Half an hour later, kuiyama Yamamoto and Qianshan had been on a passenger plane flying from Japan to China.

Besides the two of them, there were ten other people on the plane.

All of Yamamoto's men!

At the same time, none of these people's accomplishments is lower than Hua Jin.

"No wonder Lord xiangtian asked me to kill him. It turned out that he could reach the seven fold cultivation at the age of 26. Besides, they are the children of the he family. " Yamamoto, holding a piece of information in his hand, said in a low voice: "with such talent and the careful cultivation of the he family, it is possible to enter the mythical realm before the age of 50."

Qian Shan echoed: "the he family is too hidden. Before, everyone thought that the he family was declining. Unexpectedly, this time, the he family came up with a myth. Moreover, according to my investigation, the myth of the he family is not a myth of one realm, but a myth of two realms. "

"Well, he Fengyun of the he family has entered the sect, and according to our investigation, he Fengyun is quite good at Ziwei sect. It's normal to get some resources for the he family."

Yamamoto nodded, "now the he family should be more than the myth of he Junxiang, the eldest of the he family. As I expected, he Qingtian, the father of the he family, should have been in the myth for a long time. And he's the second child of the family. He's not bad at talent. He's probably a myth. "


Qian Shan was listening to the sound of his mouth pumping.

Isn't it true that there are only ten great masters in the four royal families?

Why are there so many myths now?

"Are you sure he Junxiang has left Beichang for Yanjing?" Yamamoto kuixian looked at Qianshan and asked.

Qian Shan said: "sure, he Junxiang returned to Yanjing a few days ago. Now he has been dealing with Yanhuang railway brigade."

"Very good. In that case, we'll go directly to He Feng. At that time, unless there is a myth to protect him, he will die. "

Yamamoto Kui said in a voice, "by the way, where is He Feng now? You haven't lost him, have you

"No, we've been monitoring his whereabouts. My men report to me every minute." "Now, he Feng has gone to the birch cold area of Beichang city. By the way, he seems to have gone to the house of the secretary. "


At this time, in the meeting hall of the Secretary's house.

The head of the family, Si Zheng, looked at several subordinates in front of him with an ugly face. "Haven't you heard from my third uncle yet?"

His third uncle, Si Beiguang, lost his trace a week ago and could not be found.

Even Si Yangyun, the son of Si Beiguang, also disappeared.

As for Si Yangyun, he didn't pay much attention to his administration, but Si Beiguang was the most powerful man in the dark. How could he not care about his family's top fighting power?

These days, in order to find Si Beiguang, the Secretary has invested a lot of manpower and financial resources.

As a result, they only know that Si Beiguang and Si Yangyun went to Jiangbin city. As for what they went to Jiangbin city for, where they went to Jiangbin City, and who they met

know nothing about!

"Forgive me, we. We are trying to get through to the police of Jiangbin city. We hope they will cooperate with us." Hand quite some helpless said.

"Just a few cops don't make sense? What do you eat? It doesn't make sense. Don't you know how to spend money? If you can't spend money, how many people do you want to kill? Have you all been bitten by dogs? "

The Secretary said angrily.

These people are more and more useless. They can't even do such a little thing well.

"Well, master, we have all thought about what you said." Guan Yue, who has dark strength, said weakly.

"If you want to, why not do it?"

It was not the secretary who spoke this time, but an old man who came out of the back hall. The old man looked like he was 70 or 80 years old, and he seemed to be indifferent.

With him came five or six men.

"I have seen you elders!"

Seeing the visitors, Guan Yue quickly lowered her head and called respectfully.

Seven people, all of them are the top fighting power of the Si family. Each of them has a high position in the Si family, because their cultivation has reached the top of the dark power.

In addition to the remaining few elders who went out for business and were not in the family, the eight people in the conference hall were all the top fighting power of the family.

These eight people, who stay in the Department's home all the year round, are all gathered together today.

Is it because of the matter of elder sparrow?


The Secretary also came forward to say hello, "you and I are..."

Situ nodded and said: "what you told me, I have just discussed with the elders. They all decided to support your opinion. Now that the Qian family has defected from the state of China and taken refuge in the Japanese anti God Pavilion, we can't miss the industries that the Qian family has left in JIANGCHANG province that haven't been confiscated by the state, and some invisible industries that haven't been found by the state. "

After hearing this, the secretary was overjoyed. "It's great. If we can get all these industries, our family will be able to produce at least three or four more strong people in the next ten years, not to mention the great masters of Huajin, which will be of great benefit to our family."

"Well, you elders also take this into consideration, so they support your approach. However, our family has taken a fancy to the Qian family's industry, and other families must have taken a fancy to it. It's very difficult for you to take all the Qian family's industries into your pocket. There may even be bloodshed. " Said situ.

"In the face of interests, how can it not be accompanied by crisis. I think since all the elders have decided to support me, they will certainly be able to accept the crisis. " The Secretary looks at you.

"What the owner said is good. If you don't pay, there will be no harvest."

"Qian's family has been developing very fast these years. Mieshen Pavilion must have invested a lot of resources in them. If we don't eat this fat meat, others will certainly eat it."

"I've been stuck in the peak of dark strength for 20 years. If I can get the chance to break through from Qian family to master, no matter how big the risk is, I'll try."

Other elders expressed their views one after another.

The Qian family, even among the high ancient martial families, is relatively strong, with many powerful masters.

Among them, the owner of Qian's family entered the late stage of Hua Jin many years ago, and now he may have reached the peak of Hua Jin.

Even a businessman in Qianshan has achieved the goal of transforming his accomplishments.

The Qian family didn't break through to the master's chance. They didn't believe it when they were killed.

"Well, in that case, we'll start in a moment. In addition to the Qian family's various industries, we need to control the Qian family's residence. " Said the secretary.

When the elders heard this, their eyes lit up, as if the chance of breaking through to Huajin was right in front of them, and they could break through at any time.

"Master, what about the three elders? Do I have to continue to invest resources to find it? " Guan Yue sees people chatting and seems to forget everything about elder Si Beiguang, so he quickly opens his mouth and reminds them.

Smell speech, public this just reaction come over.

Elder Si Beiguang is still missing.

Moreover, Si Beiguang was the third uncle of Si Zheng and the third younger brother of Si Tu.

"You just said that you also wanted to use tough means to let the police of Jiangbin City cooperate with you, so why didn't you do it?" Situ frowned and asked.

Guan Yue solemnly said: "because now there is a powerful person in Jiangbin City, and according to our investigation, the powerful person has a close relationship with the police of Jiangbin city. There is a criminal policeman, his woman. Therefore, we dare not be too presumptuous in Jiangbin city for fear of arousing his antipathy. "

"There are also powerful people in Jiangbin? Who is it? "

The Secretary frowned.

"Two years ago, I lived in Jiangbin city for a year. As far as I know, although the economy there is prosperous and the GDP of Jiangbin city ranks seventh in the country, the atmosphere of guwu is very poor. Several vice presidents of their wuzhe Association have just realized their accomplishments in the middle of the Jin Dynasty. This kind of city, even if out of a powerful person, at most is dark strength An elder who knows Jiangbin city well said.

"Dark strength? Don't talk about the dark energy. Even if it's one or two of the top dark energy players, we don't need to care too much. Is it hard for him to dare to fight with us? "

"It's true that we don't have to give face to our family unless we are the master of Huajin."

Several elders all looked at Guan Yue discontentedly.

"Guan Yue, stop inking. Tell me what's so powerful about that man. He can make you so afraid." The Secretary said impatiently.

"To the master and elders, the powerful man is not master Hua Jin. But... He is a master of horizontal training. " Guan Yue said.

"Master Henglian?"

"Are you sure it's master Henglian, not master Huajin?"

"Two years ago, Jiangbin city didn't even have a secret strength. Now how can a master of horizontal training suddenly emerge?"

The Secretary and others were shocked.

The Si family seems to be strong, but it's only aimed at ordinary martial arts.

In front of the master, the family did not dare to be arrogant and disrespectful.

Because any one Hua Jin can sweep over a dozen of the top dark strength.

They have no capital to offend the master.

"Master Henglian appears in Jiangbin City, and elder Si Beiguang is missing in Jiangbin city. Is the disappearance of elder Si Beiguang related to this master Henglian?"

"Elder Si Beiguang is a strong man at the peak of dark strength. He is good at body method and can avoid bullets. Even if he breaks the law in Jiangbin City, as long as the government doesn't dispatch the strong man in the dragon group and the Yanhuang railway brigade, the police in Jiangbin city can't take him down."

"In this way, the disappearance of elder Si Beiguang must have something to do with master Henglian."

All the elders of the family are dignified.

It's not a trivial matter related to the master.

"Come on, tell me about the master. Have you found anything?" The Secretary asked eagerly.

For a time, everyone's eyes fell on Guan Yue.

Guan Yue sorted out his language and said, "his name is He Feng. He is 26 years old and appeared in Jiangbin three months ago. When he first appeared, no one cared about him. He was just an ordinary courier. But before long, he suddenly became the husband of the chairman of a group with a market value of more than 10 billion. At first, no one knew what he came from. They thought he was from an ordinary family. It wasn't until about a week ago that everyone had a comprehensive understanding of him, as he showed his cultivation of cultivating body seven fold. "

"I'm only 26 years old, and I'm a master of horizontal training?"

"Really? Is there such a young master of horizontal training in Jiangbin? "

"Wait, what's his name? No, what's his last name? "

All of them began to speak. The Secretary seemed to think of something and asked anxiously.

Guan YUELIAN said: "his surname is he. I have inquired about him through some special channels. If there is no accident, he Feng should come from the he family, one of the four royal families."

"He family, one of the royal families?"

"My God, it's a royal family!"

"Si Beiguang, he won't offend the master of he's family, which will lead to his death?"

"If that's the case, then our family is in big trouble."

All the members of the Si family were nervous.

A great master of Huajin makes them solemn.

The royal family, however, has at least ten powerful masters.

In particular, they got the news that just two days ago, there were myths in he's family, and they took control of the elite army of the official state of China, Yanhuang railway brigade.

If he Jia wants to kill his family, it's no different from crushing an ant.

"We haven't got any definite information about whether he Feng is a child of he family. We can keep questioning for the moment. The first thing we need to determine is whether he Feng has reached the master level? What's more, even if he is a young master, can he really compare with other masters? If he's just a half master, our family may be able to compete. "

The elder situ saw that all the people were frightened and nervous, and said quickly.

Everyone felt that his words were quite reasonable. They looked at Guan Yue again, waiting for Guan Yue's answer.

"He Feng's strength..."

Guan Yue thought of what she had investigated and said in a deep voice: "master of the family, you elders, he Feng's fighting power is much stronger than the ordinary master of Huajin at the beginning. He not only reached the seven levels of physical training, but also was a master level sharpshooter

"Refining Qi Zhong, or master level sharpshooter..."

The elders of the family were silent.

Seeing this, Guan Yue opened his mouth, but seeing that all the elders seemed to be hit, he felt that there was no need to say those words, right?

Otherwise, it will be even worse.

"What else do you hear, say it all." Situ noticed his look and yelled.

"Yes Guan Yue nodded and continued: "not long ago, Xu Yuanjie, a disciple of the elder of the Qian family, led the four top masters of the Qian family to Jiangbin city to kill He Feng. After using battle array and pills, five of them were able to break out the combat power equivalent to five great masters. Moreover, at that time, there was also a master of horizontal training who wanted to kill He Feng. But in the end, they were all killed by He Feng and buried in Jiangbin city. "


"All the six great masters were killed by He Feng?"

"He Feng's fighting power is so strong?"

Everyone in the Si family felt it was a little difficult to breathe.

For them, six masters were killed, who seemed to be one step away, but they were far away?

How powerful is this?

"He didn't kill him alone. One of his subordinates helped him. His subordinate, Yang Qi, used to be a killer, but later he Feng did not know why. And his subordinate is a great master of Huajin who cultivates vigor. " Guan Yue said.

"Master Huajin is under his command?"


"Elder Si Beiguang, don't offend this He Feng, or our family will be finished."

At this moment, even situ, who had a good heart, was a little worried.

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