I may win the Nobel Prize."

In the summer, I turned my eyes and said, "I'll apply for a patent at that time, and then I'll develop some products based on this technology. I'm sure I'll soon become a billionaire and make money faster than my sister."

Cheng Huilan didn't believe it at all, "are you kidding me? Take an iron ball to the country? When the country is a fool? Want to be a billionaire with it? According to you, your mother, I could be a billionaire before I gave birth to you. "

I feel like crying in summer. It's very tiring to communicate.

"Mom, Xiaotian's technology is really amazing. He said that winning awards and making money depend not only on the iron ball, but on the technology on the iron ball. I don't know much about his technology, but it should be very rare. If we can really develop powerful products, it's not difficult to become a billionaire. Now in this society, as long as you can start a business a little bit successfully, you can easily become a billionaire by financing once in the later period. "

Xia Menglu explained.

"Can you really make money?" Cheng Huilan was a little surprised.

An iron ball can actually become a billionaire, which she did not dare to think of before.

As for Xia Menglu's technology in the iron ball, she doesn't quite understand it.

"Hey, that's a must. Although many people understand the technology of changing the metal density, no one can adjust the density to 1:10. Many people even give up the research on this technology. I am the only one in our school who insists on doing this research. One of my local tyrant tutors even joked with me that if my research is really successful and changes the density of metal in a ratio of 1:10, he can directly pay for the patent of my technology. "

Summer mysteriously said: "Mom, sister, brother-in-law, do you know how much my tutor bid?"

No one answered him!

In summer, I had to stick out a finger and say, "one hundred million! My tutor made a direct offer of 100 million yuan. Tut Tut, if I call him now and sell him the technology patent, or even if I am willing to give him all kinds of detailed data and let the outside world think that he has developed this technology, he is willing to give it two hundred million. "

"Two hundred million?"

Cheng Huilan opened her mouth.

A lot of money!

Don't say a hundred million, even ten thousand, is a huge number in front of her.

Before, their annual income was only a few thousand yuan.

Although he lives in a big mansion now, it's he Feng's house after all. Xia Menglu can make money with the help of He Feng.

Now, in the summer, her son, relying on his own head, melon seeds and hands, has made a research that can sell 200 million yuan.

"This, is this true or false?" Does Cheng Huilan feel that her eyes are a little hot?

You're not dreaming, are you?

Daughter to find a good man even if the son has become so promising?

Is their Xia family really going to have a good time?

"Mom, why do I lie to you? If you don't believe me, ask my brother-in-law. He has a lot of experience and should be more clear about the value of this technology. " Summer looks to Hefeng road.

He Feng is playing with the iron ball. Seeing that the whole family are looking at him in summer, he pondered and said: "Xiaotian, the value of this technology is higher than you think. Because not only a large number of researchers in our country are studying it, but also in foreign countries. If you take this technology out for auction, let alone 200 million yuan, I think even if the price is increased ten times, there will be a large number of people scrambling to buy it. "

"Ten times, that's two billion?"

Cheng Huilan exclaimed.

Xia Menglu has a good mentality, not too shocked, but also surprised.

Brother, is this a quiet thing that can make two billion?

Why do you suddenly feel it's easy to make money now?

"Two billion? Hehe, it seems that you really understand my brother-in-law. But I'm not going to auction this technology. " Summer said smilingly.

He seems to be more happy to be recognized by others than to get two billion yuan.

"No auction? Xiaotian, you don't want two billion? " Cheng Huilan looks at her son suspiciously, and Xia Menglu also looks at him.

Even he Feng was surprised.

Few people can resist the temptation of two billion, especially for a family that has been poor for decades.

Xia Xia said seriously: "Mom, I really want to ask for money, but if I take this thing out for auction, there will be a lot of trouble in the future, so I can't do my research. So I think about it. This technology is still not available to the public for the time being. When my research is over, I will take it out to meet the world. "

Cheng Huilan was puzzled and said, "haven't you succeeded in this technology? What else do you do? "

Xia Xia said: "I only change the metal density in a ratio of 1:10, but in my imagination, the metal density can be changed in a ratio of 1:100 or even 1:1000. I will not consider publishing it until I have finished changing the metal density in a ratio of one to one thousand. "

Hearing these words in summer, Rao is He Feng, and his face is full of shock.

Two billion, how can this boy be free from temptation?

Is this really a poor boy?

Just because you want to keep doing research?

Just because I'm afraid that technology will break my quiet life after it is made public, so I put aside fame and wealth first?

For a time, even he Feng had a little admiration for the young man who was younger than himself in summer.

It's really brother Feng's brother-in-law!

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