More than half an hour later, he Feng arrived at the airport and got off Lexus with a clear mind. Xi Xueqing, the top beauty, got off with a red face.

Top sports car, top beauty, loser like man.

This collocation immediately attracted countless envious eyes.

In this regard, he Feng has a face and ignores them.

A beauty makes you envious. If brother Feng calls all the women over, don't you want to kill me?

"Brother Feng, I'll drive back first. Be careful on your way. We'll wait for you at home."

After getting off the bus, Xi Xueqing didn't send He Feng into the airport, but she couldn't stop for a long time on the departure floor. She went around and came to the driver's seat. After getting on the bus, she said to He Feng.

"OK, slow down on the road." He Feng nodded, then turned and walked towards the starting floor.

Watching He Feng enter the starting floor, Xi Xueqing just stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

Shortly after Lexus left, a man in sunglasses came out of the crowd.

"Bitch, when I chased you before, you said you would not fall in love before graduating from university. You haven't graduated yet, have you? I was with a man. Besides, he's a loser. Are you playing me Chang Tao as a hero? "

The young man's face was unusually cold.

It's a sunny day, but people passing by feel that the temperature around seems to have dropped a lot.

"If it wasn't for your Lao Tzu's breakthrough, I would catch you now and play with you to vent my anger. However, you and he should not be married now, right? Then I'll go back to Yanjing to learn Zhenxing martial arts from your Laozi. If he is defeated, I will let you be my concubine. You will be my plaything all my life. "

Chang Tao snorted coldly, then turned around and left.


"How do you feel that the temperature outside seems to have dropped a little?"

Into the starting layer of He Feng a little pause next step, looking back to the outside.

But because there were too many people walking around outside, he didn't see anything clearly.

But after the security check, it's a bit of a problem for him to go out again.

"Forget it. It's not long since the departure time. I'm too lazy to take care of it."

He Feng shook his head and didn't think about it any more. Maybe his mental power was growing too fast and his sense was not so accurate.


Three hours later, the plane landed smoothly in Beichang City, JIANGCHANG province.

"If uncle is still in Beichang, I can see him. At that time, I will know if my uncle has broken through to the four levels of true Qi. For ER Bo, who is a strong man with three levels of real Qi, I can barely make a few moves. In front of my uncle, I don't know how many moves I can make. I don't think I will be taken away in one move, will I? That's a bit of a shame. "

He Feng murmured, and then looked at this strange city.

The economy of JIANGCHANG province is not as good as that of Jiangshu province, but Beichang City, as the capital of JIANGCHANG Province, is also very prosperous. Even around the airport, there are many tall buildings.

"The economy is prosperous and the atmosphere of ancient martial arts is heavy. Beichang city is quite suitable for the survival of martial arts people. There is no mistake in making money and practicing. "

He Feng murmured.

If you want to improve your accomplishments, you have to make money to buy enough cultivation resources, but it's too difficult to make money in a small city.

Generally speaking, prosperous cities do not necessarily have a strong atmosphere of guwu.

But the economy of a city with a strong atmosphere in guwu will not be bad.

"Does Qian's family seem to be in Beichang? Unfortunately, the Qian family has been cleaned up by my uncle. Forget it. I'd better go to the Secretary's house. How can there be tens of billions of people in a middle-class guwu family? "

He Feng thought flash, is also out of the airport, raised his hand to call a taxi, directly on the left, looks very positive.

After all, he came to Beichang not only to kill people, but also to make money.

In addition to Wang Xiangyun, Ling Weiyu and others alone, when they reach the peak of Huajin, the total cost is at least four or five hundred billion yuan.

And Wang Xiangyun

Ten times as much as they are!

Nearly a trillion!

Therefore, he Feng does not want to let go of any opportunity to make money.

What he Feng doesn't know is that shortly after he got into a taxi and left, a woman in a cleaner's costume took out her mobile phone and made a transnational call.

Before long, the phone was connected and a middle-aged man's voice came out, "Hello!"

"Secretary Zhang, I have something to report to you." Cleaners look solemnly said, at this time of her, where there is a little cleaner look.

"What's the matter?"

"A few days ago, you newly added to the file, let us pay attention to a man named He Feng, I just found him."

"He Feng?"

Middle aged man a Leng, immediately quite some excited way: "you are sure not wrong, that person is He Feng?"

The woman said, "it can't be wrong. After I saw him, I found out his photo for the first time. Compared with the real person, it's really the same person. If it's not the same person, it must be his twin brother. "

"Where did you see him?"

"At the airport of Beichang City, he should have come by plane from other places. He just took a taxi and left. I also wrote down the license plate number."

"Good! You have done a good job. Now send the license plate number to my mobile phone immediately. "



At the same time, in a towering palace of Japan, Qian Shan, the external director of the Qian family, was in a hurry to enter the inner hall.

"Stop, what can I do for you?"

As soon as he reached a luxurious and tall courtyard, the two guards outside raised their hands and stopped him. They asked him in fluent Japanese.

Although only a guard, but every move of the guard is full of Qi and blood.

Although Qianshan had already broken through to Huajin, he was still cautious in front of the two guards and did not dare to despise them.

Even if the two guards looked at him with disdain and ridicule, Qian Shan pretended not to see it.

Because, these two men, cultivation is stronger than him, reached the middle of the power, refining Qi into flesh and blood situation.

"My Lord, I'm here to see Mr. xiangtian. I've contacted him by phone just now. He asked me to come." Qian Shan lowered his head and said, so that the two guards would not notice the killing intention in his eyes.

Hum, what about the middle stage of Huajin?

When my elder brother breaks through the myth and my cultivation is higher than yours, I will not clean you up.

"Are you sure you have a deal with Mr. xiangtian? If you cheat me, you can walk in alive, but it's hard to walk out alive. " The guard said coldly.

"I'm sure, if you don't believe me, you can go to ask Mr. xiangtian first and confirm it." Qianshan said angrily.

"Forget it, I'll take you directly to see Mr. xiangtian. I hope you didn't cheat me."

The guard coldly replied, and one of them walked towards the courtyard.

Xiangtian had already said hello to them just now. He said that Qianshan would come to him later. The guard just saw that Qianshan was a Chinese and deliberately made trouble for him.

Soon, the guard took Qian Shan to a training room.

"Dong Dong..."

The guard tapped on the door.

"Come in!"

An old and indifferent voice came from the training room.


The guard carefully pushed the door open. His respectful attitude was different from that of Qian Shan.

In the training room, a gray haired old man, wearing a black kimono, kneels on the ground with her eyes narrowed.

When Qianshan saw the old man, his heart was shocked, and a strong sense of worship rose subconsciously.

He felt that what he was facing was not an old man, but a sky.

be terrified by the sight of sb . or sth.!

And, above the old man's head, there seems to be a slight wind.

Qianshan, who has the ability to transform his strength and cultivation, only feels as if there is such an infinite power of terror in that place.

"Is this... The power of heaven and earth cultivated in the mythical realm that elder brother said?" Qian Shan's heart trembled.


I was lucky to see a living myth.

"Mr. xiangtian, here comes Qianshan."

The guard lowered his head for the first time and said respectfully.

"Well, you go out." Xiangtian said.


The guard nodded and wanted to leave.


Xiangtian suddenly stopped him again, "whether Mr. Qianshan is a Japanese or a Chinese, you have to be polite. If you dare to do it again next time, it's not that he can't walk out of my yard alive, but that you can't walk out alive. Do you understand? "

"I understand! Understand? Mr. xiangtian, I'm wrong. Afterwards, I'll take time to apologize to Mr. Qianshan until he forgives me. "

The guard felt a thump in his heart, and a strong sense of fear rose in his eyes.

On the surface, xiangtian looks very gentle, but the guard knows very well that if one of his subordinates causes xiangtian's dissatisfaction, xiangtian is likely to kill him in the next second.

Once upon a time, he saw a guard captain with the highest cultivation of Huajin. Because he questioned xiangtian's decision, xiangtian killed him on the spot and killed all the members of his ten Huajin masters.

"Go down."

Xiangtian indifferent way.

The guard let out a long sigh of relief, and then bowed out of the training room.

For a few seconds, his back was full of sweat, and he felt as if he had died.

"What do you want to see me for?" Xiangtian's eyes just looked at Qianshan.

"Mr. xiangtian, I stayed in the information network of Beichang city. I just called and said that they found he Feng in Beichang city." Qian Shan said directly.

"He Feng? Has he gone to Beichang? " Xiangtian's eyes moved.

"Well, just about ten minutes ago, he got off the plane and is now in a taxi." Qian Shan nodded and said, "I've got someone to control the traffic monitoring system in Beichang and monitor this taxi. In addition, as long as he Feng does not hide in a place without monitoring, he will always be in my monitoring range. "

For He Feng, Qianshan hated him very much.

If it wasn't for He Feng, they would not have suffered a heavy loss, and they would not have been forced to come to Japan so early, and they would have been ridiculed by the two guards.

How could he have suffered such humiliation?

Therefore, he very much hopes that xiangtian can send someone to deal with He Feng, so he speaks very clearly.

"Very good!"

Xiangtian nodded, "your elder brother and thousand hands have entered a closed state. I'll deal with it myself. You are responsible for providing information, and I am responsible for sending people to kill He Feng. Is that ok? "

"Of course not!" Qian Shan nodded.


Xiangtian took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "Guixian, come to my practice room."

After waiting for less than half a minute, a tall and strong man came to xiangtian's practice room.

"Prime minister!"

The burly man said respectfully.

"Guixian, how are you doing? Have you touched the threshold of the power of heaven and earth? " Xiangtian asked faintly.

"The unity of man and nature?"

Qian Shan looked at the strong man in surprise.

I didn't expect that this ordinary looking man was already trying to understand the unity of heaven and man. His cultivation was the top master of Huajin who had refined Qi into the viscera.

Once we successfully understand the unity of man and nature, it is not too much to call it a demigod.

"My subordinates repent. Thanks for your advice, but they are really low in talent. So far, they have not been able to integrate heaven and man." Yamamoto kuixian lowered his head and said, looking rather uneasy.

Xiangtian is mild on the surface, but he is extremely strict with anyone.

Without it, the owner of this palace is more strict than xiangtian.

Under the influence of it, xiangtian will naturally be very strict with all kinds of things.

"Since you are slow in your cultivation, go out and do something for me."

Xiangtian light said: "you and Qianshan cooperate, go to China together, help me kill a person.". When your task is finished, I will apply with my master to give you a chance to practice in the sabre pool. "

"Knife pool!"

Yamamoto's heart was shocked, his eyes were filled with excitement, and his body trembled.

"Don't worry, Mr. xiangtian. I will finish the task. As long as the other party is not a myth, I will definitely kill him. " Yamamoto's way.

Although Yamamoto kuixian has not yet understood the unity of man and nature, he has been immersed in the peak of Huajin for hundreds of years, and his fighting power is far higher than that of the same period.

In the use of unique skills, the demigod is also in danger of falling.

"Ha ha, don't worry. The man I asked you to kill is just a young man with seven weights. But don't be too careless. There have been mythical strongmen around each other. " Xiangtian road.

"Well, I'll do it when he's alone." Yamamoto.

"Well, you can go to China now. As long as it's not a myth, you can take over the power of mieshen Pavilion. But only if you kill that person. If he doesn't die, don't come back. "

"If he doesn't die, I'll die!"

When Yamamoto finished, he left with Qianshan.

Seeing the two leave, xiangtian closes his eyes again.

It's just to deal with a character who has refined his body. Xiangtian doesn't care too much. Just tell a guard captain to solve it.

For those who are strong in myth, it is the most important thing to further their cultivation.


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