Lexus sports car, the driver is not Xi Xueqing, but he Feng.

Originally, Xi Xueqing wanted to drive, but he Feng said that he would drive when he went, and when he came back, he would let Xi Xueqing drive again, so that he would not be tired after driving back and forth for a long time.

"Xueqing, are you still used to staying here in Jiangbin? Would you miss your father and your brother? "

He Feng asked while driving.

Xi Xueqing said with a smile: "it's only a few days since now, but I don't think much about it. Before they practiced, they often closed up for a month, and they have been used to it for a long time. Of course, it's mainly sister feather and sister Xinyu. They treat me very well. I think I'm falling in love with Liuyue club. "

As soon as the words were finished, Xi Xueqing felt that it seemed that this was not quite right, and her cheek couldn't help blushing.

"Ha ha, if you really like Liuyue club, you can stay here. Anyway, there are many rooms in Liuyue club. It's not crowded at all and it's more lively." He Feng said with a smile.

"I'm just afraid that you will dislike me after a long time. After all... A lot of times I feel a little redundant when I am your light bulb. " Xi Xueqing said with her head down.

"Why do you think so? Even if you stay in Liuyue club all the time, no one will dislike you. I can guarantee you that. " He Feng patted his chest.

He can understand Xi Xueqing. It's not long since she came to Liuyue club, and her relationship with him is not as close as other women. He Feng doesn't show much enthusiasm for Xi Xueqing, so Xi Xueqing will be worried.

He is quite fond of Xi Xueqing, but Xi Xueqing is more reserved, and he Feng is just a college student. He Feng is really not easy to tease.

If you don't like your sister, you may flee to Nanjin directly.

"Thank you, he Feng!"

Xi Xueqing smiles.

He Feng's enthusiasm for her seems to have inspired her some courage.

She pursed her lips, suddenly raised her head, looked at He Feng and said: "He Feng, I, I like you..."


He Feng stumbled, the steering wheel was off, and the tire and the ground made a rather sharp friction sound.

Fortunately, there are no cars on the road, otherwise I'm afraid something will go wrong.

He Feng stabilized the steering wheel, apologized: "sorry Xueqing, just a little emotional, suddenly did not control the steering wheel, are you ok?"

He was really shocked just now. Originally, he didn't know what kind of attitude Xi Xueqing had towards him. In addition, the girl's temperament was pure and her home was in Nanjin City, so he Feng didn't even dare to say the words of teasing.

But it didn't take two minutes for Xi Xueqing to express herself to him.

I have to say, this is too unexpected He Feng.

Seeing he Feng's reaction, Xi Xueqing thought that the man was scared by his own words. She shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, he Feng. I'm just too impulsive. I shouldn't say that to you. You, you're just listening. I'll be at the airport in a moment, and I'll fly back to Nanjin city. I'll never come to Jiangbin city again. "

Said, Xi Xueqing really went to get the mobile phone, her eyes are red up.

In the past, when she was studying in University, because she was beautiful, she was known as the first goddess of Nanjin City, and her identity was extraordinary. Therefore, both the excellent boys in the school and the people outside the school pursued her fiercely.

But no matter how excellent those men are, none of them can make Xi Xueqing like them. So even if many of her classmates are in love, she is still single. Her mind is not on study, but on cultivation.

Until some time ago, she met the crisis of life and death. The man who was not very big but easily saved her entered her heart for the first time and made her heart ripple for the first time.

But her heart is more conservative, after learning that he Feng has a woman, and also married, she put down some thoughts in her heart, and never showed them again.

Gradually, she is a little uncertain, whether she likes this man or not.

It wasn't until two days ago that he Feng said that there was a myth coming, and then a myth war broke out. Xi Xueqing felt the infinite tension, worry, and even panic in her heart, so she faced up to her heart.

I really like that man!

Chu Yue and others are also aware of the essential changes in Xi Xueqing's eyes to see he Feng, and then instigate her to take the initiative.

Now, she finally summoned up the courage to create a space for them to get along with each other, and then summoned up the courage to express herself.

But I don't want to

He Feng doesn't seem to like her and is scared by her confession.

Xi Xueqing is almost sad to cry. Her eyes are red. Her tears are rolling in her eyes, but she doesn't let it slide down.

"Xueqing, what do you think? I haven't turned you down yet. Why are you crying? "

Aware of the woman's sadness, he Feng quickly reaches out his hand and holds Xi Xueqing's hand. "Xueqing, in fact, I've long been fond of you. I just saw that you didn't show so much enthusiasm for me. I thought you didn't feel much about me. Coupled with your reserved temperament, I didn't dare to be too hot with you, or I would scare you back to Nanjin city, Isn't it too late for me to cry? "


Xi Xueqing was stunned, and her head was dazed by the surprise.

After quite a few seconds, she was a little uncertain: "He Feng, you are not joking with me, are you? You, do you really like me? "

"You are so beautiful, and your character is as gentle as feather. How many men in this world will not like you? Brother Feng, I'm a normal man. How can I not like you? "

While driving, he Feng looked at Xi Xueqing and said in a serious and sincere tone, with no sense of joking.

Xi Xueqing's excited little face turned red, smiling like a child, "He Feng, that... Now, am I your girlfriend?"

"Of course not!"

He Feng shook his head.

"No?" Xi Xueqing suddenly became nervous again.

"Don't worry! I haven't formally confessed to you, pursued you, and promised to be my girlfriend. Now, of course, I'm not my girlfriend. "

He Feng gave a bitter smile and immediately looked in the rearview mirror. Seeing that there was no car coming from behind, he stopped the car at the side of the road.

Then, just solemnly looking at Xi Xueqing, said: "Ms. Xi Xueqing, I like you, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"I... I will!"

Xi Xueqing did not want to nod and agreed to come down, small head point with chicken peck rice.

"So readily agreed? It's not a trick, is it? "

He Feng blinked.

"Of course not. I like you, too." Xi Xueqing said with a red face.

"Do you like me? Why can't I see that? "

He Feng will face together in the past, "if you really like it, then kiss a proof."

Xi Xueqing's face is even more red, like clouds burning with fire.

Today, she can say "I like you" to a man, which is already a great courage. Unexpectedly, he Feng even asked her to kiss him.

However, thinking that this is the man she likes, Xi Xueqing makes a decision soon.

Without too much hesitation, her head stretched out to kiss the man quickly.


But when her lips are about to fall on He Feng's face, he Feng's head suddenly deviates slightly.

Four lips, together.

Feeling the warmth of He Feng's lips, Xi Xueqing is as tense as a lightning strike. Her eyes are wide open, but her head is blank.

He Feng can't manage so much. Anyway, the time is not very fast now. Xi Xueqing looks insecure. He doesn't mind kissing more women.

Well, it's purely to enhance her inner sense of security. Fengge is not playing a hooligan.


Two people full kiss five minutes, Xi Xueqing's body is paralyzed down, even let he Feng's hand move in his body.

At this time, he Feng stopped, and then said: "snow fine, sit down, there are traffic police come."

Although his eyes were closed just now, he still felt that a traffic policeman riding a motorcycle was coming towards him not far away.


Before Xi Xueqing knew what was going on, the Lexus raced out with a whoosh. The speed was very fast. Xi Xueqing was slightly surprised by the strong feeling of pushing her back.

Soon, when she saw through the rear-view mirror that a traffic policeman was chasing, but the distance between the two sides was getting farther and farther, she immediately understood what was going on.

Love is doing something bad, almost caught

"Brother Feng, you bullied me!"

Xi Xueqing said with a red face.

He Feng sighed: "how can I bully you? It's your own initiative. I'm not trying to satisfy you. Alas, the fire has just been lifted up by you, but it can't be let off. Brother Feng sacrificed his body to satisfy you. "

Who knows, Xi Xueqing seems to be unconscious, but he Feng's not at all when, "Maple brother, you bully me again."

"Well, how can I bully you again?" He Feng touched his nose.

"These days, sister Xinyu has told me something about men and women. In addition, many lovers in my school often go out in the evening. I still know about these things." Xi Xueqing said with a smile.

"Ah, Xinyu is really good. If you don't teach good things, you have to teach these unhealthy things. It seems that if you don't teach her every few days, she will be a little ignorant." He Feng shook his head.

"Brother Feng, do you feel bad?"

Xi Xueqing takes a look at He Feng.

She can feel the hot smell of men!

It seems that he is still very attractive to this man.

"It's OK. I'm used to it anyway." Qin Feng doesn't care about Tao.

Just now I have been kissing Xi Xueqing for a long time, but my hands are still moving around. Can I not feel it?

But judging from the kissing just now, he can see that Xi Xueqing has never been in love before. It must not be so easy for her to do that with herself.

Who knows, Xi Xueqing see his beloved man depressed, but in the heart is a decision.

Haven't you eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?

She has a few outgoing friends, so she took her to see that aspect of the film

"Brother Feng, I'll help you!"

Xi Xueqing said that without waiting for He Feng's consent, she just opened he Feng's zipper.


He Feng opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him, but the scenery that the woman showed when she bowed her head made him swallow the words in his mouth.

Then he Feng concentrated and drove seriously.

Don't be too distracted at this time, otherwise it's easy to have an accident.

Moreover, he also wants to release a wisp of real Qi to block Xi Xueqing's body so as not to be photographed by surveillance.

I'm really tired driving.


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